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2#   Cython Top Level
5import os, sys, re, codecs
6if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 4):
7    sys.stderr.write("Sorry, Cython requires Python 2.4 or later\n")
8    sys.exit(1)
10import Errors
11# Do not import Parsing here, import it when needed, because Parsing imports
12# Nodes, which globally needs debug command line options initialized to set a
13# conditional metaclass. These options are processed by CmdLine called from
14# main() in this file.
15# import Parsing
16import Version
17from Scanning import PyrexScanner, FileSourceDescriptor
18from Errors import PyrexError, CompileError, error, warning
19from Symtab import ModuleScope
20from Cython import Utils
21import Options
23module_name_pattern = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*(\.[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)*$")
25verbose = 0
27class CompilationData(object):
28    #  Bundles the information that is passed from transform to transform.
29    #  (For now, this is only)
31    #  While Context contains every pxd ever loaded, path information etc.,
32    #  this only contains the data related to a single compilation pass
33    #
34    #  pyx                   ModuleNode              Main code tree of this compilation.
35    #  pxds                  {string : ModuleNode}   Trees for the pxds used in the pyx.
36    #  codewriter            CCodeWriter             Where to output final code.
37    #  options               CompilationOptions
38    #  result                CompilationResult
39    pass
41class Context(object):
42    #  This class encapsulates the context needed for compiling
43    #  one or more Cython implementation files along with their
44    #  associated and imported declaration files. It includes
45    #  the root of the module import namespace and the list
46    #  of directories to search for include files.
47    #
48    #  modules               {string : ModuleScope}
49    #  include_directories   [string]
50    #  future_directives     [object]
51    #  language_level        int     currently 2 or 3 for Python 2/3
53    cython_scope = None
55    def __init__(self, include_directories, compiler_directives, cpp=False,
56                 language_level=2, options=None, create_testscope=True):
57        # cython_scope is a hack, set to False by subclasses, in order to break
58        # an infinite loop.
59        # Better code organization would fix it.
61        import Builtin, CythonScope
62        self.modules = {"__builtin__" : Builtin.builtin_scope}
63        self.cython_scope = CythonScope.create_cython_scope(self)
64        self.modules["cython"] = self.cython_scope
65        self.include_directories = include_directories
66        self.future_directives = set()
67        self.compiler_directives = compiler_directives
68        self.cpp = cpp
69        self.options = options
71        self.pxds = {} # full name -> node tree
73        standard_include_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(
74            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, 'Includes')))
75        self.include_directories = include_directories + [standard_include_path]
77        self.set_language_level(language_level)
79        self.gdb_debug_outputwriter = None
81    def set_language_level(self, level):
82        self.language_level = level
83        if level >= 3:
84            from Future import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
85            self.future_directives.update([print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import])
86            self.modules['builtins'] = self.modules['__builtin__']
88    # pipeline creation functions can now be found in Pipeline.py
90    def process_pxd(self, source_desc, scope, module_name):
91        import Pipeline
92        if isinstance(source_desc, FileSourceDescriptor) and source_desc._file_type == 'pyx':
93            source = CompilationSource(source_desc, module_name, os.getcwd())
94            result_sink = create_default_resultobj(source, self.options)
95            pipeline = Pipeline.create_pyx_as_pxd_pipeline(self, result_sink)
96            result = Pipeline.run_pipeline(pipeline, source)
97        else:
98            pipeline = Pipeline.create_pxd_pipeline(self, scope, module_name)
99            result = Pipeline.run_pipeline(pipeline, source_desc)
100        return result
102    def nonfatal_error(self, exc):
103        return Errors.report_error(exc)
105    def find_module(self, module_name,
106            relative_to = None, pos = None, need_pxd = 1, check_module_name = True):
107        # Finds and returns the module scope corresponding to
108        # the given relative or absolute module name. If this
109        # is the first time the module has been requested, finds
110        # the corresponding .pxd file and process it.
111        # If relative_to is not None, it must be a module scope,
112        # and the module will first be searched for relative to
113        # that module, provided its name is not a dotted name.
