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1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "base/basictypes.h"
9 #include "base/logging.h"
10 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
11 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
12 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_delegate.h"
13 #include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
14 #include "content/common/content_export.h"
15 #include "content/public/browser/global_request_id.h"
16 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
17 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
18 #include "content/public/common/referrer.h"
21 namespace content {
22 class BrowserContext;
23 class CrossProcessFrameConnector;
24 class CrossSiteTransferringRequest;
25 class InterstitialPageImpl;
26 class FrameTreeNode;
27 class NavigationControllerImpl;
28 class NavigationEntry;
29 class NavigationEntryImpl;
30 class RenderFrameHostDelegate;
31 class RenderFrameHostImpl;
32 class RenderFrameHostManagerTest;
33 class RenderFrameProxyHost;
34 class RenderViewHost;
35 class RenderViewHostImpl;
36 class RenderWidgetHostDelegate;
37 class RenderWidgetHostView;
38 class TestWebContents;
39 class WebUIImpl;
41 // Manages RenderFrameHosts for a FrameTreeNode.  This class acts as a state
42 // machine to make cross-process navigations in a frame possible.
43 class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderFrameHostManager : public NotificationObserver {
44  public:
45   // Functions implemented by our owner that we need.
46   //
47   // TODO(brettw) Clean this up! These are all the functions in WebContentsImpl
48   // that are required to run this class. The design should probably be better
49   // such that these are more clear.
50   //
51   // There is additional complexity that some of the functions we need in
52   // WebContentsImpl are inherited and non-virtual. These are named with
53   // "RenderManager" so that the duplicate implementation of them will be clear.
54   class CONTENT_EXPORT Delegate {
55    public:
56     // Initializes the given renderer if necessary and creates the view ID
57     // corresponding to this view host. If this method is not called and the
58     // process is not shared, then the WebContentsImpl will act as though the
59     // renderer is not running (i.e., it will render "sad tab"). This method is
60     // automatically called from LoadURL. |for_main_frame| indicates whether
61     // this RenderViewHost is used to render a top-level frame, so the
62     // appropriate RenderWidgetHostView type is used.
63     virtual bool CreateRenderViewForRenderManager(
64         RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
65         int opener_route_id,
66         int proxy_routing_id,
67         bool for_main_frame) = 0;
68     virtual void BeforeUnloadFiredFromRenderManager(
69         bool proceed, const base::TimeTicks& proceed_time,
70         bool* proceed_to_fire_unload) = 0;
71     virtual void RenderProcessGoneFromRenderManager(
72         RenderViewHost* render_view_host) = 0;
73     virtual void UpdateRenderViewSizeForRenderManager() = 0;
74     virtual void CancelModalDialogsForRenderManager() = 0;
75     virtual void NotifySwappedFromRenderManager(
76         RenderViewHost* old_host, RenderViewHost* new_host) = 0;
77     virtual NavigationControllerImpl&
78         GetControllerForRenderManager() = 0;
80     // Create swapped out RenderViews in the given SiteInstance for each tab in
81     // the opener chain of this tab, if any.  This allows the current tab to
82     // make cross-process script calls to its opener(s).  Returns the route ID
83     // of the immediate opener, if one exists (otherwise MSG_ROUTING_NONE).
84     virtual int CreateOpenerRenderViewsForRenderManager(
85         SiteInstance* instance) = 0;
87     // Creates a WebUI object for the given URL if one applies. Ownership of the
88     // returned pointer will be passed to the caller. If no WebUI applies,
89     // returns NULL.
90     virtual WebUIImpl* CreateWebUIForRenderManager(const GURL& url) = 0;
92     // Returns the navigation entry of the current navigation, or NULL if there
93     // is none.
94     virtual NavigationEntry*
95         GetLastCommittedNavigationEntryForRenderManager() = 0;
97     // Returns true if the location bar should be focused by default rather than
98     // the page contents. The view calls this function when the tab is focused
99     // to see what it should do.
100     virtual bool FocusLocationBarByDefault() = 0;
102     // Focuses the location bar.
103     virtual void SetFocusToLocationBar(bool select_all) = 0;
105     // Creates a view and sets the size for the specified RVH.
