/external/deqp/framework/common/ |
D | tcuDefs.hpp | 70 class InternalError : public Exception class 73 InternalError (const char* message, const char* expr, const char* file, int line); 74 InternalError (const std::string& message); 75 virtual ~InternalError (void) throw() {} in ~InternalError() 120 #define TCU_CHECK_INTERNAL(X) do { if (!(!deGetFalse() && (X))) throw tcu::InternalError(DE_NULL, #…
D | tcuImageIO.cpp | 62 throw InternalError("Unrecognized image file extension", fileName, __FILE__, __LINE__); in loadImage() 98 throw InternalError("An error occured when loading PNG", fileName, __FILE__, __LINE__); in loadPNG() 118 throw InternalError("Unsupported PNG depth or color type", fileName, __FILE__, __LINE__); in loadPNG() 142 throw InternalError("Unsupported texture format", DE_NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__); in textureFormatToPNGFormat() 179 throw tcu::InternalError("PNG compression failed"); in savePNG() 238 …throw InternalError("Signature doesn't match PKM signature", resource->getName().c_str(), __FILE__… in loadPKM() 242 throw InternalError("Unsupported PKM type", resource->getName().c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__); in loadPKM()
D | tcuDefs.cpp | 86 InternalError::InternalError (const char* message, const char* expr, const char* file, int line) in InternalError() function in tcu::InternalError 91 InternalError::InternalError (const std::string& message) in InternalError() function in tcu::InternalError
D | tcuStringTemplate.cpp | 70 throw tcu::InternalError("No '}' found in template parameter", "", __FILE__, __LINE__); in specialize() 102 …throw tcu::InternalError((string("Value for parameter '") + paramName + "' not found in map").c_st… in specialize()
D | tcuTestPackage.cpp | 48 throw InternalError("TestPackage::iterate() called!", "", __FILE__, __LINE__); in iterate() 154 throw InternalError("TestPackageRoot::iterate() called!", "", __FILE__, __LINE__); in iterate()
D | tcuTestCaseWrapper.cpp | 72 catch (const tcu::InternalError& e) in initTestCase() 139 catch (const tcu::InternalError& e) in iterateTestCase()
D | tcuTestCase.cpp | 94 …throw tcu::InternalError(std::string("Test case with non-unique name '") + node->getName() + "' ad… in addChild() 131 throw InternalError("TestCaseGroup::iterate() called!", "", __FILE__, __LINE__); in iterate()
/external/chromium_org/chrome/test/nacl/ |
D | nacl_browsertest_util.cc | 34 return InternalError("Could parse automation JSON: " + json + in HandleMessage() 39 return InternalError("Message was not a string: " + json); in HandleMessage() 43 return InternalError("Could not parse message JSON: " + temp + in HandleMessage() 48 return InternalError("Message was not an object: " + temp); in HandleMessage() 60 return InternalError(type + " message did not have field: " + field); in MissingField() 63 MessageResponse StructuredMessageHandler::InternalError( in InternalError() function in StructuredMessageHandler 97 return InternalError("Unknown message type: " + type); in HandleStructuredMessage() 157 return InternalError("Unknown message type: " + type); in HandleStructuredMessage()
/external/deqp/framework/platform/android/ |
D | tcuAndroidRenderActivity.cpp | 144 throw InternalError("Got unexpected onNativeWindowCreated() event from system"); in processMessage() 152 throw InternalError("Got onNativeWindowResized() event targeting different window"); in processMessage() 163 throw InternalError("Got unexpected onNativeWindowResized() event from system"); in processMessage() 169 throw InternalError("Got onNativeWindowDestroyed() event targeting different window"); in processMessage() 172 throw InternalError("Got unexpected onNativeWindowDestroyed() event from system"); in processMessage()
/external/llvm/tools/bugpoint/ |
D | ListReducer.h | 34 InternalError // Encountered an error trying to run the predicate enumerator 70 case InternalError: in reduceList() 143 case InternalError: in reduceList()
D | Miscompilation.cpp | 83 return InternalError; in doTest() 120 return InternalError; in doTest() 163 return InternalError; in doTest() 192 return InternalError; in doTest() 199 return InternalError; in doTest() 477 return InternalError; in doTest() 484 return InternalError; in doTest()
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/CSharp2/Sources/Antlr3.Runtime/Antlr.Runtime.Misc/ |
D | ErrorManager.cs | 46 public static void InternalError(object error, Exception e) in InternalError() method in Antlr.Runtime.Misc.ErrorManager 54 public static void InternalError(object error) in InternalError() method in Antlr.Runtime.Misc.ErrorManager
/external/deqp/framework/opengl/ |
D | gluRenderConfig.cpp | 140 throw tcu::InternalError(std::string("Invalid GL configuration: '") + renderCfgName + "'"); in parseConfigBitsFromName() 153 throw tcu::InternalError("Unsupported surface type"); in parseRenderConfig() 179 throw tcu::InternalError("Unsupported window visibility"); in parseWindowVisibility()
D | gluTextureUtil.cpp | 117 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map texture format to GL transfer format"); in getTransferFormat() 214 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map texture format to GL internal format"); in getInternalFormat() 273 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map compressed format to GL format"); in getGLFormat() 338 …throw tcu::InternalError(string("Can't map GL pixel format (") + tcu::toHex(format).toString() + "… in mapGLTransferFormat() 427 …throw tcu::InternalError(string("Can't map GL sized internal format (") + tcu::toHex(internalForma… in mapGLInternalFormat() 503 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map GL wrap mode " + tcu::toHex(wrapMode).toString()); in mapGLWrapMode() 518 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map GL filter mode" + tcu::toHex(filterMode).toString()); in mapGLFilterMode() 598 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map GL compare mode " + tcu::toHex(mode).toString()); in mapGLCompareFunc() 620 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map wrap mode"); in getGLWrapMode() 644 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map filter mode"); in getGLFilterMode() [all …]
/external/deqp/framework/egl/ |
D | egluUtil.cpp | 205 throw tcu::InternalError("No supported way to get EGL display", DE_NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__); in getDisplay() 249 …throw tcu::InternalError("No supported way to create EGL window surface", DE_NULL, __FILE__, __LIN… in createWindowSurface() 292 …throw tcu::InternalError("No supported way to create EGL pixmap surface", DE_NULL, __FILE__, __LIN… in createPixmapSurface() 327 … throw tcu::InternalError("Failed to translate EGLAttrib to EGLint", DE_NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__); in toLegacyAttribList()
/external/mesa3d/scons/ |
D | llvm.py | 50 raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "Specified LLVM directory not found" 61 raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "LLVM binary directory not found"
D | dxsdk.py | 54 raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "Unsupported target machine"
/external/chromium_org/third_party/mesa/src/scons/ |
D | llvm.py | 50 raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "Specified LLVM directory not found" 61 raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "LLVM binary directory not found"
D | dxsdk.py | 54 raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "Unsupported target machine"
/external/emma/core/java12/com/vladium/jcd/cls/attribute/ |
D | LineNumber_info.java | 70 throw new InternalError (e.toString ()); in clone()
D | Exception_info.java | 95 throw new InternalError (e.toString ()); in clone()
D | InnerClass_info.java | 60 throw new InternalError (e.toString ()); in clone()
D | DeclaredExceptionTable.java | 59 throw new InternalError (e.toString ()); in clone()
D | ExceptionHandlerTable.java | 65 throw new InternalError (e.toString ()); in clone()
/external/emma/core/java12/com/vladium/jcd/cls/ |
D | InterfaceCollection.java | 54 throw new InternalError (e.toString ()); in clone()