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1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
7 #ifndef _FPDF_PAGEOBJ_H_
8 #include "../../../include/fpdfapi/fpdf_pageobj.h"
9 #endif
10 class CPDF_QuickStretcher;
11 #define TYPE3_MAX_BLUES		16
12 class CPDF_Type3Glyphs : public CFX_Object
13 {
14 public:
CPDF_Type3Glyphs()15     CPDF_Type3Glyphs()
16     {
17         m_GlyphMap.InitHashTable(253);
18         m_TopBlueCount = m_BottomBlueCount = 0;
19     }
20     ~CPDF_Type3Glyphs();
21     CFX_MapPtrToPtr			m_GlyphMap;
22     void					AdjustBlue(FX_FLOAT top, FX_FLOAT bottom, int& top_line, int& bottom_line);
24     int						m_TopBlue[TYPE3_MAX_BLUES], m_BottomBlue[TYPE3_MAX_BLUES];
25     int						m_TopBlueCount, m_BottomBlueCount;
26 };
27 class CFX_GlyphBitmap;
28 class CPDF_Type3Cache : public CFX_Object
29 {
30 public:
CPDF_Type3Cache(CPDF_Type3Font * pFont)31     CPDF_Type3Cache(CPDF_Type3Font* pFont)
32     {
33         m_pFont = pFont;
34     }
35     ~CPDF_Type3Cache();
36     CFX_GlyphBitmap*		LoadGlyph(FX_DWORD charcode, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, FX_FLOAT retinaScaleX = 1.0f, FX_FLOAT retinaScaleY = 1.0f);
37 protected:
38     CFX_GlyphBitmap*		RenderGlyph(CPDF_Type3Glyphs* pSize, FX_DWORD charcode, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, FX_FLOAT retinaScaleX = 1.0f, FX_FLOAT retinaScaleY = 1.0f);
39     CPDF_Type3Font*			m_pFont;
40     CFX_MapByteStringToPtr	m_SizeMap;
41 };
42 class CPDF_TransferFunc : public CFX_Object
43 {
44 public:
45     CPDF_Document*	m_pPDFDoc;
46     FX_BYTE			m_Samples[256 * 3];
47     FX_BOOL			m_bIdentity;
49     CFX_DIBSource*	TranslateImage(const CFX_DIBSource* pSrc, FX_BOOL bAutoDropSrc);
50     FX_COLORREF		TranslateColor(FX_COLORREF src);
51 };
52 typedef CFX_MapPtrTemplate<CPDF_Font*, CPDF_CountedObject<CPDF_Type3Cache*>*> CPDF_Type3CacheMap;
53 typedef CFX_MapPtrTemplate<CPDF_Object*, CPDF_CountedObject<CPDF_TransferFunc*>*> CPDF_TransferFuncMap;
54 class CPDF_DocRenderData : public CFX_Object
55 {
56 public:
57     CPDF_DocRenderData(CPDF_Document* pPDFDoc = NULL);
58     ~CPDF_DocRenderData();
59     FX_BOOL				Initialize();
60     CPDF_Type3Cache*	GetCachedType3(CPDF_Type3Font* pFont);
61     CPDF_TransferFunc*	GetTransferFunc(CPDF_Object* pObj);
GetFontCache()62     CFX_FontCache*		GetFontCache()
63     {
64         return m_pFontCache;
65     }
66     void				Clear(FX_BOOL bRelease = FALSE);
67     void				ReleaseCachedType3(CPDF_Type3Font* pFont);
68     void				ReleaseTransferFunc(CPDF_Object* pObj);
69 private:
70     CPDF_Document*		m_pPDFDoc;
71     CFX_FontCache*		m_pFontCache;
72     CPDF_Type3CacheMap	m_Type3FaceMap;
73     CPDF_TransferFuncMap	m_TransferFuncMap;
74 };
75 struct _PDF_RenderItem {
76 public:
77     CPDF_PageObjects*			m_pObjectList;
78     CFX_AffineMatrix			m_Matrix;
79 };
80 typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<_PDF_RenderItem>	CPDF_RenderLayer;
81 class IPDF_ObjectRenderer : public CFX_Object
82 {
83 public:
84     static IPDF_ObjectRenderer* Create(int type);
~IPDF_ObjectRenderer()85     virtual ~IPDF_ObjectRenderer() {}
86     virtual FX_BOOL Start(CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus, const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, FX_BOOL bStdCS, int blendType = FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL) = 0;
87     virtual FX_BOOL Continue(IFX_Pause* pPause) = 0;
88     FX_BOOL		m_Result;
89 };
90 class CPDF_RenderStatus : public CFX_Object
91 {
92 public:
93     CPDF_RenderStatus();
94     ~CPDF_RenderStatus();
95     FX_BOOL			Initialize(int level, class CPDF_RenderContext* pContext, CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pDeviceMatrix,
96                                const CPDF_PageObject* pStopObj, const CPDF_RenderStatus* pParentStatus,
