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MakefileD03-May-2024148 53

README.txtD03-May-20241.4 KiB2520

genk-timing.pyD03-May-202410.8 KiB225183

split-lib.pyD03-May-20243.7 KiB7160

toy.cppD03-May-202446.2 KiB1,5991,029


2//                          Kaleidoscope with MCJIT
5The files in this directory are meant to accompany the first in a series of
6three blog posts that describe the process of porting the Kaleidoscope tutorial
7to use the MCJIT execution engine instead of the older JIT engine.
9When the blog post is ready this file will be updated with a link to the post.
11The source code in this directory combines all previous versions, including the
12old JIT-based implementation, into a single file for easy comparison with
13command line options to select between the various possibilities.
15This directory contain a Makefile that allow the code to be built in a
16standalone manner, independent of the larger LLVM build infrastructure. To build
17the program you will need to have 'clang++' and 'llvm-config' in your path. If
18you attempt to build using the LLVM 3.3 release, some minor modifications will
19be required.
21This directory also contains a Python script that may be used to generate random
22input for the program and test scripts to capture data for rough performance
23comparisons.  Another Python script will split generated input files into
24definitions and function calls for the purpose of testing the IR input and
25caching facilities.