1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3# found in the LICENSE file. 4 5import atexit 6import collections 7import contextlib 8import ctypes 9import os 10import platform 11import re 12import socket 13import struct 14import subprocess 15import sys 16import time 17import zipfile 18 19from telemetry import decorators 20from telemetry.core import exceptions 21from telemetry.core import util 22from telemetry.core.platform import desktop_platform_backend 23from telemetry.core.platform import platform_backend 24from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import msr_power_monitor 25from telemetry.util import cloud_storage 26from telemetry.util import path 27 28try: 29 import pywintypes # pylint: disable=F0401 30 import win32api # pylint: disable=F0401 31 from win32com.shell import shell # pylint: disable=F0401 32 from win32com.shell import shellcon # pylint: disable=F0401 33 import win32con # pylint: disable=F0401 34 import win32process # pylint: disable=F0401 35 import win32security # pylint: disable=F0401 36except ImportError: 37 pywintypes = None 38 shell = None 39 shellcon = None 40 win32api = None 41 win32con = None 42 win32process = None 43 win32security = None 44 45 46def _InstallWinRing0(): 47 """WinRing0 is used for reading MSRs.""" 48 executable_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) 49 50 python_is_64_bit = sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32 51 dll_file_name = 'WinRing0x64.dll' if python_is_64_bit else 'WinRing0.dll' 52 dll_path = os.path.join(executable_dir, dll_file_name) 53 54 os_is_64_bit = platform.machine().endswith('64') 55 driver_file_name = 'WinRing0x64.sys' if os_is_64_bit else 'WinRing0.sys' 56 driver_path = os.path.join(executable_dir, driver_file_name) 57 58 # Check for WinRing0 and download if needed. 59 if not (os.path.exists(dll_path) and os.path.exists(driver_path)): 60 win_binary_dir = os.path.join(path.GetTelemetryDir(), 'bin', 'win') 61 zip_path = os.path.join(win_binary_dir, 'winring0.zip') 62 cloud_storage.GetIfChanged(zip_path, bucket=cloud_storage.PUBLIC_BUCKET) 63 try: 64 with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_file: 65 # Install DLL. 66 if not os.path.exists(dll_path): 67 zip_file.extract(dll_file_name, executable_dir) 68 # Install kernel driver. 69 if not os.path.exists(driver_path): 70 zip_file.extract(driver_file_name, executable_dir) 71 finally: 72 os.remove(zip_path) 73 74 75def TerminateProcess(process_handle): 76 if not process_handle: 77 return 78 if win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(process_handle) == win32con.STILL_ACTIVE: 79 win32process.TerminateProcess(process_handle, 0) 80 process_handle.close() 81 82 83class WinPlatformBackend(desktop_platform_backend.DesktopPlatformBackend): 84 def __init__(self): 85 super(WinPlatformBackend, self).__init__() 86 self._msr_server_handle = None 87 self._msr_server_port = None 88 self._power_monitor = msr_power_monitor.MsrPowerMonitor(self) 89 90 def __del__(self): 91 self.close() 92 93 def close(self): 94 self.CloseMsrServer() 95 96 def CloseMsrServer(self): 97 if not self._msr_server_handle: 98 return 99 100 TerminateProcess(self._msr_server_handle) 101 self._msr_server_handle = None 102 self._msr_server_port = None 103 104 # pylint: disable=W0613 105 def StartRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(self): 106 raise NotImplementedError() 107 108 def StopRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(self): 109 raise NotImplementedError() 110 111 def GetRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurements(self): 112 raise NotImplementedError() 113 114 def IsThermallyThrottled(self): 115 raise NotImplementedError() 116 117 def HasBeenThermallyThrottled(self): 118 raise NotImplementedError() 119 120 def GetSystemCommitCharge(self): 121 performance_info = self._GetPerformanceInfo() 122 return performance_info.CommitTotal * performance_info.PageSize / 1024 123 124 @decorators.Cache 125 def GetSystemTotalPhysicalMemory(self): 126 performance_info = self._GetPerformanceInfo() 127 return performance_info.PhysicalTotal * performance_info.PageSize / 1024 128 129 def GetCpuStats(self, pid): 130 cpu_info = self._GetWin32ProcessInfo(win32process.GetProcessTimes, pid) 131 # Convert 100 nanosecond units to seconds 132 cpu_time = (cpu_info['UserTime'] / 1e7 + 133 cpu_info['KernelTime'] / 1e7) 134 return {'CpuProcessTime': cpu_time} 135 136 def GetCpuTimestamp(self): 137 """Return current timestamp in seconds.""" 