97                                const CPDF_GraphicStates* pInitialStates, const CPDF_RenderOptions* pOptions,
98                                int transparency, FX_BOOL bDropObjects, CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResource = NULL,
99                                FX_BOOL bStdCS = FALSE,	CPDF_Type3Char* pType3Char = NULL, FX_ARGB fill_color = 0,
100                                FX_DWORD GroupFamily = 0, FX_BOOL bLoadMask = FALSE);
101     void			RenderObjectList(const CPDF_PageObjects* pObjs, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
102     void			RenderSingleObject(const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
103     FX_BOOL			ContinueSingleObject(const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, IFX_Pause* pPause);
104     CPDF_RenderOptions	m_Options;
105     CPDF_Dictionary*    m_pFormResource;
106     CPDF_Dictionary*    m_pPageResource;
107     CFX_PtrArray		m_Type3FontCache;
GetContext()108     CPDF_RenderContext* GetContext()
109     {
110         return m_pContext;
111     }
112 protected:
113     friend class	CPDF_ImageRenderer;
114     friend class	CPDF_RenderContext;
115     void			ProcessClipPath(CPDF_ClipPath ClipPath, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
116     void			DrawClipPath(CPDF_ClipPath ClipPath, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
117     FX_BOOL			ProcessTransparency(const CPDF_PageObject* PageObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
118     void			ProcessObjectNoClip(const CPDF_PageObject* PageObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
119     void			DrawObjWithBackground(const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
120     FX_BOOL         DrawObjWithBlend(const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
121     FX_BOOL			ProcessPath(CPDF_PathObject* pPathObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
122     void			ProcessPathPattern(CPDF_PathObject* pPathObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, int& filltype, FX_BOOL& bStroke);
123     void			DrawPathWithPattern(CPDF_PathObject* pPathObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, CPDF_Color* pColor, FX_BOOL bStroke);
124     void			DrawTilingPattern(CPDF_TilingPattern* pPattern, CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, FX_BOOL bStroke);
125     void			DrawShadingPattern(CPDF_ShadingPattern* pPattern, CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, FX_BOOL bStroke);
126     FX_BOOL			SelectClipPath(CPDF_PathObject* pPathObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, FX_BOOL bStroke);
127     FX_BOOL			ProcessImage(CPDF_ImageObject* pImageObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
128     FX_BOOL			OutputBitmapAlpha(CPDF_ImageObject* pImageObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pImage2Device);
129     FX_BOOL			OutputImage(CPDF_ImageObject* pImageObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pImage2Device);
130     FX_BOOL			OutputDIBSource(const CFX_DIBSource* pOutputBitmap, FX_ARGB fill_argb, int bitmap_alpha,
131                                     const CFX_AffineMatrix* pImage2Device, CPDF_ImageCache* pImageCache, FX_DWORD flags);
132     void			CompositeDIBitmap(CFX_DIBitmap* pDIBitmap, int left, int top, FX_ARGB mask_argb,
133                                       int bitmap_alpha, int blend_mode, int bIsolated);
134     FX_BOOL			ProcessInlines(CPDF_InlineImages* pInlines, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
135     FX_BOOL			ProcessShading(CPDF_ShadingObject* pShadingObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
136     void			DrawShading(CPDF_ShadingPattern* pPattern, CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, FX_RECT& clip_rect,
