# pylint: disable-msg=C0111 """Database model classes for the scheduler. Contains model classes abstracting the various DB tables used by the scheduler. These overlap the Django models in basic functionality, but were written before the Django models existed and have not yet been phased out. Some of them (particularly HostQueueEntry and Job) have considerable scheduler-specific logic which would probably be ill-suited for inclusion in the general Django model classes. Globals: _notify_email_statuses: list of HQE statuses. each time a single HQE reaches one of these statuses, an email will be sent to the job's email_list. comes from global_config. _base_url: URL to the local AFE server, used to construct URLs for emails. _db: DatabaseConnection for this module. _drone_manager: reference to global DroneManager instance. """ import datetime, itertools, logging, os, re, sys, time, weakref from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import control_data from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config, host_protections from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import time_utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.graphite import autotest_es from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.graphite import autotest_stats from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models, model_attributes from autotest_lib.scheduler import drone_manager, email_manager from autotest_lib.scheduler import rdb_lib from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_config from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_lib from autotest_lib.server.cros import provision _notify_email_statuses = [] _base_url = None _db = None _drone_manager = None def initialize(): global _db _db = scheduler_lib.ConnectionManager().get_connection() notify_statuses_list = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( scheduler_config.CONFIG_SECTION, "notify_email_statuses", default='') global _notify_email_statuses _notify_email_statuses = [status for status in re.split(r'[\s,;:]', notify_statuses_list.lower()) if status] # AUTOTEST_WEB.base_url is still a supported config option as some people # may wish to override the entire url. global _base_url config_base_url = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( scheduler_config.CONFIG_SECTION, 'base_url', default='') if config_base_url: _base_url = config_base_url else: # For the common case of everything running on a single server you # can just set the hostname in a single place in the config file. server_name = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( 'SERVER', 'hostname') if not server_name: logging.critical('[SERVER] hostname missing from the config file.') sys.exit(1) _base_url = 'http://%s/afe/' % server_name initialize_globals() def initialize_globals(): global _drone_manager _drone_manager = drone_manager.instance() def get_job_metadata(job): """Get a dictionary of the job information. The return value is a dictionary that includes job information like id, name and parent job information. The value will be stored in metadata database. @param job: A Job object. @return: A dictionary containing the job id, owner and name. """ if not job: logging.error('Job is None, no metadata returned.') return {} try: return {'job_id': job.id, 'owner': job.owner, 'job_name': job.name, 'parent_job_id': job.parent_job_id} except AttributeError as e: logging.error('Job has missing attribute: %s', e) return {} class DelayedCallTask(object): """ A task object like AgentTask for an Agent to run that waits for the specified amount of time to have elapsed before calling the supplied callback once and finishing. If the callback returns anything, it is assumed to be a new Agent instance and will be added to the dispatcher. @attribute end_time: The absolute posix time after which this task will call its callback when it is polled and be finished. Also has all attributes required by the Agent class. """ def __init__(self, delay_seconds, callback, now_func=None): """ @param delay_seconds: The delay in seconds from now that this task will call the supplied callback and be done. @param callback: A callable to be called by this task once after at least delay_seconds time has elapsed. It must return None or a new Agent instance. @param now_func: A time.time like function. Default: time.time. Used for testing. """ assert delay_seconds > 0 assert callable(callback) if not