parts { portrait { background { image background_port.png } } landscape { background { image background_land.png } } device { display { width 320 height 480 x 0 y 0 } } controls { background { image controls.png } buttons { soft-left { image button.png x 56 y 142 } home { image button.png x 0 y 142 } back { image button.png x 112 y 142 } dpad-up { image arrow_up.png x 77 y 53 } dpad-down { image arrow_down.png x 77 y 106 } dpad-left { image arrow_left.png x 53 y 53 } dpad-right { image arrow_right.png x 123 y 53 } dpad-center { image select.png x 77 y 81 } phone-dial { image button.png x 0 y 71 } phone-hangup { image button.png x 168 y 71 } power { image button.png x 168 y 0 } volume-up { image button.png x 112 y 0 } volume-down { image button.png x 56 y 0 } search { image button.png x 168 y 142 } } } keyboard { background { image keyboard.png } buttons { 1 { image key.png x 5 y 5 } 2 { image key.png x 42 y 5 } 3 { image key.png x 79 y 5 } 4 { image key.png x 116 y 5 } 5 { image key.png x 153 y 5 } 6 { image key.png x 190 y 5 } 7 { image key.png x 227 y 5 } 8 { image key.png x 264 y 5 } 9 { image key.png x 301 y 5 } 0 { image key.png x 338 y 5 } q { image key.png x 5 y 41 } w { image key.png x 42 y 41 } e { image key.png x 79 y 41 } r { image key.png x 116 y 41 } t { image key.png x 153 y 41 } y { image key.png x 190 y 41 } u { image key.png x 227 y 41 } i { image key.png x 264 y 41 } o { image key.png x 301 y 41 } p { image key.png x 338 y 41 } a { image key.png x 5 y 77 } s { image key.png x 42 y 77 } d { image key.png x 79 y 77 } f { image key.png x 116 y 77 } g { image key.png x 153 y 77 } h { image key.png x 190 y 77 } j { image key.png x 227 y 77 } k { image key.png x 264 y 77 } l { image key.png x 301 y 77 } DEL { image key.png x 338 y 77 } CAP { image key.png x 5 y 113 } z { image key.png x 42 y 113 } x { image key.png x 79 y 113 } c { image key.png x 116 y 113 } v { image key.png x 153 y 113 } b { image key.png x 190 y 113 } n { image key.png x 227 y 113 } m { image key.png x 264 y 113 } PERIOD { image key.png x 301 y 113 } ENTER { image key.png x 338 y 113 } ALT { image key.png x 5 y 149 } SYM { image key.png x 42 y 149 } AT { image key.png x 79 y 149 } SPACE { image spacebar.png x 116 y 149 } SLASH { image key.png x 264 y 149 } COMMA { image key.png x 301 y 149 } ALT2 { image key.png x 338 y 149 } } } } layouts { portrait { width 791 height 534 color 0xe0e0e0 event EV_SW:0:1 part1 { name portrait x 0 y 0 } part2 { name landscape x 800 y 0 } part3 { name device x 28 y 27 } part4 { name controls x 476 y 77 } part5 { name keyboard x 395 y 328 } } landscape { width 640 height 601 color 0xe0e0e0 event EV_SW:0:0 # the framework _always_ assume that the DPad # has been physically rotated in landscape mode. # however, with this skin, this is not the case # dpad-rotation 3 part1 { name portrait x 800 y 0 } part2 { name landscape x 0 y 0 } part3 { name device x 80 y 349 rotation 3 } part4 { name controls x 410 y 396 } part5 { name keyboard x 18 y 396 } } } keyboard { charmap qwerty2 } network { speed full delay none }