1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 package com.android.nfc; 18 19 import android.annotation.Nullable; 20 import android.nfc.NdefMessage; 21 import android.os.Bundle; 22 23 import java.io.IOException; 24 25 public interface DeviceHost { 26 public interface DeviceHostListener { onRemoteEndpointDiscovered(TagEndpoint tag)27 public void onRemoteEndpointDiscovered(TagEndpoint tag); 28 29 /** 30 */ onHostCardEmulationActivated()31 public void onHostCardEmulationActivated(); onHostCardEmulationData(byte[] data)32 public void onHostCardEmulationData(byte[] data); onHostCardEmulationDeactivated()33 public void onHostCardEmulationDeactivated(); 34 35 /** 36 * Notifies P2P Device detected, to activate LLCP link 37 */ onLlcpLinkActivated(NfcDepEndpoint device)38 public void onLlcpLinkActivated(NfcDepEndpoint device); 39 40 /** 41 * Notifies P2P Device detected, to activate LLCP link 42 */ onLlcpLinkDeactivated(NfcDepEndpoint device)43 public void onLlcpLinkDeactivated(NfcDepEndpoint device); 44 onLlcpFirstPacketReceived(NfcDepEndpoint device)45 public void onLlcpFirstPacketReceived(NfcDepEndpoint device); 46 onRemoteFieldActivated()47 public void onRemoteFieldActivated(); 48 onRemoteFieldDeactivated()49 public void onRemoteFieldDeactivated(); 50 } 51 52 public interface TagEndpoint { connect(int technology)53 boolean connect(int technology); reconnect()54 boolean reconnect(); disconnect()55 boolean disconnect(); 56 presenceCheck()57 boolean presenceCheck(); isPresent()58 boolean isPresent(); startPresenceChecking(int presenceCheckDelay, @Nullable TagDisconnectedCallback callback)59 void startPresenceChecking(int presenceCheckDelay, 60 @Nullable TagDisconnectedCallback callback); 61 getTechList()62 int[] getTechList(); removeTechnology(int tech)63 void removeTechnology(int tech); // TODO remove this one getTechExtras()64 Bundle[] getTechExtras(); getUid()65 byte[] getUid(); getHandle()66 int getHandle(); 67 transceive(byte[] data, boolean raw, int[] returnCode)68 byte[] transceive(byte[] data, boolean raw, int[] returnCode); 69 checkNdef(int[] out)70 boolean checkNdef(int[] out); readNdef()71 byte[] readNdef(); writeNdef(byte[] data)72 boolean writeNdef(byte[] data); findAndReadNdef()73 NdefMessage findAndReadNdef(); formatNdef(byte[] key)74 boolean formatNdef(byte[] key); isNdefFormatable()75 boolean isNdefFormatable(); makeReadOnly()76 boolean makeReadOnly(); 77 getConnectedTechnology()78 int getConnectedTechnology(); 79 } 80 81 public interface TagDisconnectedCallback { onTagDisconnected(long handle)82 void onTagDisconnected(long handle); 83 } 84 85 public interface NfceeEndpoint { 86 // TODO flesh out multi-EE and use this 87 } 88 89 public interface NfcDepEndpoint { 90 91 /** 92 * Peer-to-Peer Target 93 */ 94 public static final short MODE_P2P_TARGET = 0x00; 95 /** 96 * Peer-to-Peer Initiator 97 */ 98 public static final short MODE_P2P_INITIATOR = 0x01; 99 /** 100 * Invalid target mode 101 */ 102 public static final short MODE_INVALID = 0xff; 103 receive()104 public byte[] receive(); 105 send(byte[] data)106 public boolean send(byte[] data); 107 connect()108 public boolean connect(); 109 disconnect()110 public boolean disconnect(); 111 transceive(byte[] data)112 public byte[] transceive(byte[] data); 113 getHandle()114 public int getHandle(); 115 getMode()116 public int getMode(); 117 getGeneralBytes()118 public byte[] getGeneralBytes(); 119 getLlcpVersion()120 public byte getLlcpVersion(); 121 } 122 123 public interface LlcpSocket { connectToSap(int sap)124 public void connectToSap(int sap) throws IOException; 125 connectToService(String serviceName)126 public void connectToService(String serviceName) throws IOException; 127 close()128 public void