138 return {'TotalTime': time.time()} 139 140 def GetMemoryStats(self, pid): 141 memory_info = self._GetWin32ProcessInfo( 142 win32process.GetProcessMemoryInfo, pid) 143 return {'VM': memory_info['PagefileUsage'], 144 'VMPeak': memory_info['PeakPagefileUsage'], 145 'WorkingSetSize': memory_info['WorkingSetSize'], 146 'WorkingSetSizePeak': memory_info['PeakWorkingSetSize']} 147 148 def GetIOStats(self, pid): 149 io_stats = self._GetWin32ProcessInfo(win32process.GetProcessIoCounters, pid) 150 return {'ReadOperationCount': io_stats['ReadOperationCount'], 151 'WriteOperationCount': io_stats['WriteOperationCount'], 152 'ReadTransferCount': io_stats['ReadTransferCount'], 153 'WriteTransferCount': io_stats['WriteTransferCount']} 154 155 def KillProcess(self, pid, kill_process_tree=False): 156 # os.kill for Windows is Python 2.7. 157 cmd = ['taskkill', '/F', '/PID', str(pid)] 158 if kill_process_tree: 159 cmd.append('/T') 160 subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 161 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).communicate() 162 163 def GetSystemProcessInfo(self): 164 # [3:] To skip 2 blank lines and header. 165 lines = subprocess.Popen( 166 ['wmic', 'process', 'get', 167 'CommandLine,CreationDate,Name,ParentProcessId,ProcessId', 168 '/format:csv'], 169 stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].splitlines()[3:] 170 process_info = [] 171 for line in lines: 172 if not line: 173 continue 174 parts = line.split(',') 175 pi = {} 176 pi['ProcessId'] = int(parts[-1]) 177 pi['ParentProcessId'] = int(parts[-2]) 178 pi['Name'] = parts[-3] 179 creation_date = None 180 if parts[-4]: 181 creation_date = float(re.split('[+-]', parts[-4])[0]) 182 pi['CreationDate'] = creation_date 183 pi['CommandLine'] = ','.join(parts[1:-4]) 184 process_info.append(pi) 185 return process_info 186 187 def GetChildPids(self, pid): 188 """Retunds a list of child pids of |pid|.""" 189 ppid_map = collections.defaultdict(list) 190 creation_map = {} 191 for pi in self.GetSystemProcessInfo(): 192 ppid_map[pi['ParentProcessId']].append(pi['ProcessId']) 193 if pi['CreationDate']: 194 creation_map[pi['ProcessId']] = pi['CreationDate'] 195 196 def _InnerGetChildPids(pid): 197 if not pid or pid not in ppid_map: 198 return [] 199 ret = [p for p in ppid_map[pid] if creation_map[p] >= creation_map[pid]] 200 for child in ret: 201 if child == pid: 202 continue 203 ret.extend(_InnerGetChildPids(child)) 204 return ret 205 206 return _InnerGetChildPids(pid) 207 208 def GetCommandLine(self, pid): 209 for pi in self.GetSystemProcessInfo(): 210 if pid == pi['ProcessId']: 211 return pi['CommandLine'] 212 raise exceptions.ProcessGoneException() 213 214 def GetOSName(self): 215 return 'win' 216 217 @decorators.Cache 218 def GetOSVersionName(self): 219 os_version = platform.uname()[3] 220 221 if os_version.startswith('5.1.'): 222 return platform_backend.XP 223 if os_version.startswith('6.0.'): 224 return platform_backend.VISTA 225 if os_version.startswith('6.1.'): 226 return platform_backend.WIN7 227 if os_version.startswith('6.2.'): 228 return platform_backend.WIN8 229 230 raise NotImplementedError('Unknown win version %s.' % os_version) 231 232 def CanFlushIndividualFilesFromSystemCache(self): 233 return True 234 235 def _GetWin32ProcessInfo(self, func, pid): 236 mask = (win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | 237 win32con.PROCESS_VM_READ) 238 handle = None 239 try: 240 handle = win32api.OpenProcess(mask, False, pid) 241 return func(handle) 242 except pywintypes.error, e: 243 errcode = e[0] 244 if errcode == 87: 245 raise exceptions.ProcessGoneException() 246 raise 247 finally: 248 if handle: 249 win32api.CloseHandle(handle) 250 251 def _GetPerformanceInfo(self): 252 class PerformanceInfo(ctypes.Structure): 253 """Struct for GetPerformanceInfo() call 254 