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4# Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
6# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8# You may obtain a copy of the License at
10#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16# limitations under the License.
18"""Provides an interface to communicate with the device via the adb command.
20Assumes adb binary is currently on system path.
22# Python imports
23import os
24import string
25import time
27# local imports
28import am_instrument_parser
29import errors
30import logger
31import run_command
34class AdbInterface:
35  """Helper class for communicating with Android device via adb."""
37  # argument to pass to adb, to direct command to specific device
38  _target_arg = ""
40  DEVICE_TRACE_DIR = "/data/test_results/"
42  def SetEmulatorTarget(self):
43    """Direct all future commands to the only running emulator."""
44    self._target_arg = "-e"
46  def SetDeviceTarget(self):
47    """Direct all future commands to the only connected USB device."""
48    self._target_arg = "-d"
50  def SetTargetSerial(self, serial):
51    """Direct all future commands to Android target with the given serial."""
52    self._target_arg = "-s %s" % serial
54  def SendCommand(self, command_string, timeout_time=20, retry_count=3):
55    """Send a command via adb.
57    Args:
58      command_string: adb command to run
59      timeout_time: number of seconds to wait for command to respond before
60        retrying
61      retry_count: number of times to retry command before raising
62        WaitForResponseTimedOutError
63    Returns:
64      string output of command
66    Raises:
67      WaitForResponseTimedOutError if device does not respond to command within time
68    """
69    adb_cmd = "adb %s %s" % (self._target_arg, command_string)
70    logger.SilentLog("about to run %s" % adb_cmd)
71    return run_command.RunCommand(adb_cmd, timeout_time=timeout_time,
72                                  retry_count=retry_count)
74  def SendShellCommand(self, cmd, timeout_time=20, retry_count=3):
75    """Send a adb shell command.
77    Args:
78      cmd: adb shell command to run
79      timeout_time: number of seconds to wait for command to respond before
80        retrying
81      retry_count: number of times to retry command before raising
82        WaitForResponseTimedOutError
84    Returns:
85      string output of command
87    Raises:
88      WaitForResponseTimedOutError: if device does not respond to command
89    """
90    return self.SendCommand("shell %s" % cmd, timeout_time=timeout_time,
91                            retry_count=retry_count)
93  def BugReport(self, path):
94    """Dumps adb bugreport to the file specified by the path.
96    Args:
97      path: Path of the file where adb bugreport is dumped to.
98    """
99    bug_output = self.SendShellCommand("bugreport", timeout_time=60)
100    bugreport_file = open(path, "w")
101    bugreport_file.write(bug_output)
102    bugreport_file.close()
104  def Push(self, src, dest):
105    """Pushes the file src onto the device at dest.
107    Args:
108      src: file path of host file to push
109      dest: destination absolute file path on device
110    """
111    self.SendCommand("push %s %s" % (src, dest), timeout_time=60)
113  def Pull(self, src, dest):
114    """Pulls the file src on the device onto dest on the host.
116    Args:
117      src: absolute file path of file on device to pull
118      dest: destination file path on host
120    Returns:
121      True if success and False otherwise.
122    """
123    # Create the base dir if it doesn't exist already
124    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):
125      os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest))
127    if self.DoesFileExist(src):
128      self.SendCommand("pull %s %s" % (src, dest), timeout_time=60)
129      return True
130    else:
131      logger.Log("ADB Pull Failed: Source file %s does not exist." % src)
132      return False
134  def DoesFileExist(self, src):
135    """Checks if the given path exists on device target.
137    Args:
138      src: file path to be checked.
140    Returns:
141      True if file exists
142    """
144    output = self.SendShellCommand("ls %s" % src)
145    error = "No such file or directory"
147    if error in output:
148      return False
149    return True
151  def EnableAdbRoot(self):
152    """Enable adb root on device."""
153    output = self.SendCommand("root")
154    if "adbd is already running as root" in output:
155      return True
156    elif "restarting adbd as root" in output:
157      # device will disappear from adb, wait for it to come back
158      self.SendCommand("wait-for-device")
159      return True
160    else:
161      logger.Log("Unrecognized output from adb root: %s" % output)
162      return False
164  def StartInstrumentationForPackage(
165      self, package_name, runner_name, timeout_time=60*10,
166      no_window_animation=False, instrumentation_args={}):
167    """Run instrumentation test for given package and runner.
