#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Simpleperf runtest runner: run simpleperf runtests on host or on device. For a simpleperf runtest like one_function test, it contains following steps: 1. Run simpleperf record command to record simpleperf_runtest_one_function's running samples, which is generated in perf.data. 2. Run simpleperf report command to parse perf.data, generate perf.report. 4. Parse perf.report and see if it matches expectation. The information of all runtests is stored in runtest.conf. """ import re import subprocess import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET class CallTreeNode(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.children = [] def add_child(self, child): self.children.append(child) def __str__(self): return 'CallTreeNode:\n' + '\n'.join(self._dump(1)) def _dump(self, indent): indent_str = ' ' * indent strs = [indent_str + self.name] for child in self.children: strs.extend(child._dump(indent + 1)) return strs class Symbol(object): def __init__(self, name, comm, overhead, children_overhead): self.name = name self.comm = comm self.overhead = overhead # children_overhead is the overhead sum of this symbol and functions # called by this symbol. self.children_overhead = children_overhead self.call_tree = None def set_call_tree(self, call_tree): self.call_tree = call_tree def __str__(self): strs = [] strs.append('Symbol name=%s comm=%s overhead=%f children_overhead=%f' % ( self.name, self.comm, self.overhead, self.children_overhead)) if self.call_tree: strs.append('\t%s' % self.call_tree) return '\n'.join(strs) class SymbolOverheadRequirement(object): def __init__(self, symbol_name=None, comm=None, min_overhead=None, max_overhead=None): self.symbol_name = symbol_name self.comm = comm self.min_overhead = min_overhead self.max_overhead = max_overhead def __str__(self): strs = [] strs.append('SymbolOverheadRequirement') if self.symbol_name is not None: strs.append('symbol_name=%s' % self.symbol_name) if self.comm is not None: strs.append('comm=%s' % self.comm) if self.min_overhead is not None: strs.append('min_overhead=%f' % self.min_overhead) if self.max_overhead is not None: strs.append('max_overhead=%f' % self.max_overhead) return ' '.join(strs) def is_match(self, symbol): if self.symbol_name is not None: if self.symbol_name != symbol.name: return False if self.comm is not None: if self.comm != symbol.comm: return False return True def check_overhead(self, overhead): if self.min_overhead is not None: if self.min_overhead > overhead: return False if self.max_overhead is not None: if self.max_overhead < overhead: return False return True class SymbolRelationRequirement(object): def __init__(self, symbol_name, comm=None): self.symbol_name = symbol_name self.comm = comm self.children = [] def add_child(self, child): self.children.append(child) def __str__(self): return 'SymbolRelationRequirement:\n' + '\n'.join(self._dump(1)) def _dump(self, indent): indent_str = ' ' * indent strs = [indent_str + self.symbol_name + (' ' + self.comm if self.comm else '')] for child in self.children: strs.extend(child._dump(indent + 1)) return strs def is_match(self, symbol): if symbol.name != self.symbol_name: return False if self.comm is not None: if symbol.comm != self.comm: return False return True def check_relation(self, call_tree): if not call_tree: return False if self.symbol_name != call_tree.name: return False for child in self.children: child_matched = False for node in call_tree.children: if child.check_relation(node): child_matched = True break if not child_matched: return False return True class Test(object): def __init__( self, test_name, executable_name, report_options, symbol_overhead_requirements, symbol_children_overhead_requirements, symbol_relation_requirements): self.test_name = test_name self.executable_name = executable_name self.report_options = report_options self.symbol_overhead_requirements = symbol_overhead_requirements self.symbol_children_overhead_requirements = ( symbol_children_overhead_requirements) self.symbol_relation_requirements = symbol_relation_requirements def __str__(self): strs = [] strs.append('Test test_name=%s' % self.test_name) strs.append('\texecutable_name=%s' % self.executable_name) strs.append('\treport_options=%s' % (' '.join(self.report_options))) strs.append('\tsymbol_overhead_requirements:') for req in self.symbol_overhead_requirements: strs.append('\t\t%s' % req) strs.append('\tsymbol_children_overhead_requirements:') for req in self.symbol_children_overhead_requirements: strs.append('\t\t%s' % req) strs.append('\tsymbol_relation_requirements:') for req in self.symbol_relation_requirements: strs.append('\t\t%s' % req) return '\n'.join(strs) def load_config_file(config_file): tests = [] tree = ET.parse(config_file) root = tree.getroot() assert root.tag == 'runtests' for test in root: assert test.tag == 'test' test_name = test.attrib['name'] executable_name = None report_options = [] symbol_overhead_requirements = [] symbol_children_overhead_requirements = [] symbol_relation_requirements = [] for