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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #ifndef SkBitmap_DEFINED
9 #define SkBitmap_DEFINED
11 #include "SkColor.h"
12 #include "SkColorTable.h"
13 #include "SkImageInfo.h"
14 #include "SkPoint.h"
15 #include "SkRefCnt.h"
17 struct SkMask;
18 struct SkIRect;
19 struct SkRect;
20 class SkPaint;
21 class SkPixelRef;
22 class SkPixelRefFactory;
23 class SkRegion;
24 class SkString;
25 class GrTexture;
27 /** \class SkBitmap
29     The SkBitmap class specifies a raster bitmap. A bitmap has an integer width
30     and height, and a format (colortype), and a pointer to the actual pixels.
31     Bitmaps can be drawn into a SkCanvas, but they are also used to specify the
32     target of a SkCanvas' drawing operations.
33     A const SkBitmap exposes getAddr(), which lets a caller write its pixels;
34     the constness is considered to apply to the bitmap's configuration, not
35     its contents.
36 */
37 class SK_API SkBitmap {
38 public:
39     class SK_API Allocator;
41     /**
42      *  Default construct creates a bitmap with zero width and height, and no pixels.
43      *  Its colortype is set to kUnknown_SkColorType.
44      */
45     SkBitmap();
47     /**
48      *  Copy the settings from the src into this bitmap. If the src has pixels
49      *  allocated, they will be shared, not copied, so that the two bitmaps will
50      *  reference the same memory for the pixels. If a deep copy is needed,
51      *  where the new bitmap has its own separate copy of the pixels, use
52      *  deepCopyTo().
53      */
54     SkBitmap(const SkBitmap& src);
56     ~SkBitmap();
58     /** Copies the src bitmap into this bitmap. Ownership of the src bitmap's pixels remains
59         with the src bitmap.
60     */
61     SkBitmap& operator=(const SkBitmap& src);
62     /** Swap the fields of the two bitmaps. This routine is guaranteed to never fail or throw.
63     */
64     //  This method is not exported to java.
65     void swap(SkBitmap& other);
67     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
info()69     const SkImageInfo& info() const { return fInfo; }
width()71     int width() const { return fInfo.width(); }
height()72     int height() const { return fInfo.height(); }
colorType()73     SkColorType colorType() const { return fInfo.colorType(); }
alphaType()74     SkAlphaType alphaType() const { return fInfo.alphaType(); }
profileType()75     SkColorProfileType profileType() const { return fInfo.profileType(); }
77     /**
78      *  Return the number of bytes per pixel based on the colortype. If the colortype is
79      *  kUnknown_SkColorType, then 0 is returned.
80      */
bytesPerPixel()81     int bytesPerPixel() const { return fInfo.bytesPerPixel(); }
83     /**
84      *  Return the rowbytes expressed as a number of pixels (like width and height).
85      *  If the colortype is kUnknown_SkColorType, then 0 is returned.
86      */
rowBytesAsPixels()87     int rowBytesAsPixels() const {
88         return fRowBytes >> this->shiftPerPixel();
89     }
91     /**
92      *  Return the shift amount per pixel (i.e. 0 for 1-byte per pixel, 1 for 2-bytes per pixel
93      *  colortypes, 2 for 4-bytes per pixel colortypes). Return 0 for kUnknown_SkColorType.
94      */
shiftPerPixel()95     int shiftPerPixel() const { return this->bytesPerPixel() >> 1; }
97     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
99     /** Return true iff the bitmap has empty dimensions.
100      *  Hey!  Before you use this, see if you really want to know drawsNothing() instead.
101      */
empty()102     bool empty() const { return fInfo.isEmpty(); }
104     /** Return true iff the bitmap has no pixelref. Note: this can return true even if the
105      *  dimensions of the bitmap are > 0 (see empty()).
106      *  Hey!  Before you use this, see if you really want to know drawsNothing() instead.
107      */
isNull()108     bool isNull() const { return NULL == fPixelRef; }
110     /** Return true iff drawing this bitmap has no effect.
111      */
drawsNothing()112     bool drawsNothing() const { return this->empty() || this->isNull(); }
114     /** Return the number of bytes between subsequent rows of the bitmap. */
rowBytes()115     size_t rowBytes() const { return fRowBytes; }
117     /**
118      *  Set the bitmap's alphaType, returning true on success. If false is
119      *  returned, then the specified new alphaType is incompatible with the
120      *  colortype, and the current alphaType is unchanged.
