#ifndef _XETCPIPLINK_HPP #define _XETCPIPLINK_HPP /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program Test Executor * ------------------------------------------ * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Tcp/Ip communication link. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "xeDefs.hpp" #include "xeCommLink.hpp" #include "deSocket.hpp" #include "deRingBuffer.hpp" #include "deBlockBuffer.hpp" #include "xsProtocol.hpp" #include "deThread.hpp" #include "deTimer.h" #include namespace xe { class TcpIpLinkState { public: TcpIpLinkState (CommLinkState initialState, const char* initialErr); ~TcpIpLinkState (void); CommLinkState getState (void) const; CommLinkState getState (std::string& error) const; void setCallbacks (CommLink::StateChangedFunc stateChangedCallback, CommLink::LogDataFunc testLogDataCallback, CommLink::LogDataFunc infoLogDataCallback, void* userPtr); void setState (CommLinkState state, const char* error = ""); void onTestLogData (const deUint8* bytes, int numBytes) const; void onInfoLogData (const deUint8* bytes, int numBytes) const; void onKeepaliveReceived (void); deUint64 getLastKeepaliveRecevied (void) const; private: mutable de::Mutex m_lock; volatile CommLinkState m_state; std::string m_error; volatile deUint64 m_lastKeepaliveReceived; volatile CommLink::StateChangedFunc m_stateChangedCallback; volatile CommLink::LogDataFunc m_testLogDataCallback; volatile CommLink::LogDataFunc m_infoLogDataCallback; void* volatile m_userPtr; }; class TcpIpSendThread : public de::Thread { public: TcpIpSendThread (de::Socket& socket, TcpIpLinkState& state); ~TcpIpSendThread (void); void start (void); void run (void); void stop (void); bool isRunning (void) const { return m_isRunning; } de::BlockBuffer& getBuffer (void) { return m_buffer; } private: de::Socket& m_socket; TcpIpLinkState& m_state; de::BlockBuffer m_buffer; bool m_isRunning; }; class TcpIpRecvThread : public de::Thread { public: TcpIpRecvThread (de::Socket& socket, TcpIpLinkState& state); ~TcpIpRecvThread (void); void start (void); void run (void); void stop (void); bool isRunning (void) const { return m_isRunning; } private: void handleMessage (xs::MessageType messageType, const deUint8* data, int dataSize); de::Socket& m_socket; TcpIpLinkState& m_state; std::vector m_curMsgBuf; int m_curMsgPos; bool m_isRunning; }; class TcpIpLink : public CommLink { public: TcpIpLink (void); ~TcpIpLink (void); // TcpIpLink -specific API void connect (const de::SocketAddress& address); void disconnect (void); // CommLink API void reset (void); CommLinkState getState (void) const; CommLinkState getState (std::string& error) const; void setCallbacks (StateChangedFunc stateChangedCallback, LogDataFunc testLogDataCallback, LogDataFunc infoLogDataCallback, void* userPtr); void startTestProcess (const char* name, const char* params, const char* workingDir, const char* caseList); void stopTestProcess (void); private: void closeConnection (void); static void keepaliveTimerCallback (void* ptr); de::Socket m_socket; TcpIpLinkState m_state; TcpIpSendThread m_sendThread; TcpIpRecvThread m_recvThread; deTimer* m_keepaliveTimer; }; } // xe #endif // _XETCPIPLINK_HPP