/* This file is part of libmicrospdy Copyright Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Christian Grothoff This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @file microspdy.h * @brief public interface to libmicrospdy * @author Andrey Uzunov * @author Christian Grothoff * * All symbols defined in this header start with SPDY_. libmisrospdy is a small * SPDY daemon library. The application can start multiple daemons * and they are independent.

* * The header file defines various constants used by the SPDY and the HTTP protocol. * This does not mean that the lib actually interprets all of these * values. Not everything is implemented. The provided constants are exported as a convenience * for users of the library. The lib does not verify that provided * HTTP headers and if their values conform to the SPDY protocol, * it only checks if the required headers for the SPDY requests and * responses are provided.

* * The library uses just a single thread.

* * Before including "microspdy.h" you should add the necessary * includes to define the types used in this file (which headers are needed may * depend on your platform; for possible suggestions consult * "platform.h" in the libmicrospdy distribution).

* * All of the functions returning SPDY_YES/SPDY_NO return * SPDY_INPUT_ERROR when any of the parameters are invalid, e.g. * required parameter is NULL.

* * The library does not check if anything at the application layer -- * requests and responses -- is correct. For example, it * is up to the user to check if a client is sending HTTP body but the * method is GET.

* * The SPDY flow control is just partially implemented: the receiving * window is updated, and the client is notified, to prevent a client * from stop sending POST body data, for example. */ #ifndef SPDY_MICROSPDY_H #define SPDY_MICROSPDY_H #include #include /* While we generally would like users to use a configure-driven build process which detects which headers are present and hence works on any platform, we use "standard" includes here to build out-of-the-box for beginning users on common systems. Once you have a proper build system and go for more exotic platforms, you should define MHD_PLATFORM_H in some header that you always include *before* "microhttpd.h". Then the following "standard" includes won't be used (which might be a good idea, especially on platforms where they do not exist). */ #ifndef MHD_PLATFORM_H #include #include #include #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include #else #include #include #include #endif #endif #ifndef _MHD_EXTERN #define _MHD_EXTERN extern #endif /** * return code for "YES". */ #define SPDY_YES 1 /** * return code for "NO". */ #define SPDY_NO 0 /** * return code for error when input parameters are wrong. To be returned * only by functions which return int. The others will return NULL on * input error. */ #define SPDY_INPUT_ERROR -1 /** * SPDY version supported by the lib. */ #define SPDY_VERSION 3 /** * The maximum allowed size (without 8 byte headers) of * SPDY frames (value length) is 8192. The lib will accept and * send frames with length at most this value here. */ #define SPDY_MAX_SUPPORTED_FRAME_SIZE 8192 /** * HTTP response codes. */ #define SPDY_HTTP_CONTINUE 100 #define SPDY_HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS 101 #define SPDY_HTTP_PROCESSING 102 #define SPDY_HTTP_OK 200 #define SPDY_HTTP_CREATED 201 #define SPDY_HTTP_ACCEPTED 202 #define SPDY_HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION 203 #define SPDY_HTTP_NO_CONTENT 204 #define SPDY_HTTP_RESET_CONTENT 205 #define SPDY_HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT 206 #define SPDY_HTTP_MULTI_STATUS 207 #define SPDY_HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES 300 #define SPDY_HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY 301 #define SPDY_HTTP_FOUND 302 #define SPDY_HTTP_SEE_OTHER 303 #define SPDY_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED 304 #define SPDY_HTTP_USE_PROXY 305 #define SPDY_HTTP_SWITCH_PROXY 306 #define SPDY_HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT 307 #define SPDY_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST 400 #define SPDY_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED 401 #define SPDY_HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED 402 #define SPDY_HTTP_FORBIDDEN 403 #define SPDY_HTTP_NOT_FOUND 404 #define SPDY_HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED 405 #define SPDY_HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ACCEPTABLE 406 #define SPDY_HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 407 #define SPDY_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 408 #define SPDY_HTTP_CONFLICT 409 #define SPDY_HTTP_GONE 410 #define SPDY_HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED 411 #define SPDY_HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED 412 #define SPDY_HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE 413 #define SPDY_HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG 414 #define SPDY_HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE 415 #define SPDY_HTTP_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE 416 #define SPDY_HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED 417 #define SPDY_HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY 422 #define SPDY_HTTP_LOCKED 423 #define SPDY_HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY 424 #define SPDY_HTTP_UNORDERED_COLLECTION 425 #define SPDY_HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED 426 #define SPDY_HTTP_NO_RESPONSE 444 #define SPDY_HTTP_RETRY_WITH 449 #define SPDY_HTTP_BLOCKED_BY_WINDOWS_PARENTAL_CONTROLS 450 #define SPDY_HTTP_UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS 451 #define SPDY_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 500 #define SPDY_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 501 #define SPDY_HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY 502 #define SPDY_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 503 #define SPDY_HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT 504 #define SPDY_HTTP_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 505 #define SPDY_HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES 506 #define SPDY_HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE 507 #define