169    Equivalent to StartInstrumentation, except instrumentation path is
170    separated into its package and runner components.
171    """
172    instrumentation_path = "%s/%s" % (package_name, runner_name)
173    return self.StartInstrumentation(instrumentation_path, timeout_time=timeout_time,
174                                     no_window_animation=no_window_animation,
175                                     instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
177  def StartInstrumentation(
178      self, instrumentation_path, timeout_time=60*10, no_window_animation=False,
179      profile=False, instrumentation_args={}, silent_log=False):
181    """Runs an instrumentation class on the target.
183    Returns a dictionary containing the key value pairs from the
184    instrumentations result bundle and a list of TestResults. Also handles the
185    interpreting of error output from the device and raises the necessary
186    exceptions.
188    Args:
189      instrumentation_path: string. It should be the fully classified package
190      name, and instrumentation test runner, separated by "/"
191        e.g. com.android.globaltimelaunch/.GlobalTimeLaunch
192      timeout_time: Timeout value for the am command.
193      no_window_animation: boolean, Whether you want window animations enabled
194        or disabled
195      profile: If True, profiling will be turned on for the instrumentation.
196      instrumentation_args: Dictionary of key value bundle arguments to pass to
197      instrumentation.
198      silent_log: If True, the invocation of the instrumentation test runner
199        will not be logged.
201    Returns:
202      (test_results, inst_finished_bundle)
204      test_results: a list of TestResults
205      inst_finished_bundle (dict): Key/value pairs contained in the bundle that
206        is passed into ActivityManager.finishInstrumentation(). Included in this
207        bundle is the return code of the Instrumentation process, any error
208        codes reported by the activity manager, and any results explicitly added
209        by the instrumentation code.
211     Raises:
212       WaitForResponseTimedOutError: if timeout occurred while waiting for
213         response to adb instrument command
214       DeviceUnresponsiveError: if device system process is not responding
215       InstrumentationError: if instrumentation failed to run
216    """
218    command_string = self._BuildInstrumentationCommandPath(
219        instrumentation_path, no_window_animation=no_window_animation,
220        profile=profile, raw_mode=True,
221        instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
222    if silent_log:
223      logger.SilentLog(command_string)
224    else:
225      logger.Log(command_string)
226    (test_results, inst_finished_bundle) = (
227        am_instrument_parser.ParseAmInstrumentOutput(
228            self.SendShellCommand(command_string, timeout_time=timeout_time,
229                                  retry_count=2)))
230    if "code" not in inst_finished_bundle:
231      logger.Log('No code available. inst_finished_bundle contains: %s '
232                 % inst_finished_bundle)
233      raise errors.InstrumentationError("no test results... device setup "
234                                        "correctly?")
236    if inst_finished_bundle["code"] == "0":
237      long_msg_result = "no error message"
238      if "longMsg" in inst_finished_bundle:
239        long_msg_result = inst_finished_bundle["longMsg"]
240        logger.Log("Error! Test run failed: %s" % long_msg_result)
241      raise errors.InstrumentationError(long_msg_result)
243    if "INSTRUMENTATION_ABORTED" in inst_finished_bundle:
244      logger.Log("INSTRUMENTATION ABORTED!")
245      raise errors.DeviceUnresponsiveError
247    return (test_results, inst_finished_bundle)
249  def StartInstrumentationNoResults(
250      self, package_name, runner_name, no_window_animation=False,
251      raw_mode=False, instrumentation_args={}):
252    """Runs instrumentation and dumps output to stdout.
254    Equivalent to StartInstrumentation, but will dump instrumentation
255    'normal' output to stdout, instead of parsing return results. Command will
256    never timeout.
257    """
258    adb_command_string = self.PreviewInstrumentationCommand(
259        package_name, runner_name, no_window_animation=no_window_animation,
260        raw_mode=raw_mode, instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
261    logger.Log(adb_command_string)
262    run_command.RunCommand(adb_command_string, return_output=False)
264  def PreviewInstrumentationCommand(
265      self, package_name, runner_name, no_window_animation=False,
266      raw_mode=False, instrumentation_args={}):
267    """Returns a string of adb command that will be executed."""