now_func: now_func = time.time self._now_func = now_func self._callback = callback self.end_time = self._now_func() + delay_seconds # These attributes are required by Agent. self.aborted = False self.host_ids = () self.success = False self.queue_entry_ids = () self.num_processes = 0 def poll(self): if not self.is_done() and self._now_func() >= self.end_time: self._callback() self.success = True def is_done(self): return self.success or self.aborted def abort(self): self.aborted = True class DBError(Exception): """Raised by the DBObject constructor when its select fails.""" class DBObject(object): """A miniature object relational model for the database.""" # Subclasses MUST override these: _table_name = '' _fields = () # A mapping from (type, id) to the instance of the object for that # particular id. This prevents us from creating new Job() and Host() # instances for every HostQueueEntry object that we instantiate as # multiple HQEs often share the same Job. _instances_by_type_and_id = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() _initialized = False def __new__(cls, id=None, **kwargs): """ Look to see if we already have an instance for this particular type and id. If so, use it instead of creating a duplicate instance. """ if id is not None: instance = cls._instances_by_type_and_id.get((cls, id)) if instance: return instance return super(DBObject, cls).__new__(cls, id=id, **kwargs) def __init__(self, id=None, row=None, new_record=False, always_query=True): assert bool(id) or bool(row) if id is not None and row is not None: assert id == row[0] assert self._table_name, '_table_name must be defined in your class' assert self._fields, '_fields must be defined in your class' if not new_record: if self._initialized and not always_query: return # We've already been initialized. if id is None: id = row[0] # Tell future constructors to use us instead of re-querying while # this instance is still around. self._instances_by_type_and_id[(type(self), id)] = self self.__table = self._table_name self.__new_record = new_record if row is None: row = self._fetch_row_from_db(id) if self._initialized: differences = self._compare_fields_in_row(row) if differences: logging.warning( 'initialized %s %s instance requery is updating: %s', type(self), self.id, differences) self._update_fields_from_row(row) self._initialized = True @classmethod def _clear_instance_cache(cls): """Used for testing, clear the internal instance cache.""" cls._instances_by_type_and_id.clear() def _fetch_row_from_db(self, row_id): sql = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE ID=%%s' % self.__table rows = _db.execute(sql, (row_id,)) if not rows: raise DBError("row not found (table=%s, row id=%s)" % (self.__table, row_id)) return rows[0] def _assert_row_length(self, row): assert len(row) == len(self._fields), ( "table = %s, row = %s/%d, fields = %s/%d" % ( self.__table, row, len(row), self._fields, len(self._fields))) def _compare_fields_in_row(self, row): """ Given a row as returned by a SELECT query, compare it to our existing in memory fields. Fractional seconds are stripped from datetime values before comparison. @param row - A sequence of values corresponding to fields named in The class attribute _fields. @returns A dictionary listing the differences keyed by field name containing tuples of (current_value, row_value). """ self._assert_row_length(row) differences = {} for field, row_value in itertools.izip(self._fields, row): current_value = getattr(self, field) if (isinstance(current_value, datetime.datetime) and isinstance(row_value, datetime.datetime)): current_value = current_value.strftime(time_utils.TIME_FMT) row_value = row_value.strftime(time_utils.TIME_FMT) if current_value != row_value: differences[field] = (current_value, row_value) return differences def _update_fields_from_row(self, row): """ Update our field attributes using a single row returned by SELECT. @param row - A sequence of values corresponding to fields named in the class fields list. """ self._assert_row_length(row) self._valid_fields = set() for field, value in itertools.izip(self._fields, row): setattr(self, field, value) self._valid_fields.add(field) self._valid_fields.remove('id') def update_from_database(self): assert self.id is not None row = self._fetch_row_from_db(self.id) self._update_fields_from_row(row) def count(self, where, table = None): if not table: table = self.