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etc/ | 07-May-2024 | - | 50 | 27 | ||
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1Android APK Checker 2 3This compares the set of classes, fields, and methods used by an Android 4application against the published API. It identifies and reports the 5use of any unpublished members or methods. 6 7The public API description files live in the source tree, in 8frameworks/base/api/. The tip-of-tree version is in "current.xml", 9and each officially released API has a numbered file (e.g. "6.xml"). 10They're generated from the sources, and can take into acount javadoc 11annotations like "@hide" in comments. 12 13The dependency set for an APK can be generated with "dexdeps". It finds 14all classes, fields, and methods that are referenced by classes.dex but not 15defined locally. The tool can't easily tell anything about a dependency 16beyond the name (e.g. whether a class is a static or non-static inner 17class), so while the output from dexdeps is similar in structure to the 18API XML file, it has much less detail. 19 20 21==== Usage ==== 22 23% apkcheck [options] public-api.xml apk1.xml ... 24 25Provide the public API data file of choice, and one or more XML files 26generated by dexdeps. The time required to parse and manipulate the 27public API XML file is generally much larger than the time required to 28analyze the APK, so if you have a large set of APKs it's best to run them 29through in large batches. 30 31Options: 32 33 --help 34 Show options summary. 35 36 --uses-library=<lib.xml> 37 Load additional public API list. This is intended for APKs that 38 use "uses-library" directives to pull in external libraries. Since 39 the external libraries are not part of the public API, their use 40 would otherwise be flagged as illegal by apkcheck. 41 42 --ignore-package=<package-name> 43 Ignore errors generated by references to the named package (e.g. 44 ""). Warnings will be generated instead. 45 Useful for ignoring references to shared library content when 46 XML API data is not available. 47 48 --[no-]warn 49 Enable or disable warning messages. These are disabled by default. 50 51 --[no-]error 52 Enable or disable error messages. These are enabled by default. If 53 you disable both warnings and errors you will only see a summary. 54 55In some cases involving generic signatures it may not be possible 56to accurately reconstruct the public API. Some popular cases have 57been hard-coded into the program. They can be included by specifying 58"--uses-library=BUILTIN". 59 60Example use: 61 62% dexdeps out/target/product/sapphire/system/app/Gmail.apk > Gmail.apk.xml 63% apkcheck --uses-library=BUILTIN frameworks/base/api/current.xml Gmail.apk.xml 64Gmail.apk.xml: summary: 0 errors, 15 warnings 65 66 67==== Limitations ==== 68 69The API XML files have some ambiguous entries and are missing important 70pieces. A summary of the issues follows. 71 72(1) Class names are not in binary form 73 74Example: 75 76 type="android.os.Parcelable.Creator" 77 78This could be a Creator class in the package android.os.Parcelable, 79or Parcelable.Creator in the package android.os. We can guess based on 80capitalization, but that's unreliable. 81 82The API XML does specify each package in a <package> tag, so we should have 83the full set of packages available. From this we can remove one element 84at a time from the right until we match a known package. This will work 85unless "android.os" and "android.os.Parcelable" are both valid packages. 86 87 88(2) Public enums are not enumerated 89 90Enumeration classes are included, and always have two methods ("valueOf" 91and "values"). What isn't included are entries for the fields representing 92the enumeration values. This makes it look like an APK is referring 93to non-public fields in the class. 94 95If apkcheck sees a reference to an unknown field, and the field's defining 96class appears to be an Enum (the superclass is java.lang.Enum), we emit 97a warning instead of an error. 98 99 100(3) Public annotation methods are not listed 101 102Annotation classes have trivial entries that show only the class name 103and "implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation". It is not possible 104to verify that a method call on an annotation is valid. 105 106If apkcheck sees a method call to an unknown method, and the class appears 107to be an annotation (extends Object, implements Annotation, defines no 108fields or methods), we emit a warning instead of an error. 109 110 111(4) Covariant return types 112 113Suppose a class defines a method "public Foo gimmeFoo()". Any subclass 114that overrides that method must also return Foo, so it would seem that 115there's no need to emit a method entry for gimmeFoo() in the subclasses. 116 117However, it's possible to override gimmeFoo with "public MegaFoo 118gimmeFoo()" so long as MegaFoo is an instance of Foo. In that case it 119is necessary to emit a new method entry, but the public API XML generator 120does not. 121 122If apkcheck can't find an exact match for a method reference, but can 123find a method that matches on everything but the return type, it will 124emit a warning instead of an error. (We could be more thorough and try 125to verify that the return types are related, but that's more trouble than 126it's worth.) 127 128 129(5) Generic signatures 130 131When generic signatures are used, the public API file will contain 132entries like these: 133 134 <parameter name="key" type="K"> 135 <parameter name="others" type="E..."> 136 <parameter name="map" type="java.util.Map<? extends K, ? extends V>"> 137 138The generic types are generally indistinguishable from classes in the 139default package (i.e. that have no package name). In most cases they're 140a single letter, so apkcheck includes a kluge that converts single-letter 141class names to java.lang.Object. 142 143This often works, but falls apart in a few cases. For example: 144 145 public <T extends Parcelable> T getParcelableExtra(String name) { 146 return mExtras == null ? null : mExtras.<T>getParcelable(name); 147 } 148 149This is emitted as: 150 151 <method name="getParcelableExtra" return="T"> 152 153which gets converted to java.lang.Object. Unfortunately the APK wants 154a method with a more specific return type (android.os.Parcelable), so 155the lookup fails. 156 157There is no way to recover the actual type, because the generic signature 158details are not present in the XML. This particular case will be handled 159as a covariant return type. When the generic type is in the parameter 160list, though, this isn't handled so easily. 161 162These cases are relatively few, so they were handled by baking the 163signatures into the code (--uses-library=BUILTIN). (At some point it 164may be worthwhile to try a little harder here.) 165 166 167(6) Use of opaque non-public types 168 169Some classes are not meant for public consumption, but are still referred 170to by application code. For example, an opaque type might be passed to 171the app as a cookie. 172 173Another example is the Dalvik annotation classes, like 174dalvik.annotation.InnerClass. These are emitted by "dx", and referenced 175from the DEX file, but not intended to be used by application code. 176 177If an APK refers to a non-public class, but doesn't access any fields 178or methods, a warning is emitted instead of an error. 179 180