# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Implementation of Unix-like ls command for cloud storage providers.""" from __future__ import absolute_import import re from gslib.boto_translation import S3_DELETE_MARKER_GUID from gslib.cloud_api import NotFoundException from gslib.command import Command from gslib.command_argument import CommandArgument from gslib.cs_api_map import ApiSelector from gslib.exception import CommandException from gslib.ls_helper import LsHelper from gslib.storage_url import ContainsWildcard from gslib.storage_url import StorageUrlFromString from gslib.translation_helper import AclTranslation from gslib.util import ListingStyle from gslib.util import MakeHumanReadable from gslib.util import NO_MAX from gslib.util import PrintFullInfoAboutObject from gslib.util import UTF8 # Regex that assists with converting JSON timestamp to ls-style output. # This excludes timestamp fractional seconds, for example: # 2013-07-03 20:32:53.048000+00:00 JSON_TIMESTAMP_RE = re.compile(r'([^\s]*)\s([^\.\+]*).*') _SYNOPSIS = """ gsutil ls [-a] [-b] [-l] [-L] [-r] [-p proj_id] url... """ _DETAILED_HELP_TEXT = (""" SYNOPSIS """ + _SYNOPSIS + """ LISTING PROVIDERS, BUCKETS, SUBDIRECTORIES, AND OBJECTS If you run gsutil ls without URLs, it lists all of the Google Cloud Storage buckets under your default project ID: gsutil ls (For details about projects, see "gsutil help projects" and also the -p option in the OPTIONS section below.) If you specify one or more provider URLs, gsutil ls will list buckets at each listed provider: gsutil ls gs:// If you specify bucket URLs, gsutil ls will list objects at the top level of each bucket, along with the names of each subdirectory. For example: gsutil ls gs://bucket might produce output like: gs://bucket/obj1.htm gs://bucket/obj2.htm gs://bucket/images1/ gs://bucket/images2/ The "/" at the end of the last 2 URLs tells you they are subdirectories, which you can list using: gsutil ls gs://bucket/images* If you specify object URLs, gsutil ls will list the specified objects. For example: gsutil ls gs://bucket/*.txt will list all files whose name matches the above wildcard at the top level of the bucket. See "gsutil help wildcards" for more details on working with wildcards. DIRECTORY BY DIRECTORY, FLAT, and RECURSIVE LISTINGS Listing a bucket or subdirectory (as illustrated near the end of the previous section) only shows the objects and names of subdirectories it contains. You can list all objects in a bucket by using the -r option. For example: gsutil ls -r gs://bucket will list the top-level objects and buckets, then the objects and buckets under gs://bucket/images1, then those under gs://bucket/images2, etc. If you want to see all objects in the bucket in one "flat" listing use the recursive ("**") wildcard, like: gsutil ls -r gs://bucket/** or, for a flat listing of a subdirectory: gsutil ls -r gs://bucket/dir/** LISTING OBJECT DETAILS If you specify the -l option, gsutil will output additional information about each matching provider, bucket, subdirectory, or object. For example: gsutil ls -l gs://bucket/*.txt will print the object size, creation time stamp, and name of each matching object, along with the total count and sum of sizes of all matching objects: 2276224 2012-03-02T19:25:17Z gs://bucket/obj1 3914624 2012-03-02T19:30:27Z gs://bucket/obj2 TOTAL: 2 objects, 6190848 bytes (5.9 MiB) Note that the total listed in parentheses above is in mebibytes (or gibibytes, tebibytes, etc.), which corresponds to the unit of billing measurement for Google Cloud Storage. You can get a listing of all the objects in the top-level bucket directory (along with the total count and sum of sizes) using a command like: gsutil ls -l gs://bucket To print additional detail about objects and buckets use the gsutil ls -L option. For example: gsutil ls -L gs://bucket/obj1 will print something like: gs://bucket/obj1: Creation Time: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 19:25:17 GMT Size: 2276224 Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 Content-Type: application/x-executable ETag: 5ca6796417570a586723b7344afffc81 Generation: 1378862725952000 Metageneration: 1 ACL: [ { "entity": "group-00b4903a97163d99003117abe64d292561d2b4074fc90ce5c0e35ac45f66ad70", "entityId": "00b4903a97163d99003117abe64d292561d2b4074fc90ce5c0e35ac45f66ad70", "role": "OWNER" } ] TOTAL: 1 objects, 2276224 bytes (2.17 MiB) See also "gsutil help acl" for getting a more readable version of the ACL. LISTING BUCKET DETAILS If you want to see information about the bucket itself, use the -b option. For example: gsutil ls -L -b gs://bucket will print something like: gs://bucket/ : StorageClass: STANDARD LocationConstraint: US Versioning enabled: True Logging: None WebsiteConfiguration: None CORS configuration: Present Lifecycle configuration: None [ { "entity": "group-00b4903a97163d99003117abe64d292561d2b4074fc90ce5c0e35ac45f66ad70", "entityId": "00b4903a97163d99003117abe64d292561d2b4074fc90ce5c0e35ac45f66ad70", "role": "OWNER" } ] Default ACL: [ { "entity": "group-00b4903a97163d99003117abe64d292561d2b4074fc90ce5c0e35ac45f66ad70", "entityId": "00b4903a97163d99003117abe64d292561d2b4074fc90ce5c0e35ac45f66ad70", "role": "OWNER" } ] OPTIONS -l Prints long listing (owner, length). -L Prints even more detail than -l. Note: If you use this option with the (non-default) XML API it will generate an additional request per object being listed, which makes the -L option run much more slowly (and cost more) using the XML API than the default JSON API. -b Prints info about the bucket when used with a bucket URL. -h When used with -l, prints object sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1 KiB, 234 MiB, 2 GiB, etc.) -p proj_id Specifies the project ID to use for listing buckets. -R, -r Requests a recursive listing. -a Includes non-current object versions / generations in the listing (only useful with a versioning-enabled bucket). If combined with -l option also prints metageneration for each listed object. -e Include ETag in long listing (-l) output. """) class LsCommand(Command): """Implementation of gsutil ls command.""" # Command specification. See base class for documentation. command_spec = Command.CreateCommandSpec( 'ls', command_name_aliases=['dir', 'list'], usage_synopsis=_SYNOPSIS, min_args=0, max_args=NO_MAX, supported_sub_args='aeblLhp:rR', file_url_ok=False, provider_url_ok=True, urls_start_arg=0, gs_api_support=[ApiSelector.XML, ApiSelector.JSON], gs_default_api=ApiSelector.JSON, argparse_arguments=[ CommandArgument.MakeZeroOrMoreCloudURLsArgument() ] ) # Help specification. See help_provider.py for documentation. help_spec = Command.HelpSpec( help_name='ls', help_name_aliases=['dir', 'list'], help_type='command_help', help_one_line_summary='List providers, buckets, or objects', help_text=_DETAILED_HELP_TEXT, subcommand_help_text={}, ) def _PrintBucketInfo(self, bucket_blr, listing_style): """Print listing info for given bucket. Args: bucket_blr: BucketListingReference for the bucket being listed listing_style: ListingStyle enum describing type of output desired. Returns: Tuple (total objects, total bytes) in the bucket. """ if (listing_style == ListingStyle.SHORT or listing_style == ListingStyle.LONG): print bucket_blr return # listing_style == ListingStyle.LONG_LONG: # We're guaranteed by the caller that the root object is populated. bucket = bucket_blr.root_object location_constraint = bucket.location storage_class = bucket.storageClass fields = {'bucket': bucket_blr.url_string, 'storage_class': storage_class, 'location_constraint': location_constraint, 'acl': AclTranslation.JsonFromMessage(bucket.acl), 'default_acl': AclTranslation.JsonFromMessage( bucket.defaultObjectAcl)} fields['versioning'] = bucket.versioning and bucket.versioning.enabled fields['website_config'] = 'Present' if bucket.website else 'None' fields['logging_config'] = 'Present' if bucket.logging else 'None' fields['cors_config'] = 'Present' if bucket.cors else 'None' fields['lifecycle_config'] = 'Present' if bucket.lifecycle else 'None' # For field values that are multiline, add indenting to make it look # prettier. for key in fields: previous_value = fields[key] if (not isinstance(previous_value, basestring) or '\n' not in previous_value): continue new_value = previous_value.replace('\n', '\n\t ') # Start multiline values on a new line if they aren't already. if not new_value.startswith('\n'): new_value = '\n\t ' + new_value fields[key] = new_value print('{bucket} :\n' '\tStorage class:\t\t\t{storage_class}\n' '\tLocation constraint:\t\t{location_constraint}\n' '\tVersioning enabled:\t\t{versioning}\n' '\tLogging configuration:\t\t{logging_config}\n' '\tWebsite configuration:\t\t{website_config}\n' '\tCORS configuration: \t\t{cors_config}\n' '\tLifecycle configuration:\t{lifecycle_config}\n' '\tACL:\t\t\t\t{acl}\n' '\tDefault ACL:\t\t\t{default_acl}'.format(**fields)) if bucket_blr.storage_url.scheme == 's3': print('Note: this is an S3 bucket so configuration values may be ' 'blank. To retrieve bucket configuration values, use ' 'individual configuration commands such as gsutil acl get ' '.') def _PrintLongListing(self, bucket_listing_ref): """Prints an object with ListingStyle.LONG.""" obj = bucket_listing_ref.root_object url_str = bucket_listing_ref.url_string if (obj.metadata and S3_DELETE_MARKER_GUID in obj.metadata.additionalProperties): size_string = '0' num_bytes = 0 num_objs = 0 url_str += '' else: size_string = (MakeHumanReadable(obj.size) if self.human_readable else str(obj.size)) num_bytes = obj.size num_objs = 1 timestamp = JSON_TIMESTAMP_RE.sub( r'\1T\2Z', str(obj.updated).decode(UTF8).encode('ascii')) printstr = '%(size)10s %(timestamp)s %(url)s' encoded_etag = None encoded_metagen = None if self.all_versions: printstr += ' metageneration=%(metageneration)s' encoded_metagen = str(obj.metageneration).encode(UTF8) if self.include_etag: printstr += ' etag=%(etag)s' encoded_etag = obj.etag.encode(UTF8) format_args = { 'size': size_string, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'url': url_str.encode(UTF8), 'metageneration': encoded_metagen, 'etag': encoded_etag } print printstr % format_args return (num_objs, num_bytes) def RunCommand(self): """Command entry point for the ls command.""" got_nomatch_errors = False got_bucket_nomatch_errors = False listing_style = ListingStyle.SHORT get_bucket_info = False self.recursion_requested = False self.all_versions = False self.include_etag = False self.human_readable = False if self.sub_opts: for o, a in self.sub_opts: if o == '-a': self.all_versions = True elif o == '-e': self.include_etag = True elif o == '-b': get_bucket_info = True elif o == '-h': self.human_readable = True elif o == '-l': listing_style = ListingStyle.LONG elif o == '-L': listing_style = ListingStyle.LONG_LONG elif o == '-p': self.project_id = a elif o == '-r' or o == '-R': self.recursion_requested = True if not self.args: # default to listing all gs buckets self.args = ['gs://'] total_objs = 0 total_bytes = 0 def MaybePrintBucketHeader(blr): if len(self.args) > 1: print '%s:' % blr.url_string.encode(UTF8) print_bucket_header = MaybePrintBucketHeader for url_str in self.args: storage_url = StorageUrlFromString(url_str) if storage_url.IsFileUrl(): raise CommandException('Only cloud URLs are supported for %s' % self.command_name) bucket_fields = None if (listing_style == ListingStyle.SHORT or listing_style == ListingStyle.LONG): bucket_fields = ['id'] elif listing_style == ListingStyle.LONG_LONG: bucket_fields = ['location', 'storageClass', 'versioning', 'acl', 'defaultObjectAcl', 'website', 'logging', 'cors', 'lifecycle'] if storage_url.IsProvider(): # Provider URL: use bucket wildcard to list buckets. for blr in self.WildcardIterator( '%s://*' % storage_url.scheme).IterBuckets( bucket_fields=bucket_fields): self._PrintBucketInfo(blr, listing_style) elif storage_url.IsBucket() and get_bucket_info: # ls -b bucket listing request: List info about bucket(s). total_buckets = 0 for blr in self.WildcardIterator(url_str).IterBuckets( bucket_fields=bucket_fields): if not ContainsWildcard(url_str) and not blr.root_object: # Iterator does not make an HTTP call for non-wildcarded # listings with fields=='id'. Ensure the bucket exists by calling # GetBucket. self.gsutil_api.GetBucket( blr.storage_url.bucket_name, fields=['id'], provider=storage_url.scheme) self._PrintBucketInfo(blr, listing_style) total_buckets += 1 if not ContainsWildcard(url_str) and not total_buckets: got_bucket_nomatch_errors = True else: # URL names a bucket, object, or object subdir -> # list matching object(s) / subdirs. def _PrintPrefixLong(blr): print '%-33s%s' % ('', blr.url_string.encode(UTF8)) if listing_style == ListingStyle.SHORT: # ls helper by default readies us for a short listing. ls_helper = LsHelper(self.WildcardIterator, self.logger, all_versions=self.all_versions, print_bucket_header_func=print_bucket_header, should_recurse=self.recursion_requested) elif listing_style == ListingStyle.LONG: bucket_listing_fields = ['name', 'updated', 'size'] if self.all_versions: bucket_listing_fields.extend(['generation', 'metageneration']) if self.include_etag: bucket_listing_fields.append('etag') ls_helper = LsHelper(self.WildcardIterator, self.logger, print_object_func=self._PrintLongListing, print_dir_func=_PrintPrefixLong, print_bucket_header_func=print_bucket_header, all_versions=self.all_versions, should_recurse=self.recursion_requested, fields=bucket_listing_fields) elif listing_style == ListingStyle.LONG_LONG: # List all fields bucket_listing_fields = None ls_helper = LsHelper(self.WildcardIterator, self.logger, print_object_func=PrintFullInfoAboutObject, print_dir_func=_PrintPrefixLong, print_bucket_header_func=print_bucket_header, all_versions=self.all_versions, should_recurse=self.recursion_requested, fields=bucket_listing_fields) else: raise CommandException('Unknown listing style: %s' % listing_style) exp_dirs, exp_objs, exp_bytes = ls_helper.ExpandUrlAndPrint(storage_url) if storage_url.IsObject() and exp_objs == 0 and exp_dirs == 0: got_nomatch_errors = True total_bytes += exp_bytes total_objs += exp_objs if total_objs and listing_style != ListingStyle.SHORT: print ('TOTAL: %d objects, %d bytes (%s)' % (total_objs, total_bytes, MakeHumanReadable(float(total_bytes)))) if got_nomatch_errors: raise CommandException('One or more URLs matched no objects.') if got_bucket_nomatch_errors: raise NotFoundException('One or more bucket URLs matched no buckets.') return 0