121      *
122      *  Note: this changes the alphatype for the underlying pixels, which means
123      *  that all bitmaps that might be sharing (subsets of) the pixels will
124      *  be affected.
125      */
126     bool setAlphaType(SkAlphaType);
128     /** Return the address of the pixels for this SkBitmap.
129     */
getPixels()130     void* getPixels() const { return fPixels; }
132     /** Return the byte size of the pixels, based on the height and rowBytes.
133         Note this truncates the result to 32bits. Call getSize64() to detect
134         if the real size exceeds 32bits.
135     */
getSize()136     size_t getSize() const { return fInfo.height() * fRowBytes; }
138     /** Return the number of bytes from the pointer returned by getPixels()
139         to the end of the allocated space in the buffer. Required in
140         cases where extractSubset has been called.
141     */
getSafeSize()142     size_t getSafeSize() const { return fInfo.getSafeSize(fRowBytes); }
144     /**
145      *  Return the full size of the bitmap, in bytes.
146      */
computeSize64()147     int64_t computeSize64() const {
148         return sk_64_mul(fInfo.height(), fRowBytes);
149     }
151     /**
152      *  Return the number of bytes from the pointer returned by getPixels()
153      *  to the end of the allocated space in the buffer. This may be smaller
154      *  than computeSize64() if there is any rowbytes padding beyond the width.
155      */
computeSafeSize64()156     int64_t computeSafeSize64() const {
157         return fInfo.getSafeSize64(fRowBytes);
158     }
160     /** Returns true if this bitmap is marked as immutable, meaning that the
161         contents of its pixels will not change for the lifetime of the bitmap.
162     */
163     bool isImmutable() const;
165     /** Marks this bitmap as immutable, meaning that the contents of its
166         pixels will not change for the lifetime of the bitmap and of the
167         underlying pixelref. This state can be set, but it cannot be
168         cleared once it is set. This state propagates to all other bitmaps
169         that share the same pixelref.
170     */
171     void setImmutable();
173     /** Returns true if the bitmap is opaque (has no translucent/transparent pixels).
174     */
isOpaque()175     bool isOpaque() const {
176         return SkAlphaTypeIsOpaque(this->alphaType());
177     }
179     /** Returns true if the bitmap is volatile (i.e. should not be cached by devices.)
180     */
181     bool isVolatile() const;
183     /** Specify whether this bitmap is volatile. Bitmaps are not volatile by
184         default. Temporary bitmaps that are discarded after use should be
185         marked as volatile. This provides a hint to the device that the bitmap
186         should not be cached. Providing this hint when appropriate can
187         improve performance by avoiding unnecessary overhead and resource
188         consumption on the device.
189     */
190     void setIsVolatile(bool);
192     /** Reset the bitmap to its initial state (see default constructor). If we are a (shared)
193         owner of the pixels, that ownership is decremented.
194     */
195     void reset();
197     /**
198      *  This will brute-force return true if all of the pixels in the bitmap
199      *  are opaque. If it fails to read the pixels, or encounters an error,
200      *  it will return false.
201      *
202      *  Since this can be an expensive operation, the bitmap stores a flag for
203      *  this (isOpaque). Only call this if you need to compute this value from
204      *  "unknown" pixels.
205      */
206     static bool ComputeIsOpaque(const SkBitmap&);
208     /**
209      *  Return the bitmap's bounds [0, 0, width, height] as an SkRect
210      */
211     void getBounds(SkRect* bounds) const;
212     void getBounds(SkIRect* bounds) const;
bounds()214     SkIRect bounds() const { return fInfo.bounds(); }
dimensions()215     SkISize dimensions() const { return fInfo.dimensions(); }
217     bool setInfo(const SkImageInfo&, size_t rowBytes = 0);
219     /**
220      *  Allocate the bitmap's pixels to match the requested image info. If the Factory
221      *  is non-null, call it to allcoate the pixelref. If the ImageInfo requires
222      *  a colortable, then ColorTable must be non-null, and will be ref'd.
223      *  On failure, the bitmap will be set to empty and return false.