__table rows = _db.execute(""" SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE %s """ % (table, where)) assert len(rows) == 1 return int(rows[0][0]) def update_field(self, field, value): assert field in self._valid_fields if getattr(self, field) == value: return query = "UPDATE %s SET %s = %%s WHERE id = %%s" % (self.__table, field) _db.execute(query, (value, self.id)) setattr(self, field, value) def save(self): if self.__new_record: keys = self._fields[1:] # avoid id columns = ','.join([str(key) for key in keys]) values = [] for key in keys: value = getattr(self, key) if value is None: values.append('NULL') else: values.append('"%s"' % value) values_str = ','.join(values) query = ('INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (self.__table, columns, values_str)) _db.execute(query) # Update our id to the one the database just assigned to us. self.id = _db.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()')[0][0] def delete(self): self._instances_by_type_and_id.pop((type(self), id), None) self._initialized = False self._valid_fields.clear() query = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE id=%%s' % self.__table _db.execute(query, (self.id,)) @staticmethod def _prefix_with(string, prefix): if string: string = prefix + string return string @classmethod def fetch(cls, where='', params=(), joins='', order_by=''): """ Construct instances of our class based on the given database query. @yields One class instance for each row fetched. """ order_by = cls._prefix_with(order_by, 'ORDER BY ') where = cls._prefix_with(where, 'WHERE ') query = ('SELECT %(table)s.* FROM %(table)s %(joins)s ' '%(where)s %(order_by)s' % {'table' : cls._table_name, 'joins' : joins, 'where' : where, 'order_by' : order_by}) rows = _db.execute(query, params) return [cls(id=row[0], row=row) for row in rows] class IneligibleHostQueue(DBObject): _table_name = 'afe_ineligible_host_queues' _fields = ('id', 'job_id', 'host_id') class AtomicGroup(DBObject): _table_name = 'afe_atomic_groups' _fields = ('id', 'name', 'description', 'max_number_of_machines', 'invalid') class Label(DBObject): _table_name = 'afe_labels' _fields = ('id', 'name', 'kernel_config', 'platform', 'invalid', 'only_if_needed', 'atomic_group_id') def __repr__(self): return 'Label(name=%r, id=%d, atomic_group_id=%r)' % ( self.name, self.id, self.atomic_group_id) class Host(DBObject): _table_name = 'afe_hosts' _fields = ('id', 'hostname', 'locked', 'synch_id', 'status', 'invalid', 'protection', 'locked_by_id', 'lock_time', 'dirty', 'leased', 'shard_id', 'lock_reason') _timer = autotest_stats.Timer("scheduler_models.Host") @_timer.decorate def set_status(self,status): logging.info('%s -> %s', self.hostname, status) self.update_field('status',status) # Noticed some time jumps after the last log message. logging.debug('Host Set Status Complete') def platform_and_labels(self): """ Returns a tuple (platform_name, list_of_all_label_names). """ rows = _db.execute(""" SELECT afe_labels.name, afe_labels.platform FROM afe_labels INNER JOIN afe_hosts_labels ON afe_labels.id = afe_hosts_labels.label_id WHERE afe_hosts_labels.host_id = %s ORDER BY afe_labels.name """, (self.id,)) platform = None all_labels = [] for label_name, is_platform in rows: if is_platform: platform = label_name all_labels.append(label_name) return platform, all_labels _ALPHANUM_HOST_RE = re.compile(r'^([a-z-]+)(\d+)$', re.IGNORECASE) @classmethod def cmp_for_sort(cls, a, b): """ A comparison function for sorting Host objects by hostname. This strips any trailing numeric digits, ignores leading 0s and compares hostnames by the leading name and the trailing digits as a number. If both hostnames do not match this pattern, they are simply compared as lower case strings. Example of how hostnames will be sorted: alice, host1, host2, host09, host010, host10, host11, yolkfolk This hopefully satisfy most people's hostname sorting needs regardless of their exact naming schemes. Nobody sane should have both a host10 and host010 (but the algorithm works regardless). """ lower_a = a.hostname.lower() lower_b = b.hostname.lower() match_a = cls._ALPHANUM_HOST_RE.match(lower_a) match_b = cls._ALPHANUM_HOST_RE.match(lower_b) if match_a and match_b: name_a, number_a_str = match_a.groups() name_b, number_b_str = match_b.groups() number_a = int(number_a_str.lstrip('0')) number_b = int(number_b_str.lstrip('0')) result = cmp((name_a, number_a), (name_b, number_b)) if result == 0 and lower_a != lower_b: # If they compared equal above but the lower case names are # indeed different, don't report equality. abc012 != abc12. return cmp(lower_a, lower_b) return result else: return cmp(lower_a, lower_b) class HostQueueEntry(DBObject): _table_name = 'afe_host_queue_entries' _fields = ('id', 'job_id', 'host_id', 'status', 'meta_host', 'active', 'complete', 'deleted', 'execution_subdir', 'atomic_group_id', 'aborted', 'started_on', 'finished_on') _timer = autotest_stats.Timer('scheduler_models.HostQueueEntry') def __init__(self, id=None, row=None, **kwargs): assert id or row super(HostQueueEntry, self).