SPDY_HTTP_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 509 #define SPDY_HTTP_NOT_EXTENDED 510 /** * HTTP headers are used in SPDY, but all of them MUST be lowercase. * Some are not valid in SPDY and MUST not be used */ #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT "accept" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_CHARSET "accept-charset" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING "accept-encoding" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE "accept-language" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES "accept-ranges" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_AGE "age" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_ALLOW "allow" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION "authorization" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL "cache-control" /* Connection header is forbidden in SPDY */ #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION "connection" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING "content-encoding" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LANGUAGE "content-language" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH "content-length" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION "content-location" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_MD5 "content-md5" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE "content-range" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE "content-type" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_COOKIE "cookie" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_DATE "date" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_ETAG "etag" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_EXPECT "expect" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_EXPIRES "expires" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_FROM "from" /* Host header is forbidden in SPDY */ #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_HOST "host" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_IF_MATCH "if-match" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE "if-modified-since" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH "if-none-match" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_IF_RANGE "if-range" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE "if-unmodified-since" /* Keep-Alive header is forbidden in SPDY */ #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_KEEP_ALIVE "keep-alive" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED "last-modified" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION "location" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS "max-forwards" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_PRAGMA "pragma" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE "proxy-authenticate" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION "proxy-authorization" /* Proxy-Connection header is forbidden in SPDY */ #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_PROXY_CONNECTION "proxy-connection" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_RANGE "range" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_REFERER "referer" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_RETRY_AFTER "retry-after" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_SERVER "server" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_SET_COOKIE "set-cookie" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_SET_COOKIE2 "set-cookie2" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_TE "te" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_TRAILER "trailer" /* Transfer-Encoding header is forbidden in SPDY */ #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING "transfer-encoding" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE "upgrade" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT "user-agent" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_VARY "vary" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_VIA "via" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_WARNING "warning" #define SPDY_HTTP_HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE "www-authenticate" /** * HTTP versions (a value must be provided in SPDY requests/responses). */ #define SPDY_HTTP_VERSION_1_0 "HTTP/1.0" #define SPDY_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 "HTTP/1.1" /** * HTTP methods */ #define SPDY_HTTP_METHOD_CONNECT "CONNECT" #define SPDY_HTTP_METHOD_DELETE "DELETE" #define SPDY_HTTP_METHOD_GET "GET" #define SPDY_HTTP_METHOD_HEAD "HEAD" #define SPDY_HTTP_METHOD_OPTIONS "OPTIONS" #define SPDY_HTTP_METHOD_POST "POST" #define SPDY_HTTP_METHOD_PUT "PUT" #define SPDY_HTTP_METHOD_TRACE "TRACE" /** * HTTP POST encodings, see also * http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.4 */ #define SPDY_HTTP_POST_ENCODING_FORM_URLENCODED "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" #define SPDY_HTTP_POST_ENCODING_MULTIPART_FORMDATA "multipart/form-data" /** * Handle for the daemon (listening on a socket). */ struct SPDY_Daemon; /** * Handle for a SPDY session/connection. */ struct SPDY_Session; /** * Handle for a SPDY request sent by a client. The structure has pointer * to the session's handler */ struct SPDY_Request; /** * Handle for a response containing HTTP headers and data to be sent. * The structure has pointer to the session's handler * for this response. */ struct SPDY_Response; /** * Collection of tuples of an HTTP header and values used in requests * and responses. */ struct SPDY_NameValue; /** * Collection of tuples of a SPDY setting ID, value * and flags used to control the sessions. */ struct SPDY_Settings; /** * SPDY IO sybsystem flags used by SPDY_init() and SPDY_deinit().

* * The values are used internally as flags, that is why they must be * powers of 2. */ enum SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM { /** * No subsystem. For internal use. */ SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM_NONE = 0, /** * Default TLS implementation provided by openSSL/libssl. */ SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM_OPENSSL = 1, /** * No TLS is used. */ SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM_RAW = 2 }; /** * SPDY daemon options. Passed in the varargs portion of * SPDY_start_daemon to customize the daemon. Each option must * be followed by a value of a specific type.

