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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #include "GrClipMaskManager.h"
9 #include "GrAAConvexPathRenderer.h"
10 #include "GrAAHairLinePathRenderer.h"
11 #include "GrAARectRenderer.h"
12 #include "GrDrawTargetCaps.h"
13 #include "GrPaint.h"
14 #include "GrPathRenderer.h"
15 #include "GrRenderTarget.h"
16 #include "GrRenderTargetPriv.h"
17 #include "GrStencilAttachment.h"
18 #include "GrSWMaskHelper.h"
19 #include "SkRasterClip.h"
20 #include "SkTLazy.h"
21 #include "effects/GrConvexPolyEffect.h"
22 #include "effects/GrPorterDuffXferProcessor.h"
23 #include "effects/GrRRectEffect.h"
24 #include "effects/GrTextureDomain.h"
26 typedef SkClipStack::Element Element;
28 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
29 namespace {
30 // set up the draw state to enable the aa clipping mask. Besides setting up the
31 // stage matrix this also alters the vertex layout
setup_drawstate_aaclip(GrPipelineBuilder * pipelineBuilder,GrTexture * result,GrPipelineBuilder::AutoRestoreFragmentProcessors * arfp,const SkIRect & devBound)32 void setup_drawstate_aaclip(GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder,
33                             GrTexture* result,
34                             GrPipelineBuilder::AutoRestoreFragmentProcessors* arfp,
35                             const SkIRect &devBound) {
36     SkASSERT(pipelineBuilder && arfp);
37     arfp->set(pipelineBuilder);
39     SkMatrix mat;
40     // We use device coords to compute the texture coordinates. We set our matrix to be a
41     // translation to the devBound, and then a scaling matrix to normalized coords.
42     mat.setIDiv(result->width(), result->height());
43     mat.preTranslate(SkIntToScalar(-devBound.fLeft),
44                      SkIntToScalar(-devBound.fTop));
46     SkIRect domainTexels = SkIRect::MakeWH(devBound.width(), devBound.height());
47     // This could be a long-lived effect that is cached with the alpha-mask.
48     pipelineBuilder->addCoverageProcessor(
49         GrTextureDomainEffect::Create(result,
50                                       mat,
51                                       GrTextureDomain::MakeTexelDomain(result, domainTexels),
52                                       GrTextureDomain::kDecal_Mode,
53                                       GrTextureParams::kNone_FilterMode,
54                                       kDevice_GrCoordSet))->unref();
55 }
path_needs_SW_renderer(GrContext * context,const GrDrawTarget * gpu,const GrPipelineBuilder * pipelineBuilder,const SkMatrix & viewMatrix,const SkPath & origPath,const GrStrokeInfo & stroke,bool doAA)57 bool path_needs_SW_renderer(GrContext* context,
58                             const GrDrawTarget* gpu,
59                             const GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder,
60                             const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
61                             const SkPath& origPath,
62                             const GrStrokeInfo& stroke,
63                             bool doAA) {
64     // the gpu alpha mask will draw the inverse paths as non-inverse to a temp buffer
65     SkTCopyOnFirstWrite<SkPath> path(origPath);
66     if (path->isInverseFillType()) {
67         path.writable()->toggleInverseFillType();
68     }
69     // last (false) parameter disallows use of the SW path renderer
70     GrPathRendererChain::DrawType type = doAA ?
71                                          GrPathRendererChain::kColorAntiAlias_DrawType :
72                                          GrPathRendererChain::kColor_DrawType;
74     return NULL == context->getPathRenderer(gpu, pipelineBuilder, viewMatrix, *path, stroke,
75                                             false, type);
76 }
77 }
79 /*
80  * This method traverses the clip stack to see if the GrSoftwarePathRenderer
81  * will be used on any element. If so, it returns true to indicate that the
82  * entire clip should be rendered in SW and then uploaded en masse to the gpu.
83  */
useSWOnlyPath(const GrPipelineBuilder * pipelineBuilder,const SkVector & clipToMaskOffset,const GrReducedClip::ElementList & elements)84 bool GrClipMaskManager::useSWOnlyPath(const GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder,
85                                       const SkVector& clipToMaskOffset,
86                                       const GrReducedClip::ElementList& elements) {
87     // TODO: generalize this function so that when
88     // a clip gets complex enough it can just be done in SW regardless
89     // of whether it would invoke the GrSoftwarePathRenderer.
90     GrStrokeInfo stroke(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle);
92     // Set the matrix so that rendered clip elements are transformed to mask space from clip
93     // space.
94     SkMatrix translate;
95     translate.setTranslate(clipToMaskOffset);
97     for (GrReducedClip::ElementList::Iter iter(elements.headIter()); iter.get(); iter.next()) {
98         const Element* element = iter.get();
99         // rects can always be drawn directly w/o using the software path
100         // Skip rrects once we're drawing them directly.
101         if (Element::kRect_Type != element->getType()) {
102             SkPath path;
103             element->asPath(&path);
104             if (path_needs_SW_renderer(this->getContext(), fClipTarget, pipelineBuilder, translate,
105                                        path, stroke, element->isAA())) {
106                 return true;
107             }
108         }
109     }
110     return false;
111 }
installClipEffects(GrPipelineBuilder * pipelineBuilder,GrPipelineBuilder::AutoRestoreFragmentProcessors * arfp,const GrReducedClip::ElementList & elements,const SkVector & clipToRTOffset,const SkRect * drawBounds)113 bool GrClipMaskManager::installClipEffects(GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder,
114                                            GrPipelineBuilder::AutoRestoreFragmentProcessors* arfp,
115                                            const GrReducedClip::ElementList& elements,
116                                            const SkVector& clipToRTOffset,
117                                            const SkRect* drawBounds) {
118     SkRect boundsInClipSpace;
119     if (drawBounds) {
120         boundsInClipSpace = *drawBounds;
121         boundsInClipSpace.offset(-clipToRTOffset.fX, -clipToRTOffset.fY);
122     }
124     arfp->set(pipelineBuilder);
125     GrRenderTarget* rt = pipelineBuilder->getRenderTarget();
126     GrReducedClip::ElementList::Iter iter(elements);
127     bool failed = false;
128     while (iter.get()) {
129         SkRegion::Op op = iter.get()->getOp();
130         bool invert;
131         bool skip = false;
132         switch (op) {
133             case SkRegion::kReplace_Op:
134                 SkASSERT(iter.get() == elements.head());
135                 // Fallthrough, handled same as intersect.
