# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import datetime, logging, os, time from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import file_utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import sequence_utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chrome from autotest_lib.client.cros import constants as cros_constants from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import chameleon from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import chameleon_port_finder from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import chameleon_video_capturer from autotest_lib.client.cros.image_comparison import publisher from autotest_lib.client.cros.video import constants from autotest_lib.client.cros.video import frame_checksum_utils from autotest_lib.client.cros.video import native_html5_player from autotest_lib.client.cros.multimedia import local_facade_factory class video_GlitchDetection(test.test): """ Video playback test using image comparison. Captures frames using chameleon and compares them to known golden frames. If frames don't match, upload to GS for viewing later. """ version = 2 def run_once(self, source_path, codec, resolution, host, args, collect_only = False): board = utils.get_current_board() file_utils.make_leaf_dir(constants.TEST_DIR) with chrome.Chrome(extension_paths = [ cros_constants.MULTIMEDIA_TEST_EXTENSION], autotest_ext = True) as cr: cr.browser.platform.SetHTTPServerDirectories(self.bindir) html_fullpath = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'video.html') player = native_html5_player.NativeHtml5Player( tab = cr.browser.tabs[0], full_url = cr.browser.platform.http_server.UrlOf(html_fullpath), video_id = 'video', video_src_path = source_path, event_timeout = 120) chameleon_board = chameleon.create_chameleon_board(host.hostname, args) display_facade = local_facade_factory.LocalFacadeFactory( cr).create_display_facade() finder = chameleon_port_finder.ChameleonVideoInputFinder( chameleon_board, display_facade) capturer = chameleon_video_capturer.ChameleonVideoCapturer( finder.find_port(interface = 'hdmi'), display_facade) with capturer: player.load_video() player.verify_video_can_play() display_facade.move_to_display( display_facade.get_first_external_display_index()) display_facade.set_fullscreen(True) # HACK: Unset and reset fullscreen. There is a bug in Chrome # that fails to move the window to a correct position. # Resetting fullscren helps, check http://crbug.com/574284 display_facade.set_fullscreen(False) display_facade.set_fullscreen(True) time.sleep(5) box = (0, 0, constants.DESIRED_WIDTH, constants.DESIRED_HEIGHT) #TODO: mussa, Revisit once crbug/580736 is fixed for n in xrange(constants.NUM_CAPTURE_TRIES): logging.debug('Trying to capture frames. TRY #%d', n + 1) raw_test_checksums = capturer.capture_only( player, max_frame_count = constants.FCOUNT, box = box) raw_test_checksums = [tuple(checksum) for checksum in raw_test_checksums] overreach_counts = self.overreach_frame_counts( raw_test_checksums, constants.MAX_FRAME_REPEAT_COUNT) if not overreach_counts: # no checksums exceeded threshold break player.pause() player.seek_to(datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)) else: msg = ('Framecount overreach detected even after %d ' 'tries. Checksums: %s' % (constants.NUM_CAPTURE_TRIES, overreach_counts)) raise error.TestFail(msg) # produces unique checksums mapped to their occur. indices test_checksum_indices = frame_checksum_utils.checksum_indices( raw_test_checksums) test_checksums = test_checksum_indices.keys() test_indices = test_checksum_indices.values() golden_checksums_filepath = os.path.join( constants.TEST_DIR, constants.GOLDEN_CHECKSUMS_FILENAME) if collect_only: capturer.write_images(test_indices, constants.TEST_DIR, constants.IMAGE_FORMAT) logging.debug("Write golden checksum file to %s", golden_checksums_filepath) with open(golden_checksums_filepath, "w+") as f: for checksum in test_checksums: f.write(' '.join([str(i) for i in checksum]) + '\n') return golden_checksums_remote_filepath = os.path.join( constants.GOLDEN_CHECKSUM_REMOTE_BASE_DIR, board, codec + '_' + resolution, constants.GOLDEN_CHECKSUMS_FILENAME) file_utils.download_file(golden_checksums_remote_filepath, golden_checksums_filepath) golden_checksums = self.read_checksum_file( golden_checksums_filepath) golden_checksum_count = len(golden_checksums) test_checksum_count = len(test_checksums) eps = constants.MAX_DIFF_TOTAL_FCOUNT if golden_checksum_count - test_checksum_count > eps: msg = ('Expecting about %d checksums, received %d. ' 'Allowed delta is %d') % ( golden_checksum_count, test_checksum_count, eps) raise error.TestFail(msg) # Some frames might be missing during either golden frame # collection or during a test run. Using LCS ensures we # ignore a few missing frames while comparing test vs golden lcs_len = sequence_utils.lcs_length(golden_checksums, test_checksums) missing_frames_count = len(golden_checksums) - lcs_len unknown_frames_count = len(test_checksums) - lcs_len msg = ('# of matching frames : %d. # of missing frames : %d. ' '# of unknown test frames : %d. Max allowed # of ' 'missing frames : %d. # of golden frames : %d. # of ' 'test_checksums : %d' %(lcs_len, missing_frames_count, unknown_frames_count, constants.MAX_NONMATCHING_FCOUNT, len(golden_checksums), len(test_checksums))) logging.debug(msg) if (missing_frames_count + unknown_frames_count > constants.MAX_NONMATCHING_FCOUNT): unknown_frames = set(test_checksums) - set(golden_checksums) store_indices = [test_checksum_indices[c] for c in unknown_frames] paths = capturer.write_images(store_indices, constants.TEST_DIR, constants.IMAGE_FORMAT) path_publish = publisher.ImageDiffPublisher(self.resultsdir) path_publish.publish_paths(paths, self.tagged_testname) raise error.TestFail("Too many non-matching frames") def overreach_frame_counts(self, checksums, max_frame_repeat_count): """ Checks that captured frames have not exceed the max repeat count. @param checksums: list of frame checksums received from chameleon. @param max_frame_repeat_count: int. max allowed count. @return : dictionary, checksums and their counts """ logging.debug("Verify no frame is repeated more than %d", max_frame_repeat_count) counts = frame_checksum_utils.checksum_counts(checksums) overreach_counts = {} for k, v in counts.iteritems(): logging.debug("%s : %s", k, v) if v > max_frame_repeat_count: overreach_counts[k] = v return overreach_counts def read_checksum_file(self, path): """ Reads the golden checksum file. Each line in file has the format w x y z where w x y z is a chameleon frame checksum @param path: complete path to the golden checksum file. @returns a list of 4-tuples (w x y z). """ checksums = [] with open(path) as f: for line in f: checksum = tuple(int(val) for val in line.split()) checksums.append(checksum) return checksums