* * The values are used internally as flags, that is why they must be * powers of 2. */ enum SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION { /** * No more options / last option. This is used * to terminate the VARARGs list. */ SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_END = 0, /** * Set a custom timeout for all connections. Must be followed by * a number of seconds, given as an 'unsigned int'. Use * zero for no timeout. */ SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 1, /** * Bind daemon to the supplied sockaddr. This option must be * followed by a 'struct sockaddr *'. The 'struct sockaddr*' * should point to a 'struct sockaddr_in6' or to a * 'struct sockaddr_in'. */ SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_SOCK_ADDR = 2, /** * Flags for the daemon. Must be followed by a SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG value * which is the result of bitwise OR of desired flags. */ SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_FLAGS = 4, /** * IO subsystem type used by daemon and all its sessions. If not set, * TLS provided by openssl is used. Must be followed by a * SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM value. */ SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_IO_SUBSYSTEM = 8, /** * Maximum number of frames to be written to the socket at once. The * library tries to send max_num_frames in a single call to SPDY_run * for a single session. This means no requests can be received nor * other sessions can send data as long the current one has enough * frames to send and there is no error on writing. Thus, a big value * will affect the performance. Small value gives fairnes for sessions. * Must be followed by a positive integer (uin32_t). If not set, the * default value 10 will be used. */ SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_MAX_NUM_FRAMES = 16 }; /** * Flags for starting SPDY daemon. They are used to set some settings * for the daemon, which do not require values. */ enum SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG { /** * No flags selected. */ SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG_NO = 0, /** * The server will bind only on IPv6 addresses. If the flag is set and * the daemon is provided with IPv4 address or IPv6 is not supported, * starting daemon will fail. */ SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG_ONLY_IPV6 = 1, /** * All sessions' sockets will be set with TCP_NODELAY if the flag is * used. Option considered only by SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM_RAW. */ SPDY_DAEMON_FLAG_NO_DELAY = 2 }; /** * SPDY settings IDs sent by both client and server in SPDY SETTINGS frame. * They affect the whole SPDY session. Defined in SPDY Protocol - Draft 3. */ enum SPDY_SETTINGS { /** * Allows the sender to send its expected upload bandwidth on this * channel. This number is an estimate. The value should be the * integral number of kilobytes per second that the sender predicts * as an expected maximum upload channel capacity. */ SPDY_SETTINGS_UPLOAD_BANDWIDTH = 1, /** * Allows the sender to send its expected download bandwidth on this * channel. This number is an estimate. The value should be the * integral number of kilobytes per second that the sender predicts as * an expected maximum download channel capacity. */ SPDY_SETTINGS_DOWNLOAD_BANDWIDTH = 2, /** * Allows the sender to send its expected round-trip-time on this * channel. The round trip time is defined as the minimum amount of * time to send a control frame from this client to the remote and * receive a response. The value is represented in milliseconds. */ SPDY_SETTINGS_ROUND_TRIP_TIME = 3, /** * Allows the sender to inform the remote endpoint the maximum number * of concurrent streams which it will allow. By default there is no * limit. For implementors it is recommended that this value be no * smaller than 100. */ SPDY_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = 4, /** * Allows the sender to inform the remote endpoint of the current TCP * CWND value. */ SPDY_SETTINGS_CURRENT_CWND = 5, /** * Allows the sender to inform the remote endpoint the retransmission * rate (bytes retransmitted / total bytes transmitted). */ SPDY_SETTINGS_DOWNLOAD_RETRANS_RATE = 6, /** * Allows the sender to inform the remote endpoint the initial window * size (in bytes) for new streams. */ SPDY_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE = 7, /** * Allows the server to inform the client if the new size of the * client certificate vector. */ SPDY_SETTINGS_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_VECTOR_SIZE = 8 }; /** * Flags for each individual SPDY setting in the SPDY SETTINGS frame. * They affect only one setting to which they are set. * Defined in SPDY Protocol - Draft 3. */ enum SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS { /** * When set, the sender of this SETTINGS frame is requesting that the * recipient persist the ID/Value and return it in future SETTINGS * frames sent from the sender to this recipient. Because persistence * is only implemented on the client, this flag is only sent by the * server. */ SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS_PERSIST_VALUE = 1, /** * When set, the sender is notifying the recipient that this ID/Value * pair was previously sent to the sender by the recipient with the * #SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS_PERSIST_VALUE, and the sender is returning it. * Because persistence is only implemented on the client, this flag is * only sent by the client. */ SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS_PERSISTED = 2 }; /** * Flag associated with a whole SPDY SETTINGS frame. Affect all the * settings in the frame. Defined in SPDY Protocol - Draft 3. */ enum SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS_FRAME { /** * When set, the client should clear any previously persisted SETTINGS * ID/Value pairs. If this frame contains ID/Value pairs with the * #SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS_PERSIST_VALUE set, then the client will first * clear its existing, persisted settings, and then persist the values * with the flag set which are contained within this frame. Because * persistence is only implemented on the client, this flag can only * be used when the sender is the server. */ SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS_CLEAR_SETTINGS = 1 }; /** * SPDY settings function options. Passed in the varargs portion of * SPDY_SettingsReceivedCallback and SPDY_send_settings to customize * more the settings handling. Each option must * be followed by a value of a specific type.