136             case SkRegion::kIntersect_Op:
137                 invert = false;
138                 if (drawBounds && iter.get()->contains(boundsInClipSpace)) {
139                     skip = true;
140                 }
141                 break;
142             case SkRegion::kDifference_Op:
143                 invert = true;
144                 // We don't currently have a cheap test for whether a rect is fully outside an
145                 // element's primitive, so don't attempt to set skip.
146                 break;
147             default:
148                 failed = true;
149                 break;
150         }
151         if (failed) {
152             break;
153         }
155         if (!skip) {
156             GrPrimitiveEdgeType edgeType;
157             if (iter.get()->isAA()) {
158                 if (rt->isMultisampled()) {
159                     // Coverage based AA clips don't place nicely with MSAA.
160                     failed = true;
161                     break;
162                 }
163                 edgeType =
164                         invert ? kInverseFillAA_GrProcessorEdgeType : kFillAA_GrProcessorEdgeType;
165             } else {
166                 edgeType =
167 invert ? kInverseFillBW_GrProcessorEdgeType : kFillBW_GrProcessorEdgeType;
168             }
169             SkAutoTUnref<GrFragmentProcessor> fp;
170             switch (iter.get()->getType()) {
171                 case SkClipStack::Element::kPath_Type:
172                     fp.reset(GrConvexPolyEffect::Create(edgeType, iter.get()->getPath(),
173                                                         &clipToRTOffset));
174                     break;
175                 case SkClipStack::Element::kRRect_Type: {
176                     SkRRect rrect = iter.get()->getRRect();
177                     rrect.offset(clipToRTOffset.fX, clipToRTOffset.fY);
178                     fp.reset(GrRRectEffect::Create(edgeType, rrect));
179                     break;
180                 }
181                 case SkClipStack::Element::kRect_Type: {
182                     SkRect rect = iter.get()->getRect();
183                     rect.offset(clipToRTOffset.fX, clipToRTOffset.fY);
184                     fp.reset(GrConvexPolyEffect::Create(edgeType, rect));
185                     break;
186                 }
187                 default:
188                     break;
189             }
190             if (fp) {
191                 pipelineBuilder->addCoverageProcessor(fp);
192             } else {
193                 failed = true;
194                 break;
195             }
196         }
197         iter.next();
198     }
200     if (failed) {
201         arfp->set(NULL);
202     }
203     return !failed;
204 }
206 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
207 // sort out what kind of clip mask needs to be created: alpha, stencil,
208 // scissor, or entirely software
setupClipping(GrPipelineBuilder * pipelineBuilder,GrPipelineBuilder::AutoRestoreFragmentProcessors * arfp,GrPipelineBuilder::AutoRestoreStencil * ars,GrScissorState * scissorState,const SkRect * devBounds)209 bool GrClipMaskManager::setupClipping(GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder,
210                                       GrPipelineBuilder::AutoRestoreFragmentProcessors* arfp,
211                                       GrPipelineBuilder::AutoRestoreStencil* ars,
212                                       GrScissorState* scissorState,
213                                       const SkRect* devBounds) {
214     fCurrClipMaskType = kNone_ClipMaskType;
215     if (kRespectClip_StencilClipMode == fClipMode) {
216         fClipMode = kIgnoreClip_StencilClipMode;
217     }
219     GrReducedClip::ElementList elements(16);
220     int32_t genID = 0;
221     GrReducedClip::InitialState initialState = GrReducedClip::kAllIn_InitialState;
222     SkIRect clipSpaceIBounds;
223     bool requiresAA = false;
224     GrRenderTarget* rt = pipelineBuilder->getRenderTarget();
226     // GrDrawTarget should have filtered this for us
227     SkASSERT(rt);
229     SkIRect clipSpaceRTIBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(rt->width(), rt->height());
230     const GrClip& clip = pipelineBuilder->clip();
231     if (clip.isWideOpen(clipSpaceRTIBounds)) {
232         this->setPipelineBuilderStencil(pipelineBuilder, ars);
233         return true;
234     }
236     // The clip mask manager always draws with a single IRect so we special case that logic here
237     // Image filters just use a rect, so we also special case that logic
238     switch (clip.clipType()) {
239         case GrClip::kWideOpen_ClipType:
240             SkFAIL("Should have caught this with clip.isWideOpen()");
241             return true;
242         case GrClip::kIRect_ClipType: {
243             SkIRect scissor = clip.irect();
244             if (scissor.intersect(clipSpaceRTIBounds)) {
245                 scissorState->set(scissor);
246                 this->setPipelineBuilderStencil(pipelineBuilder, ars);
247                 return true;
248             }
249             return false;
250         }
251         case GrClip::kClipStack_ClipType: {
252             clipSpaceRTIBounds.offset(clip.origin());
253             GrReducedClip::ReduceClipStack(*clip.clipStack(),
254                                             clipSpaceRTIBounds,
255                                             &elements,
256                                             &genID,
257                                             &initialState,
258                                             &clipSpaceIBounds,
259                                             &requiresAA);
260             if (elements.isEmpty()) {
261                 if (GrReducedClip::kAllIn_InitialState == initialState) {
262                     if (clipSpaceIBounds == clipSpaceRTIBounds) {
263                         this->setPipelineBuilderStencil(pipelineBuilder, ars);
264                         return true;
265                     }
266                 } else {
267                     return false;
268                 }
269             }
270         } break;
271     }
273     // An element count of 4 was chosen because of the common pattern in Blink of:
274     //   isect RR
275     //   diff  RR
276     //   isect convex_poly
277     //   isect convex_poly
278     // when drawing rounded div borders. This could probably be tuned based on a
279     // configuration's relative costs of switching RTs to generate a mask vs
280     // longer shaders.