224      */
225     bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocPixels(const SkImageInfo&, SkPixelRefFactory*, SkColorTable*);
allocPixels(const SkImageInfo & info,SkPixelRefFactory * factory,SkColorTable * ctable)227     void allocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, SkPixelRefFactory* factory, SkColorTable* ctable) {
228         if (!this->tryAllocPixels(info, factory, ctable)) {
229             sk_throw();
230         }
231     }
233     /**
234      *  Allocate the bitmap's pixels to match the requested image info and
235      *  rowBytes. If the request cannot be met (e.g. the info is invalid or
236      *  the requested rowBytes are not compatible with the info
237      *  (e.g. rowBytes < info.minRowBytes() or rowBytes is not aligned with
238      *  the pixel size specified by info.colorType()) then false is returned
239      *  and the bitmap is set to empty.
240      */
241     bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, size_t rowBytes);
allocPixels(const SkImageInfo & info,size_t rowBytes)243     void allocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, size_t rowBytes) {
244         if (!this->tryAllocPixels(info, rowBytes)) {
245             sk_throw();
246         }
247     }
tryAllocPixels(const SkImageInfo & info)249     bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info) {
250         return this->tryAllocPixels(info, info.minRowBytes());
251     }
allocPixels(const SkImageInfo & info)253     void allocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info) {
254         this->allocPixels(info, info.minRowBytes());
255     }
257     bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocN32Pixels(int width, int height, bool isOpaque = false) {
258         SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(width, height,
259                                             isOpaque ? kOpaque_SkAlphaType : kPremul_SkAlphaType);
260         return this->tryAllocPixels(info);
261     }
263     void allocN32Pixels(int width, int height, bool isOpaque = false) {
264         SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(width, height,
265                                             isOpaque ? kOpaque_SkAlphaType : kPremul_SkAlphaType);
266         this->allocPixels(info);
267     }
269     /**
270      *  Install a pixelref that wraps the specified pixels and rowBytes, and
271      *  optional ReleaseProc and context. When the pixels are no longer
272      *  referenced, if releaseProc is not null, it will be called with the
273      *  pixels and context as parameters.
274      *  On failure, the bitmap will be set to empty and return false.
275      */
276     bool installPixels(const SkImageInfo&, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes, SkColorTable*,
277                        void (*releaseProc)(void* addr, void* context), void* context);
279     /**
280      *  Call installPixels with no ReleaseProc specified. This means that the
281      *  caller must ensure that the specified pixels are valid for the lifetime
282      *  of the created bitmap (and its pixelRef).
283      */
installPixels(const SkImageInfo & info,void * pixels,size_t rowBytes)284     bool installPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes) {
285         return this->installPixels(info, pixels, rowBytes, NULL, NULL, NULL);
286     }
288     /**
289      *  Calls installPixels() with the value in the SkMask. The caller must
290      *  ensure that the specified mask pixels are valid for the lifetime
291      *  of the created bitmap (and its pixelRef).
292      */
293     bool installMaskPixels(const SkMask&);
295     /** Use this to assign a new pixel address for an existing bitmap. This
296         will automatically release any pixelref previously installed. Only call
297         this if you are handling ownership/lifetime of the pixel memory.
299         If the bitmap retains a reference to the colortable (assuming it is
300         not null) it will take care of incrementing the reference count.
302         @param pixels   Address for the pixels, managed by the caller.
303         @param ctable   ColorTable (or null) that matches the specified pixels
304     */
305     void setPixels(void* p, SkColorTable* ctable = NULL);
307     /** Copies the bitmap's pixels to the location pointed at by dst and returns
308         true if possible, returns false otherwise.
310         In the case when the dstRowBytes matches the bitmap's rowBytes, the copy
311         may be made faster by copying over the dst's per-row padding (for all
312         rows but the last). By setting preserveDstPad to true the caller can
313         disable this optimization and ensure that pixels in the padding are not
314         overwritten.
316         Always returns false for RLE formats.
318         @param dst      Location of destination buffer.
319         @param dstSize  Size of destination buffer. Must be large enough to hold
320                         pixels using indicated stride.
321         @param dstRowBytes  Width of each line in the buffer. If 0, uses
322                             bitmap's internal stride.