106     virtual void CreateViewAndSetSizeForRVH(RenderViewHost* rvh) = 0;
108     // Returns true if views created for this delegate should be created in a
109     // hidden state.
110     virtual bool IsHidden() = 0;
112    protected:
~Delegate()113     virtual ~Delegate() {}
114   };
116   // Used with FrameTree::ForEach to delete RenderFrameHosts pending shutdown
117   // from a FrameTreeNode's RenderFrameHostManager. Used during destruction of
118   // WebContentsImpl.
119   static bool ClearRFHsPendingShutdown(FrameTreeNode* node);
121   // All three delegate pointers must be non-NULL and are not owned by this
122   // class.  They must outlive this class. The RenderViewHostDelegate and
123   // RenderWidgetHostDelegate are what will be installed into all
124   // RenderViewHosts that are created.
125   //
126   // You must call Init() before using this class.
127   RenderFrameHostManager(
128       FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
129       RenderFrameHostDelegate* render_frame_delegate,
130       RenderViewHostDelegate* render_view_delegate,
131       RenderWidgetHostDelegate* render_widget_delegate,
132       Delegate* delegate);
133   virtual ~RenderFrameHostManager();
135   // For arguments, see WebContentsImpl constructor.
136   void Init(BrowserContext* browser_context,
137             SiteInstance* site_instance,
138             int view_routing_id,
139             int frame_routing_id);
141   // Returns the currently active RenderFrameHost.
142   //
143   // This will be non-NULL between Init() and Shutdown(). You may want to NULL
144   // check it in many cases, however. Windows can send us messages during the
145   // destruction process after it has been shut down.
current_frame_host()146   RenderFrameHostImpl* current_frame_host() const {
147     return render_frame_host_.get();
148   }
150   // TODO(creis): Remove this when we no longer use RVH for navigation.
151   RenderViewHostImpl* current_host() const;
153   // Returns the view associated with the current RenderViewHost, or NULL if
154   // there is no current one.
155   RenderWidgetHostView* GetRenderWidgetHostView() const;
157   RenderFrameProxyHost* GetProxyToParent();
159   // Returns the pending RenderFrameHost, or NULL if there is no pending one.
pending_frame_host()160   RenderFrameHostImpl* pending_frame_host() const {
161     return pending_render_frame_host_.get();
162   }
164   // TODO(creis): Remove this when we no longer use RVH for navigation.
165   RenderViewHostImpl* pending_render_view_host() const;
167   // Returns the current committed Web UI or NULL if none applies.
web_ui()168   WebUIImpl* web_ui() const { return web_ui_.get(); }
170   // Returns the Web UI for the pending navigation, or NULL of none applies.
pending_web_ui()171   WebUIImpl* pending_web_ui() const {
172     return pending_web_ui_.get() ? pending_web_ui_.get() :
173                                    pending_and_current_web_ui_.get();
174   }
176   // Sets the pending Web UI for the pending navigation, ensuring that the
177   // bindings are appropriate for the given NavigationEntry.
178   void SetPendingWebUI(const NavigationEntryImpl& entry);
180   // Called when we want to instruct the renderer to navigate to the given
181   // navigation entry. It may create a new RenderFrameHost or re-use an existing
182   // one. The RenderFrameHost to navigate will be returned. Returns NULL if one
183   // could not be created.
184   RenderFrameHostImpl* Navigate(const NavigationEntryImpl& entry);
186   // Instructs the various live views to stop. Called when the user directed the
187   // page to stop loading.
188   void Stop();
190   // Notifies the regular and pending RenderViewHosts that a load is or is not
191   // happening. Even though the message is only for one of them, we don't know
192   // which one so we tell both.
193   void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading);
195   // Whether to close the tab or not when there is a hang during an unload
196   // handler. If we are mid-crosssite navigation, then we should proceed
197   // with the navigation instead of closing the tab.
198   bool ShouldCloseTabOnUnresponsiveRenderer();
200   // Confirms whether we should close the page or navigate away.  This is called
201   // before a cross-site request or before a tab/window is closed (as indicated
202   // by the first parameter) to allow the appropriate renderer to approve or
203   // deny the request.  |proceed| indicates whether the user chose to proceed.