137                                 int alpha, FX_BOOL bAlphaMode);
138     FX_BOOL			ProcessType3Text(const CPDF_TextObject* textobj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
139     FX_BOOL			ProcessText(const CPDF_TextObject* textobj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, CFX_PathData* pClippingPath);
140     void			DrawTextPathWithPattern(const CPDF_TextObject* textobj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device,
141                                             CPDF_Font* pFont, FX_FLOAT font_size,
142                                             const CFX_AffineMatrix* pTextMatrix, FX_BOOL bFill, FX_BOOL bStroke);
143     FX_BOOL			ProcessForm(CPDF_FormObject* pFormObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
144     CFX_DIBitmap*	GetBackdrop(const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const FX_RECT& rect, int& left, int& top,
145                                 FX_BOOL bBackAlphaRequired);
146     CFX_DIBitmap*	LoadSMask(CPDF_Dictionary* pSMaskDict, FX_RECT* pClipRect, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix);
147     void			Init(CPDF_RenderContext* pParent);
148     static class CPDF_Type3Cache*	GetCachedType3(CPDF_Type3Font* pFont);
149     static CPDF_GraphicStates* CloneObjStates(const CPDF_GraphicStates* pPathObj, FX_BOOL bStroke);
150     CPDF_TransferFunc*	GetTransferFunc(CPDF_Object* pObject) const;
151     FX_ARGB			GetFillArgb(const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, FX_BOOL bType3 = FALSE) const;
152     FX_ARGB			GetStrokeArgb(const CPDF_PageObject* pObj) const;
153     CPDF_RenderContext*		m_pContext;
154     FX_BOOL					m_bStopped;
155     void			DitherObjectArea(const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device);
156     FX_BOOL			GetObjectClippedRect(const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, FX_BOOL bLogical, FX_RECT &rect) const;
157     void			GetScaledMatrix(CFX_Matrix &matrix) const;
158 protected:
159     int						m_Level;
160     CFX_RenderDevice*		m_pDevice;
161     CFX_AffineMatrix		m_DeviceMatrix;
162     CPDF_ClipPath			m_LastClipPath;
163     const CPDF_PageObject*	m_pCurObj;
164     const CPDF_PageObject*	m_pStopObj;
165     CPDF_GraphicStates		m_InitialStates;
166     int						m_HalftoneLimit;
167     IPDF_ObjectRenderer*	m_pObjectRenderer;
168     FX_BOOL					m_bPrint;
169     int						m_Transparency;
170     int						m_DitherBits;
171     FX_BOOL					m_bDropObjects;
172     FX_BOOL					m_bStdCS;
173     FX_DWORD                m_GroupFamily;
174     FX_BOOL                 m_bLoadMask;
175     CPDF_Type3Char *        m_pType3Char;
176     FX_ARGB					m_T3FillColor;
177     int                     m_curBlend;
178 };
179 class CPDF_ImageLoader : public CFX_Object
180 {
181 public:
CPDF_ImageLoader()182     CPDF_ImageLoader()
183     {
184         m_pBitmap = NULL;
185         m_pMask = NULL;
186         m_MatteColor = 0;
187         m_bCached = FALSE;
188         m_nDownsampleWidth = 0;
189         m_nDownsampleHeight = 0;
190     }
192     FX_BOOL					Load(const CPDF_ImageObject* pImage, CPDF_PageRenderCache* pCache, FX_BOOL bStdCS = FALSE, FX_DWORD GroupFamily = 0, FX_BOOL bLoadMask = FALSE, CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus = NULL);
194     FX_BOOL					StartLoadImage(const CPDF_ImageObject* pImage, CPDF_PageRenderCache* pCache, FX_LPVOID& LoadHandle, FX_BOOL bStdCS = FALSE, FX_DWORD GroupFamily = 0, FX_BOOL bLoadMask = FALSE, CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus = NULL, FX_INT32 nDownsampleWidth = 0, FX_INT32 nDownsampleHeight = 0);
195     FX_BOOL					Continue(FX_LPVOID LoadHandle, IFX_Pause* pPause);
196     ~CPDF_ImageLoader();
197     CFX_DIBSource*			m_pBitmap;
198     CFX_DIBSource*			m_pMask;
199     FX_DWORD				m_MatteColor;