323         @param preserveDstPad Must we preserve padding in the dst
324     */
325     bool copyPixelsTo(void* const dst, size_t dstSize, size_t dstRowBytes = 0,
326                       bool preserveDstPad = false) const;
328     /** Use the standard HeapAllocator to create the pixelref that manages the
329         pixel memory. It will be sized based on the current ImageInfo.
330         If this is called multiple times, a new pixelref object will be created
331         each time.
333         If the bitmap retains a reference to the colortable (assuming it is
334         not null) it will take care of incrementing the reference count.
336         @param ctable   ColorTable (or null) to use with the pixels that will
337                         be allocated. Only used if colortype == kIndex_8_SkColorType
338         @return true if the allocation succeeds. If not the pixelref field of
339                      the bitmap will be unchanged.
340     */
341     bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocPixels(SkColorTable* ctable = NULL) {
342         return this->tryAllocPixels(NULL, ctable);
343     }
345     void allocPixels(SkColorTable* ctable = NULL) {
346         this->allocPixels(NULL, ctable);
347     }
349     /** Use the specified Allocator to create the pixelref that manages the
350         pixel memory. It will be sized based on the current ImageInfo.
351         If this is called multiple times, a new pixelref object will be created
352         each time.
354         If the bitmap retains a reference to the colortable (assuming it is
355         not null) it will take care of incrementing the reference count.
357         @param allocator The Allocator to use to create a pixelref that can
358                          manage the pixel memory for the current ImageInfo.
359                          If allocator is NULL, the standard HeapAllocator will be used.
360         @param ctable   ColorTable (or null) to use with the pixels that will
361                         be allocated. Only used if colortype == kIndex_8_SkColorType.
362                         If it is non-null and the colortype is not indexed, it will
363                         be ignored.
364         @return true if the allocation succeeds. If not the pixelref field of
365                      the bitmap will be unchanged.
366     */
367     bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocPixels(Allocator* allocator, SkColorTable* ctable);
allocPixels(Allocator * allocator,SkColorTable * ctable)369     void allocPixels(Allocator* allocator, SkColorTable* ctable) {
370         if (!this->tryAllocPixels(allocator, ctable)) {
371             sk_throw();
372         }
373     }
375     /**
376      *  Return the current pixelref object or NULL if there is none. This does
377      *  not affect the refcount of the pixelref.
378      */
pixelRef()379     SkPixelRef* pixelRef() const { return fPixelRef; }
381     /**
382      *  A bitmap can reference a subset of a pixelref's pixels. That means the
383      *  bitmap's width/height can be <= the dimensions of the pixelref. The
384      *  pixelref origin is the x,y location within the pixelref's pixels for
385      *  the bitmap's top/left corner. To be valid the following must be true:
386      *
387      *  origin_x + bitmap_width  <= pixelref_width
388      *  origin_y + bitmap_height <= pixelref_height
389      *
390      *  pixelRefOrigin() returns this origin, or (0,0) if there is no pixelRef.
391      */
pixelRefOrigin()392     SkIPoint pixelRefOrigin() const { return fPixelRefOrigin; }
394     /**
395      *  Assign a pixelref and origin to the bitmap. Pixelrefs are reference,
396      *  so the existing one (if any) will be unref'd and the new one will be
397      *  ref'd. (x,y) specify the offset within the pixelref's pixels for the
398      *  top/left corner of the bitmap. For a bitmap that encompases the entire
399      *  pixels of the pixelref, these will be (0,0).
400      */
401     SkPixelRef* setPixelRef(SkPixelRef* pr, int dx, int dy);
setPixelRef(SkPixelRef * pr,const SkIPoint & origin)403     SkPixelRef* setPixelRef(SkPixelRef* pr, const SkIPoint& origin) {
404         return this->setPixelRef(pr, origin.fX, origin.fY);
405     }
setPixelRef(SkPixelRef * pr)407     SkPixelRef* setPixelRef(SkPixelRef* pr) {
408         return this->setPixelRef(pr, 0, 0);
409     }
411     /** Call this to ensure that the bitmap points to the current pixel address
412         in the pixelref. Balance it with a call to unlockPixels(). These calls
413         are harmless if there is no pixelref.
414     */
415     void lockPixels() const;
416     /** When you are finished access the pixel memory, call this to balance a
417         previous call to lockPixels(). This allows pixelrefs that implement
418         cached/deferred image decoding to know when there are active clients of
419         a given image.
