// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/metrics/serialization/metric_sample.h" #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" namespace metrics { MetricSample::MetricSample(MetricSample::SampleType sample_type, const std::string& metric_name, int sample, int min, int max, int bucket_count) : type_(sample_type), name_(metric_name), sample_(sample), min_(min), max_(max), bucket_count_(bucket_count) { } MetricSample::~MetricSample() { } bool MetricSample::IsValid() const { return name().find(' ') == std::string::npos && name().find('\0') == std::string::npos && !name().empty(); } std::string MetricSample::ToString() const { if (type_ == CRASH) { return base::StringPrintf("crash%c%s%c", '\0', name().c_str(), '\0'); } else if (type_ == SPARSE_HISTOGRAM) { return base::StringPrintf("sparsehistogram%c%s %d%c", '\0', name().c_str(), sample_, '\0'); } else if (type_ == LINEAR_HISTOGRAM) { return base::StringPrintf("linearhistogram%c%s %d %d%c", '\0', name().c_str(), sample_, max_, '\0'); } else if (type_ == HISTOGRAM) { return base::StringPrintf("histogram%c%s %d %d %d %d%c", '\0', name().c_str(), sample_, min_, max_, bucket_count_, '\0'); } else { // The type can only be USER_ACTION. CHECK_EQ(type_, USER_ACTION); return base::StringPrintf("useraction%c%s%c", '\0', name().c_str(), '\0'); } } const int MetricSample::sample() const { CHECK_NE(type_, USER_ACTION); CHECK_NE(type_, CRASH); return sample_; } const int MetricSample::min() const { CHECK_EQ(type_, HISTOGRAM); return min_; } const int MetricSample::max() const { CHECK_NE(type_, CRASH); CHECK_NE(type_, USER_ACTION); CHECK_NE(type_, SPARSE_HISTOGRAM); return max_; } const int MetricSample::bucket_count() const { CHECK_EQ(type_, HISTOGRAM); return bucket_count_; } // static scoped_ptr MetricSample::CrashSample( const std::string& crash_name) { return scoped_ptr( new MetricSample(CRASH, crash_name, 0, 0, 0, 0)); } // static scoped_ptr MetricSample::HistogramSample( const std::string& histogram_name, int sample, int min, int max, int bucket_count) { return scoped_ptr(new MetricSample( HISTOGRAM, histogram_name, sample, min, max, bucket_count)); } // static scoped_ptr MetricSample::ParseHistogram( const std::string& serialized_histogram) { std::vector parts; base::SplitString(serialized_histogram, ' ', &parts); if (parts.size() != 5) return scoped_ptr(); int sample, min, max, bucket_count; if (parts[0].empty() || !base::StringToInt(parts[1], &sample) || !base::StringToInt(parts[2], &min) || !base::StringToInt(parts[3], &max) || !base::StringToInt(parts[4], &bucket_count)) { return scoped_ptr(); } return HistogramSample(parts[0], sample, min, max, bucket_count); } // static scoped_ptr MetricSample::SparseHistogramSample( const std::string& histogram_name, int sample) { return scoped_ptr( new MetricSample(SPARSE_HISTOGRAM, histogram_name, sample, 0, 0, 0)); } // static scoped_ptr MetricSample::ParseSparseHistogram( const std::string& serialized_histogram) { std::vector parts; base::SplitString(serialized_histogram, ' ', &parts); if (parts.size() != 2) return scoped_ptr(); int sample; if (parts[0].empty() || !base::StringToInt(parts[1], &sample)) return scoped_ptr(); return SparseHistogramSample(parts[0], sample); } // static scoped_ptr MetricSample::LinearHistogramSample( const std::string& histogram_name, int sample, int max) { return scoped_ptr( new MetricSample(LINEAR_HISTOGRAM, histogram_name, sample, 0, max, 0)); } // static scoped_ptr MetricSample::ParseLinearHistogram( const std::string& serialized_histogram) { std::vector parts; int sample, max; base::SplitString(serialized_histogram, ' ', &parts); if (parts.size() != 3) return scoped_ptr(); if (parts[0].empty() || !base::StringToInt(parts[1], &sample) || !base::StringToInt(parts[2], &max)) { return scoped_ptr(); } return LinearHistogramSample(parts[0], sample, max); } // static scoped_ptr MetricSample::UserActionSample( const std::string& action_name) { return scoped_ptr( new MetricSample(USER_ACTION, action_name, 0, 0, 0, 0)); } bool MetricSample::IsEqual(const MetricSample& metric) { return type_ == metric.type_ && name_ == metric.name_ && sample_ == metric.sample_ && min_ == metric.min_ && max_ == metric.max_ && bucket_count_ == metric.bucket_count_; } } // namespace metrics