114        debug_find_module = 0
115        if debug_find_module:
116            print("Context.find_module: module_name = %s, relative_to = %s, pos = %s, need_pxd = %s" % (
117                    module_name, relative_to, pos, need_pxd))
119        scope = None
120        pxd_pathname = None
121        if check_module_name and not module_name_pattern.match(module_name):
122            if pos is None:
123                pos = (module_name, 0, 0)
124            raise CompileError(pos,
125                "'%s' is not a valid module name" % module_name)
126        if "." not in module_name and relative_to:
127            if debug_find_module:
128                print("...trying relative import")
129            scope = relative_to.lookup_submodule(module_name)
130            if not scope:
131                qualified_name = relative_to.qualify_name(module_name)
132                pxd_pathname = self.find_pxd_file(qualified_name, pos)
133                if pxd_pathname:
134                    scope = relative_to.find_submodule(module_name)
135        if not scope:
136            if debug_find_module:
137                print("...trying absolute import")
138            scope = self
139            for name in module_name.split("."):
140                scope = scope.find_submodule(name)
141        if debug_find_module:
142            print("...scope =", scope)
143        if not scope.pxd_file_loaded:
144            if debug_find_module:
145                print("...pxd not loaded")
146            scope.pxd_file_loaded = 1
147            if not pxd_pathname:
148                if debug_find_module:
149                    print("...looking for pxd file")
150                pxd_pathname = self.find_pxd_file(module_name, pos)
151                if debug_find_module:
152                    print("......found ", pxd_pathname)
153                if not pxd_pathname and need_pxd:
154                    package_pathname = self.search_include_directories(module_name, ".py", pos)
155                    if package_pathname and package_pathname.endswith('__init__.py'):
156                        pass
157                    else:
158                        error(pos, "'%s.pxd' not found" % module_name)
159            if pxd_pathname:
160                try:
161                    if debug_find_module:
162                        print("Context.find_module: Parsing %s" % pxd_pathname)
163                    rel_path = module_name.replace('.', os.sep) + os.path.splitext(pxd_pathname)[1]
164                    if not pxd_pathname.endswith(rel_path):
165                        rel_path = pxd_pathname # safety measure to prevent printing incorrect paths
166                    source_desc = FileSourceDescriptor(pxd_pathname, rel_path)
167                    err, result = self.process_pxd(source_desc, scope, module_name)
168                    if err:
169                        raise err
170                    (pxd_codenodes, pxd_scope) = result
171                    self.pxds[module_name] = (pxd_codenodes, pxd_scope)
172                except CompileError:
173                    pass
174        return scope
176    def find_pxd_file(self, qualified_name, pos):
177        # Search include path for the .pxd file corresponding to the
178        # given fully-qualified module name.
179        # Will find either a dotted filename or a file in a
180        # package directory. If a source file position is given,
181        # the directory containing the source file is searched first
182        # for a dotted filename, and its containing package root
183        # directory is searched first for a non-dotted filename.
184        pxd = self.search_include_directories(qualified_name, ".pxd", pos, sys_path=True)
185        if pxd is None: # XXX Keep this until Includes/Deprecated is removed
186            if (qualified_name.startswith('python') or
187                qualified_name in ('stdlib', 'stdio', 'stl')):
188                standard_include_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(
189                        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, 'Includes')))
190                deprecated_include_path = os.path.join(standard_include_path, 'Deprecated')
191                self.include_directories.append(deprecated_include_path)
192                try:
193                    pxd = self.search_include_directories(qualified_name, ".pxd", pos)
194                finally:
195                    self.include_directories.pop()
196                if pxd:
197                    name = qualified_name
198                    if name.startswith('python'):
199                        warning(pos, "'%s' is deprecated, use 'cpython'" % name, 1)
200                    elif name in ('stdlib', 'stdio'):
201                        warning(pos, "'%s' is deprecated, use 'libc.%s'" % (name, name), 1)
202                    elif name in ('stl'):
203                        warning(pos, "'%s' is deprecated, use 'libcpp.*.*'" % name, 1)
204        if pxd is None and Options.cimport_from_pyx:
205            return self.find_pyx_file(qualified_name, pos)
206        return pxd
208    def find_pyx_file(self, qualified_name, pos):
209        # Search include path for the .pyx file corresponding to the
210        # given fully-qualified module name, as for find_pxd_file().
211        return self.search_include_directories(qualified_name, ".pyx", pos)
213    def find_include_file(self, filename, pos):
214        # Search list of include directories for filename.
215        # Reports an error and returns None if not found.
