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1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <map>
12 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
13 #include "base/macros.h"
14 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
15 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
16 #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
17 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
18 #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
19 #include "base/time/time.h"
20 #include "base/timer/timer.h"
21 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/incident_reporting/add_incident_callback.h"
22 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/incident_reporting/delayed_analysis_callback.h"
23 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/incident_reporting/delayed_callback_runner.h"
24 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/incident_reporting/incident_report_uploader.h"
25 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/incident_reporting/last_download_finder.h"
26 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
27 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
29 class Profile;
30 class SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager;
31 class SafeBrowsingService;
32 class TrackedPreferenceValidationDelegate;
34 namespace base {
35 class TaskRunner;
36 }
38 namespace content {
39 class NotificationDetails;
40 class NotificationSource;
41 }
43 namespace net {
44 class URLRequestContextGetter;
45 }
47 namespace safe_browsing {
49 class ClientIncidentReport;
50 class ClientIncidentReport_DownloadDetails;
51 class ClientIncidentReport_EnvironmentData;
52 class ClientIncidentReport_IncidentData;
54 // A class that manages the collection of incidents and submission of incident
55 // reports to the safe browsing client-side detection service. The service
56 // begins operation when an incident is reported via the AddIncident method.
57 // Incidents reported from a profile that is loading are held until the profile
58 // is fully created. Incidents originating from profiles that do not participate
59 // in safe browsing are dropped. Process-wide incidents are affiliated with a
60 // profile that participates in safe browsing when one becomes available.
61 // Following the addition of an incident that is not dropped, the service
62 // collects environmental data, finds the most recent binary download, and waits
63 // a bit. Additional incidents that arrive during this time are collated with
64 // the initial incident. Finally, already-reported incidents are pruned and any
65 // remaining are uploaded in an incident report.
66 class IncidentReportingService : public content::NotificationObserver {
67  public:
68   IncidentReportingService(SafeBrowsingService* safe_browsing_service,
69                            const scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter>&
70                                request_context_getter);
72   // All incident collection, data collection, and uploads in progress are
73   // dropped at destruction.
74   virtual ~IncidentReportingService();
76   // Returns a callback by which external components can add an incident to the
77   // service on behalf of |profile|. The callback may outlive the service, but
78   // will no longer have any effect after the service is deleted. The callback
79   // must not be run after |profile| has been destroyed.
80   AddIncidentCallback GetAddIncidentCallback(Profile* profile);
82   // Returns a preference validation delegate that adds incidents to the service
83   // for validation failures in |profile|. The delegate may outlive the service,
84   // but incidents reported by it will no longer have any effect after the
85   // service is deleted. The lifetime of the delegate should not extend beyond
86   // that of the profile it services.
87   scoped_ptr<TrackedPreferenceValidationDelegate>
88       CreatePreferenceValidationDelegate(Profile* profile);
90   // Registers |callback| to be run after some delay following process launch.
91   void RegisterDelayedAnalysisCallback(const DelayedAnalysisCallback& callback);
93  protected:
94   // A pointer to a function that populates a protobuf with environment data.
95   typedef void (*CollectEnvironmentDataFn)(
96       ClientIncidentReport_EnvironmentData*);
98   // For testing so that the TaskRunner used for delayed analysis callbacks can
99   // be specified.
100   IncidentReportingService(
101       SafeBrowsingService* safe_browsing_service,
102       const scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter>& request_context_getter,
103       base::TimeDelta delayed_task_interval,
104       const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& delayed_task_runner);
106   // Sets the function called by the service to collect environment data and the
107   // task runner on which it is called. Used by unit tests to provide a fake
108   // environment data collector.
109   void SetCollectEnvironmentHook(
110       CollectEnvironmentDataFn collect_environment_data_hook,
111       const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& task_runner);
113   // Handles the addition of a new profile to the ProfileManager. Creates a new
114   // context for |profile| if one does not exist, drops any received incidents
115   // for the profile if the profile is not participating in safe browsing, and
116   // initiates a new search for the most recent download if a report is being
117   // assembled and the most recent has not been found. Overridden by unit tests
118   // to inject incidents prior to creation.