281     if (elements.count() <= 4) {
282         SkVector clipToRTOffset = { SkIntToScalar(-clip.origin().fX),
283                                     SkIntToScalar(-clip.origin().fY) };
284         if (elements.isEmpty() ||
285             (requiresAA && this->installClipEffects(pipelineBuilder, arfp, elements, clipToRTOffset,
286                                                     devBounds))) {
287             SkIRect scissorSpaceIBounds(clipSpaceIBounds);
288             scissorSpaceIBounds.offset(-clip.origin());
289             if (NULL == devBounds ||
290                 !SkRect::Make(scissorSpaceIBounds).contains(*devBounds)) {
291                 scissorState->set(scissorSpaceIBounds);
292             }
293             this->setPipelineBuilderStencil(pipelineBuilder, ars);
294             return true;
295         }
296     }
298     // If MSAA is enabled we can do everything in the stencil buffer.
299     if (0 == rt->numSamples() && requiresAA) {
300         GrTexture* result = NULL;
302         // The top-left of the mask corresponds to the top-left corner of the bounds.
303         SkVector clipToMaskOffset = {
304             SkIntToScalar(-clipSpaceIBounds.fLeft),
305             SkIntToScalar(-clipSpaceIBounds.fTop)
306         };
308         if (this->useSWOnlyPath(pipelineBuilder, clipToMaskOffset, elements)) {
309             // The clip geometry is complex enough that it will be more efficient to create it
310             // entirely in software
311             result = this->createSoftwareClipMask(genID,
312                                                   initialState,
313                                                   elements,
314                                                   clipToMaskOffset,
315                                                   clipSpaceIBounds);
316         } else {
317             result = this->createAlphaClipMask(genID,
318                                                initialState,
319                                                elements,
320                                                clipToMaskOffset,
321                                                clipSpaceIBounds);
322         }
324         if (result) {
325             arfp->set(pipelineBuilder);
326             // The mask's top left coord should be pinned to the rounded-out top left corner of
327             // clipSpace bounds. We determine the mask's position WRT to the render target here.
328             SkIRect rtSpaceMaskBounds = clipSpaceIBounds;
329             rtSpaceMaskBounds.offset(-clip.origin());
330             setup_drawstate_aaclip(pipelineBuilder, result, arfp, rtSpaceMaskBounds);
331             this->setPipelineBuilderStencil(pipelineBuilder, ars);
332             return true;
333         }
334         // if alpha clip mask creation fails fall through to the non-AA code paths
335     }
337     // Either a hard (stencil buffer) clip was explicitly requested or an anti-aliased clip couldn't
338     // be created. In either case, free up the texture in the anti-aliased mask cache.
339     // TODO: this may require more investigation. Ganesh performs a lot of utility draws (e.g.,
340     // clears, InOrderDrawBuffer playbacks) that hit the stencil buffer path. These may be
341     // "incorrectly" clearing the AA cache.
342     fAACache.reset();
344     // use the stencil clip if we can't represent the clip as a rectangle.
345     SkIPoint clipSpaceToStencilSpaceOffset = -clip.origin();
346     this->createStencilClipMask(rt,
347                                 genID,
348                                 initialState,
349                                 elements,
350                                 clipSpaceIBounds,
351                                 clipSpaceToStencilSpaceOffset);
353     // This must occur after createStencilClipMask. That function may change the scissor. Also, it
354     // only guarantees that the stencil mask is correct within the bounds it was passed, so we must
355     // use both stencil and scissor test to the bounds for the final draw.
356     SkIRect scissorSpaceIBounds(clipSpaceIBounds);
357     scissorSpaceIBounds.offset(clipSpaceToStencilSpaceOffset);
358     scissorState->set(scissorSpaceIBounds);
359     this->setPipelineBuilderStencil(pipelineBuilder, ars);
360     return true;
361 }
363 namespace {
364 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
365 // Set a coverage drawing XPF on the pipelineBuilder for the given op and invertCoverage mode
set_coverage_drawing_xpf(SkRegion::Op op,bool invertCoverage,GrPipelineBuilder * pipelineBuilder)366 void set_coverage_drawing_xpf(SkRegion::Op op, bool invertCoverage,
367                               GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder) {
368     SkASSERT(op <= SkRegion::kLastOp);
369     pipelineBuilder->setCoverageSetOpXPFactory(op, invertCoverage);
370 }
371 }
373 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
drawElement(GrPipelineBuilder * pipelineBuilder,const SkMatrix & viewMatrix,GrTexture * target,const SkClipStack::Element * element,GrPathRenderer * pr)374 bool GrClipMaskManager::drawElement(GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder,
375                                     const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
376                                     GrTexture* target,
377                                     const SkClipStack::Element* element,
378                                     GrPathRenderer* pr) {
380     pipelineBuilder->setRenderTarget(target->asRenderTarget());
382     // The color we use to draw does not matter since we will always be using a GrCoverageSetOpXP
383     // which ignores color.
384     GrColor color = GrColor_WHITE;
386     // TODO: Draw rrects directly here.
387     switch (element->getType()) {
388         case Element::kEmpty_Type:
389             SkDEBUGFAIL("Should never get here with an empty element.");
390             break;
391         case Element::kRect_Type:
392             // TODO: Do rects directly to the accumulator using a aa-rect GrProcessor that covers
393             // the entire mask bounds and writes 0 outside the rect.
394             if (element->isAA()) {
395                 SkRect devRect = element->getRect();
396                 viewMatrix.mapRect(&devRect);
397                 this->getContext()->getAARectRenderer()->fillAARect(fClipTarget,
398                                                                     pipelineBuilder,
399                                                                     color,
400                                                                     viewMatrix,
401                                                                     element->getRect(),
402                                                                     devRect);
403             } else {
404                 fClipTarget->drawSimpleRect(pipelineBuilder, color, viewMatrix, element->getRect());
405             }
406             return true;
407         default: {
408             SkPath path;
409             element->asPath(&path);
410             path.setIsVolatile(true);
411             if (path.isInverseFillType()) {
412                 path.toggleInverseFillType();
413             }
414             GrStrokeInfo stroke(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle);
415             if (NULL == pr) {
416                 GrPathRendererChain::DrawType type;
417                 type = element->isAA() ? GrPathRendererChain::kColorAntiAlias_DrawType :
418                                          GrPathRendererChain::kColor_DrawType;
419                 pr = this->getContext()->getPathRenderer(fClipTarget, pipelineBuilder, viewMatrix,
420                                                          path, stroke, false, type);
421             }
422             if (NULL == pr) {
423                 return false;
424             }
426             pr->drawPath(fClipTarget, pipelineBuilder, color, viewMatrix, path, stroke,
427                          element->isAA());
428             break;
429         }
430     }
431     return true;
432 }
canStencilAndDrawElement(GrPipelineBuilder * pipelineBuilder,GrTexture * target,GrPathRenderer ** pr,const SkClipStack::Element * element)434 bool GrClipMaskManager::canStencilAndDrawElement(GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder,
435                                                  GrTexture* target,
436                                                  GrPathRenderer** pr,
437                                                  const SkClipStack::Element* element) {
438     pipelineBuilder->setRenderTarget(target->asRenderTarget());
440     if (Element::kRect_Type == element->getType()) {
441         return true;
442     } else {
443         // We shouldn't get here with an empty clip element.