216        path = self.search_include_directories(filename, "", pos,
217                                               include=True)
218        if not path:
219            error(pos, "'%s' not found" % filename)
220        return path
222    def search_include_directories(self, qualified_name, suffix, pos,
223                                   include=False, sys_path=False):
224        return Utils.search_include_directories(
225            tuple(self.include_directories), qualified_name, suffix, pos, include, sys_path)
227    def find_root_package_dir(self, file_path):
228        return Utils.find_root_package_dir(file_path)
230    def check_package_dir(self, dir, package_names):
231        return Utils.check_package_dir(dir, tuple(package_names))
233    def c_file_out_of_date(self, source_path):
234        c_path = Utils.replace_suffix(source_path, ".c")
235        if not os.path.exists(c_path):
236            return 1
237        c_time = Utils.modification_time(c_path)
238        if Utils.file_newer_than(source_path, c_time):
239            return 1
240        pos = [source_path]
241        pxd_path = Utils.replace_suffix(source_path, ".pxd")
242        if os.path.exists(pxd_path) and Utils.file_newer_than(pxd_path, c_time):
243            return 1
244        for kind, name in self.read_dependency_file(source_path):
245            if kind == "cimport":
246                dep_path = self.find_pxd_file(name, pos)
247            elif kind == "include":
248                dep_path = self.search_include_directories(name, pos)
249            else:
250                continue
251            if dep_path and Utils.file_newer_than(dep_path, c_time):
252                return 1
253        return 0
255    def find_cimported_module_names(self, source_path):
256        return [ name for kind, name in self.read_dependency_file(source_path)
257                 if kind == "cimport" ]
259    def is_package_dir(self, dir_path):
260        return Utils.is_package_dir(dir_path)
262    def read_dependency_file(self, source_path):
263        dep_path = Utils.replace_suffix(source_path, ".dep")
264        if os.path.exists(dep_path):
265            f = open(dep_path, "rU")
266            chunks = [ line.strip().split(" ", 1)
267                       for line in f.readlines()
268                       if " " in line.strip() ]
269            f.close()
270            return chunks
271        else:
272            return ()
274    def lookup_submodule(self, name):
275        # Look up a top-level module. Returns None if not found.
276        return self.modules.get(name, None)
278    def find_submodule(self, name):
279        # Find a top-level module, creating a new one if needed.
280        scope = self.lookup_submodule(name)
281        if not scope:
282            scope = ModuleScope(name,
283                parent_module = None, context = self)
284            self.modules[name] = scope
285        return scope
287    def parse(self, source_desc, scope, pxd, full_module_name):
288        if not isinstance(source_desc, FileSourceDescriptor):
289            raise RuntimeError("Only file sources for code supported")
290        source_filename = source_desc.filename
291        scope.cpp = self.cpp
292        # Parse the given source file and return a parse tree.
293        num_errors = Errors.num_errors
294        try:
295            f = Utils.open_source_file(source_filename, "rU")
296            try:
297                import Parsing
298                s = PyrexScanner(f, source_desc, source_encoding = f.encoding,
299                                 scope = scope, context = self)
300                tree = Parsing.p_module(s, pxd, full_module_name)
301            finally:
302                f.close()
303        except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
304            #import traceback
305            #traceback.print_exc()
306            line = 1
307            column = 0
308            msg = e.args[-1]
309            position = e.args[2]
310            encoding = e.args[0]
312            f = open(source_filename, "rb")
313            try:
314                byte_data = f.read()
315            finally:
316                f.close()
318            # FIXME: make this at least a little less inefficient
319            for idx, c in enumerate(byte_data):
320                if c in (ord('\n'), '\n'):
321                    line += 1
322                    column = 0
323                if idx == position:
324                    break
326                column += 1
328            error((source_desc, line, column),
329                  "Decoding error, missing or incorrect coding=<encoding-name> "
330                  "at top of source (cannot decode with encoding %r: %s)" % (encoding, msg))
332        if Errors.num_errors > num_errors:
333            raise CompileError()
334        return tree
336    def extract_module_name(self, path, options):
337        # Find fully_qualified module name from the full pathname
338        # of a source file.