* * The values are used internally as flags, that is why they must be * powers of 2. */ enum SPDY_SETTINGS_OPTION { /** * No more options / last option. This is used * to terminate the VARARGs list. */ SPDY_SETTINGS_OPTION_END = 0 }; /** * Used as a parameter for SPDY_ResponseResultCallback and shows if the * response was actually written to the TLS socket or discarded by the * lib for any reason (and respectively the reason). */ enum SPDY_RESPONSE_RESULT { /** * The lib has written the full response to the TLS socket. */ SPDY_RESPONSE_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0, /** * The session is being closed, so the data is being discarded */ SPDY_RESPONSE_RESULT_SESSION_CLOSED = 1, /** * The stream for this response has been closed. May happen when the * sender had sent first SYN_STREAM and after that RST_STREAM. */ SPDY_RESPONSE_RESULT_STREAM_CLOSED = 2 }; /** * Callback for serious error condition. The default action is to print * an error message and abort(). * * @param cls user specified value * @param file where the error occured * @param line where the error occured * @param reason error details message, may be NULL */ typedef void (*SPDY_PanicCallback) (void * cls, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *reason); /** * Callback for new SPDY session established by a client. Called * immediately after the TCP connection was established. * * @param cls client-defined closure * @param session handler for the new SPDY session */ typedef void (*SPDY_NewSessionCallback) (void * cls, struct SPDY_Session * session); /** * Callback for closed session. Called after the TCP connection was * closed. In this callback function the user has the last * chance to access the SPDY_Session structure. After that the latter * will be cleaned! * * @param cls client-defined closure * @param session handler for the closed SPDY session * @param by_client #SPDY_YES if the session close was initiated by the * client; * #SPDY_NO if closed by the server */ typedef void (*SPDY_SessionClosedCallback) (void *cls, struct SPDY_Session *session, int by_client); /** * Iterator over name-value pairs. * * @param cls client-defined closure * @param name of the pair * @param value of the pair * @return #SPDY_YES to continue iterating, * #SPDY_NO to abort the iteration */ typedef int (*SPDY_NameValueIterator) (void *cls, const char *name, const char * const * value, int num_values); /** * Callback for received SPDY request. The functions is called whenever * a reqest comes, but will also be called if more headers/trailers are * received. * * @param cls client-defined closure * @param request handler. The request object is required for * sending responses. * @param priority of the SPDY stream which the request was * sent over * @param method HTTP method * @param path HTTP path * @param version HTTP version just like in HTTP request/response: * "HTTP/1.0" or "HTTP/1.1" currently * @param host called host as in HTTP * @param scheme used ("http" or "https"). In SPDY 3 it is only "https". * @param headers other HTTP headers from the request * @param more a flag saying if more data related to the request is * expected to be received. HTTP body may arrive (e.g. POST data); * then SPDY_NewDataCallback will be called for the connection. * It is also possible that more headers/trailers arrive; * then the same callback will be invoked. The user should detect * that it is not the first invocation of the function for that * request. */ typedef void (*SPDY_NewRequestCallback) (void *cls, struct SPDY_Request *request, uint8_t priority, const char *method, const char *path, const char *version, const char *host, const char *scheme, struct SPDY_NameValue *headers, bool more); /** * Callback for received new data chunk (HTTP body) from a given * request (e.g. POST data). * * @param cls client-defined closure * @param request handler * @param buf data chunk from the POST data * @param size the size of the data chunk 'buf' in bytes. Note that it * may be 0. * @param more false if this is the last chunk from the data. Note: * true does not mean that more data will come, exceptional * situation is possible * @return #SPDY_YES to continue calling the function, * #SPDY_NO to stop calling the function for this request */ typedef int (*SPDY_NewDataCallback) (void *cls, struct SPDY_Request *request, const void *buf, size_t size, bool more); // How about passing POST encoding information // here as well? //TODO /** * Callback to be used with SPDY_build_response_with_callback. The * callback will be called when the lib wants to write to the TLS socket. * The application should provide the data to be sent. * * @param cls client-defined closure * @param max maximum number of bytes that are allowed to be written * to the buffer. * @param more true if more data will be sent (i.e. the function must * be calleed again), * false if this is the last chunk, the lib will close * the stream * @return number of bytes written to buffer. On error the call MUST * return value less than 0 to indicate the library. */ typedef ssize_t (*SPDY_ResponseCallback) (void *cls, void *buffer, size_t max, bool *more); /** * Callback to be called when the last bytes from the response was sent * to the client or when the response was discarded from the lib. This * callback is a very good place to discard the request and the response * objects, if they will not be reused (e.g., sending the same response * again). If the stream is closed it is safe