119   virtual void OnProfileAdded(Profile* profile);
121   // Initiates a search for the most recent binary download. Overriden by unit
122   // tests to provide a fake finder.
123   virtual scoped_ptr<LastDownloadFinder> CreateDownloadFinder(
124       const LastDownloadFinder::LastDownloadCallback& callback);
126   // Initiates an upload. Overridden by unit tests to provide a fake uploader.
127   virtual scoped_ptr<IncidentReportUploader> StartReportUpload(
128       const IncidentReportUploader::OnResultCallback& callback,
129       const scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter>& request_context_getter,
130       const ClientIncidentReport& report);
132   // Returns true if a report is currently being processed.
133   bool IsProcessingReport() const;
135  private:
136   struct ProfileContext;
137   class UploadContext;
139   // A mapping of profiles to contexts holding state about received incidents.
140   typedef std::map<Profile*, ProfileContext*> ProfileContextCollection;
142   // Returns the context for |profile|, creating it if it does not exist.
143   ProfileContext* GetOrCreateProfileContext(Profile* profile);
145   // Returns the context for |profile|, or NULL if it is unknown.
146   ProfileContext* GetProfileContext(Profile* profile);
148   // Handles the destruction of a profile. Incidents reported for the profile
149   // but not yet uploaded are dropped.
150   void OnProfileDestroyed(Profile* profile);
152   // Returns an initialized profile that participates in safe browsing. Profiles
153   // participating in extended safe browsing are preferred.
154   Profile* FindEligibleProfile() const;
156   // Adds |incident_data| to the service. The incident_time_msec field is
157   // populated with the current time if the caller has not already done so.
158   void AddIncident(Profile* profile,
159                    scoped_ptr<ClientIncidentReport_IncidentData> incident_data);
161   // Begins processing a report. If processing is already underway, ensures that
162   // collection tasks have completed or are running.
163   void BeginReportProcessing();
165   // Begins the process of collating incidents by waiting for incidents to
166   // arrive. This function is idempotent.
167   void BeginIncidentCollation();
169   // Starts a task to collect environment data in the blocking pool.
170   void BeginEnvironmentCollection();
172   // Returns true if the environment collection task is outstanding.
173   bool WaitingForEnvironmentCollection();
175   // Cancels any pending environment collection task and drops any data that has
176   // already been collected.
177   void CancelEnvironmentCollection();
179   // A callback invoked on the UI thread when environment data collection is
180   // complete. Incident report processing continues, either by waiting for the
181   // collection timeout or by sending an incident report.
182   void OnEnvironmentDataCollected(
183       scoped_ptr<ClientIncidentReport_EnvironmentData> environment_data);
185   // Returns true if the service is waiting for additional incidents before
186   // uploading a report.
187   bool WaitingToCollateIncidents();
189   // Cancels the collection timeout.
190   void CancelIncidentCollection();
192   // A callback invoked on the UI thread after which incident collation has
193   // completed. Incident report processing continues, either by waiting for
194   // environment data or the most recent download to arrive or by sending an
195   // incident report.
196   void OnCollationTimeout();
198   // Starts the asynchronous process of finding the most recent executable
199   // download if one is not currently being search for and/or has not already
200   // been found.
201   void BeginDownloadCollection();
203   // True if the service is waiting to discover the most recent download either
204   // because a task to do so is outstanding, or because one or more profiles
205   // have yet to be added to the ProfileManager.
206   bool WaitingForMostRecentDownload();
208   // Cancels the search for the most recent executable download.
209   void CancelDownloadCollection();
211   // A callback invoked on the UI thread by the last download finder when the
212   // search for the most recent binary download is complete.