__init__(id=id, row=row, **kwargs) self.job = Job(self.job_id) if self.host_id: self.host = rdb_lib.get_hosts([self.host_id])[0] self.host.dbg_str = self.get_dbg_str() self.host.metadata = get_job_metadata(self.job) else: self.host = None if self.atomic_group_id: self.atomic_group = AtomicGroup(self.atomic_group_id, always_query=False) else: self.atomic_group = None @classmethod def clone(cls, template): """ Creates a new row using the values from a template instance. The new instance will not exist in the database or have a valid id attribute until its save() method is called. """ assert isinstance(template, cls) new_row = [getattr(template, field) for field in cls._fields] clone = cls(row=new_row, new_record=True) clone.id = None return clone def _view_job_url(self): return "%s#tab_id=view_job&object_id=%s" % (_base_url, self.job.id) def get_labels(self): """ Get all labels associated with this host queue entry (either via the meta_host or as a job dependency label). The labels yielded are not guaranteed to be unique. @yields Label instances associated with this host_queue_entry. """ if self.meta_host: yield Label(id=self.meta_host, always_query=False) labels = Label.fetch( joins="JOIN afe_jobs_dependency_labels AS deps " "ON (afe_labels.id = deps.label_id)", where="deps.job_id = %d" % self.job.id) for label in labels: yield label def set_host(self, host): if host: logging.info('Assigning host %s to entry %s', host.hostname, self) self.update_field('host_id', host.id) self.block_host(host.id) else: logging.info('Releasing host from %s', self) self.unblock_host(self.host.id) self.update_field('host_id', None) self.host = host def block_host(self, host_id): logging.info("creating block %s/%s", self.job.id, host_id) row = [0, self.job.id, host_id] block = IneligibleHostQueue(row=row, new_record=True) block.save() def unblock_host(self, host_id): logging.info("removing block %s/%s", self.job.id, host_id) blocks = IneligibleHostQueue.fetch( 'job_id=%d and host_id=%d' % (self.job.id, host_id)) for block in blocks: block.delete() def set_execution_subdir(self, subdir=None): if subdir is None: assert self.host subdir = self.host.hostname self.update_field('execution_subdir', subdir) def _get_hostname(self): if self.host: return self.host.hostname return 'no host' def get_dbg_str(self): """Get a debug string to identify this host. @return: A string containing the hqe and job id. """ try: return 'HQE: %s, for job: %s' % (self.id, self.job_id) except AttributeError as e: return 'HQE has not been initialized yet: %s' % e def __str__(self): flags = [] if self.active: flags.append('active') if self.complete: flags.append('complete') if self.deleted: flags.append('deleted') if self.aborted: flags.append('aborted') flags_str = ','.join(flags) if flags_str: flags_str = ' [%s]' % flags_str return ("%s and host: %s has status:%s%s" % (self.get_dbg_str(), self._get_hostname(), self.status, flags_str)) def record_state(self, type_str, state, value): """Record metadata in elasticsearch. If ES configured to use http, then we will time that http request. Otherwise, it uses UDP, so we will not need to time it. @param type_str: sets the _type field in elasticsearch db. @param state: string representing what state we are recording, e.g. 'status' @param value: value of the state, e.g. 