444         SkASSERT(Element::kEmpty_Type != element->getType());
445         SkPath path;
446         element->asPath(&path);
447         if (path.isInverseFillType()) {
448             path.toggleInverseFillType();
449         }
450         GrStrokeInfo stroke(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle);
451         GrPathRendererChain::DrawType type = element->isAA() ?
452             GrPathRendererChain::kStencilAndColorAntiAlias_DrawType :
453             GrPathRendererChain::kStencilAndColor_DrawType;
454         *pr = this->getContext()->getPathRenderer(fClipTarget, pipelineBuilder, SkMatrix::I(), path,
455                                                   stroke, false, type);
456         return SkToBool(*pr);
457     }
458 }
mergeMask(GrPipelineBuilder * pipelineBuilder,GrTexture * dstMask,GrTexture * srcMask,SkRegion::Op op,const SkIRect & dstBound,const SkIRect & srcBound)460 void GrClipMaskManager::mergeMask(GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder,
461                                   GrTexture* dstMask,
462                                   GrTexture* srcMask,
463                                   SkRegion::Op op,
464                                   const SkIRect& dstBound,
465                                   const SkIRect& srcBound) {
466     pipelineBuilder->setRenderTarget(dstMask->asRenderTarget());
468     // We want to invert the coverage here
469     set_coverage_drawing_xpf(op, false, pipelineBuilder);
471     SkMatrix sampleM;
472     sampleM.setIDiv(srcMask->width(), srcMask->height());
474     pipelineBuilder->addCoverageProcessor(
475         GrTextureDomainEffect::Create(srcMask,
476                                       sampleM,
477                                       GrTextureDomain::MakeTexelDomain(srcMask, srcBound),
478                                       GrTextureDomain::kDecal_Mode,
479                                       GrTextureParams::kNone_FilterMode))->unref();
481     // The color passed in here does not matter since the coverageSetOpXP won't read it.
482     fClipTarget->drawSimpleRect(pipelineBuilder,
483                                 GrColor_WHITE,
484                                 SkMatrix::I(),
485                                 SkRect::Make(dstBound));
486 }
createTempMask(int width,int height)488 GrTexture* GrClipMaskManager::createTempMask(int width, int height) {
489     GrSurfaceDesc desc;
490     desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
491     desc.fWidth = width;
492     desc.fHeight = height;
493     if (this->getContext()->isConfigRenderable(kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig, false)) {
494         desc.fConfig = kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig;
495     } else {
496         desc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
497     }
499     return this->getContext()->textureProvider()->refScratchTexture(
500         desc, GrTextureProvider::kApprox_ScratchTexMatch);
501 }
503 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
504 // Return the texture currently in the cache if it exists. Otherwise, return NULL
getCachedMaskTexture(int32_t elementsGenID,const SkIRect & clipSpaceIBounds)505 GrTexture* GrClipMaskManager::getCachedMaskTexture(int32_t elementsGenID,
506                                                    const SkIRect& clipSpaceIBounds) {
507     bool cached = fAACache.canReuse(elementsGenID, clipSpaceIBounds);
508     if (!cached) {
509         return NULL;
510     }
512     return fAACache.getLastMask();
513 }
515 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
516 // Allocate a texture in the texture cache. This function returns the texture
517 // allocated (or NULL on error).
allocMaskTexture(int32_t elementsGenID,const SkIRect & clipSpaceIBounds,bool willUpload)518 GrTexture* GrClipMaskManager::allocMaskTexture(int32_t elementsGenID,
519                                                const SkIRect& clipSpaceIBounds,
520                                                bool willUpload) {
521     // Since we are setting up the cache we should free up the
522     // currently cached mask so it can be reused.
523     fAACache.reset();
525     GrSurfaceDesc desc;
526     desc.fFlags = willUpload ? kNone_GrSurfaceFlags : kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
527     desc.fWidth = clipSpaceIBounds.width();
528     desc.fHeight = clipSpaceIBounds.height();
529     desc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
530     if (willUpload || this->getContext()->isConfigRenderable(kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig, false)) {
531         // We would always like A8 but it isn't supported on all platforms
532         desc.fConfig = kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig;
533     }
535     fAACache.acquireMask(elementsGenID, desc, clipSpaceIBounds);
536     return fAACache.getLastMask();
537 }
539 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
540 // Create a 8-bit clip mask in alpha
createAlphaClipMask(int32_t elementsGenID,GrReducedClip::InitialState initialState,const GrReducedClip::ElementList & elements,const SkVector & clipToMaskOffset,const SkIRect & clipSpaceIBounds)541 GrTexture* GrClipMaskManager::createAlphaClipMask(int32_t elementsGenID,
542                                                   GrReducedClip::InitialState initialState,
543                                                   const GrReducedClip::ElementList& elements,
544                                                   const SkVector& clipToMaskOffset,
545                                                   const SkIRect& clipSpaceIBounds) {
546     SkASSERT(kNone_ClipMaskType == fCurrClipMaskType);
548     // First, check for cached texture
549     GrTexture* result = this->getCachedMaskTexture(elementsGenID, clipSpaceIBounds);
550     if (result) {
551         fCurrClipMaskType = kAlpha_ClipMaskType;
552         return result;
553     }
555     // There's no texture in the cache. Let's try to allocate it then.
