Sparse resources tests Tests: dEQP-VK.sparse_resources.* Includes: 1. Test fully resident buffer created with VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT flag bit 2. Test fully resident image created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT flag bit 3. Test partially resident buffer created with VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag bit 4. Test partially resident image created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag bit 5. Test partially resident image with mipmaps, put some mipmap levels in mip tail region 6. Test memory aliasing for fully resident buffer objects Description: 1. Test fully resident buffer created with VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT flag bit The test creates buffer object with VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT flag bit. The size of the buffer is one of the test parameters. The memory requirements of the buffer are being checked. Device memory is allocated in chunks equal to the alignment parameter of buffer's memory requirements. The number of allocations is equal to bufferRequirements.size / bufferRequirements.alignment. The test creates two queues - one supporting sparse binding operations, the second one supporting compute and transfer operations. First queue is used to perform binding of device memory to sparse buffer. The binding operation signals semaphore used for synchronization. The second queue is used to perform transfer operations. The test creates two non-sparse buffer objects, one used as input and the second as output. The input buffer is used to transfer data to sparse buffer. The data is then transfered further from sparse buffer to output buffer. The transer queue waits on a semaphore, before transfer operations can be issued. The validation part retrieves data back from output buffer to host memory. The data is then compared with reference data, that was originally sent to input buffer. If the two data sets match, the test passes. 2. Test fully resident image created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT flag bit The test checks all supported types of images. It creates image with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT flag bit. The memory requirements of the image are being checked. Device memory is allocated in chunks equal to the alignment parameter of the image memory requirements. The number of allocations is equal to imageRequirements.size / imageRequirements.alignment. The test creates two queues - one supporting sparse binding operations, the second one supporting compute and transfer operations. First queue is used to perform binding of device memory to sparse image. The binding operation signals semaphore used for synchronization. The second queue is used to perform transfer operations. The test creates two non-sparse buffer objects, one used as input and the second as output. The input buffer is used to transfer data to sparse image. The data is then transfered further from sparse image to output buffer. The transfer queue waits on a semaphore, before transfer operations can be issued. The validation part retrieves data back from output buffer to host memory. The data is then compared with reference data, that was originally sent to input buffer. If the two data sets match, the test passes. 3. Test partially resident buffer created with VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag bit The test creates buffer object with VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag bit. The size of the buffer is one of the test parameters. The sparse memory requirements of the buffer are being checked. Device memory is allocated in chunks equal to the alignment parameter of buffer's memory requirements. Memory is bound to the buffer object leaving gaps between bound blocks with the size equal to alignment. The test creates two queues - one supporting sparse binding operations, the second one supporting compute and transfer operations. First queue is used to perform binding of device memory to sparse buffer. The binding operation signals semaphore used for synchronization. The second queue is used to perform compute and transfer operations. A compute shader is invoked to fill the whole buffer with data. Afterwards the data is transfered from sparse buffer to non-sparse output buffer. The validation part retrieves data back from output buffer to host memory. The data is compared against the expected output from compute shader. For parts of the data that correspond to the regions of sparse buffer that have device memory bound, the comparison is done against expected output from compute shader. For parts that correspond to gaps, the data is random or should be filled with zeros if residencyNonResidentStrict device sparse property is set to TRUE. 4. Test partially resident image created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag bit The test creates image with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag bit. The sparse memory requirements of the image are being checked. Device memory is allocated in chunks equal to the alignment parameter of image's memory requirements. Memory is bound to the image leaving gaps between bound blocks with the size equal to alignment. The test creates two queues - one supporting sparse binding operations, the second one supporting compute and transfer operations. First queue is used to perform binding of device memory to sparse image. The binding operation signals semaphore used for synchronization. The second queue is used to perform compute and transfer operations. A compute shader is invoked to fill the whole image with data. Afterwards the data is transfered from sparse image to non-sparse output buffer. The validation part retrieves data back from output buffer to host memory. The data is compared against the expected output from compute shader. For parts of the data that correspond to the regions of image that have device memory bound, the comparison is done against expected output from compute shader. For parts that correspond to gaps, the data is random or should be filled with zeros if residencyNonResidentStrict device sparse property is set to TRUE. 5. Test partially resident image with mipmaps, put some mipmap levels in mip tail region The test creates image with maximum allowed number of mipmap levels. The sparse memory requirements of the image are being checked. Each layer of each mipmap level receives a separate device memory binding. The mipmaps levels that end up in mip tail region receive one binding for each mipmap level or one binding for all levels, depending on the value of VK_SPARSE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SINGLE_MIPTAIL_BIT. A compute shader is invoked to fill each mipmap level with data. Afterwards the data is transfered to a non-sparse buffer object. The validation part retrieves data back from output buffer to host memory. The data is compared against the expected output from compute shader. The test passes if the data sets are equal. 6. Test memory aliasing for fully resident buffer objects The test creates two fully resident buffers (READ and WRITE) with VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_ALIASED_BIT and VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT flag bits. Both buffers have the same size. The test creates two queues - one supporting sparse binding operations, the second one supporting compute and transfer operations. First queue is used to perform binding of device memory to sparse buffers. One block of device memory is allocated and bound to both buffers (buffers share memory). The second queue is used to perform compute and transfer operations. A compute shader is invoked to fill the whole WRITE buffer with data. Afterwards the data from READ buffer is being transfered to non-sparse output buffer. The validation part retrieves data back from output buffer to host memory. The data is compared against the expected output from compute shader. The test passes if the data sets are equal.