// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef REMOTING_HOST_IPC_DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_H_ #define REMOTING_HOST_IPC_DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_H_ #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/callback_forward.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "remoting/host/desktop_environment.h" #include "remoting/host/desktop_session_connector.h" namespace base { class SingleThreadTaskRunner; } // base namespace IPC { class Sender; } // namespace IPC namespace remoting { class ClientSessionControl; class DesktopSessionProxy; class GnubbyAuthHandler; class ScreenResolution; // A variant of desktop environment integrating with the desktop by means of // a helper process and talking to that process via IPC. class IpcDesktopEnvironment : public DesktopEnvironment { public: // |desktop_session_connector| is used to bind DesktopSessionProxy to // a desktop session, to be notified every time the desktop process is // restarted. IpcDesktopEnvironment( scoped_refptr audio_task_runner, scoped_refptr caller_task_runner, scoped_refptr capture_task_runner, scoped_refptr io_task_runner, base::WeakPtr client_session_control, base::WeakPtr desktop_session_connector, bool virtual_terminal); virtual ~IpcDesktopEnvironment(); // DesktopEnvironment implementation. virtual scoped_ptr CreateAudioCapturer() OVERRIDE; virtual scoped_ptr CreateInputInjector() OVERRIDE; virtual scoped_ptr CreateScreenControls() OVERRIDE; virtual scoped_ptr CreateVideoCapturer() OVERRIDE; virtual scoped_ptr CreateMouseCursorMonitor() OVERRIDE; virtual std::string GetCapabilities() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetCapabilities(const std::string& capabilities) OVERRIDE; virtual scoped_ptr CreateGnubbyAuthHandler( protocol::ClientStub* client_stub) OVERRIDE; private: scoped_refptr desktop_session_proxy_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IpcDesktopEnvironment); }; // Used to create IpcDesktopEnvironment objects integrating with the desktop via // a helper process and talking to that process via IPC. class IpcDesktopEnvironmentFactory : public DesktopEnvironmentFactory, public DesktopSessionConnector { public: // Passes a reference to the IPC channel connected to the daemon process and // relevant task runners. |daemon_channel| must outlive this object. IpcDesktopEnvironmentFactory( scoped_refptr audio_task_runner, scoped_refptr caller_task_runner, scoped_refptr capture_task_runner, scoped_refptr io_task_runner, IPC::Sender* daemon_channel); virtual ~IpcDesktopEnvironmentFactory(); // DesktopEnvironmentFactory implementation. virtual scoped_ptr Create( base::WeakPtr client_session_control) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetEnableCurtaining(bool enable) OVERRIDE; virtual bool SupportsAudioCapture() const OVERRIDE; // DesktopSessionConnector implementation. virtual void ConnectTerminal( DesktopSessionProxy* desktop_session_proxy, const ScreenResolution& resolution, bool virtual_terminal) OVERRIDE; virtual void DisconnectTerminal( DesktopSessionProxy* desktop_session_proxy) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetScreenResolution( DesktopSessionProxy* desktop_session_proxy, const ScreenResolution& resolution) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnDesktopSessionAgentAttached( int terminal_id, base::ProcessHandle desktop_process, IPC::PlatformFileForTransit desktop_pipe) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnTerminalDisconnected(int terminal_id) OVERRIDE; private: // Used to run the audio capturer. scoped_refptr audio_task_runner_; // Task runner on which methods of DesktopEnvironmentFactory interface should // be called. scoped_refptr caller_task_runner_; // Used to run the video capturer. scoped_refptr capture_task_runner_; // Task runner used for running background I/O. scoped_refptr io_task_runner_; // True if curtain mode is enabled. bool curtain_enabled_; // IPC channel connected to the daemon process. IPC::Sender* daemon_channel_; // List of DesktopEnvironment instances we've told the daemon process about. typedef std::map ActiveConnectionsList; ActiveConnectionsList active_connections_; // Next desktop session ID. IDs are allocated sequentially starting from 0. // This gives us more than 67 years of unique IDs assuming a new ID is // allocated every second. int next_id_; // Factory for weak pointers to DesktopSessionConnector interface. base::WeakPtrFactory connector_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IpcDesktopEnvironmentFactory); }; } // namespace remoting #endif // REMOTING_HOST_IPC_DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_H_