556     result = this->allocMaskTexture(elementsGenID, clipSpaceIBounds, false);
557     if (NULL == result) {
558         fAACache.reset();
559         return NULL;
560     }
562     // Set the matrix so that rendered clip elements are transformed to mask space from clip
563     // space.
564     SkMatrix translate;
565     translate.setTranslate(clipToMaskOffset);
567     // The texture may be larger than necessary, this rect represents the part of the texture
568     // we populate with a rasterization of the clip.
569     SkIRect maskSpaceIBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(clipSpaceIBounds.width(), clipSpaceIBounds.height());
571     // The scratch texture that we are drawing into can be substantially larger than the mask. Only
572     // clear the part that we care about.
573     fClipTarget->clear(&maskSpaceIBounds,
574                        GrReducedClip::kAllIn_InitialState == initialState ? 0xffffffff : 0x00000000,
575                        true,
576                        result->asRenderTarget());
578     // When we use the stencil in the below loop it is important to have this clip installed.
579     // The second pass that zeros the stencil buffer renders the rect maskSpaceIBounds so the first
580     // pass must not set values outside of this bounds or stencil values outside the rect won't be
581     // cleared.
582     GrClip clip(maskSpaceIBounds);
583     SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> temp;
585     // walk through each clip element and perform its set op
586     for (GrReducedClip::ElementList::Iter iter = elements.headIter(); iter.get(); iter.next()) {
587         const Element* element = iter.get();
588         SkRegion::Op op = element->getOp();
589         bool invert = element->isInverseFilled();
590         if (invert || SkRegion::kIntersect_Op == op || SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op == op) {
591             GrPipelineBuilder pipelineBuilder;
593             pipelineBuilder.setClip(clip);
594             GrPathRenderer* pr = NULL;
595             bool useTemp = !this->canStencilAndDrawElement(&pipelineBuilder, result, &pr, element);
596             GrTexture* dst;
597             // This is the bounds of the clip element in the space of the alpha-mask. The temporary
598             // mask buffer can be substantially larger than the actually clip stack element. We
599             // touch the minimum number of pixels necessary and use decal mode to combine it with
600             // the accumulator.
601             SkIRect maskSpaceElementIBounds;
603             if (useTemp) {
604                 if (invert) {
605                     maskSpaceElementIBounds = maskSpaceIBounds;
606                 } else {
607                     SkRect elementBounds = element->getBounds();
608                     elementBounds.offset(clipToMaskOffset);
609                     elementBounds.roundOut(&maskSpaceElementIBounds);
610                 }
612                 if (!temp) {
613                     temp.reset(this->createTempMask(maskSpaceIBounds.fRight,
614                                                     maskSpaceIBounds.fBottom));
615                     if (!temp) {
616                         fAACache.reset();
617                         return NULL;
618                     }
619                 }
620                 dst = temp;
621                 // clear the temp target and set blend to replace
622                 fClipTarget->clear(&maskSpaceElementIBounds,
623                                    invert ? 0xffffffff : 0x00000000,
624                                    true,
625                                    dst->asRenderTarget());
626                 set_coverage_drawing_xpf(SkRegion::kReplace_Op, invert, &pipelineBuilder);
627             } else {
628                 // draw directly into the result with the stencil set to make the pixels affected
629                 // by the clip shape be non-zero.
630                 dst = result;
631                 GR_STATIC_CONST_SAME_STENCIL(kStencilInElement,
632                                              kReplace_StencilOp,
633                                              kReplace_StencilOp,
634                                              kAlways_StencilFunc,
635                                              0xffff,
636                                              0xffff,
637                                              0xffff);
638                 pipelineBuilder.setStencil(kStencilInElement);
639                 set_coverage_drawing_xpf(op, invert, &pipelineBuilder);
640             }
642             if (!this->drawElement(&pipelineBuilder, translate, dst, element, pr)) {
643                 fAACache.reset();
644                 return NULL;
645             }
647             if (useTemp) {
648                 GrPipelineBuilder backgroundPipelineBuilder;
649                 backgroundPipelineBuilder.setRenderTarget(result->asRenderTarget());
651                 // Now draw into the accumulator using the real operation and the temp buffer as a
652                 // texture
653                 this->mergeMask(&backgroundPipelineBuilder,
654                                 result,
655                                 temp,
656                                 op,
657                                 maskSpaceIBounds,
658                                 maskSpaceElementIBounds);
659             } else {
660                 GrPipelineBuilder backgroundPipelineBuilder;
661                 backgroundPipelineBuilder.setRenderTarget(result->asRenderTarget());
663                 set_coverage_drawing_xpf(op, !invert, &backgroundPipelineBuilder);
664                 // Draw to the exterior pixels (those with a zero stencil value).
665                 GR_STATIC_CONST_SAME_STENCIL(kDrawOutsideElement,
666                                              kZero_StencilOp,
667                                              kZero_StencilOp,
668                                              kEqual_StencilFunc,
669                                              0xffff,
670                                              0x0000,
671                                              0xffff);
672                 backgroundPipelineBuilder.setStencil(kDrawOutsideElement);
674                 // The color passed in here does not matter since the coverageSetOpXP won't read it.
675                 fClipTarget->drawSimpleRect(&backgroundPipelineBuilder, GrColor_WHITE, translate,
676                                             clipSpaceIBounds);
677             }
678         } else {
679             GrPipelineBuilder pipelineBuilder;
681             // all the remaining ops can just be directly draw into the accumulation buffer
682             set_coverage_drawing_xpf(op, false, &pipelineBuilder);
683             // The color passed in here does not matter since the coverageSetOpXP won't read it.