204   // |proceed_time| is the time when the request was allowed to proceed.
205   void OnBeforeUnloadACK(bool for_cross_site_transition,
206                          bool proceed,
207                          const base::TimeTicks& proceed_time);
209   // The |pending_render_frame_host| is ready to commit a page.  We should
210   // ensure that the old RenderFrameHost runs its unload handler first and
211   // determine whether a RenderFrameHost transfer is needed.
212   // |cross_site_transferring_request| is NULL if a request is not being
213   // transferred between renderers.
214   void OnCrossSiteResponse(
215       RenderFrameHostImpl* pending_render_frame_host,
216       const GlobalRequestID& global_request_id,
217       scoped_ptr<CrossSiteTransferringRequest> cross_site_transferring_request,
218       const std::vector<GURL>& transfer_url_chain,
219       const Referrer& referrer,
220       PageTransition page_transition,
221       bool should_replace_current_entry);
223   // The RenderFrameHost has been swapped out, so we should resume the pending
224   // network response and allow the pending RenderFrameHost to commit.
225   void SwappedOut(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host);
227   // Called when a renderer's frame navigates.
228   void DidNavigateFrame(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host);
230   // Called when a renderer sets its opener to null.
231   void DidDisownOpener(RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
233   // Helper method to create and initialize a RenderFrameHost.  If |swapped_out|
234   // is true, it will be initially placed on the swapped out hosts list.
235   // Otherwise, it will be used for a pending cross-site navigation.
236   // Returns the routing id of the *view* associated with the frame.
237   int CreateRenderFrame(SiteInstance* instance,
238                         int opener_route_id,
239                         bool swapped_out,
240                         bool hidden);
242   // Sets the passed passed interstitial as the currently showing interstitial.
243   // |interstitial_page| should be non NULL (use the remove_interstitial_page
244   // method to unset the interstitial) and no interstitial page should be set
245   // when there is already a non NULL interstitial page set.
set_interstitial_page(InterstitialPageImpl * interstitial_page)246   void set_interstitial_page(InterstitialPageImpl* interstitial_page) {
247     DCHECK(!interstitial_page_ && interstitial_page);
248     interstitial_page_ = interstitial_page;
249   }
251   // Unsets the currently showing interstitial.
remove_interstitial_page()252   void remove_interstitial_page() {
253     DCHECK(interstitial_page_);
254     interstitial_page_ = NULL;
255   }
257   // Returns the currently showing interstitial, NULL if no interstitial is
258   // showing.
interstitial_page()259   InterstitialPageImpl* interstitial_page() const { return interstitial_page_; }
261   // NotificationObserver implementation.
262   virtual void Observe(int type,
263                        const NotificationSource& source,
264                        const NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
266   // Returns whether the given RenderFrameHost (or its associated
267   // RenderViewHost) is on the list of swapped out RenderFrameHosts.
268   bool IsRVHOnSwappedOutList(RenderViewHostImpl* rvh) const;
269   bool IsOnSwappedOutList(RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh) const;
271   // Returns the swapped out RenderViewHost or RenderFrameHost for the given
272   // SiteInstance, if any. This method is *deprecated* and
273   // GetRenderFrameProxyHost should be used.
274   RenderViewHostImpl* GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(SiteInstance* instance) const;
275   RenderFrameProxyHost* GetRenderFrameProxyHost(
276       SiteInstance* instance) const;
278   // Runs the unload handler in the current page, when we know that a pending
279   // cross-process navigation is going to commit.  We may initiate a transfer
280   // to a new process after this completes or times out.
281   void SwapOutOldPage();
283   // Deletes a RenderFrameHost that was pending shutdown.
284   void ClearPendingShutdownRFHForSiteInstance(int32 site_instance_id,
285                                               RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh);
287   // Deletes any proxy hosts associated with this node. Used during destruction
288   // of WebContentsImpl.
289   void ResetProxyHosts();
291  private:
292   friend class RenderFrameHostManagerTest;
293   friend class TestWebContents;
295   // Tracks information about a navigation while a cross-process transition is
296   // in progress, in case we need to transfer it to a new RenderFrameHost.
