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1// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5'use strict';
9base.exportTo('base', function() {
10  /**
11   * Fires a property change event on the target.
12   * @param {EventTarget} target The target to dispatch the event on.
13   * @param {string} propertyName The name of the property that changed.
14   * @param {*} newValue The new value for the property.
15   * @param {*} oldValue The old value for the property.
16   */
17  function dispatchPropertyChange(target, propertyName, newValue, oldValue,
18                                  opt_bubbles, opt_cancelable) {
19    var e = new base.Event(propertyName + 'Change',
20                           opt_bubbles, opt_cancelable);
21    e.propertyName = propertyName;
22    e.newValue = newValue;
23    e.oldValue = oldValue;
25    var error;
26    e.throwError = function(err) {  // workaround CR 239648
27      error = err;
28    };
30    target.dispatchEvent(e);
31    if (error)
32      throw error;
33  }
35  function setPropertyAndDispatchChange(obj, propertyName, newValue) {
36    var privateName = propertyName + '_';
37    var oldValue = obj[propertyName];
38    obj[privateName] = newValue;
39    if (oldValue !== newValue)
40      base.dispatchPropertyChange(obj, propertyName,
41          newValue, oldValue, true, false);
42  }
44  /**
45   * Converts a camelCase javascript property name to a hyphenated-lower-case
46   * attribute name.
47   * @param {string} jsName The javascript camelCase property name.
48   * @return {string} The equivalent hyphenated-lower-case attribute name.
49   */
50  function getAttributeName(jsName) {
51    return jsName.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase();
52  }
54  /* Creates a private name unlikely to collide with object properties names
55   * @param {string} name The defineProperty name
56   * @return {string} an obfuscated name
57   */
58  function getPrivateName(name) {
59    return name + '_base_';
60  }
62  /**
63   * The kind of property to define in {@code defineProperty}.
64   * @enum {number}
65   * @const
66   */
67  var PropertyKind = {
68    /**
69     * Plain old JS property where the backing data is stored as a 'private'
70     * field on the object.
71     */
72    JS: 'js',
74    /**
75     * The property backing data is stored as an attribute on an element.
76     */
77    ATTR: 'attr',
79    /**
80     * The property backing data is stored as an attribute on an element. If the
81     * element has the attribute then the value is true.
82     */
83    BOOL_ATTR: 'boolAttr'
84  };
86  /**
87   * Helper function for defineProperty that returns the getter to use for the
88   * property.
89   * @param {string} name The name of the property.
90   * @param {base.PropertyKind} kind The kind of the property.
91   * @return {function():*} The getter for the property.
92   */
93  function getGetter(name, kind) {
94    switch (kind) {
95      case PropertyKind.JS:
96        var privateName = getPrivateName(name);
97        return function() {
98          return this[privateName];
99        };
100      case PropertyKind.ATTR:
101        var attributeName = getAttributeName(name);
102        return function() {
103          return this.getAttribute(attributeName);
104        };
105      case PropertyKind.BOOL_ATTR:
106        var attributeName = getAttributeName(name);
107        return function() {
108          return this.hasAttribute(attributeName);
109        };
110    }
111  }
113  /**
114   * Helper function for defineProperty that returns the setter of the right
115   * kind.
116   * @param {string} name The name of the property we are defining the setter
117   *     for.
118   * @param {base.PropertyKind} kind The kind of property we are getting the
119   *     setter for.
120   * @param {function(*):void=} opt_setHook A function to run after the property
121   *     is set, but before the propertyChange event is fired.
122   * @param {boolean=} opt_bubbles Whether the event bubbles or not.
123   * @param {boolean=} opt_cancelable Whether the default action of the event
124   *     can be prevented.
125   * @return {function(*):void} The function to use as a setter.
126   */
127  function getSetter(name, kind, opt_setHook, opt_bubbles, opt_cancelable) {
128    switch (kind) {
129      case PropertyKind.JS:
130        var privateName = getPrivateName(name);
131        return function(value) {
132          var oldValue = this[privateName];
133          if (value !== oldValue) {
134            this[privateName] = value;
135            if (opt_setHook)
136              opt_setHook.call(this, value, oldValue);
137            dispatchPropertyChange(this, name, value, oldValue,
138                opt_bubbles, opt_cancelable);
139          }
140        };
142      case PropertyKind.ATTR:
143        var attributeName = getAttributeName(name);
144        return function(value) {
145          var oldValue = this.getAttribute(attributeName);
146          if (value !== oldValue) {
147            if (value == undefined)
148              this.removeAttribute(attributeName);
149            else
150              this.setAttribute(attributeName, value);
151            if (opt_setHook)
152              opt_setHook.call(this, value, oldValue);
153            dispatchPropertyChange(this, name, value, oldValue,
154                opt_bubbles, opt_cancelable);
155          }
156        };
158      case PropertyKind.BOOL_ATTR:
159        var attributeName = getAttributeName(name);
160        return function(value) {
161          var oldValue = (this.getAttribute(attributeName) === name);
162          if (value !== oldValue) {
163            if (value)
164              this.setAttribute(attributeName, name);
165            else
166              this.removeAttribute(attributeName);
167            if (opt_setHook)
168              opt_setHook.call(this, value, oldValue);
169            dispatchPropertyChange(this, name, value, oldValue,
170                opt_bubbles, opt_cancelable);
171          }
172        };
173    }
174  }
176  /**
177   * Defines a property on an object. When the setter changes the value a
178   * property change event with the type {@code name + 'Change'} is fired.
179   * @param {!Object} obj The object to define the property for.
180   * @param {string} name The name of the property.
181   * @param {base.PropertyKind=} opt_kind What kind of underlying storage to
182   * use.
183   * @param {function(*):void=} opt_setHook A function to run after the
184   *     property is set, but before the propertyChange event is fired.
185   * @param {boolean=} opt_bubbles Whether the event bubbles or not.
186   * @param {boolean=} opt_cancelable Whether the default action of the event
187   *     can be prevented.
188   */
189  function defineProperty(obj, name, opt_kind, opt_setHook,
190                          opt_bubbles, opt_cancelable) {
191    console.error("Don't use base.defineProperty");
192    if (typeof obj == 'function')
193      obj = obj.prototype;
195    var kind = opt_kind || PropertyKind.JS;
197    if (!obj.__lookupGetter__(name))
198      obj.__defineGetter__(name, getGetter(name, kind));
200    if (!obj.__lookupSetter__(name))
201      obj.__defineSetter__(name, getSetter(name, kind, opt_setHook,
202          opt_bubbles, opt_cancelable));
203  }
205  return {
206    PropertyKind: PropertyKind,
207    defineProperty: defineProperty,
208    dispatchPropertyChange: dispatchPropertyChange,
209    setPropertyAndDispatchChange: setPropertyAndDispatchChange
210  };