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms683210 255 """ 256 _fields_ = [('size', ctypes.c_ulong), 257 ('CommitTotal', ctypes.c_size_t), 258 ('CommitLimit', ctypes.c_size_t), 259 ('CommitPeak', ctypes.c_size_t), 260 ('PhysicalTotal', ctypes.c_size_t), 261 ('PhysicalAvailable', ctypes.c_size_t), 262 ('SystemCache', ctypes.c_size_t), 263 ('KernelTotal', ctypes.c_size_t), 264 ('KernelPaged', ctypes.c_size_t), 265 ('KernelNonpaged', ctypes.c_size_t), 266 ('PageSize', ctypes.c_size_t), 267 ('HandleCount', ctypes.c_ulong), 268 ('ProcessCount', ctypes.c_ulong), 269 ('ThreadCount', ctypes.c_ulong)] 270 271 def __init__(self): 272 self.size = ctypes.sizeof(self) 273 super(PerformanceInfo, self).__init__() 274 275 performance_info = PerformanceInfo() 276 ctypes.windll.psapi.GetPerformanceInfo( 277 ctypes.byref(performance_info), performance_info.size) 278 return performance_info 279 280 def IsCurrentProcessElevated(self): 281 if self.GetOSVersionName() < platform_backend.VISTA: 282 # TOKEN_QUERY is not defined before Vista. All processes are elevated. 283 return True 284 285 handle = win32process.GetCurrentProcess() 286 with contextlib.closing( 287 win32security.OpenProcessToken(handle, win32con.TOKEN_QUERY)) as token: 288 return bool(win32security.GetTokenInformation( 289 token, win32security.TokenElevation)) 290 291 def LaunchApplication( 292 self, application, parameters=None, elevate_privilege=False): 293 """Launch an application. Returns a PyHANDLE object.""" 294 295 parameters = ' '.join(parameters) if parameters else '' 296 if elevate_privilege and not self.IsCurrentProcessElevated(): 297 # Use ShellExecuteEx() instead of subprocess.Popen()/CreateProcess() to 298 # elevate privileges. A new console will be created if the new process has 299 # different permissions than this process. 300 proc_info = shell.ShellExecuteEx( 301 fMask=shellcon.SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | shellcon.SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE, 302 lpVerb='runas' if elevate_privilege else '', 303 lpFile=application, 304 lpParameters=parameters, 305 nShow=win32con.SW_HIDE) 306 if proc_info['hInstApp'] <= 32: 307 raise Exception('Unable to launch %s' % application) 308 return proc_info['hProcess'] 309 else: 310 handle, _, _, _ = win32process.CreateProcess( 311 None, application + ' ' + parameters, None, None, False, 312 win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW, None, None, win32process.STARTUPINFO()) 313 return handle 314 315 def CanMonitorPower(self): 316 return self._power_monitor.CanMonitorPower() 317 318 def CanMeasurePerApplicationPower(self): 319 return self._power_monitor.CanMeasurePerApplicationPower() 320 321 def StartMonitoringPower(self, browser): 322 self._power_monitor.StartMonitoringPower(browser) 323 324 def StopMonitoringPower(self): 325 return self._power_monitor.StopMonitoringPower() 326 327 def _StartMsrServerIfNeeded(self): 328 if self._msr_server_handle: 329 return 330 331 _InstallWinRing0() 332 self._msr_server_port = util.GetUnreservedAvailableLocalPort() 333 # It might be flaky to get a port number without reserving it atomically, 334 # but if the server process chooses a port, we have no way of getting it. 335 # The stdout of the elevated process isn't accessible. 336 parameters = ( 337 os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'msr_server_win.py'), 338 str(self._msr_server_port), 339 ) 340 self._msr_server_handle = self.LaunchApplication( 341 sys.executable, parameters, elevate_privilege=True) 342 # Wait for server to start. 343 try: 344 socket.create_connection(('', self._msr_server_port), 5).close() 345 except socket.error: 346 self.CloseMsrServer() 347 atexit.register(TerminateProcess, self._msr_server_handle) 348 349 def ReadMsr(self, msr_number, start=0, length=64): 350 self._StartMsrServerIfNeeded() 351 if not self._msr_server_handle: 352 raise OSError('Unable to start MSR server.') 353 354 sock = socket.create_connection(('', self._msr_server_port), 0.1) 355 try: 356 sock.sendall(struct.pack('I', msr_number)) 357 response = sock.recv(8) 358 finally: 359 sock.close() 360 return struct.unpack('Q', response)[0] >> start & ((1 << length) - 1) 361