'verifying' """ metadata = { 'time_changed': time.time(), state: value, 'job_id': self.job_id, } if self.host: metadata['hostname'] = self.host.hostname autotest_es.post(type_str=type_str, metadata=metadata) @_timer.decorate def set_status(self, status): logging.info("%s -> %s", self, status) self.update_field('status', status) # Noticed some time jumps after last logging message. logging.debug('Update Field Complete') active = (status in models.HostQueueEntry.ACTIVE_STATUSES) complete = (status in models.HostQueueEntry.COMPLETE_STATUSES) assert not (active and complete) self.update_field('active', active) # The ordering of these operations is important. Once we set the # complete bit this job will become indistinguishable from all # the other complete jobs, unless we first set shard_id to NULL # to signal to the shard_client that we need to upload it. However, # we can only set both these after we've updated finished_on etc # within _on_complete or the job will get synced in an intermediate # state. This means that if someone sigkills the scheduler between # setting finished_on and complete, we will have inconsistent jobs. # This should be fine, because nothing critical checks finished_on, # and the scheduler should never be killed mid-tick. if complete: self._on_complete(status) if self.job.shard_id is not None: # If shard_id is None, the job will be synced back to the master self.job.update_field('shard_id', None) self._email_on_job_complete() self.update_field('complete', complete) should_email_status = (status.lower() in _notify_email_statuses or 'all' in _notify_email_statuses) if should_email_status: self._email_on_status(status) logging.debug('HQE Set Status Complete') self.record_state('hqe_status', 'status', status) def _on_complete(self, status): if status is not models.HostQueueEntry.Status.ABORTED: self.job.stop_if_necessary() if self.started_on: self.set_finished_on_now() if not self.execution_subdir: return # unregister any possible pidfiles associated with this queue entry for pidfile_name in drone_manager.ALL_PIDFILE_NAMES: pidfile_id = _drone_manager.get_pidfile_id_from( self.execution_path(), pidfile_name=pidfile_name) _drone_manager.unregister_pidfile(pidfile_id) def _get_status_email_contents(self, status, summary=None, hostname=None): """ Gather info for the status notification e-mails. If needed, we could start using the Django templating engine to create the subject and the e-mail body, but that doesn't seem necessary right now. @param status: Job status text. Mandatory. @param summary: Job summary text. Optional. @param hostname: A hostname for the job. Optional. @return: Tuple (subject, body) for the notification e-mail. """ job_stats = Job(id=self.job.id).get_execution_details() subject = ('Autotest | Job ID: %s "%s" | Status: %s ' % (self.job.id, self.job.name, status)) if hostname is not None: subject += '| Hostname: %s ' % hostname if status not in ["1 Failed", "Failed"]: subject += '| Success Rate: %.2f %%' % job_stats['success_rate'] body = "Job ID: %s\n" % self.job.id body += "Job name: %s\n" % self.job.name if hostname is not None: body += "Host: %s\n" % hostname if summary is not None: body += "Summary: %s\n" % summary body += "Status: %s\n" % status body += "Results interface URL: %s\n" % self._view_job_url() body += "Execution time (HH:MM:SS): %s\n" % job_stats['execution_time'] if int(job_stats['total_executed']) > 0: body += "User tests executed: %s\n" % job_stats['total_executed'] body += "User tests passed: %s\n" % job_stats['total_passed'] body += "User tests failed: %s\n" % job_stats['total_failed'] body += ("User tests success rate: %.2f %%\n" % job_stats['success_rate']) if job_stats['failed_rows']: body += "Failures:\n" body += job_stats['failed_rows'] return subject, body def _email_on_status(self, status): hostname = self._get_hostname() subject, body = self._get_status_email_contents(status, None, hostname) email_manager.manager.send_email(self.job.email_list, subject, body) def _email_on_job_complete(self): if not self.job.is_finished(): return summary = [] hosts_queue = HostQueueEntry.fetch('job_id = %s' % self.job.id) for queue_entry in hosts_queue: summary.append("Host: %s Status: %s" % (queue_entry._get_hostname(), queue_entry.status)) summary = "\n".join(summary) status_counts = models.Job.objects.get_status_counts( [self.job.id])[self.job.id] status = ', '.join('%d %s' % (count, status) for status, count in status_counts.iteritems()) subject, body = self._get_status_email_contents(status, summary, None) email_manager.manager.send_email(self.job.email_list, subject, body) def schedule_pre_job_tasks(self): logging.info("%s/%s/%s (job %s, entry %s) scheduled on %s, status=%s", self.job.name, self.meta_host, self.atomic_group_id, self.job.id, self.id, self.host.hostname, self.status) self._do_schedule_pre_job_tasks() def _do_schedule_pre_job_tasks(self): self.job.schedule_pre_job_tasks(queue_entry=self) def requeue(self): assert self.host