339        dir, filename = os.path.split(path)
340        module_name, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
341        if "." in module_name:
342            return module_name
343        names = [module_name]
344        while self.is_package_dir(dir):
345            parent, package_name = os.path.split(dir)
346            if parent == dir:
347                break
348            names.append(package_name)
349            dir = parent
350        names.reverse()
351        return ".".join(names)
353    def setup_errors(self, options, result):
354        Errors.reset() # clear any remaining error state
355        if options.use_listing_file:
356            result.listing_file = Utils.replace_suffix(source, ".lis")
357            path = result.listing_file
358        else:
359            path = None
360        Errors.open_listing_file(path=path,
361                                 echo_to_stderr=options.errors_to_stderr)
363    def teardown_errors(self, err, options, result):
364        source_desc = result.compilation_source.source_desc
365        if not isinstance(source_desc, FileSourceDescriptor):
366            raise RuntimeError("Only file sources for code supported")
367        Errors.close_listing_file()
368        result.num_errors = Errors.num_errors
369        if result.num_errors > 0:
370            err = True
371        if err and result.c_file:
372            try:
373                Utils.castrate_file(result.c_file, os.stat(source_desc.filename))
374            except EnvironmentError:
375                pass
376            result.c_file = None
378def create_default_resultobj(compilation_source, options):
379    result = CompilationResult()
380    result.main_source_file = compilation_source.source_desc.filename
381    result.compilation_source = compilation_source
382    source_desc = compilation_source.source_desc
383    if options.output_file:
384        result.c_file = os.path.join(compilation_source.cwd, options.output_file)
385    else:
386        if options.cplus:
387            c_suffix = ".cpp"
388        else:
389            c_suffix = ".c"
390        result.c_file = Utils.replace_suffix(source_desc.filename, c_suffix)
391    return result
393def run_pipeline(source, options, full_module_name=None, context=None):
394    import Pipeline
396    source_ext = os.path.splitext(source)[1]
397    options.configure_language_defaults(source_ext[1:]) # py/pyx
398    if context is None:
399        context = options.create_context()
401    # Set up source object
402    cwd = os.getcwd()
403    abs_path = os.path.abspath(source)
404    full_module_name = full_module_name or context.extract_module_name(source, options)
406    if options.relative_path_in_code_position_comments:
407        rel_path = full_module_name.replace('.', os.sep) + source_ext
408        if not abs_path.endswith(rel_path):
409            rel_path = source # safety measure to prevent printing incorrect paths
410    else:
411        rel_path = abs_path
412    source_desc = FileSourceDescriptor(abs_path, rel_path)
413    source = CompilationSource(source_desc, full_module_name, cwd)
415    # Set up result object
416    result = create_default_resultobj(source, options)
418    if options.annotate is None:
419        # By default, decide based on whether an html file already exists.
420        html_filename = os.path.splitext(result.c_file)[0] + ".html"
421        if os.path.exists(html_filename):
422            line = codecs.open(html_filename, "r", encoding="UTF-8").readline()
423            if line.startswith(u'<!-- Generated by Cython'):
424                options.annotate = True
426    # Get pipeline
427    if source_ext.lower() == '.py' or not source_ext:
428        pipeline = Pipeline.create_py_pipeline(context, options, result)
429    else:
430        pipeline = Pipeline.create_pyx_pipeline(context, options, result)
432    context.setup_errors(options, result)
433    err, enddata = Pipeline.run_pipeline(pipeline, source)
434    context.teardown_errors(err, options, result)
435    return result
440#  Main Python entry points
444class CompilationSource(object):
445    """
446    Contains the data necesarry to start up a compilation pipeline for
447    a single compilation unit.
448    """
449    def __init__(self, source_desc, full_module_name, cwd):
450        self.source_desc = source_desc
451        self.full_module_name = full_module_name
452        self.cwd = cwd
454class CompilationOptions(object):
455    """
456    Options to the Cython compiler:
458    show_version      boolean   Display version number
459    use_listing_file  boolean   Generate a .lis file
460    errors_to_stderr  boolean   Echo errors to stderr when using .lis
461    include_path      [string]  Directories to search for include files
462    output_file       string    Name of generated .c file
463    generate_pxi      boolean   Generate .pxi file for public declarations
464    capi_reexport_cincludes
465                      boolean   Add cincluded headers to any auto-generated
466                                header files.
467    timestamps        boolean   Only compile changed source files.