268    inst_command_string = self._BuildInstrumentationCommand(
269        package_name, runner_name, no_window_animation=no_window_animation,
270        raw_mode=raw_mode, instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
271    command_string = "adb %s shell %s" % (self._target_arg, inst_command_string)
272    return command_string
274  def _BuildInstrumentationCommand(
275      self, package, runner_name, no_window_animation=False, profile=False,
276      raw_mode=True, instrumentation_args={}):
277    instrumentation_path = "%s/%s" % (package, runner_name)
279    return self._BuildInstrumentationCommandPath(
280        instrumentation_path, no_window_animation=no_window_animation,
281        profile=profile, raw_mode=raw_mode,
282        instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
284  def _BuildInstrumentationCommandPath(
285      self, instrumentation_path, no_window_animation=False, profile=False,
286      raw_mode=True, instrumentation_args={}):
287    command_string = "am instrument"
288    if no_window_animation:
289      command_string += " --no_window_animation"
290    if profile:
291      self._CreateTraceDir()
292      command_string += (
293          " -p %s/%s.dmtrace" %
294          (self.DEVICE_TRACE_DIR, instrumentation_path.split(".")[-1]))
296    for key, value in instrumentation_args.items():
297      command_string += " -e %s '%s'" % (key, value)
298    if raw_mode:
299      command_string += " -r"
300    command_string += " -w %s" % instrumentation_path
301    return command_string
303  def _CreateTraceDir(self):
304    ls_response = self.SendShellCommand("ls /data/trace")
305    if ls_response.strip("#").strip(string.whitespace) != "":
306      self.SendShellCommand("create /data/trace", "mkdir /data/trace")
307      self.SendShellCommand("make /data/trace world writeable",
308                            "chmod 777 /data/trace")
310  def WaitForDevicePm(self, wait_time=120):
311    """Waits for targeted device's package manager to be up.
313    Args:
314      wait_time: time in seconds to wait
316    Raises:
317      WaitForResponseTimedOutError if wait_time elapses and pm still does not
318      respond.
319    """
320    logger.Log("Waiting for device package manager...")
321    self.SendCommand("wait-for-device", timeout_time=wait_time, retry_count=0)
322    # Now the device is there, but may not be running.
323    # Query the package manager with a basic command
324    try:
325      self._WaitForShellCommandContents("pm path android", "package:",
326                                        wait_time)
327    except errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError:
328      raise errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError(
329          "Package manager did not respond after %s seconds" % wait_time)
331  def WaitForInstrumentation(self, package_name, runner_name, wait_time=120):
332    """Waits for given instrumentation to be present on device
334    Args:
335      wait_time: time in seconds to wait
337    Raises:
338      WaitForResponseTimedOutError if wait_time elapses and instrumentation
339      still not present.
340    """
341    instrumentation_path = "%s/%s" % (package_name, runner_name)
342    logger.Log("Waiting for instrumentation to be present")
343    # Query the package manager
344    try:
345      command = "pm list instrumentation | grep %s" % instrumentation_path
346      self._WaitForShellCommandContents(command, "instrumentation:", wait_time,
347                                        raise_abort=False)
348    except errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError :
349      logger.Log(
350          "Could not find instrumentation %s on device. Does the "
351          "instrumentation in test's AndroidManifest.xml match definition"
352          "in test_defs.xml?" % instrumentation_path)
353      raise
355  def WaitForProcess(self, name, wait_time=120):
356    """Wait until a process is running on the device.
358    Args:
359      name: the process name as it appears in `ps`
360      wait_time: time in seconds to wait
362    Raises:
363      WaitForResponseTimedOutError if wait_time elapses and the process is
364          still not running
365    """
366    logger.Log("Waiting for process %s" % name)
367    self.SendCommand("wait-for-device")
368    self._WaitForShellCommandContents("ps", name, wait_time)
370  def WaitForProcessEnd(self, name, wait_time=120):
371    """Wait until a process is no longer running on the device.
373    Args:
374      name: the process name as it appears in `ps`
375      wait_time: time in seconds to wait
377    Raises:
378      WaitForResponseTimedOutError if wait_time elapses and the process is
379          still running
380    """
381    logger.Log("Waiting for process %s to end" % name)
382    self._WaitForShellCommandContents("ps", name, wait_time, invert=True)
384  def _WaitForShellCommandContents(self, command, expected, wait_time,
385                                   raise_abort=True, invert=False):
386    """Wait until the response to a command contains a given output.
