/* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 The Android Open Source Project ** ** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public ** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and ** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. */ #ifndef _ANDROID_UTILS_DEBUG_H #define _ANDROID_UTILS_DEBUG_H #include <stdarg.h> #include "android/utils/compiler.h" ANDROID_BEGIN_HEADER #define VERBOSE_TAG_LIST \ _VERBOSE_TAG(init, "emulator initialization") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(console, "control console") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(modem, "emulated GSM modem") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(radio, "emulated GSM AT Command channel") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(keys, "key bindings & presses") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(slirp, "internal router/firewall") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(timezone, "host timezone detection" ) \ _VERBOSE_TAG(socket, "network sockets") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(proxy, "network proxy support") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(audio, "audio sub-system") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(audioin, "audio input backend") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(audioout, "audio output backend") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(surface, "video surface support") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(qemud, "qemud multiplexer daemon") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(gps, "emulated GPS") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(nand_limits, "nand/flash read/write thresholding") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(hw_control, "emulated power/flashlight/led/vibrator") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(avd_config, "android virtual device configuration") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(sensors, "emulated sensors") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(memcheck, "memory checker") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(camera, "camera") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(adevice, "android device connected via port forwarding") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(sensors_port, "sensors emulator connected to android device") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(mtport, "multi-touch emulator connected to android device") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(mtscreen, "multi-touch screen emulation") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(gles, "hardware OpenGLES emulation") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(adbserver, "ADB server") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(adbclient, "ADB QEMU client") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(adb, "ADB debugger") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(asconnector, "Asynchronous socket connector") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(asyncsocket, "Asynchronous socket") \ _VERBOSE_TAG(sdkctlsocket, "Socket tethering to SdkControl server") \ #define _VERBOSE_TAG(x,y) VERBOSE_##x, typedef enum { VERBOSE_TAG_LIST VERBOSE_MAX /* do not remove */ } VerboseTag; #undef _VERBOSE_TAG extern unsigned long android_verbose; #define VERBOSE_ENABLE(tag) \ android_verbose |= (1 << VERBOSE_##tag) #define VERBOSE_DISABLE(tag) \ android_verbose &= (1 << VERBOSE_##tag) #define VERBOSE_CHECK(tag) \ ((android_verbose & (1 << VERBOSE_##tag)) != 0) #define VERBOSE_CHECK_ANY() \ (android_verbose != 0) #define VERBOSE_PRINT(tag,...) \ do { if (VERBOSE_CHECK(tag)) dprint(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0) /** DEBUG TRACE SUPPORT ** ** debug messages can be sent by calling these function ** ** 'dprint' prints the message, then appends a '\n\ ** 'dprintn' simply prints the message as is ** 'dprintnv' allows you to use a va_list argument ** 'dwarning' prints a warning message, then appends a '\n' ** 'derror' prints a severe error message, then appends a '\n' */ extern void dprint( const char* format, ... ); extern void dprintn( const char* format, ... ); extern void dprintnv( const char* format, va_list args ); extern void dwarning( const char* format, ... ); extern void derror( const char* format, ... ); /** STDOUT/STDERR REDIRECTION ** ** allows you to shut temporarily shutdown stdout/stderr ** this is useful to get rid of debug messages from ALSA and esd ** on Linux. **/ extern void stdio_disable( void ); extern void stdio_enable( void ); ANDROID_END_HEADER #endif /* _ANDROID_UTILS_DEBUG_H */