213   void OnLastDownloadFound(
214       scoped_ptr<ClientIncidentReport_DownloadDetails> last_download);
216   // Uploads an incident report if all data collection is complete. Incidents
217   // originating from profiles that do not participate in safe browsing are
218   // dropped.
219   void UploadIfCollectionComplete();
221   // Cancels all uploads, discarding all reports and responses in progress.
222   void CancelAllReportUploads();
224   // Continues an upload after checking for the CSD whitelist killswitch.
225   void OnKillSwitchResult(UploadContext* context, bool is_killswitch_on);
227   // Performs processing for a report after succesfully receiving a response.
228   void HandleResponse(const UploadContext& context);
230   // IncidentReportUploader::OnResultCallback implementation.
231   void OnReportUploadResult(UploadContext* context,
232                             IncidentReportUploader::Result result,
233                             scoped_ptr<ClientIncidentResponse> response);
235   // content::NotificationObserver methods.
236   virtual void Observe(int type,
237                        const content::NotificationSource& source,
238                        const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
240   base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
242   // The safe browsing database manager, through which the whitelist killswitch
243   // is checked.
244   scoped_refptr<SafeBrowsingDatabaseManager> database_manager_;
246   // Accessor for an URL context with which reports will be sent.
247   scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> url_request_context_getter_;
249   // A pointer to a function that collects environment data. The function will
250   // be run by |environment_collection_task_runner_|. This is ordinarily
251   // CollectEnvironmentData, but may be overridden by tests; see
252   // SetCollectEnvironmentHook.
253   CollectEnvironmentDataFn collect_environment_data_fn_;
255   // The task runner on which environment collection takes place. This is
256   // ordinarily a runner in the browser's blocking pool that will skip the
257   // collection task at shutdown if it has not yet started.
258   scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> environment_collection_task_runner_;
260   // Registrar for observing profile lifecycle notifications.
261   content::NotificationRegistrar notification_registrar_;
263   // True when the asynchronous environment collection task has been fired off
264   // but has not yet completed.
265   bool environment_collection_pending_;
267   // True when an incident has been received and the service is waiting for the
268   // collation_timer_ to fire.
269   bool collation_timeout_pending_;
271   // A timer upon the firing of which the service will report received
272   // incidents.
273   base::DelayTimer<IncidentReportingService> collation_timer_;
275   // The report currently being assembled. This becomes non-NULL when an initial
276   // incident is reported, and returns to NULL when the report is sent for
277   // upload.
278   scoped_ptr<ClientIncidentReport> report_;
280   // The time at which the initial incident is reported.
281   base::Time first_incident_time_;
283   // The time at which the last incident is reported.
284   base::TimeTicks last_incident_time_;
286   // The time at which environmental data collection was initiated.
287   base::TimeTicks environment_collection_begin_;
289   // The time at which download collection was initiated.
290   base::TimeTicks last_download_begin_;
292   // Context data for all on-the-record profiles plus the process-wide (NULL)
293   // context.
294   ProfileContextCollection profiles_;
296   // Callbacks registered for performing delayed analysis.
297   DelayedCallbackRunner delayed_analysis_callbacks_;
299   // The collection of uploads in progress.
300   ScopedVector<UploadContext> uploads_;
302   // An object that asynchronously searches for the most recent binary download.
303   // Non-NULL while such a search is outstanding.
304   scoped_ptr<LastDownloadFinder> last_download_finder_;
306   // A factory for handing out weak pointers for AddIncident callbacks.
307   base::WeakPtrFactory<IncidentReportingService> receiver_weak_ptr_factory_;
309   // A factory for handing out weak pointers for internal asynchronous tasks
310   // that are posted during normal processing (e.g., environment collection,
311   // safe browsing database checks, and report uploads).
312   base::WeakPtrFactory<IncidentReportingService> weak_ptr_factory_;
314   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IncidentReportingService);
315 };
317 }  // namespace safe_browsing