Lines Matching defs:_xmlSchemaValidCtxt
964 struct _xmlSchemaValidCtxt { struct
965 int type;
966 void *errCtxt; /* user specific data block */
967 xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc error; /* the callback in case of errors */
968 xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc warning; /* the callback in case of warning */
969 xmlStructuredErrorFunc serror;
971 xmlSchemaPtr schema; /* The schema in use */
972 xmlDocPtr doc;
973 xmlParserInputBufferPtr input;
974 xmlCharEncoding enc;
975 xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax;
976 xmlParserCtxtPtr parserCtxt;
977 void *user_data; /* TODO: What is this for? */
978 char *filename;
980 int err;
981 int nberrors;
983 xmlNodePtr node;
984 xmlNodePtr cur;
987 xmlRegExecCtxtPtr regexp;
988 xmlSchemaValPtr value;
990 int valueWS;
991 int options;
992 xmlNodePtr validationRoot;
993 xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr pctxt;
994 int xsiAssemble;
996 int depth;
997 xmlSchemaNodeInfoPtr *elemInfos; /* array of element informations */
998 int sizeElemInfos;
999 xmlSchemaNodeInfoPtr inode; /* the current element information */
1001 xmlSchemaIDCAugPtr aidcs; /* a list of augmented IDC informations */
1003 xmlSchemaIDCStateObjPtr xpathStates; /* first active state object. */
1004 xmlSchemaIDCStateObjPtr xpathStatePool; /* first stored state object. */
1005 xmlSchemaIDCMatcherPtr idcMatcherCache; /* Cache for IDC matcher objects. */
1007 xmlSchemaPSVIIDCNodePtr *idcNodes; /* list of all IDC node-table entries*/
1008 int nbIdcNodes;
1009 int sizeIdcNodes;
1011 xmlSchemaPSVIIDCKeyPtr *idcKeys; /* list of all IDC node-table entries */
1012 int nbIdcKeys;
1013 int sizeIdcKeys;
1015 int flags;
1017 xmlDictPtr dict;
1020 xmlTextReaderPtr reader;
1023 xmlSchemaAttrInfoPtr *attrInfos;
1024 int nbAttrInfos;
1025 int sizeAttrInfos;
1027 int skipDepth;
1028 xmlSchemaItemListPtr nodeQNames;
1029 int hasKeyrefs;
1030 int createIDCNodeTables;
1031 int psviExposeIDCNodeTables;
1034 xmlSchemaValidityLocatorFunc locFunc;
1035 void *locCtxt;