test_item in test: if test_item.tag == 'executable': executable_name = test_item.attrib['name'] elif test_item.tag == 'report': report_options = test_item.attrib['option'].split() elif (test_item.tag == 'symbol_overhead' or test_item.tag == 'symbol_children_overhead'): for symbol_item in test_item: assert symbol_item.tag == 'symbol' symbol_name = None if 'name' in symbol_item.attrib: symbol_name = symbol_item.attrib['name'] comm = None if 'comm' in symbol_item.attrib: comm = symbol_item.attrib['comm'] overhead_min = None if 'min' in symbol_item.attrib: overhead_min = float(symbol_item.attrib['min']) overhead_max = None if 'max' in symbol_item.attrib: overhead_max = float(symbol_item.attrib['max']) if test_item.tag == 'symbol_overhead': symbol_overhead_requirements.append( SymbolOverheadRequirement( symbol_name, comm, overhead_min, overhead_max) ) else: symbol_children_overhead_requirements.append( SymbolOverheadRequirement( symbol_name, comm, overhead_min, overhead_max)) elif test_item.tag == 'symbol_callgraph_relation': for symbol_item in test_item: req = load_symbol_relation_requirement(symbol_item) symbol_relation_requirements.append(req) tests.append( Test( test_name, executable_name, report_options, symbol_overhead_requirements, symbol_children_overhead_requirements, symbol_relation_requirements)) return tests def load_symbol_relation_requirement(symbol_item): symbol_name = symbol_item.attrib['name'] comm = None if 'comm' in symbol_item.attrib: comm = symbol_item.attrib['comm'] req = SymbolRelationRequirement(symbol_name, comm) for item in symbol_item: child_req = load_symbol_relation_requirement(item) req.add_child(child_req) return req class Runner(object): def __init__(self, perf_path): self.perf_path = perf_path def record(self, test_executable_name, record_file, additional_options=[]): call_args = [self.perf_path, 'record'] + additional_options + ['-e', 'cpu-cycles:u', '-o', record_file, test_executable_name] self._call(call_args) def report(self, record_file, report_file, additional_options=[]): call_args = [self.perf_path, 'report'] + additional_options + ['-i', record_file] self._call(call_args, report_file) def _call(self, args, output_file=None): pass class HostRunner(Runner): """Run perf test on host.""" def _call(self, args, output_file=None): output_fh = None if output_file is not None: output_fh = open(output_file, 'w') subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=output_fh) if output_fh is not None: output_fh.close() class DeviceRunner(Runner): """Run perf test on device.""" def _call(self, args, output_file=None): output_fh = None if output_file is not None: output_fh = open(output_file, 'w') args_with_adb = ['adb', 'shell'] args_with_adb.extend(args) subprocess.check_call(args_with_adb, stdout=output_fh) if output_fh is not None: output_fh.close() class ReportAnalyzer(object): """Check if perf.report matches expectation in Configuration.""" def _read_report_file(self, report_file, has_callgraph): fh = open(report_file, 'r') lines = fh.readlines() fh.close() lines = [x.rstrip() for x in lines] blank_line_index = -1 for i in range(len(lines)): if not lines[i]: blank_line_index = i assert blank_line_index != -1 assert blank_line_index + 1 < len(lines) title_line = lines[blank_line_index + 1] report_item_lines = lines[blank_line_index + 2:] if has_callgraph: assert re.search(r'^Children\s+Self\s+Command.+Symbol$', title_line) else: assert re.search(r'^Overhead\s+Command.+Symbol$', title_line) return self._parse_report_items(report_item_lines, has_callgraph) def _parse_report_items(self, lines, has_callgraph): symbols = [] cur_symbol = None call_tree_stack = {} vertical_columns = [] last_node = None last_depth = -1 for line in lines: if not line: continue if not line[0].isspace(): if has_callgraph: m = re.search(r'^([\d\.]+)%\s+([\d\.]+)%\s+(\S+).*\s+(\S+)$', line) children_overhead = float(m.group(1)) overhead = float(m.group(2)) comm = m.group(3) symbol_name = m.group(4) cur_symbol = Symbol(symbol_name, comm, overhead, children_overhead) symbols.append(cur_symbol) else: m = re.search(r'^([\d\.]+)%\s+(\S+).*\s+(\S+)$', line) overhead = float(m.group(1)) comm = m.group(2) symbol_name = m.group(3) cur_symbol = Symbol(symbol_name, comm, overhead, 0) symbols.append(cur_symbol) # Each report item can have different column depths. vertical_columns = [] else: for i in range(len(line)): if line[i] == '|': if not vertical_columns or vertical_columns[-1] < i: vertical_columns.append(i) if not line.strip('| \t'): continue if line.find('-') == -1: function_name = line.strip('| \t') node = CallTreeNode(function_name) last_node.add_child(node) last_node = node call_tree_stack[last_depth] = node else: pos = line.find('-') depth = -1 for i in range(len(vertical_columns)): if pos >= vertical_columns[i]: depth = i assert depth != -1 line = line.strip('|- \t') m = re.search(r'^[\d\.]+%[-\s]+(.