# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # drawElements Quality Program utilities # -------------------------------------- # # Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import re import sys sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) import khr_util.format import khr_util.registry import khr_util.registry_cache SCRIPTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) OPENGL_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPTS_DIR, "..", "..", "framework", "opengl")) EGL_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPTS_DIR, "..", "..", "framework", "egl")) OPENGL_INC_DIR = os.path.join(OPENGL_DIR, "wrapper") GL_SOURCE = khr_util.registry_cache.RegistrySource( "gl.xml", 32093, "3292120320cacbc27009e7507656d7be17bb25f06876814c67eeffa369281eed") EXTENSIONS = [ 'GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr', 'GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced', 'GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent', 'GL_KHR_debug', 'GL_EXT_geometry_point_size', 'GL_EXT_tessellation_shader', 'GL_EXT_geometry_shader', 'GL_EXT_texture_buffer', 'GL_EXT_texture_snorm', 'GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box', 'GL_OES_EGL_image', 'GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture', 'GL_OES_texture_half_float', 'GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array', 'GL_OES_sample_shading', 'GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc', 'GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc', 'GL_EXT_copy_image', 'GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed', 'GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode', 'GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp', 'GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8', 'GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8', 'GL_EXT_debug_marker', 'GL_EXT_robustness', 'GL_KHR_robustness', ] def getGLRegistry (): return khr_util.registry_cache.getRegistry(GL_SOURCE) # return the name of a core command corresponding to an extension command. # Ideally this should be done using the alias attribute of commands, but dEQP # just strips the extension suffix. def getCoreName (name): return re.sub('[A-Z]+$', '', name) def getHybridInterface (): # This is a bit awkward, since we have to create a strange hybrid # interface that includes both GL and ES features and extensions. registry = getGLRegistry() glFeatures = registry.getFeatures('gl') esFeatures = registry.getFeatures('gles2') spec = khr_util.registry.InterfaceSpec() for feature in registry.getFeatures('gl'): spec.addFeature(feature, 'gl', 'core') for feature in registry.getFeatures('gles2'): spec.addFeature(feature, 'gles2') for extName in EXTENSIONS: extension = registry.extensions[extName] # Add all extensions using the ES2 api, but force even non-ES2 # extensions to be included. spec.addExtension(extension, 'gles2', 'core', force=True) # Remove redundant extension commands that are already provided by core. for commandName in list(spec.commands): coreName = getCoreName(commandName) if coreName != commandName and coreName in spec.commands: spec.commands.remove(commandName) return khr_util.registry.createInterface(registry, spec, 'gles2') def getInterface (registry, api, version=None, profile=None, **kwargs): spec = khr_util.registry.spec(registry, api, version, profile, **kwargs) if api == 'gl' and profile == 'core' and version < "3.2": gl32 = registry.features['GL_VERSION_3_2'] for eRemove in gl32.xpath('remove'): spec.addComponent(eRemove) return khr_util.registry.createInterface(registry, spec, api) def getVersionToken (api, version): prefixes = { 'gles2': "ES", 'gl': "GL" } return prefixes[api] + version.replace(".", "") def genCommandList(iface, renderCommand, directory, filename, align=False): lines = map(renderCommand, iface.commands) if align: lines = indentLines(lines) writeInlFile(os.path.join(directory, filename), lines) def genCommandLists(registry, renderCommand, check, directory, filePattern, align=False): for eFeature in registry.features: api = eFeature.get('api') version = eFeature.get('number') profile = check(api, version) if profile is True: profile = None elif profile is False: continue iface = getInterface(registry, api, version=version, profile=profile) filename = filePattern % getVersionToken(api, version) genCommandList(iface, renderCommand, directory, filename, align) def getFunctionTypeName (funcName): return "%sFunc" % funcName def getFunctionMemberName (funcName): assert funcName[:2] == "gl" if funcName[:5] == "glEGL": # Otherwise we end up with gl.eGLImage... return "egl%s" % funcName[5:] else: return "%c%s" % (funcName[2].lower(), funcName[3:]) INL_HEADER = khr_util.format.genInlHeader("Khronos GL API description (gl.xml)", GL_SOURCE.getRevision()) def writeInlFile (filename, source): khr_util.format.writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, source) # Aliases from khr_util.common indentLines = khr_util.format.indentLines normalizeConstant = khr_util.format.normalizeConstant commandParams = khr_util.format.commandParams commandArgs = khr_util.format.commandArgs