to discard the request * object. * * @param cls client-defined closure * @param response handler to the response that was just sent * @param request handler to the request for which the response was sent * @param status shows if actually the response was sent or it was * discarded by the lib for any reason (e.g., closing session, * closing stream, stopping daemon, etc.). It is possible that * status indicates an error but parts of the response headers * and/or body (in one * or several frames) were already sent to the client. * @param streamopened indicates if the the stream for this request/ * response pair is still opened. If yes, the server may want * to use SPDY push to send something additional to the client * and/or close the stream. */ typedef void (*SPDY_ResponseResultCallback) (void * cls, struct SPDY_Response *response, struct SPDY_Request *request, enum SPDY_RESPONSE_RESULT status, bool streamopened); /** * Callback to notify when SPDY ping response is received. * * @param session handler for which the ping request was sent * @param rtt the timespan between sending ping request and receiving it * from the library */ typedef void (*SPDY_PingCallback) (void * cls, struct SPDY_Session *session, struct timeval *rtt); /** * Iterator over settings ID/Value/Flags tuples. * * @param cls client-defined closure * @param id SPDY settings ID * @param value value for this setting * @param flags flags for this tuple; use * `enum SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS` * @return #SPDY_YES to continue iterating, * #SPDY_NO to abort the iteration */ typedef int (*SPDY_SettingsIterator) (void *cls, enum SPDY_SETTINGS id, int32_t value, uint8_t flags); /** * Callback to notify when SPDY SETTINGS are received from the client. * * @param session handler for which settings are received * @param settings ID/value/flags tuples of the settings * @param flags for the whole settings frame; use * enum SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS_FRAME * @param ... list of options (type-value pairs, * terminated with #SPDY_SETTINGS_OPTION_END). */ typedef void (*SPDY_SettingsReceivedCallback) (struct SPDY_Session *session, struct SPDY_Settings *settings, uint8_t flags, ...); /* Global functions for the library */ /** * Init function for the whole library. It MUST be called before any * other function of the library to initialize things like TLS context * and possibly other stuff needed by the lib. Currently the call * always returns #SPDY_YES. * * @param io_subsystem the IO subsystem that will * be initialized. Several can be used with bitwise OR. If no * parameter is set, the default openssl subsystem will be used. * @return #SPDY_YES if the library was correctly initialized and its * functions can be used now; * #SPDY_NO on error */ _MHD_EXTERN int (SPDY_init) (enum SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM io_subsystem, ...); #define SPDY_init() SPDY_init (SPDY_IO_SUBSYSTEM_OPENSSL) /** * Deinit function for the whole lib. It can be called after finishing * using the library. It frees and cleans up resources allocated in * SPDY_init. Currently the function does not do anything. */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_deinit (void); /** * Sets the global error handler to a different implementation. "cb" * will only be called in the case of typically fatal, serious * internal consistency issues. These issues should only arise in the * case of serious memory corruption or similar problems with the * architecture as well as failed assertions. While "cb" is allowed to * return and the lib will then try to continue, this is never safe. * * The default implementation that is used if no panic function is set * simply prints an error message and calls "abort". Alternative * implementations might call "exit" or other similar functions. * * @param cb new error handler * @param cls passed to error handler */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_set_panic_func (SPDY_PanicCallback cb, void *cls); /* Daemon functions */ /** * Start a SPDY webserver on the given port. * * @param port to bind to. The value is ignored if address structure * is passed as daemon option * @param certfile path to the certificate that will be used by server * @param keyfile path to the keyfile for the certificate * @param nscb callback called when a new SPDY session is * established by a client * @param sccb callback called when a session is closed * @param nrcb callback called when a client sends request * @param npdcb callback called when HTTP body (POST data) is received * after request * @param cls common extra argument to all of the callbacks * @param ... list of options (type-value pairs, * terminated with #SPDY_DAEMON_OPTION_END). * @return NULL on error, handle to daemon on success */ _MHD_EXTERN struct SPDY_Daemon * SPDY_start_daemon (uint16_t port, const char *certfile, const char *keyfile, SPDY_NewSessionCallback nscb, SPDY_SessionClosedCallback sccb, SPDY_NewRequestCallback nrcb, SPDY_NewDataCallback npdcb, void *cls, ...); /** * Shutdown the daemon. First all sessions are closed. It is NOT safe * to call this function in user callbacks. * * @param daemon to stop */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_stop_daemon (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon); /** * Obtain the select sets for this daemon. Only those are retrieved, * which some processing should be done for, i.e. not all sockets are * added to write_fd_set.