420     */
421     void unlockPixels() const;
423     /**
424      *  Some bitmaps can return a copy of their pixels for lockPixels(), but
425      *  that copy, if modified, will not be pushed back. These bitmaps should
426      *  not be used as targets for a raster device/canvas (since all pixels
427      *  modifications will be lost when unlockPixels() is called.)
428      */
429     bool lockPixelsAreWritable() const;
431     /** Call this to be sure that the bitmap is valid enough to be drawn (i.e.
432         it has non-null pixels, and if required by its colortype, it has a
433         non-null colortable. Returns true if all of the above are met.
434     */
readyToDraw()435     bool readyToDraw() const {
436         return this->getPixels() != NULL &&
437                (this->colorType() != kIndex_8_SkColorType || fColorTable);
438     }
440     /** Returns the pixelRef's texture, or NULL
441      */
442     GrTexture* getTexture() const;
444     /** Return the bitmap's colortable, if it uses one (i.e. colorType is
445         Index_8) and the pixels are locked.
446         Otherwise returns NULL. Does not affect the colortable's
447         reference count.
448     */
getColorTable()449     SkColorTable* getColorTable() const { return fColorTable; }
451     /** Returns a non-zero, unique value corresponding to the pixels in our
452         pixelref. Each time the pixels are changed (and notifyPixelsChanged
453         is called), a different generation ID will be returned. Finally, if
454         there is no pixelRef then zero is returned.
455     */
456     uint32_t getGenerationID() const;
458     /** Call this if you have changed the contents of the pixels. This will in-
459         turn cause a different generation ID value to be returned from
460         getGenerationID().
461     */
462     void notifyPixelsChanged() const;
464     /**
465      *  Fill the entire bitmap with the specified color.
466      *  If the bitmap's colortype does not support alpha (e.g. 565) then the alpha
467      *  of the color is ignored (treated as opaque). If the colortype only supports
468      *  alpha (e.g. A1 or A8) then the color's r,g,b components are ignored.
469      */
eraseColor(SkColor c)470     void eraseColor(SkColor c) const {
471         this->eraseARGB(SkColorGetA(c), SkColorGetR(c), SkColorGetG(c),
472                         SkColorGetB(c));
473     }
475     /**
476      *  Fill the entire bitmap with the specified color.
477      *  If the bitmap's colortype does not support alpha (e.g. 565) then the alpha
478      *  of the color is ignored (treated as opaque). If the colortype only supports
479      *  alpha (e.g. A1 or A8) then the color's r,g,b components are ignored.
480      */
481     void eraseARGB(U8CPU a, U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b) const;
483     SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED("use eraseARGB or eraseColor")
eraseRGB(U8CPU r,U8CPU g,U8CPU b)484     void eraseRGB(U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b) const {
485         this->eraseARGB(0xFF, r, g, b);
486     }
488     /**
489      *  Fill the specified area of this bitmap with the specified color.
490      *  If the bitmap's colortype does not support alpha (e.g. 565) then the alpha
491      *  of the color is ignored (treated as opaque). If the colortype only supports
492      *  alpha (e.g. A1 or A8) then the color's r,g,b components are ignored.
493      */
494     void eraseArea(const SkIRect& area, SkColor c) const;
496     /** Scroll (a subset of) the contents of this bitmap by dx/dy. If there are
497         no pixels allocated (i.e. getPixels() returns null) the method will
498         still update the inval region (if present). If the bitmap is immutable,
499         do nothing and return false.
501         @param subset The subset of the bitmap to scroll/move. To scroll the
502                       entire contents, specify [0, 0, width, height] or just
503                       pass null.
504         @param dx The amount to scroll in X
505         @param dy The amount to scroll in Y
506         @param inval Optional (may be null). Returns the area of the bitmap that
507                      was scrolled away. E.g. if dx = dy = 0, then inval would
508                      be set to empty. If dx >= width or dy >= height, then
509                      inval would be set to the entire bounds of the bitmap.
510         @return true if the scroll was doable. Will return false if the colortype is kUnkown or
511                      if the bitmap is immutable.
512                      If no pixels are present (i.e. getPixels() returns false)
513                      inval will still be updated, and true will be returned.