388    Assumes that a only successful execution of "adb shell <command>" contains
389    the substring expected. Assumes that a device is present.
391    Args:
392      command: adb shell command to execute
393      expected: the string that should appear to consider the
394          command successful.
395      wait_time: time in seconds to wait
396      raise_abort: if False, retry when executing the command raises an
397          AbortError, rather than failing.
398      invert: if True, wait until the command output no longer contains the
399          expected contents.
401    Raises:
402      WaitForResponseTimedOutError: If wait_time elapses and the command has not
403          returned an output containing expected yet.
404    """
405    # Query the device with the command
406    success = False
407    attempts = 0
408    wait_period = 5
409    while not success and (attempts*wait_period) < wait_time:
410      # assume the command will always contain expected in the success case
411      try:
412        output = self.SendShellCommand(command, retry_count=1,
413                                       timeout_time=wait_time)
414        if ((not invert and expected in output)
415            or (invert and expected not in output)):
416          success = True
417      except errors.AbortError, e:
418        if raise_abort:
419          raise
420        # ignore otherwise
422      if not success:
423        time.sleep(wait_period)
424        attempts += 1
426    if not success:
427      raise errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError()
429  def WaitForBootComplete(self, wait_time=120):
430    """Waits for targeted device's bootcomplete flag to be set.
432    Args:
433      wait_time: time in seconds to wait
435    Raises:
436      WaitForResponseTimedOutError if wait_time elapses and pm still does not
437      respond.
438    """
439    logger.Log("Waiting for boot complete...")
440    self.SendCommand("wait-for-device")
441    # Now the device is there, but may not be running.
442    # Query the package manager with a basic command
443    boot_complete = False
444    attempts = 0
445    wait_period = 5
446    while not boot_complete and (attempts*wait_period) < wait_time:
447      output = self.SendShellCommand("getprop dev.bootcomplete", retry_count=1)
448      output = output.strip()
449      if output == "1":
450        boot_complete = True
451      else:
452        time.sleep(wait_period)
453        attempts += 1
454    if not boot_complete:
455      raise errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError(
456          "dev.bootcomplete flag was not set after %s seconds" % wait_time)
458  def Sync(self, retry_count=3, runtime_restart=False):
459    """Perform a adb sync.
461    Blocks until device package manager is responding.
463    Args:
464      retry_count: number of times to retry sync before failing
465      runtime_restart: stop runtime during sync and restart afterwards, useful
466        for syncing system libraries (core, framework etc)
468    Raises:
469      WaitForResponseTimedOutError if package manager does not respond
470      AbortError if unrecoverable error occurred
471    """
472    output = ""
473    error = None
474    if runtime_restart:
475      self.SendShellCommand("setprop ro.monkey 1", retry_count=retry_count)
476      # manual rest bootcomplete flag
477      self.SendShellCommand("setprop dev.bootcomplete 0",
478                            retry_count=retry_count)
479      self.SendShellCommand("stop", retry_count=retry_count)
481    try:
482      output = self.SendCommand("sync", retry_count=retry_count)
483    except errors.AbortError, e:
484      error = e
485      output = e.msg
486    if "Read-only file system" in output:
487      logger.SilentLog(output)
488      logger.Log("Remounting read-only filesystem")
489      self.SendCommand("remount")
490      output = self.SendCommand("sync", retry_count=retry_count)
491    elif "No space left on device" in output:
492      logger.SilentLog(output)
493      logger.Log("Restarting device runtime")
494      self.SendShellCommand("stop", retry_count=retry_count)
495      output = self.SendCommand("sync", retry_count=retry_count)
496      self.SendShellCommand("start", retry_count=retry_count)
497    elif error is not None:
498      # exception occurred that cannot be recovered from
499      raise error
500    logger.SilentLog(output)
501    if runtime_restart:
502      # start runtime and wait till boot complete flag is set
503      self.SendShellCommand("start", retry_count=retry_count)
504      self.WaitForBootComplete()
505      # press the MENU key, this will disable key guard if runtime is started
506      # with ro.monkey set to 1
507      self.SendShellCommand("input keyevent 82", retry_count=retry_count)
508    else:
509      self.WaitForDevicePm()
510    return output
512  def GetSerialNumber(self):
513    """Returns the serial number of the targeted device."""
514    return self.SendCommand("get-serialno").strip()