297   // When a request is being transferred, deleting the PendingNavigationParams,
298   // and thus |cross_site_transferring_request|, will cancel the request being
299   // transferred, unless its ReleaseRequest method has been called.
300   struct PendingNavigationParams {
301     PendingNavigationParams(
302         const GlobalRequestID& global_request_id,
303         scoped_ptr<CrossSiteTransferringRequest>
304             cross_site_transferring_request,
305         const std::vector<GURL>& transfer_url,
306         Referrer referrer,
307         PageTransition page_transition,
308         int render_frame_id,
309         bool should_replace_current_entry);
310     ~PendingNavigationParams();
312     // The child ID and request ID for the pending navigation.  Present whether
313     // |request_transfer| is NULL or not.
314     GlobalRequestID global_request_id;
316     // If a pending request needs to be transferred to another process, this
317     // owns the request until it's transferred to the new process, so it will be
318     // cleaned up if the navigation is cancelled.  Otherwise, this is NULL.
319     scoped_ptr<CrossSiteTransferringRequest> cross_site_transferring_request;
321     // If |request_transfer| is non-NULL, the values below are all set.
323     // The first entry is the original request URL, and the last entry is the
324     // destination URL to request in the new process.
325     std::vector<GURL> transfer_url_chain;
327     // This is the referrer to use for the request in the new process.
328     Referrer referrer;
330     // This is the transition type for the original navigation.
331     PageTransition page_transition;
333     // This is the frame routing ID to use in RequestTransferURL.
334     int render_frame_id;
336     // This is whether the navigation should replace the current history entry.
337     bool should_replace_current_entry;
338   };
340   // Used with FrameTree::ForEach to erase RenderFrameProxyHosts from a
341   // FrameTreeNode's RenderFrameHostManager.
342   static bool ClearProxiesInSiteInstance(int32 site_instance_id,
343                                          FrameTreeNode* node);
345   // Returns whether this tab should transition to a new renderer for
346   // cross-site URLs.  Enabled unless we see the --process-per-tab command line
347   // switch.  Can be overridden in unit tests.
348   bool ShouldTransitionCrossSite();
350   // Returns true if for the navigation from |current_entry| to |new_entry|,
351   // a new SiteInstance and BrowsingInstance should be created (even if we are
352   // in a process model that doesn't usually swap).  This forces a process swap
353   // and severs script connections with existing tabs.  Cases where this can
354   // happen include transitions between WebUI and regular web pages.
355   // Either of the entries may be NULL.
356   bool ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
357       const NavigationEntry* current_entry,
358       const NavigationEntryImpl* new_entry) const;
360   // Returns true if it is safe to reuse the current WebUI when navigating from
361   // |current_entry| to |new_entry|.
362   bool ShouldReuseWebUI(
363       const NavigationEntry* current_entry,
364       const NavigationEntryImpl* new_entry) const;
366   // Returns an appropriate SiteInstance object for the given NavigationEntry,
367   // possibly reusing the current SiteInstance.  If --process-per-tab is used,
368   // this is only called when ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation returns
369   // true.
370   SiteInstance* GetSiteInstanceForEntry(
371       const NavigationEntryImpl& entry,
372       SiteInstance* current_instance,
373       bool force_browsing_instance_swap);
375   // Creates a RenderFrameHost and corresponding RenderViewHost if necessary.
376   scoped_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> CreateRenderFrameHost(SiteInstance* instance,
377                                                         int view_routing_id,
378                                                         int frame_routing_id,
379                                                         bool swapped_out,
380                                                         bool hidden);
382   // Sets up the necessary state for a new RenderViewHost with the given opener,
383   // if necessary.  It creates a RenderFrameProxy in the target renderer process
384   // with the given |proxy_routing_id|, which is used to route IPC messages when
385   // in swapped out state.  Returns early if the RenderViewHost has already been
386   // initialized for another RenderFrameHost.
387   // TODO(creis): opener_route_id is currently for the RenderViewHost but should
388   // be for the RenderFrame, since frames can have openers.