514     */
515     bool scrollRect(const SkIRect* subset, int dx, int dy,
516                     SkRegion* inval = NULL) const;
518     /**
519      *  Return the SkColor of the specified pixel.  In most cases this will
520      *  require un-premultiplying the color.  Alpha only colortypes (e.g. kAlpha_8_SkColorType)
521      *  return black with the appropriate alpha set.  The value is undefined
522      *  for kUnknown_SkColorType or if x or y are out of bounds, or if the bitmap
523      *  does not have any pixels (or has not be locked with lockPixels()).
524      */
525     SkColor getColor(int x, int y) const;
527     /** Returns the address of the specified pixel. This performs a runtime
528         check to know the size of the pixels, and will return the same answer
529         as the corresponding size-specific method (e.g. getAddr16). Since the
530         check happens at runtime, it is much slower than using a size-specific
531         version. Unlike the size-specific methods, this routine also checks if
532         getPixels() returns null, and returns that. The size-specific routines
533         perform a debugging assert that getPixels() is not null, but they do
534         not do any runtime checks.
535     */
536     void* getAddr(int x, int y) const;
538     /** Returns the address of the pixel specified by x,y for 32bit pixels.
539      *  In debug build, this asserts that the pixels are allocated and locked,
540      *  and that the colortype is 32-bit, however none of these checks are performed
541      *  in the release build.
542      */
543     inline uint32_t* getAddr32(int x, int y) const;
545     /** Returns the address of the pixel specified by x,y for 16bit pixels.
546      *  In debug build, this asserts that the pixels are allocated and locked,
547      *  and that the colortype is 16-bit, however none of these checks are performed
548      *  in the release build.
549      */
550     inline uint16_t* getAddr16(int x, int y) const;
552     /** Returns the address of the pixel specified by x,y for 8bit pixels.
553      *  In debug build, this asserts that the pixels are allocated and locked,
554      *  and that the colortype is 8-bit, however none of these checks are performed
555      *  in the release build.
556      */
557     inline uint8_t* getAddr8(int x, int y) const;
559     /** Returns the color corresponding to the pixel specified by x,y for
560      *  colortable based bitmaps.
561      *  In debug build, this asserts that the pixels are allocated and locked,
562      *  that the colortype is indexed, and that the colortable is allocated,
563      *  however none of these checks are performed in the release build.
564      */
565     inline SkPMColor getIndex8Color(int x, int y) const;
567     /** Set dst to be a setset of this bitmap. If possible, it will share the
568         pixel memory, and just point into a subset of it. However, if the colortype
569         does not support this, a local copy will be made and associated with
570         the dst bitmap. If the subset rectangle, intersected with the bitmap's
571         dimensions is empty, or if there is an unsupported colortype, false will be
572         returned and dst will be untouched.
573         @param dst  The bitmap that will be set to a subset of this bitmap
574         @param subset The rectangle of pixels in this bitmap that dst will
575                       reference.
576         @return true if the subset copy was successfully made.
577     */
578     bool extractSubset(SkBitmap* dst, const SkIRect& subset) const;
580     /** Makes a deep copy of this bitmap, respecting the requested colorType,
581      *  and allocating the dst pixels on the cpu.
582      *  Returns false if either there is an error (i.e. the src does not have
583      *  pixels) or the request cannot be satisfied (e.g. the src has per-pixel
584      *  alpha, and the requested colortype does not support alpha).
585      *  @param dst The bitmap to be sized and allocated
586      *  @param ct The desired colorType for dst
587      *  @param allocator Allocator used to allocate the pixelref for the dst
588      *                   bitmap. If this is null, the standard HeapAllocator
589      *                   will be used.
590      *  @return true if the copy was made.
591      */
592     bool copyTo(SkBitmap* dst, SkColorType ct, Allocator* = NULL) const;
594     bool copyTo(SkBitmap* dst, Allocator* allocator = NULL) const {
595         return this->copyTo(dst, this->colorType(), allocator);
596     }
598     /**
599      *  Copy the bitmap's pixels into the specified buffer (pixels + rowBytes),
600      *  converting them into the requested format (SkImageInfo). The src pixels are read
601      *  starting at the specified (srcX,srcY) offset, relative to the top-left corner.