self.set_status(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.QUEUED) self.update_field('started_on', None) self.update_field('finished_on', None) # verify/cleanup failure sets the execution subdir, so reset it here self.set_execution_subdir('') if self.meta_host: self.set_host(None) @property def aborted_by(self): self._load_abort_info() return self._aborted_by @property def aborted_on(self): self._load_abort_info() return self._aborted_on def _load_abort_info(self): """ Fetch info about who aborted the job. """ if hasattr(self, "_aborted_by"): return rows = _db.execute(""" SELECT afe_users.login, afe_aborted_host_queue_entries.aborted_on FROM afe_aborted_host_queue_entries INNER JOIN afe_users ON afe_users.id = afe_aborted_host_queue_entries.aborted_by_id WHERE afe_aborted_host_queue_entries.queue_entry_id = %s """, (self.id,)) if rows: self._aborted_by, self._aborted_on = rows[0] else: self._aborted_by = self._aborted_on = None def on_pending(self): """ Called when an entry in a synchronous job has passed verify. If the job is ready to run, sets the entries to STARTING. Otherwise, it leaves them in PENDING. """ self.set_status(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.PENDING) self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.PENDING) # Some debug code here: sends an email if an asynchronous job does not # immediately enter Starting. # TODO: Remove this once we figure out why asynchronous jobs are getting # stuck in Pending. self.job.run_if_ready(queue_entry=self) if (self.job.synch_count == 1 and self.status == models.HostQueueEntry.Status.PENDING): subject = 'Job %s (id %s)' % (self.job.name, self.job.id) message = 'Asynchronous job stuck in Pending' email_manager.manager.enqueue_notify_email(subject, message) def abort(self, dispatcher): assert self.aborted and not self.complete Status = models.HostQueueEntry.Status if self.status in (Status.GATHERING, Status.PARSING, Status.ARCHIVING): # do nothing; post-job tasks will finish and then mark this entry # with status "Aborted" and take care of the host return if self.status in (Status.STARTING, Status.PENDING, Status.RUNNING, Status.WAITING): # If hqe is in any of these status, it should not have any # unfinished agent before it can be aborted. agents = dispatcher.get_agents_for_entry(self) # Agent with finished task can be left behind. This is added to # handle the special case of aborting hostless job in STARTING # status, in which the agent has only a HostlessQueueTask # associated. The finished HostlessQueueTask will be cleaned up in # the next tick, so it's safe to leave the agent there. Without # filtering out finished agent, HQE abort won't be able to proceed. assert all([agent.is_done() for agent in agents]) # If hqe is still in STARTING status, it may not have assigned a # host yet. if self.host: self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.READY) elif (self.status == Status.VERIFYING or self.status == Status.RESETTING): models.SpecialTask.objects.create( task=models.SpecialTask.Task.CLEANUP, host=models.Host.objects.get(id=self.host.id), requested_by=self.job.owner_model()) elif self.status == Status.PROVISIONING: models.SpecialTask.objects.create( task=models.SpecialTask.Task.REPAIR, host=models.Host.objects.get(id=self.host.id), requested_by=self.job.owner_model()) self.set_status(Status.ABORTED) self.job.abort_delay_ready_task() def get_group_name(self): atomic_group = self.atomic_group if not atomic_group: return '' # Look at any meta_host and dependency labels and pick the first # one that also specifies this atomic group. Use that label name # as the group name if possible (it is more specific). for label in self.get_labels(): if label.atomic_group_id: assert label.atomic_group_id == atomic_group.id return label.name return atomic_group.name def execution_tag(self): SQL_SUSPECT_ENTRIES = ('SELECT * FROM afe_host_queue_entries WHERE ' 'complete!=1 AND execution_subdir="" AND ' 'status!