200     FX_BOOL					m_bCached;
201 protected:
202     FX_INT32                m_nDownsampleWidth;
203     FX_INT32                m_nDownsampleHeight;
204 };
205 class CPDF_ProgressiveImageLoaderHandle : public CFX_Object
206 {
207 public:
208     CPDF_ProgressiveImageLoaderHandle();
209     ~CPDF_ProgressiveImageLoaderHandle();
211     FX_BOOL			Start(CPDF_ImageLoader* pImageLoader, const CPDF_ImageObject* pImage, CPDF_PageRenderCache* pCache, FX_BOOL bStdCS = FALSE, FX_DWORD GroupFamily = 0, FX_BOOL bLoadMask = FALSE, CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus = NULL, FX_INT32 nDownsampleWidth = 0, FX_INT32 nDownsampleHeight = 0);
212     FX_BOOL			Continue(IFX_Pause* pPause);
213 protected:
214     CPDF_ImageLoader*	m_pImageLoader;
215     CPDF_PageRenderCache* m_pCache;
216     CPDF_ImageObject* m_pImage;
217     FX_INT32            m_nDownsampleWidth;
218     FX_INT32            m_nDownsampleHeight;
219 };
220 class CFX_ImageTransformer;
221 class CPDF_ImageRenderer : public IPDF_ObjectRenderer
222 {
223 public:
224     CPDF_ImageRenderer();
225     ~CPDF_ImageRenderer();
226     FX_BOOL		Start(CPDF_RenderStatus* pStatus, const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, FX_BOOL bStdCS, int blendType = FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL);
227     FX_BOOL		Start(CPDF_RenderStatus* pStatus, const CFX_DIBSource* pDIBSource, FX_ARGB bitmap_argb,
228                       int bitmap_alpha, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pImage2Device, FX_DWORD flags, FX_BOOL bStdCS, int blendType = FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL);
229     FX_BOOL		Continue(IFX_Pause* pPause);
230 protected:
231     CPDF_RenderStatus*	m_pRenderStatus;
232     CPDF_ImageObject*	m_pImageObject;
233     int					m_Status;
234     const CFX_AffineMatrix* m_pObj2Device;
235     CFX_AffineMatrix	m_ImageMatrix;
236     CPDF_ImageLoader	m_Loader;
237     const CFX_DIBSource*		m_pDIBSource;
238     CFX_DIBitmap*		m_pClone;
239     int					m_BitmapAlpha;
240     FX_BOOL				m_bPatternColor;
241     CPDF_Pattern*		m_pPattern;
242     FX_ARGB				m_FillArgb;
243     FX_DWORD			m_Flags;
244     CPDF_QuickStretcher*	m_pQuickStretcher;
245     CFX_ImageTransformer*	m_pTransformer;
246     CPDF_ImageRenderer*	m_pRenderer2;
247     FX_LPVOID			m_DeviceHandle;
248     FX_LPVOID           m_LoadHandle;
249     FX_BOOL				m_bStdCS;
250     int					m_BlendType;
251     FX_BOOL				StartBitmapAlpha();
252     FX_BOOL				StartDIBSource();
253     FX_BOOL				StartRenderDIBSource();
254     FX_BOOL				StartLoadDIBSource();
255     FX_BOOL				DrawMaskedImage();
256     FX_BOOL				DrawPatternImage(const CFX_Matrix* pObj2Device);
257 };
258 class CPDF_ScaledRenderBuffer : public CFX_Object
259 {
260 public:
261     CPDF_ScaledRenderBuffer();
262     ~CPDF_ScaledRenderBuffer();
263     FX_BOOL				Initialize(CPDF_RenderContext* pContext, CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, FX_RECT* pRect,
264                                    const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, const CPDF_RenderOptions *pOptions = NULL, int max_dpi = 0);
GetDevice()265     CFX_RenderDevice*	GetDevice()
266     {
267         return m_pBitmapDevice ? m_pBitmapDevice : m_pDevice;
268     }
GetMatrix()269     CFX_AffineMatrix*	GetMatrix()
270     {
271         return &m_Matrix;
272     }
273     void				OutputToDevice();
274 private:
275     CFX_RenderDevice*	m_pDevice;
276     CPDF_RenderContext*	m_pContext;
277     FX_RECT				m_Rect;
278     const CPDF_PageObject* m_pObject;
279     CFX_FxgeDevice*	m_pBitmapDevice;
280     CFX_AffineMatrix	m_Matrix;
281 };
282 class ICodec_ScanlineDecoder;
283 class CPDF_QuickStretcher : public CFX_Object
284 {
285 public:
286     CPDF_QuickStretcher();
287     ~CPDF_QuickStretcher();