* * It is possible that there is * nothing to be read from a socket but there is data either in the * TLS subsystem's read buffers or in libmicrospdy's read buffers, which * waits for being processed. In such case the file descriptor will be * added to write_fd_set. Since it is very likely for the socket to be * ready for writing, the select used in the application's event loop * will return with success, SPDY_run will be called, the data will be * processed and maybe something will be written to the socket. Without * this behaviour, considering a proper event loop, data may stay in the * buffers, but run is never called. * * @param daemon to get sets from * @param read_fd_set read set * @param write_fd_set write set * @param except_fd_set except set * @return largest FD added to any of the sets */ _MHD_EXTERN int SPDY_get_fdset (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon, fd_set *read_fd_set, fd_set *write_fd_set, fd_set *except_fd_set); /** * Obtain timeout value for select for this daemon. The returned value * is how long select * should at most block, not the timeout value set for connections. * * @param daemon to query for timeout * @param timeout will be set to the timeout value (in milliseconds) * @return #SPDY_YES on success * #SPDY_NO if no connections exist that * would necessiate the use of a timeout right now */ _MHD_EXTERN int SPDY_get_timeout (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon, unsigned long long *timeout); /** * Run webserver operations. This method must be called in * the client event loop. * * @param daemon to run */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_run (struct SPDY_Daemon *daemon); /* SPDY Session handling functions */ /** * Closes a SPDY session. SPDY clients and servers are expected to keep * sessions opened as long as possible. However, the server may want to * close some connections, e.g. if there are too many, to free some * resources. The function can also be used to close a specific session * if the client is not desired. * * @param session handler to be closed */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_close_session (struct SPDY_Session * session); /** * Associate a void pointer with a session. The data accessible by the * pointer can later be used wherever the session handler is available. * * @param session handler * @param cls any data pointed by a pointer to be accessible later */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_set_cls_to_session (struct SPDY_Session *session, void *cls); /** * Retrieves the pointer associated with SPDY_set_cls_to_session(). * * @param session handler to get its cls * @return same pointer added by SPDY_set_cls_to_session() or * NULL when nothing was associated */ _MHD_EXTERN void * SPDY_get_cls_from_session (struct SPDY_Session *session); /** * Retrieves the remote address of a given session. * * @param session handler to get its remote address * @param addr out parameter; pointing to remote address * @return length of the address structure */ _MHD_EXTERN socklen_t SPDY_get_remote_addr (struct SPDY_Session *session, struct sockaddr **addr); /* SPDY name/value data structure handling functions */ /** * Create a new NameValue structure. It is needed for putting inside the * HTTP headers and their values for a response. The user should later * destroy alone the structure. * * @return handler to the new empty structure or NULL on error */ _MHD_EXTERN struct SPDY_NameValue * SPDY_name_value_create (void); /** * Add name/value pair to a NameValue structure. SPDY_NO will be returned * if the name/value pair is already in the structure. It is legal to * add different values for the same name. * * @param container structure to which the new pair is added * @param name for the value. Null-terminated string. * @param value the value itself. Null-terminated string. * @return #SPDY_NO on error or #SPDY_YES on success */ _MHD_EXTERN int SPDY_name_value_add (struct SPDY_NameValue *container, const char *name, const char *value); /** * Lookup value for a name in a name/value structure. * * @param container structure in which to lookup * @param name the name to look for * @param num_values length of the returned array with values * @return NULL if no such item was found, or an array containing the * values */ _MHD_EXTERN const char * const * SPDY_name_value_lookup (struct SPDY_NameValue *container, const char *name, int *num_values); /** * Iterate over name/value structure. * * @param container structure which to iterate over * @param iterator callback to call on each name/value pair; * maybe NULL (then just count headers) * @param iterator_cls extra argument to @a iterator * @return number of entries iterated over */ _MHD_EXTERN int SPDY_name_value_iterate (struct SPDY_NameValue *container, SPDY_NameValueIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls); /** * Destroy a NameValue structure. Use this function to destroy only * objects which, after passed to, will not be destroied by other * functions. * */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_name_value_destroy (struct SPDY_NameValue *container); /* SPDY request handling functions */ /** * Gets the session responsible for the given * request. * * @param request for which the session is wanted * @return session handler for the request */ _MHD_EXTERN struct SPDY_Session * SPDY_get_session_for_request (const struct SPDY_Request *request); /** * Associate a void pointer with a request. The data accessible by the * pointer can later be used wherever the request handler is available. * * @param request with which to associate a pointer * @param cls any data pointed by a pointer to be accessible later */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_set_cls_to_request (struct SPDY_Request *request, void *cls); /** * Retrieves the pointer associated with the request by * SPDY_set_cls_to_request(). * * @param request to get its cls * @return same pointer added by SPDY_set_cls_to_request() or * NULL when nothing was associated */ _MHD_EXTERN void * SPDY_get_cls_from_request (struct SPDY_Request *request); /* SPDY response handling functions */ /** * Create response object containing all needed headers and data. The * response object is not bound to a request, so it can be used multiple * times with SPDY_queue_response() and schould be * destroied by calling the SPDY_destroy_response().

* * Currently the library does not provide compression of the body data. * It is up to the user to pass already compressed data and the * appropriate headers to this function when desired. * * @param status HTTP status code for the response (e.g. 404) * @param statustext HTTP status message for the response, which will * be appended to the status code (e.g. "OK"). Can be NULL * @param version HTTP version for the response (e.g. "http/1.1") * @param headers name/value structure containing additional HTTP headers. * Can be NULL. Can be used multiple times, it is up to * the user to destoy the object when not needed anymore. * @param data the body of the response. The lib will make a copy of it, * so it is up to the user to take care of the memory * pointed by data * @param size length of @a data. It can be 0, then the lib will send only * headers * @return NULL on error, handle to response object on success */ _MHD_EXTERN struct SPDY_Response * SPDY_build_response (int status, const char *statustext, const char *version, struct SPDY_NameValue *headers, const void *data, size_t size); /** * Create response object containing all needed headers. The data will * be provided later when the lib calls the callback function (just * before writing it to the TLS socket). The * response object is not bound to a request, so it can be used multiple * times with SPDY_queue_response() and schould be * destroied by calling the SPDY_destroy_response().

* * Currently the library does not provide compression of the body data. * It is up to the user to pass already compressed data and the * appropriate headers to this function and the callback when desired. * * @param status HTTP status code for the response (e.g. 404) * @param statustext HTTP status message for the response, which will * be appended to the status code (e.g. "OK"). Can be NULL * @param version HTTP version for the response (e.g. "http/1.1") * @param headers name/value structure containing additional HTTP headers. * Can be NULL. Can be used multiple times, it is up to * the user to destoy the object when not needed anymore. * @param rcb callback to use to obtain response data * @param rcb_cls extra argument to @a rcb * @param block_size preferred block size for querying rcb (advisory only, * the lib will call rcb specifying the block size); clients * should pick a value that is appropriate for IO and * memory performance requirements. The function will * fail if the value is bigger than the maximum * supported value (SPDY_MAX_SUPPORTED_FRAME_SIZE). * Can be 0, then the lib will use * #SPDY_MAX_SUPPORTED_FRAME_SIZE instead. * @return NULL on error, handle to response object on success */ _MHD_EXTERN struct SPDY_Response * SPDY_build_response_with_callback(int status, const char *statustext, const char *version, struct SPDY_NameValue *headers, SPDY_ResponseCallback rcb, void *rcb_cls, uint32_t block_size); /** * Queue response object to be sent to the client. A successfully queued * response may never be sent, e.g. when the stream gets closed. The * data will be added to the output queue. The call will fail, if the * output for this session * is closed (i.e. the session is closed, half or full) or the output * channel for the stream, on which the request was received, is closed * (i.e. the stream is closed, half or full). * * @param request object identifying the request to which the * response is returned * @param response object containg headers and data to be sent * @param closestream TRUE if the server does NOT intend to PUSH * something more associated to this request/response later, * FALSE otherwise * @param consider_priority if FALSE, the response will be added to the * end of the queue. If TRUE, the response will be added after * the last previously added response with priority of the * request grater or equal to that of the current one. This * means that the function should be called with TRUE each time * if one wants to be sure that the output queue behaves like * a priority queue * @param rrcb callback called when all the