close() throws IOException; 129 send(byte[] data)130 public void send(byte[] data) throws IOException; 131 receive(byte[] recvBuff)132 public int receive(byte[] recvBuff) throws IOException; 133 getRemoteMiu()134 public int getRemoteMiu(); 135 getRemoteRw()136 public int getRemoteRw(); 137 getLocalSap()138 public int getLocalSap(); 139 getLocalMiu()140 public int getLocalMiu(); 141 getLocalRw()142 public int getLocalRw(); 143 } 144 145 public interface LlcpServerSocket { accept()146 public LlcpSocket accept() throws IOException, LlcpException; 147 close()148 public void close() throws IOException; 149 } 150 151 public interface LlcpConnectionlessSocket { getLinkMiu()152 public int getLinkMiu(); 153 getSap()154 public int getSap(); 155 send(int sap, byte[] data)156 public void send(int sap, byte[] data) throws IOException; 157 receive()158 public LlcpPacket receive() throws IOException; 159 close()160 public void close() throws IOException; 161 } 162 163 /** 164 * Called at boot if NFC is disabled to give the device host an opportunity 165 * to check the firmware version to see if it needs updating. Normally the firmware version 166 * is checked during {@link #initialize(boolean enableScreenOffSuspend)}, 167 * but the firmware may need to be updated after an OTA update. 168 * 169 * <p>This is called from a thread 170 * that may block for long periods of time during the update process. 171 */ checkFirmware()172 public void checkFirmware(); 173 initialize()174 public boolean initialize(); 175 deinitialize()176 public boolean deinitialize(); 177 getName()178 public String getName(); 179 enableDiscovery(NfcDiscoveryParameters params, boolean restart)180 public void enableDiscovery(NfcDiscoveryParameters params, boolean restart); 181 disableDiscovery()182 public void disableDiscovery(); 183 sendRawFrame(byte[] data)184 public boolean sendRawFrame(byte[] data); 185 routeAid(byte[] aid, int route)186 public boolean routeAid(byte[] aid, int route); 187 unrouteAid(byte[] aid)188 public boolean unrouteAid(byte[] aid); 189 commitRouting()190 public boolean commitRouting(); 191 createLlcpConnectionlessSocket(int nSap, String sn)192 public LlcpConnectionlessSocket createLlcpConnectionlessSocket(int nSap, String sn) 193 throws LlcpException; 194 createLlcpServerSocket(int nSap, String sn, int miu, int rw, int linearBufferLength)195 public LlcpServerSocket createLlcpServerSocket(int nSap, String sn, int miu, 196 int rw, int linearBufferLength) throws LlcpException; 197 createLlcpSocket(int sap, int miu, int rw, int linearBufferLength)198 public LlcpSocket createLlcpSocket(int sap, int miu, int rw, 199 int linearBufferLength) throws LlcpException; 200 doCheckLlcp()201 public boolean doCheckLlcp(); 202 doActivateLlcp()203 public boolean doActivateLlcp(); 204 resetTimeouts()205 public void resetTimeouts(); 206 setTimeout(int technology, int timeout)207 public boolean setTimeout(int technology, int timeout); 208 getTimeout(int technology)209 public int getTimeout(int technology); 210 doAbort()211 public void doAbort(); 212 canMakeReadOnly(int technology)213 boolean canMakeReadOnly(int technology); 214 getMaxTransceiveLength(int technology)215 int getMaxTransceiveLength(int technology); 216 setP2pInitiatorModes(int modes)217 void setP2pInitiatorModes(int modes); 218 setP2pTargetModes(int modes)219 void setP2pTargetModes(int modes); 220 getExtendedLengthApdusSupported()221 boolean getExtendedLengthApdusSupported(); 222 getDefaultLlcpMiu()223 int getDefaultLlcpMiu(); 224 getDefaultLlcpRwSize()225 int getDefaultLlcpRwSize(); 226 dump()227 String dump(); 228 enableScreenOffSuspend()229 boolean enableScreenOffSuspend(); 230 disableScreenOffSuspend()231 boolean disableScreenOffSuspend(); 232 } 233