684             this->drawElement(&pipelineBuilder, translate, result, element);
685         }
686     }
688     fCurrClipMaskType = kAlpha_ClipMaskType;
689     return result;
690 }
692 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
693 // Create a 1-bit clip mask in the stencil buffer. 'devClipBounds' are in device
694 // (as opposed to canvas) coordinates
createStencilClipMask(GrRenderTarget * rt,int32_t elementsGenID,GrReducedClip::InitialState initialState,const GrReducedClip::ElementList & elements,const SkIRect & clipSpaceIBounds,const SkIPoint & clipSpaceToStencilOffset)695 bool GrClipMaskManager::createStencilClipMask(GrRenderTarget* rt,
696                                               int32_t elementsGenID,
697                                               GrReducedClip::InitialState initialState,
698                                               const GrReducedClip::ElementList& elements,
699                                               const SkIRect& clipSpaceIBounds,
700                                               const SkIPoint& clipSpaceToStencilOffset) {
701     SkASSERT(kNone_ClipMaskType == fCurrClipMaskType);
702     SkASSERT(rt);
704     GrStencilAttachment* stencilAttachment = rt->renderTargetPriv().attachStencilAttachment();
705     if (NULL == stencilAttachment) {
706         return false;
707     }
709     if (stencilAttachment->mustRenderClip(elementsGenID, clipSpaceIBounds, clipSpaceToStencilOffset)) {
710         stencilAttachment->setLastClip(elementsGenID, clipSpaceIBounds, clipSpaceToStencilOffset);
711         // Set the matrix so that rendered clip elements are transformed from clip to stencil space.
712         SkVector translate = {
713             SkIntToScalar(clipSpaceToStencilOffset.fX),
714             SkIntToScalar(clipSpaceToStencilOffset.fY)
715         };
716         SkMatrix viewMatrix;
717         viewMatrix.setTranslate(translate);
719         // We set the current clip to the bounds so that our recursive draws are scissored to them.
720         SkIRect stencilSpaceIBounds(clipSpaceIBounds);
721         stencilSpaceIBounds.offset(clipSpaceToStencilOffset);
722         GrClip clip(stencilSpaceIBounds);
724         int clipBit = stencilAttachment->bits();
725         SkASSERT((clipBit <= 16) && "Ganesh only handles 16b or smaller stencil buffers");
726         clipBit = (1 << (clipBit-1));
728         fClipTarget->clearStencilClip(stencilSpaceIBounds,
729                                       GrReducedClip::kAllIn_InitialState == initialState,
730                                       rt);
732         // walk through each clip element and perform its set op
733         // with the existing clip.
734         for (GrReducedClip::ElementList::Iter iter(elements.headIter()); iter.get(); iter.next()) {
735             const Element* element = iter.get();
737             GrPipelineBuilder pipelineBuilder;
738             pipelineBuilder.setClip(clip);
739             pipelineBuilder.setRenderTarget(rt);
741             pipelineBuilder.setDisableColorXPFactory();
743             // if the target is MSAA then we want MSAA enabled when the clip is soft
744             if (rt->isMultisampled()) {
745                 pipelineBuilder.setState(GrPipelineBuilder::kHWAntialias_Flag, element->isAA());
746             }
748             bool fillInverted = false;
749             // enabled at bottom of loop
750             fClipMode = kIgnoreClip_StencilClipMode;
752             // This will be used to determine whether the clip shape can be rendered into the
753             // stencil with arbitrary stencil settings.
754             GrPathRenderer::StencilSupport stencilSupport;
756             GrStrokeInfo stroke(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle);
757             SkRegion::Op op = element->getOp();
759             GrPathRenderer* pr = NULL;
760             SkPath clipPath;
761             if (Element::kRect_Type == element->getType()) {
762                 stencilSupport = GrPathRenderer::kNoRestriction_StencilSupport;
763                 fillInverted = false;
764             } else {
765                 element->asPath(&clipPath);
766                 fillInverted = clipPath.isInverseFillType();
767                 if (fillInverted) {
768                     clipPath.toggleInverseFillType();
769                 }
770                 pr = this->getContext()->getPathRenderer(fClipTarget,
771                                                          &pipelineBuilder,
772                                                          viewMatrix,
773                                                          clipPath,
774                                                          stroke,
775                                                          false,
776                                                          GrPathRendererChain::kStencilOnly_DrawType,
777                                                          &stencilSupport);
778                 if (NULL == pr) {
779                     return false;
780                 }
781             }
783             int passes;
784             GrStencilSettings stencilSettings[GrStencilSettings::kMaxStencilClipPasses];
786             bool canRenderDirectToStencil =
787                 GrPathRenderer::kNoRestriction_StencilSupport == stencilSupport;
788             bool canDrawDirectToClip; // Given the renderer, the element,
789                                       // fill rule, and set operation can
790                                       // we render the element directly to
791                                       // stencil bit used for clipping.
792             canDrawDirectToClip = GrStencilSettings::GetClipPasses(op,
793                                                                    canRenderDirectToStencil,
794                                                                    clipBit,
795                                                                    fillInverted,
796                                                                    &passes,
797                                                                    stencilSettings);
799             // draw the element to the client stencil bits if necessary
800             if (!canDrawDirectToClip) {
801                 GR_STATIC_CONST_SAME_STENCIL(gDrawToStencil,
802                                              kIncClamp_StencilOp,
803                                              kIncClamp_StencilOp,
804                                              kAlways_StencilFunc,
805                                              0xffff,
806                                              0x0000,
807                                              0xffff);
808                 if (Element::kRect_Type == element->getType()) {
809                     *pipelineBuilder.stencil() = gDrawToStencil;
811                     // We need this AGP until everything is in GrBatch
812                     fClipTarget->drawSimpleRect(&pipelineBuilder,
813                                                 GrColor_WHITE,
814                                                 viewMatrix,
815                                                 element->getRect());
816                 } else {
817                     if (!clipPath.isEmpty()) {
818                         if (canRenderDirectToStencil) {
819                             *pipelineBuilder.stencil() = gDrawToStencil;
820                             pr->drawPath(fClipTarget, &pipelineBuilder, GrColor_WHITE,
821                                          viewMatrix, clipPath, stroke, false);
822                         } else {
823                             pr->stencilPath(fClipTarget, &pipelineBuilder, viewMatrix,
824                                             clipPath, stroke);
825                         }
826                     }
827                 }
828             }
830             // now we modify the clip bit by rendering either the clip
831             // element directly or a bounding rect of the entire clip.