389   bool InitRenderView(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
390                       int opener_route_id,
391                       int proxy_routing_id,
392                       bool for_main_frame);
394   // Sets the pending RenderFrameHost/WebUI to be the active one. Note that this
395   // doesn't require the pending render_frame_host_ pointer to be non-NULL,
396   // since there could be Web UI switching as well. Call this for every commit.
397   void CommitPending();
399   // Shutdown all RenderFrameHosts in a SiteInstance. This is called to shutdown
400   // frames when all the frames in a SiteInstance are confirmed to be swapped
401   // out.
402   void ShutdownRenderFrameHostsInSiteInstance(int32 site_instance_id);
404   // Helper method to terminate the pending RenderViewHost.
405   void CancelPending();
407   // Helper method to set the active RenderFrameHost. Returns the old
408   // RenderFrameHost and updates counts.
409   scoped_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> SetRenderFrameHost(
410       scoped_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> render_frame_host);
412   RenderFrameHostImpl* UpdateStateForNavigate(
413       const NavigationEntryImpl& entry);
415   // Called when a renderer process is starting to close.  We should not
416   // schedule new navigations in its swapped out RenderFrameHosts after this.
417   void RendererProcessClosing(RenderProcessHost* render_process_host);
419   // For use in creating RenderFrameHosts.
420   FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node_;
422   // Our delegate, not owned by us. Guaranteed non-NULL.
423   Delegate* delegate_;
425   // Whether a navigation requiring different RenderFrameHosts is pending. This
426   // is either for cross-site requests or when required for the process type
427   // (like WebUI).
428   bool cross_navigation_pending_;
430   // Implemented by the owner of this class.  These delegates are installed into
431   // all the RenderFrameHosts that we create.
432   RenderFrameHostDelegate* render_frame_delegate_;
433   RenderViewHostDelegate* render_view_delegate_;
434   RenderWidgetHostDelegate* render_widget_delegate_;
436   // Our RenderFrameHost and its associated Web UI (if any, will be NULL for
437   // non-WebUI pages). This object is responsible for all communication with
438   // a child RenderFrame instance.
439   // For now, RenderFrameHost keeps a RenderViewHost in its SiteInstance alive.
440   // Eventually, RenderViewHost will be replaced with a page context.
441   scoped_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> render_frame_host_;
442   scoped_ptr<WebUIImpl> web_ui_;
444   // A RenderFrameHost used to load a cross-site page. This remains hidden
445   // while a cross-site request is pending until it calls DidNavigate. It may
446   // have an associated Web UI, in which case the Web UI pointer will be non-
447   // NULL.
448   //
449   // The |pending_web_ui_| may be non-NULL even when the
450   // |pending_render_frame_host_| is NULL. This will happen when we're
451   // transitioning between two Web UI pages: the RFH won't be swapped, so the
452   // pending pointer will be unused, but there will be a pending Web UI
453   // associated with the navigation.
454   scoped_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> pending_render_frame_host_;
456   // Tracks information about any current pending cross-process navigation.
457   scoped_ptr<PendingNavigationParams> pending_nav_params_;
459   // If either of these is non-NULL, the pending navigation is to a chrome:
460   // page. The scoped_ptr is used if pending_web_ui_ != web_ui_, the WeakPtr is
461   // used for when they reference the same object. If either is non-NULL, the
462   // other should be NULL.
463   scoped_ptr<WebUIImpl> pending_web_ui_;
464   base::WeakPtr<WebUIImpl> pending_and_current_web_ui_;
466   // A map of site instance ID to RenderFrameProxyHosts.
467   typedef base::hash_map<int32, RenderFrameProxyHost*> RenderFrameProxyHostMap;
468   RenderFrameProxyHostMap proxy_hosts_;
470   // A map of RenderFrameHosts pending shutdown.
471   typedef base::hash_map<int32, linked_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> >
472       RFHPendingDeleteMap;
473   RFHPendingDeleteMap pending_delete_hosts_;
475   // The intersitial page currently shown if any, not own by this class
476   // (the InterstitialPage is self-owned, it deletes itself when hidden).
477   InterstitialPageImpl* interstitial_page_;
479   NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
481   base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderFrameHostManager> weak_factory_;
483   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderFrameHostManager);
484 };
486 }  // namespace content