data was sent (last frame * from response) or when that frame was discarded (e.g. the * stream has been closed meanwhile) * @param rrcb_cls extra argument to @a rrcb * @return #SPDY_NO on error or #SPDY_YES on success */ _MHD_EXTERN int SPDY_queue_response (struct SPDY_Request *request, struct SPDY_Response *response, bool closestream, bool consider_priority, SPDY_ResponseResultCallback rrcb, void *rrcb_cls); /** * Destroy a response structure. It should be called for all objects * returned by SPDY_build_response*() functions to free the memory * associated with the prepared response. It is safe to call this * function not before being sure that the response will not be used by * the lib anymore, this means after SPDY_ResponseResultCallback * callbacks were called for all calls to SPDY_queue_response() passing * this response. * * @param response to destroy */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_destroy_response (struct SPDY_Response *response); /* SPDY settings ID/value data structure handling functions */ /** * Create a new SettingsIDValue structure. It is needed for putting * inside tuples of SPDY option, flags and value for sending to the * client. * * @return hendler to the new empty structure or NULL on error */ _MHD_EXTERN const struct SPDY_Settings * SPDY_settings_create (void); /** * Add or update a tuple to a SettingsIDValue structure. * * @param container structure to which the new tuple is added * @param id SPDY settings ID that will be sent. If this ID already in * container, the tupple for it will be updated (value and/or * flags). If it is not in the container, a new tupple will be * added. * @param flags SPDY settings flags applied only to this setting * @param value of the setting * @return #SPDY_NO on error * or #SPDY_YES if a new setting was added */ _MHD_EXTERN int SPDY_settings_add (struct SPDY_Settings *container, enum SPDY_SETTINGS id, enum SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS flags, int32_t value); /** * Lookup value and flags for an ID in a settings ID/value structure. * * @param container structure in which to lookup * @param id SPDY settings ID to search for * @param flags out param for SPDY settings flags for this setting; * check it against the flags in enum SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS * @param value out param for the value of this setting * @return #SPDY_NO if the setting is not into the structure * or #SPDY_YES if it is into it */ _MHD_EXTERN int SPDY_settings_lookup (const struct SPDY_Settings *container, enum SPDY_SETTINGS id, enum SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS *flags, int32_t *value); /** * Iterate over settings ID/value structure. * * @param container structure which to iterate over * @param iterator callback to call on each ID/value pair; * maybe NULL (then just count number of settings) * @param iterator_cls extra argument to iterator * @return number of entries iterated over */ _MHD_EXTERN int SPDY_settings_iterate (const struct SPDY_Settings *container, SPDY_SettingsIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls); /** * Destroy a settings ID/value structure. Use this function to destroy * only objects which, after passed to, will not be destroied by other * functions. * * @param container structure which to detroy */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_settings_destroy (struct SPDY_Settings * container); /* SPDY SETTINGS handling functions */ /** * Send SPDY SETTINGS to the client. The call will return fail if there * in invald setting into the settings container (e.g. invalid setting * ID). * * @param session SPDY_Session handler for which settings are being sent * @param settings ID/value pairs of the settings to be sent. * Can be used multiple times, it is up to the user to destoy * the object when not needed anymore. * @param flags for the whole settings frame. They are valid for all tuples * @param ... list of options (type-value pairs, * terminated with #SPDY_SETTINGS_OPTION_END). * @return SPDY_NO on error or SPDY_YES on * success */ _MHD_EXTERN int SPDY_send_settings (struct SPDY_Session *session, struct SPDY_Settings *settings, enum SPDY_FLAG_SETTINGS_FRAME flags, ...); /* SPDY misc functions */ /** * Destroy a request structure. It should be called for all objects * received as a parameter in SPDY_NewRequestCallback to free the memory * associated with the request. It is safe to call this * function not before being sure that the request will not be used by * the lib anymore, this means after the stream, on which this request * had been sent, was closed and all SPDY_ResponseResultCallback * callbacks were called for all calls to SPDY_queue_response() passing * this request object. * * @param request to destroy */ _MHD_EXTERN void SPDY_destroy_request (struct SPDY_Request * request); /** * Send SPDY ping to the client * * @param session handler for which the ping request is sent * @param rttcb callback called when ping response to the request is * received * @param rttcb_cls extra argument to @a rttcb * @return #SPDY_NO on error or #SPDY_YES on success */ _MHD_EXTERN int SPDY_send_ping (struct SPDY_Session *session, SPDY_PingCallback rttcb, void *rttcb_cls); #endif