+)$', line) if m: function_name = m.group(1) else: function_name = line node = CallTreeNode(function_name) if depth == 0: cur_symbol.set_call_tree(node) else: call_tree_stack[depth - 1].add_child(node) call_tree_stack[depth] = node last_node = node last_depth = depth return symbols def check_report_file(self, test, report_file, has_callgraph): symbols = self._read_report_file(report_file, has_callgraph) if not self._check_symbol_overhead_requirements(test, symbols): return False if has_callgraph: if not self._check_symbol_children_overhead_requirements(test, symbols): return False if not self._check_symbol_relation_requirements(test, symbols): return False return True def _check_symbol_overhead_requirements(self, test, symbols): result = True matched = [False] * len(test.symbol_overhead_requirements) matched_overhead = [0] * len(test.symbol_overhead_requirements) for symbol in symbols: for i in range(len(test.symbol_overhead_requirements)): req = test.symbol_overhead_requirements[i] if req.is_match(symbol): matched[i] = True matched_overhead[i] += symbol.overhead for i in range(len(matched)): if not matched[i]: print 'requirement (%s) has no matched symbol in test %s' % ( test.symbol_overhead_requirements[i], test) result = False else: fulfilled = req.check_overhead(matched_overhead[i]) if not fulfilled: print "Symbol (%s) doesn't match requirement (%s) in test %s" % ( symbol, req, test) result = False return result def _check_symbol_children_overhead_requirements(self, test, symbols): result = True matched = [False] * len(test.symbol_children_overhead_requirements) for symbol in symbols: for i in range(len(test.symbol_children_overhead_requirements)): req = test.symbol_children_overhead_requirements[i] if req.is_match(symbol): matched[i] = True fulfilled = req.check_overhead(symbol.children_overhead) if not fulfilled: print "Symbol (%s) doesn't match requirement (%s) in test %s" % ( symbol, req, test) result = False for i in range(len(matched)): if not matched[i]: print 'requirement (%s) has no matched symbol in test %s' % ( test.symbol_children_overhead_requirements[i], test) result = False return result def _check_symbol_relation_requirements(self, test, symbols): result = True matched = [False] * len(test.symbol_relation_requirements) for symbol in symbols: for i in range(len(test.symbol_relation_requirements)): req = test.symbol_relation_requirements[i] if req.is_match(symbol): matched[i] = True fulfilled = req.check_relation(symbol.call_tree) if not fulfilled: print "Symbol (%s) doesn't match requirement (%s) in test %s" % ( symbol, req, test) result = False for i in range(len(matched)): if not matched[i]: print 'requirement (%s) has no matched symbol in test %s' % ( test.symbol_relation_requirements[i], test) result = False return result def runtest(host, device, normal, callgraph, selected_tests): tests = load_config_file('runtest.conf') host_runner = HostRunner('simpleperf') device_runner = DeviceRunner('simpleperf') report_analyzer = ReportAnalyzer() for test in tests: if selected_tests is not None: if test.test_name not in selected_tests: continue if host and normal: host_runner.record(test.executable_name, 'perf.data') host_runner.report('perf.data', 'perf.report', additional_options = test.report_options) result = report_analyzer.check_report_file( test, 'perf.report', False) print 'test %s on host %s' % ( test.test_name, 'Succeeded' if result else 'Failed') if not result: exit(1) if device and normal: device_runner.record(test.executable_name, '/data/perf.data') device_runner.report('/data/perf.data', 'perf.report', additional_options = test.report_options) result = report_analyzer.check_report_file(test, 'perf.report', False) print 'test %s on device %s' % ( test.test_name, 'Succeeded' if result else 'Failed') if not result: exit(1) if host and callgraph: host_runner.record( test.executable_name, 'perf_g.data', additional_options=['-g']) host_runner.report( 'perf_g.data', 'perf_g.report', additional_options=['-g'] + test.report_options) result = report_analyzer.check_report_file(test, 'perf_g.report', True) print 'call-graph test %s on host %s' % ( test.test_name, 'Succeeded' if result else 'Failed') if not result: exit(1) if device and callgraph: device_runner.record( test.executable_name, '/data/perf_g.data', additional_options=['-g']) device_runner.report( '/data/perf_g.data', 'perf_g.report', additional_options=['-g'] + test.report_options) result = report_analyzer.check_report_file(test, 'perf_g.report', True) print 'call-graph test %s on device %s' % ( test.test_name, 'Succeeded' if result else 'Failed') if not result: exit(1) def main(): host = True device = True normal = True callgraph = True selected_tests = None i = 1 while i < len(sys.argv): if sys.argv[i] == '--host': host = True device = False elif sys.argv[i] == '--device': host = False device = True elif sys.argv[i] == '--normal': normal = True callgraph = False elif sys.argv[i] == '--callgraph': normal = False callgraph = True elif sys.argv[i] == '--test': if i < len(sys.argv): i += 1 for test in sys.argv[i].split(','): if selected_tests is None: selected_tests = {} selected_tests[test] = True i += 1 runtest(host, device, normal, callgraph, selected_tests) if __name__ == '__main__': main()