832             fClipMode = kModifyClip_StencilClipMode;
833             for (int p = 0; p < passes; ++p) {
834                 GrPipelineBuilder pipelineBuilderCopy(pipelineBuilder);
835                 *pipelineBuilderCopy.stencil() = stencilSettings[p];
837                 if (canDrawDirectToClip) {
838                     if (Element::kRect_Type == element->getType()) {
839                         // We need this AGP until everything is in GrBatch
840                         fClipTarget->drawSimpleRect(&pipelineBuilderCopy,
841                                                     GrColor_WHITE,
842                                                     viewMatrix,
843                                                     element->getRect());
844                     } else {
845                         pr->drawPath(fClipTarget, &pipelineBuilderCopy, GrColor_WHITE,
846                                      viewMatrix, clipPath, stroke, false);
847                     }
848                 } else {
849                     // The view matrix is setup to do clip space -> stencil space translation, so
850                     // draw rect in clip space.
851                     fClipTarget->drawSimpleRect(&pipelineBuilderCopy,
852                                                 GrColor_WHITE,
853                                                 viewMatrix,
854                                                 SkRect::Make(clipSpaceIBounds));
855                 }
856             }
857         }
858     }
859     // set this last because recursive draws may overwrite it back to kNone.
860     SkASSERT(kNone_ClipMaskType == fCurrClipMaskType);
861     fCurrClipMaskType = kStencil_ClipMaskType;
862     fClipMode = kRespectClip_StencilClipMode;
863     return true;
864 }
866 // mapping of clip-respecting stencil funcs to normal stencil funcs
867 // mapping depends on whether stencil-clipping is in effect.
868 static const GrStencilFunc
869     gSpecialToBasicStencilFunc[2][kClipStencilFuncCount] = {
870     {// Stencil-Clipping is DISABLED,  we are effectively always inside the clip
871         // In the Clip Funcs
872         kAlways_StencilFunc,          // kAlwaysIfInClip_StencilFunc
873         kEqual_StencilFunc,           // kEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc
874         kLess_StencilFunc,            // kLessIfInClip_StencilFunc
875         kLEqual_StencilFunc,          // kLEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc
876         // Special in the clip func that forces user's ref to be 0.
877         kNotEqual_StencilFunc,        // kNonZeroIfInClip_StencilFunc
878                                       // make ref 0 and do normal nequal.
879     },
880     {// Stencil-Clipping is ENABLED
881         // In the Clip Funcs
882         kEqual_StencilFunc,           // kAlwaysIfInClip_StencilFunc
883                                       // eq stencil clip bit, mask
884                                       // out user bits.
886         kEqual_StencilFunc,           // kEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc
887                                       // add stencil bit to mask and ref
889         kLess_StencilFunc,            // kLessIfInClip_StencilFunc
890         kLEqual_StencilFunc,          // kLEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc
891                                       // for both of these we can add
892                                       // the clip bit to the mask and
893                                       // ref and compare as normal
894         // Special in the clip func that forces user's ref to be 0.
895         kLess_StencilFunc,            // kNonZeroIfInClip_StencilFunc
896                                       // make ref have only the clip bit set
897                                       // and make comparison be less
898                                       // 10..0 < 1..user_bits..
899     }
900 };
902 namespace {
903 // Sets the settings to clip against the stencil buffer clip while ignoring the
904 // client bits.
basic_apply_stencil_clip_settings()905 const GrStencilSettings& basic_apply_stencil_clip_settings() {
906     // stencil settings to use when clip is in stencil
908         kKeep_StencilOp,
909         kKeep_StencilOp,
910         kAlwaysIfInClip_StencilFunc,
911         0x0000,
912         0x0000,
913         0x0000);
915 }
916 }
setPipelineBuilderStencil(GrPipelineBuilder * pipelineBuilder,GrPipelineBuilder::AutoRestoreStencil * ars)918 void GrClipMaskManager::setPipelineBuilderStencil(GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder,
919                                                   GrPipelineBuilder::AutoRestoreStencil* ars) {
920     // We make two copies of the StencilSettings here (except in the early
921     // exit scenario. One copy from draw state to the stack var. Then another
922     // from the stack var to the gpu. We could make this class hold a ptr to
923     // GrGpu's fStencilSettings and eliminate the stack copy here.
925     // use stencil for clipping if clipping is enabled and the clip
926     // has been written into the stencil.
927     GrStencilSettings settings;
929     // The GrGpu client may not be using the stencil buffer but we may need to
930     // enable it in order to respect a stencil clip.
931     if (pipelineBuilder->getStencil().isDisabled()) {
932         if (GrClipMaskManager::kRespectClip_StencilClipMode == fClipMode) {
933             settings = basic_apply_stencil_clip_settings();
934         } else {
935             return;
936         }
937     } else {
938         settings = pipelineBuilder->getStencil();
939     }
941     int stencilBits = 0;
942     GrRenderTarget* rt = pipelineBuilder->getRenderTarget();
943     GrStencilAttachment* stencilAttachment = rt->renderTargetPriv().attachStencilAttachment();
944     if (stencilAttachment) {
945         stencilBits = stencilAttachment->bits();
946     }
948     SkASSERT(fClipTarget->caps()->stencilWrapOpsSupport() || !settings.usesWrapOp());
949     SkASSERT(fClipTarget->caps()->twoSidedStencilSupport() || !settings.isTwoSided());
950     this->adjustStencilParams(&settings, fClipMode, stencilBits);
951     ars->set(pipelineBuilder);
952     pipelineBuilder->setStencil(settings);
953 }
adjustStencilParams(GrStencilSettings * settings,StencilClipMode mode,int stencilBitCnt)955 void GrClipMaskManager::adjustStencilParams(GrStencilSettings* settings,
956                                             StencilClipMode mode,
957                                             int stencilBitCnt) {
958     SkASSERT(stencilBitCnt > 0);
960     if (kModifyClip_StencilClipMode == mode) {
961         // We assume that this clip manager itself is drawing to the GrGpu and
962         // has already setup the correct values.