602      *
603      *  The specified ImageInfo and (srcX,srcY) offset specifies a source rectangle
604      *
605      *      srcR.setXYWH(srcX, srcY, dstInfo.width(), dstInfo.height());
606      *
607      *  srcR is intersected with the bounds of the bitmap. If this intersection is not empty,
608      *  then we have two sets of pixels (of equal size). Replace the dst pixels with the
609      *  corresponding src pixels, performing any colortype/alphatype transformations needed
610      *  (in the case where the src and dst have different colortypes or alphatypes).
611      *
612      *  This call can fail, returning false, for several reasons:
613      *  - If srcR does not intersect the bitmap bounds.
614      *  - If the requested colortype/alphatype cannot be converted from the src's types.
615      *  - If the src pixels are not available.
616      */
617     bool readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size_t dstRowBytes,
618                     int srcX, int srcY) const;
620     /**
621      *  Returns true if this bitmap's pixels can be converted into the requested
622      *  colorType, such that copyTo() could succeed.
623      */
624     bool canCopyTo(SkColorType colorType) const;
626     /** Makes a deep copy of this bitmap, keeping the copied pixels
627      *  in the same domain as the source: If the src pixels are allocated for
628      *  the cpu, then so will the dst. If the src pixels are allocated on the
629      *  gpu (typically as a texture), the it will do the same for the dst.
630      *  If the request cannot be fulfilled, returns false and dst is unmodified.
631      */
632     bool deepCopyTo(SkBitmap* dst) const;
hasHardwareMipMap()635     bool hasHardwareMipMap() const {
636         return (fFlags & kHasHardwareMipMap_Flag) != 0;
637     }
setHasHardwareMipMap(bool hasHardwareMipMap)639     void setHasHardwareMipMap(bool hasHardwareMipMap) {
640         if (hasHardwareMipMap) {
641             fFlags |= kHasHardwareMipMap_Flag;
642         } else {
643             fFlags &= ~kHasHardwareMipMap_Flag;
644         }
645     }
646 #endif
extractAlpha(SkBitmap * dst)648     bool extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst) const {
649         return this->extractAlpha(dst, NULL, NULL, NULL);
650     }
extractAlpha(SkBitmap * dst,const SkPaint * paint,SkIPoint * offset)652     bool extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst, const SkPaint* paint,
653                       SkIPoint* offset) const {
654         return this->extractAlpha(dst, paint, NULL, offset);
655     }
657     /** Set dst to contain alpha layer of this bitmap. If destination bitmap
658         fails to be initialized, e.g. because allocator can't allocate pixels
659         for it, dst will not be modified and false will be returned.
661         @param dst The bitmap to be filled with alpha layer
662         @param paint The paint to draw with
663         @param allocator Allocator used to allocate the pixelref for the dst
664                          bitmap. If this is null, the standard HeapAllocator
665                          will be used.
666         @param offset If not null, it is set to top-left coordinate to position
667                       the returned bitmap so that it visually lines up with the
668                       original
669     */
670     bool extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst, const SkPaint* paint, Allocator* allocator,
671                       SkIPoint* offset) const;
SkDEBUGCODE(void validate ()const;)673     SkDEBUGCODE(void validate() const;)
675     class Allocator : public SkRefCnt {
676     public:
677         SK_DECLARE_INST_COUNT(Allocator)
679         /** Allocate the pixel memory for the bitmap, given its dimensions and
680             colortype. Return true on success, where success means either setPixels
681             or setPixelRef was called. The pixels need not be locked when this
682             returns. If the colortype requires a colortable, it also must be
683             installed via setColorTable. If false is returned, the bitmap and
684             colortable should be left unchanged.
685         */
686         virtual bool allocPixelRef(SkBitmap*, SkColorTable*) = 0;
687     private:
688         typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;
689     };
691     /** Subclass of Allocator that returns a pixelref that allocates its pixel
692         memory from the heap. This is the default Allocator invoked by
693         allocPixels().
