# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking, Clark C. Evans and contributors # This module is part of the Python Paste Project and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """ WSGI Exception Middleware Regression Test Suite """ from nose.tools import assert_raises from paste.httpexceptions import * from paste.response import header_value import six def test_HTTPMove(): """ make sure that location is a mandatory attribute of Redirects """ assert_raises(AssertionError, HTTPFound) assert_raises(AssertionError, HTTPTemporaryRedirect, headers=[('l0cation','/bing')]) assert isinstance(HTTPMovedPermanently("This is a message", headers=[('Location','/bing')]) ,HTTPRedirection) assert isinstance(HTTPUseProxy(headers=[('LOCATION','/bing')]) ,HTTPRedirection) assert isinstance(HTTPFound('/foobar'),HTTPRedirection) def test_badapp(): """ verify that the middleware handles previously-started responses """ def badapp(environ, start_response): start_response("200 OK",[]) raise HTTPBadRequest("Do not do this at home.") newapp = HTTPExceptionHandler(badapp) assert b'Bad Request' in b''.join(newapp({'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/html'}, (lambda a, b, c=None: None))) def test_unicode(): """ verify unicode output """ tstr = u"\0xCAFE" def badapp(environ, start_response): start_response("200 OK",[]) raise HTTPBadRequest(tstr) newapp = HTTPExceptionHandler(badapp) assert tstr.encode("utf-8") in b''.join(newapp({'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/html'}, (lambda a, b, c=None: None))) assert tstr.encode("utf-8") in b''.join(newapp({'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/plain'}, (lambda a, b, c=None: None))) def test_template(): """ verify that html() and plain() output methods work """ e = HTTPInternalServerError() e.template = 'A %(ping)s and %(pong)s message.' assert str(e).startswith("500 Internal Server Error") assert e.plain({'ping': 'fun', 'pong': 'happy'}) == ( '500 Internal Server Error\r\n' 'A fun and happy message.\r\n') assert '
A fun and happy message.
' in \ e.html({'ping': 'fun', 'pong': 'happy'}) def test_redapp(): """ check that redirect returns the correct, expected results """ saved = [] def saveit(status, headers, exc_info = None): saved.append((status,headers)) def redapp(environ, start_response): raise HTTPFound("/bing/foo") app = HTTPExceptionHandler(redapp) result = list(app({'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/html'},saveit)) assert b'' in result[0] assert "302 Found" == saved[0][0] if six.PY3: assert "text/html; charset=utf8" == header_value(saved[0][1], 'content-type') else: assert "text/html" == header_value(saved[0][1], 'content-type') assert "/bing/foo" == header_value(saved[0][1],'location') result = list(app({'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/plain'},saveit)) assert "text/plain; charset=utf8" == header_value(saved[1][1],'content-type') assert "/bing/foo" == header_value(saved[1][1],'location') def test_misc(): assert get_exception(301) == HTTPMovedPermanently redirect = HTTPFound("/some/path") assert isinstance(redirect,HTTPException) assert isinstance(redirect,HTTPRedirection) assert not isinstance(redirect,HTTPError) notfound = HTTPNotFound() assert isinstance(notfound,HTTPException) assert isinstance(notfound,HTTPError) assert isinstance(notfound,HTTPClientError) assert not isinstance(notfound,HTTPServerError) notimpl = HTTPNotImplemented() assert isinstance(notimpl,HTTPException) assert isinstance(notimpl,HTTPError) assert isinstance(notimpl,HTTPServerError) assert not isinstance(notimpl,HTTPClientError)