288     FX_BOOL		Start(CPDF_ImageObject* pImageObj, CFX_AffineMatrix* pImage2Device, const FX_RECT* pClipBox);
289     FX_BOOL		Continue(IFX_Pause* pPause);
290     CFX_DIBitmap*	m_pBitmap;
291     int			m_ResultLeft, m_ResultTop, m_ClipLeft, m_ClipTop;
292     int			m_DestWidth, m_DestHeight, m_ResultWidth, m_ResultHeight;
293     int			m_Bpp, m_SrcWidth, m_SrcHeight;
294     FX_BOOL		m_bFlipX, m_bFlipY;
295     CPDF_ColorSpace*	m_pCS;
296     ICodec_ScanlineDecoder*	m_pDecoder;
297     CPDF_StreamAcc m_StreamAcc;
298     int			m_LineIndex;
299 };
300 class CPDF_DeviceBuffer : public CFX_Object
301 {
302 public:
303     CPDF_DeviceBuffer();
304     ~CPDF_DeviceBuffer();
305     FX_BOOL				Initialize(CPDF_RenderContext* pContext, CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, FX_RECT* pRect,
306                                    const CPDF_PageObject* pObj, int max_dpi = 0);
307     void				OutputToDevice();
GetBitmap()308     CFX_DIBitmap*		GetBitmap() const
309     {
310         return m_pBitmap;
311     }
GetMatrix()312     const CFX_AffineMatrix*	GetMatrix() const
313     {
314         return &m_Matrix;
315     }
316 private:
317     CFX_RenderDevice*	m_pDevice;
318     CPDF_RenderContext*	m_pContext;
319     FX_RECT				m_Rect;
320     const CPDF_PageObject* m_pObject;
321     CFX_DIBitmap*		m_pBitmap;
322     CFX_AffineMatrix	m_Matrix;
323 };
324 class CPDF_ImageCache : public CFX_Object
325 {
326 public:
327     CPDF_ImageCache(CPDF_Document* pDoc, CPDF_Stream* pStream);
328     ~CPDF_ImageCache();
329     void				ClearImageData();
330     void				Reset(const CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap);
331     FX_BOOL				GetCachedBitmap(CFX_DIBSource*& pBitmap, CFX_DIBSource*& pMask, FX_DWORD& MatteColor, CPDF_Dictionary* pPageResources,
332                                         FX_BOOL bStdCS = FALSE, FX_DWORD GroupFamily = 0, FX_BOOL bLoadMask = FALSE,
333                                         CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus = NULL, FX_INT32 downsampleWidth = 0, FX_INT32 downsampleHeight = 0);
EstimateSize()334     FX_DWORD			EstimateSize() const
335     {
336         return m_dwCacheSize;
337     }
GetTimeCount()338     FX_DWORD			GetTimeCount() const
339     {
340         return m_dwTimeCount;
341     }
GetStream()342     CPDF_Stream*		GetStream() const
343     {
344         return m_pStream;
345     }
SetTimeCount(FX_DWORD dwTimeCount)346     void				SetTimeCount(FX_DWORD dwTimeCount)
347     {
348         m_dwTimeCount = dwTimeCount;
349     }
350     int					m_dwTimeCount;
351 public:
352     int					StartGetCachedBitmap(CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResources, CPDF_Dictionary* pPageResources,
353             FX_BOOL bStdCS = FALSE, FX_DWORD GroupFamily = 0,
354             FX_BOOL bLoadMask = FALSE, CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus = NULL, FX_INT32 downsampleWidth = 0, FX_INT32 downsampleHeight = 0);
355     int					Continue(IFX_Pause* pPause);
356     int 				ContinueGetCachedBitmap();
357     CFX_DIBSource*		DetachBitmap();
358     CFX_DIBSource*		DetachMask();
359     CFX_DIBSource*		m_pCurBitmap;
360     CFX_DIBSource*		m_pCurMask;
361     FX_DWORD			m_MatteColor;
362     CPDF_RenderStatus*  m_pRenderStatus;
363 protected:
364     CPDF_Document*		m_pDocument;
365     CPDF_Stream*		m_pStream;
366     CFX_DIBSource*		m_pCachedBitmap;
367     CFX_DIBSource*		m_pCachedMask;
368     FX_DWORD			m_dwCacheSize;
369     void	CalcSize();
370 };
371 typedef struct {
372     FX_FLOAT			m_DecodeMin;
373     FX_FLOAT			m_DecodeStep;
374     int					m_ColorKeyMin;
375     int					m_ColorKeyMax;
377 class CPDF_DIBSource : public CFX_DIBSource
378 {
379 public:
380     CPDF_DIBSource();
381     virtual ~CPDF_DIBSource();