694     */
695     class HeapAllocator : public Allocator {
696     public:
697         bool allocPixelRef(SkBitmap*, SkColorTable*) override;
698     };
700     class RLEPixels {
701     public:
702         RLEPixels(int width, int height);
703         virtual ~RLEPixels();
packedAtY(int y)705         uint8_t* packedAtY(int y) const {
706             SkASSERT((unsigned)y < (unsigned)fHeight);
707             return fYPtrs[y];
708         }
710         // called by subclasses during creation
setPackedAtY(int y,uint8_t * addr)711         void setPackedAtY(int y, uint8_t* addr) {
712             SkASSERT((unsigned)y < (unsigned)fHeight);
713             fYPtrs[y] = addr;
714         }
716     private:
717         uint8_t** fYPtrs;
718         int       fHeight;
719     };
723 private:
724     mutable SkPixelRef* fPixelRef;
725     mutable int         fPixelLockCount;
726     // These are just caches from the locked pixelref
727     mutable void*       fPixels;
728     mutable SkColorTable* fColorTable;    // only meaningful for kIndex8
730     SkIPoint    fPixelRefOrigin;
732     enum Flags {
733         kImageIsVolatile_Flag   = 0x02,
735         /* A hint for the renderer responsible for drawing this bitmap
736          * indicating that it should attempt to use mipmaps when this bitmap
737          * is drawn scaled down.
738          */
739         kHasHardwareMipMap_Flag = 0x08,
740 #endif
741     };
743     SkImageInfo fInfo;
745     uint32_t    fRowBytes;
747     uint8_t     fFlags;
749     void internalErase(const SkIRect&, U8CPU a, U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b)const;
751     /*  Unreference any pixelrefs or colortables
752     */
753     void freePixels();
754     void updatePixelsFromRef() const;
756     static void WriteRawPixels(SkWriteBuffer*, const SkBitmap&);
757     static bool ReadRawPixels(SkReadBuffer*, SkBitmap*);
759     friend class SkBitmapSource;    // unflatten
760     friend class SkReadBuffer;      // unflatten, rawpixels
761     friend class SkWriteBuffer;     // rawpixels
762     friend struct SkBitmapProcState;
763 };
765 class SkAutoLockPixels : SkNoncopyable {
766 public:
fBitmap(bm)767     SkAutoLockPixels(const SkBitmap& bm, bool doLock = true) : fBitmap(bm) {
768         fDidLock = doLock;
769         if (doLock) {
770             bm.lockPixels();
771         }
772     }
~SkAutoLockPixels()773     ~SkAutoLockPixels() {
774         if (fDidLock) {
775             fBitmap.unlockPixels();
776         }
777     }
779 private:
780     const SkBitmap& fBitmap;
781     bool            fDidLock;
782 };
783 //TODO(mtklein): uncomment when 71713004 lands and Chromium's fixed.
784 //#define SkAutoLockPixels(...) SK_REQUIRE_LOCAL_VAR(SkAutoLockPixels)
786 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
getAddr32(int x,int y)788 inline uint32_t* SkBitmap::getAddr32(int x, int y) const {
789     SkASSERT(fPixels);
790     SkASSERT(4 == this->bytesPerPixel());
791     SkASSERT((unsigned)x < (unsigned)this->width() && (unsigned)y < (unsigned)this->height());
792     return (uint32_t*)((char*)fPixels + y * fRowBytes + (x << 2));
793 }
getAddr16(int x,int y)795 inline uint16_t* SkBitmap::getAddr16(int x, int y) const {
796     SkASSERT(fPixels);
797     SkASSERT(2 == this->bytesPerPixel());
798     SkASSERT((unsigned)x < (unsigned)this->width() && (unsigned)y < (unsigned)this->height());
799     return (uint16_t*)((char*)fPixels + y * fRowBytes + (x << 1));
800 }
getAddr8(int x,int y)802 inline uint8_t* SkBitmap::getAddr8(int x, int y) const {
803     SkASSERT(fPixels);
804     SkASSERT(1 == this->bytesPerPixel());
805     SkASSERT((unsigned)x < (unsigned)this->width() && (unsigned)y < (unsigned)this->height());
806     return (uint8_t*)fPixels + y * fRowBytes + x;
807 }
getIndex8Color(int x,int y)809 inline SkPMColor SkBitmap::getIndex8Color(int x, int y) const {
810     SkASSERT(fPixels);
811     SkASSERT(kIndex_8_SkColorType == this->colorType());
812     SkASSERT((unsigned)x < (unsigned)this->width() && (unsigned)y < (unsigned)this->height());
813     SkASSERT(fColorTable);
814     return (*fColorTable)[*((const uint8_t*)fPixels + y * fRowBytes + x)];
815 }
817 #endif