963         return;
964     }
966     unsigned int clipBit = (1 << (stencilBitCnt - 1));
967     unsigned int userBits = clipBit - 1;
969     GrStencilSettings::Face face = GrStencilSettings::kFront_Face;
970     bool twoSided = fClipTarget->caps()->twoSidedStencilSupport();
972     bool finished = false;
973     while (!finished) {
974         GrStencilFunc func = settings->func(face);
975         uint16_t writeMask = settings->writeMask(face);
976         uint16_t funcMask = settings->funcMask(face);
977         uint16_t funcRef = settings->funcRef(face);
979         SkASSERT((unsigned) func < kStencilFuncCount);
981         writeMask &= userBits;
983         if (func >= kBasicStencilFuncCount) {
984             int respectClip = kRespectClip_StencilClipMode == mode;
985             if (respectClip) {
986                 // The GrGpu class should have checked this
987                 SkASSERT(this->isClipInStencil());
988                 switch (func) {
989                     case kAlwaysIfInClip_StencilFunc:
990                         funcMask = clipBit;
991                         funcRef = clipBit;
992                         break;
993                     case kEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc:
994                     case kLessIfInClip_StencilFunc:
995                     case kLEqualIfInClip_StencilFunc:
996                         funcMask = (funcMask & userBits) | clipBit;
997                         funcRef  = (funcRef  & userBits) | clipBit;
998                         break;
999                     case kNonZeroIfInClip_StencilFunc:
1000                         funcMask = (funcMask & userBits) | clipBit;
1001                         funcRef = clipBit;
1002                         break;
1003                     default:
1004                         SkFAIL("Unknown stencil func");
1005                 }
1006             } else {
1007                 funcMask &= userBits;
1008                 funcRef &= userBits;
1009             }
1010             const GrStencilFunc* table =
1011                 gSpecialToBasicStencilFunc[respectClip];
1012             func = table[func - kBasicStencilFuncCount];
1013             SkASSERT(func >= 0 && func < kBasicStencilFuncCount);
1014         } else {
1015             funcMask &= userBits;
1016             funcRef &= userBits;
1017         }
1019         settings->setFunc(face, func);
1020         settings->setWriteMask(face, writeMask);
1021         settings->setFuncMask(face, funcMask);
1022         settings->setFuncRef(face, funcRef);
1024         if (GrStencilSettings::kFront_Face == face) {
1025             face = GrStencilSettings::kBack_Face;
1026             finished = !twoSided;
1027         } else {
1028             finished = true;
1029         }
1030     }
1031     if (!twoSided) {
1032         settings->copyFrontSettingsToBack();
1033     }
1034 }
1036 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
createSoftwareClipMask(int32_t elementsGenID,GrReducedClip::InitialState initialState,const GrReducedClip::ElementList & elements,const SkVector & clipToMaskOffset,const SkIRect & clipSpaceIBounds)1037 GrTexture* GrClipMaskManager::createSoftwareClipMask(int32_t elementsGenID,
1038                                                      GrReducedClip::InitialState initialState,
1039                                                      const GrReducedClip::ElementList& elements,
1040                                                      const SkVector& clipToMaskOffset,
1041                                                      const SkIRect& clipSpaceIBounds) {
1042     SkASSERT(kNone_ClipMaskType == fCurrClipMaskType);
1044     GrTexture* result = this->getCachedMaskTexture(elementsGenID, clipSpaceIBounds);
1045     if (result) {
1046         return result;
1047     }
1049     // The mask texture may be larger than necessary. We round out the clip space bounds and pin
1050     // the top left corner of the resulting rect to the top left of the texture.
1051     SkIRect maskSpaceIBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(clipSpaceIBounds.width(), clipSpaceIBounds.height());
1053     GrSWMaskHelper helper(this->getContext());
1055     // Set the matrix so that rendered clip elements are transformed to mask space from clip
1056     // space.
1057     SkMatrix translate;
1058     translate.setTranslate(clipToMaskOffset);
1060     helper.init(maskSpaceIBounds, &translate, false);
1061     helper.clear(GrReducedClip::kAllIn_InitialState == initialState ? 0xFF : 0x00);
1062     SkStrokeRec stroke(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle);
1064     for (GrReducedClip::ElementList::Iter iter(elements.headIter()) ; iter.get(); iter.next()) {
1065         const Element* element = iter.get();
1066         SkRegion::Op op = element->getOp();
1068         if (SkRegion::kIntersect_Op == op || SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op == op) {
1069             // Intersect and reverse difference require modifying pixels outside of the geometry
1070             // that is being "drawn". In both cases we erase all the pixels outside of the geometry
1071             // but leave the pixels inside the geometry alone. For reverse difference we invert all
1072             // the pixels before clearing the ones outside the geometry.
1073             if (SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op == op) {
1074                 SkRect temp = SkRect::Make(clipSpaceIBounds);
1075                 // invert the entire scene
1076                 helper.draw(temp, SkRegion::kXOR_Op, false, 0xFF);
1077             }
1078             SkPath clipPath;
1079             element->asPath(&clipPath);
1080             clipPath.toggleInverseFillType();
1081             helper.draw(clipPath, stroke, SkRegion::kReplace_Op, element->isAA(), 0x00);
1082             continue;
1083         }
1085         // The other ops (union, xor, diff) only affect pixels inside
1086         // the geometry so they can just be drawn normally
1087         if (Element::kRect_Type == element->getType()) {
1088             helper.draw(element->getRect(), op, element->isAA(), 0xFF);
1089         } else {
1090             SkPath path;
1091             element->asPath(&path);
1092             helper.draw(path, stroke, op, element->isAA(), 0xFF);
1093         }
1094     }
1096     // Allocate clip mask texture
1097     result = this->allocMaskTexture(elementsGenID, clipSpaceIBounds, true);
1098     if (NULL == result) {
1099         fAACache.reset();
1100         return NULL;
1101     }
1102     helper.toTexture(result);
1104     fCurrClipMaskType = kAlpha_ClipMaskType;
1105     return result;
1106 }
1108 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
purgeResources()1109 void GrClipMaskManager::purgeResources() {
1110     fAACache.purgeResources();
1111 }
setClipTarget(GrClipTarget * clipTarget)1113 void GrClipMaskManager::setClipTarget(GrClipTarget* clipTarget) {
1114     fClipTarget = clipTarget;
1115     fAACache.setContext(clipTarget->getContext());
1116 }
adjustPathStencilParams(const GrStencilAttachment * stencilAttachment,GrStencilSettings * settings)1118 void GrClipMaskManager::adjustPathStencilParams(const GrStencilAttachment* stencilAttachment,
1119                                                 GrStencilSettings* settings) {
1120     if (stencilAttachment) {
1121         int stencilBits = stencilAttachment->bits();
1122         this->adjustStencilParams(settings, fClipMode, stencilBits);
1123     }
1124 }