468    verbose           boolean   Always print source names being compiled
469    compiler_directives  dict      Overrides for pragma options (see Options.py)
470    evaluate_tree_assertions boolean  Test support: evaluate parse tree assertions
471    language_level    integer   The Python language level: 2 or 3
473    cplus             boolean   Compile as c++ code
474    """
476    def __init__(self, defaults = None, **kw):
477        self.include_path = []
478        if defaults:
479            if isinstance(defaults, CompilationOptions):
480                defaults = defaults.__dict__
481        else:
482            defaults = default_options
484        options = dict(defaults)
485        options.update(kw)
487        directives = dict(options['compiler_directives']) # copy mutable field
488        options['compiler_directives'] = directives
489        if 'language_level' in directives and 'language_level' not in kw:
490            options['language_level'] = int(directives['language_level'])
491        if 'cache' in options:
492            if options['cache'] is True:
493                options['cache'] = os.path.expanduser("~/.cycache")
494            elif options['cache'] in (False, None):
495                del options['cache']
497        self.__dict__.update(options)
499    def configure_language_defaults(self, source_extension):
500        if source_extension == 'py':
501            if self.compiler_directives.get('binding') is None:
502                self.compiler_directives['binding'] = True
504    def create_context(self):
505        return Context(self.include_path, self.compiler_directives,
506                       self.cplus, self.language_level, options=self)
509class CompilationResult(object):
510    """
511    Results from the Cython compiler:
513    c_file           string or None   The generated C source file
514    h_file           string or None   The generated C header file
515    i_file           string or None   The generated .pxi file
516    api_file         string or None   The generated C API .h file
517    listing_file     string or None   File of error messages
518    object_file      string or None   Result of compiling the C file
519    extension_file   string or None   Result of linking the object file
520    num_errors       integer          Number of compilation errors
521    compilation_source CompilationSource
522    """
524    def __init__(self):
525        self.c_file = None
526        self.h_file = None
527        self.i_file = None
528        self.api_file = None
529        self.listing_file = None
530        self.object_file = None
531        self.extension_file = None
532        self.main_source_file = None
535class CompilationResultSet(dict):
536    """
537    Results from compiling multiple Pyrex source files. A mapping
538    from source file paths to CompilationResult instances. Also
539    has the following attributes:
541    num_errors   integer   Total number of compilation errors
542    """
544    num_errors = 0
546    def add(self, source, result):
547        self[source] = result
548        self.num_errors += result.num_errors
551def compile_single(source, options, full_module_name = None):
552    """
553    compile_single(source, options, full_module_name)
555    Compile the given Pyrex implementation file and return a CompilationResult.
556    Always compiles a single file; does not perform timestamp checking or
557    recursion.
558    """
559    return run_pipeline(source, options, full_module_name)
562def compile_multiple(sources, options):
563    """
564    compile_multiple(sources, options)
566    Compiles the given sequence of Pyrex implementation files and returns
567    a CompilationResultSet. Performs timestamp checking and/or recursion
568    if these are specified in the options.
569    """
570    # run_pipeline creates the context
571    # context = options.create_context()
572    sources = [os.path.abspath(source) for source in sources]
573    processed = set()
574    results = CompilationResultSet()
575    timestamps = options.timestamps
576    verbose = options.verbose
577    context = None
578    for source in sources:
579        if source not in processed:
580            if context is None:
581                context = options.create_context()
582            if not timestamps or context.c_file_out_of_date(source):
583                if verbose:
584                    sys.stderr.write("Compiling %s\n" % source)
586                result = run_pipeline(source, options, context=context)
587                results.add(source, result)
588                # Compiling multiple sources in one context doesn't quite
589                # work properly yet.
590                context = None
591            processed.add(source)
592    return results
594def compile(source, options = None, full_module_name = None, **kwds):
595    """
596    compile(source [, options], [, <option> = <value>]...)
598    Compile one or more Pyrex implementation files, with optional timestamp
599    checking and recursing on dependecies. The source argument may be a string
600    or a sequence of strings If it is a string and no recursion or timestamp
601    checking is requested, a CompilationResult is returned, otherwise a
602    CompilationResultSet is returned.
603    """
604    options = CompilationOptions(defaults = options, **kwds)
605    if isinstance(source, basestring) and not options.timestamps:
606        return compile_single(source, options, full_module_name)
607    else:
608        return compile_multiple(source, options)
612#  Main command-line entry point
615def setuptools_main():
616    return main(command_line = 1)
618def main(command_line = 0):
619    args = sys.argv[1:]
620    any_failures = 0
621    if command_line:
622        from CmdLine import parse_command_line
623        options, sources = parse_command_line(args)
624    else:
625        options = CompilationOptions(default_options)
626        sources = args
628    if options.show_version:
629        sys.stderr.write("Cython version %s\n" % Version.version)
630    if options.working_path!="":
631        os.chdir(options.working_path)
632    try:
633        result = compile(sources, options)
634        if result.num_errors > 0:
635            any_failures = 1
636    except (EnvironmentError, PyrexError), e:
637        sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n')
638        any_failures = 1
639    if any_failures:
640        sys.exit(1)
646#  Set the default options depending on the platform
650default_options = dict(
651    show_version = 0,
652    use_listing_file = 0,
653    errors_to_stderr = 1,
654    cplus = 0,
655    output_file = None,
656    annotate = None,
657    generate_pxi = 0,
658    capi_reexport_cincludes = 0,
659    working_path = "",
660    timestamps = None,
661    verbose = 0,
662    quiet = 0,
663    compiler_directives = {},
664    evaluate_tree_assertions = False,
665    emit_linenums = False,
666    relative_path_in_code_position_comments = True,
667    c_line_in_traceback = True,
668    language_level = 2,
669    gdb_debug = False,
670    compile_time_env = None,
671    common_utility_include_dir = None,