382     FX_BOOL				Load(CPDF_Document* pDoc, const CPDF_Stream* pStream,
383                              CPDF_DIBSource** ppMask, FX_DWORD* pMatteColor,
384                              CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResources, CPDF_Dictionary* pPageResources,
385                              FX_BOOL bStdCS = FALSE, FX_DWORD GroupFamily = 0, FX_BOOL bLoadMask = FALSE);
386     virtual FX_BOOL		SkipToScanline(int line, IFX_Pause* pPause) const;
387     virtual	FX_LPBYTE	GetBuffer() const;
388     virtual FX_LPCBYTE	GetScanline(int line) const;
389     virtual void		DownSampleScanline(int line, FX_LPBYTE dest_scan, int dest_bpp,
390                                            int dest_width, FX_BOOL bFlipX, int clip_left, int clip_width) const;
391     virtual void		SetDownSampleSize(int dest_width, int dest_height) const;
392     CFX_DIBitmap*		GetBitmap() const;
393     void				ReleaseBitmap(CFX_DIBitmap*) const;
394     void				ClearImageData();
395 public:
396     int					StartLoadDIBSource(CPDF_Document* pDoc, const CPDF_Stream* pStream, FX_BOOL bHasMask,
397                                            CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResources, CPDF_Dictionary* pPageResources,
398                                            FX_BOOL bStdCS = FALSE, FX_DWORD GroupFamily = 0, FX_BOOL bLoadMask = FALSE);
399     int					ContinueLoadDIBSource(IFX_Pause* pPause);
400     int					StratLoadMask();
401     int					StartLoadMaskDIB();
402     int					ContinueLoadMaskDIB(IFX_Pause* pPause);
403     int					ContinueToLoadMask();
404     CPDF_DIBSource*		DetachMask();
405     CPDF_DIBSource*		m_pMask;
406     FX_DWORD			m_MatteColor;
407     FX_LPVOID			m_pJbig2Context;
408     CPDF_StreamAcc*		m_pGlobalStream;
409     FX_BOOL				m_bStdCS;
410     int					m_Status;
411     CPDF_Object*		m_pMaskStream;
412     FX_BOOL				m_bHasMask;
413 protected:
414     FX_BOOL				LoadColorInfo(CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResources, CPDF_Dictionary* pPageResources);
415     CPDF_DIBSource*		LoadMask(FX_DWORD& MatteColor);
416     CPDF_DIBSource*		LoadMaskDIB(CPDF_Stream* pMask);
417     void				LoadJpxBitmap();
418     void				LoadJbig2Bitmap();
419     void				LoadPalette();
420     FX_BOOL				CreateDecoder();
421     void				TranslateScanline24bpp(FX_LPBYTE dest_scan, FX_LPCBYTE src_scan) const;
422 	FX_DWORD            GetValidBpp() const;
424     CPDF_Document*		m_pDocument;
425     const CPDF_Stream*	m_pStream;
426     CPDF_StreamAcc*		m_pStreamAcc;
427     const CPDF_Dictionary*	m_pDict;
428     CPDF_ColorSpace*	m_pColorSpace;
429     FX_DWORD			m_Family, m_bpc, m_nComponents, m_GroupFamily;
430     FX_BOOL				m_bLoadMask;
431     FX_BOOL				m_bDefaultDecode, m_bImageMask, m_bColorKey;
432     DIB_COMP_DATA*		m_pCompData;
433     FX_LPBYTE			m_pLineBuf;
434     FX_LPBYTE			m_pMaskedLine;
435     CFX_DIBitmap*		m_pCachedBitmap;
436     ICodec_ScanlineDecoder*	m_pDecoder;
437 };
438 #ifdef _FPDFAPI_MINI_
439 #define FPDF_HUGE_IMAGE_SIZE	3000000
440 #else
441 #define FPDF_HUGE_IMAGE_SIZE	60000000
442 #endif
443 class CPDF_DIBTransferFunc : public CFX_FilteredDIB
444 {
445 public:
446     CPDF_DIBTransferFunc(const CPDF_TransferFunc* pTransferFunc);
447     virtual FXDIB_Format	GetDestFormat();
GetDestPalette()448     virtual FX_ARGB*		GetDestPalette()
449     {
450         return NULL;
451     }
452     virtual void			TranslateScanline(FX_LPBYTE dest_buf, FX_LPCBYTE src_buf) const;
453     virtual void			TranslateDownSamples(FX_LPBYTE dest_buf, FX_LPCBYTE src_buf, int pixels, int Bpp) const;
454     FX_LPCBYTE				m_RampR;
455     FX_LPCBYTE				m_RampG;
456     FX_LPCBYTE				m_RampB;
457 };
458 struct _CPDF_UniqueKeyGen {
459     void		Generate(int count, ...);
460     FX_CHAR		m_Key[128];
461     int			m_KeyLen;
462 };