="Queued";') SQL_FIX_SUSPECT_ENTRY = ('UPDATE afe_host_queue_entries SET ' 'status="Aborted" WHERE id=%s;') try: assert self.execution_subdir except AssertionError: # TODO(scottz): Remove temporary fix/info gathering pathway for # crosbug.com/31595 once issue is root caused. logging.error('No execution_subdir for host queue id:%s.', self.id) logging.error('====DB DEBUG====\n%s', SQL_SUSPECT_ENTRIES) for row in _db.execute(SQL_SUSPECT_ENTRIES): logging.error(row) logging.error('====DB DEBUG====\n') fix_query = SQL_FIX_SUSPECT_ENTRY % self.id logging.error('EXECUTING: %s', fix_query) _db.execute(SQL_FIX_SUSPECT_ENTRY % self.id) raise AssertionError(('self.execution_subdir not found. ' 'See log for details.')) return "%s/%s" % (self.job.tag(), self.execution_subdir) def execution_path(self): return self.execution_tag() def set_started_on_now(self): self.update_field('started_on', datetime.datetime.now()) def set_finished_on_now(self): self.update_field('finished_on', datetime.datetime.now()) def is_hostless(self): return (self.host_id is None and self.meta_host is None and self.atomic_group_id is None) class Job(DBObject): _table_name = 'afe_jobs' _fields = ('id', 'owner', 'name', 'priority', 'control_file', 'control_type', 'created_on', 'synch_count', 'timeout', 'run_verify', 'email_list', 'reboot_before', 'reboot_after', 'parse_failed_repair', 'max_runtime_hrs', 'drone_set_id', 'parameterized_job_id', 'max_runtime_mins', 'parent_job_id', 'test_retry', 'run_reset', 'timeout_mins', 'shard_id', 'require_ssp') _timer = autotest_stats.Timer("scheduler_models.Job") # This does not need to be a column in the DB. The delays are likely to # be configured short. If the scheduler is stopped and restarted in # the middle of a job's delay cycle, the delay cycle will either be # repeated or skipped depending on the number of Pending machines found # when the restarted scheduler recovers to track it. Not a problem. # # A reference to the DelayedCallTask that will wake up the job should # no other HQEs change state in time. Its end_time attribute is used # by our run_with_ready_delay() method to determine if the wait is over. _delay_ready_task = None # TODO(gps): On scheduler start/recovery we need to call HQE.on_pending() on # all status='Pending' atomic group HQEs incase a delay was running when the # scheduler was restarted and no more hosts ever successfully exit Verify. def __init__(self, id=None, row=None, **kwargs): assert id or row super(Job, self).__init__(id=id, row=row, **kwargs) self._owner_model = None # caches model instance of owner self.update_image_path = None # path of OS image to install def model(self): return models.Job.objects.get(id=self.id) def owner_model(self): # work around the fact that the Job owner field is a string, not a # foreign key if not self._owner_model: self._owner_model = models.User.objects.get(login=self.owner) return self._owner_model def is_server_job(self): return self.control_type == control_data.CONTROL_TYPE.SERVER def tag(self): return "%s-%s" % (self.id, self.owner) def get_host_queue_entries(self): rows = _db.execute(""" SELECT * FROM afe_host_queue_entries WHERE job_id= %s """, (self.id,)) entries = [HostQueueEntry(row=i) for i in rows] assert len(entries)>0 return entries def is_image_update_job(self): """ Discover if the current job requires an OS update. @return: True/False if OS should be updated before job is run. """ # All image update jobs have the parameterized_job_id set. if not self.parameterized_job_id: return False # Retrieve the ID of the ParameterizedJob this job is an instance of. rows = _db.execute(""" SELECT test_id FROM afe_parameterized_jobs WHERE id = %s """, (self.parameterized_job_id,)) if not rows: return False test_id = rows[0][0] # Retrieve the ID of the known autoupdate_ParameterizedJob. rows = _db.execute(""" SELECT id FROM afe_autotests WHERE name = 'autoupdate_ParameterizedJob' """) if not rows: return False update_id = rows[0][0] # If the IDs are the same we've found an image update job. if test_id == update_id: # Finally, get the path to the OS image to install. rows = _db.execute(""" SELECT parameter_value FROM afe_parameterized_job_parameters WHERE parameterized_job_id = %s """, (self.parameterized_job_id,)) if rows: # Save the path in update_image_path to use later as a command # line parameter to autoserv. self.update_image_path = rows[0][0] return True return False def get_execution_details(self): """ Get test execution details for this job. @return: Dictionary with test execution details """ def _find_test_jobs(rows): """ Here we are looking for tests such as SERVER_JOB and CLIENT_JOB.* Those are autotest 'internal job' tests, so they should not be counted when evaluating the test stats. @param rows: List of rows (matrix) with database results. """ job_test_pattern = re.compile('SERVER|CLIENT\\_JOB\.[\d]') n_test_jobs = 0 for r in rows: test_name = r[0] if job_test_pattern.match(test_name): n_test_jobs += 1 return n_test_jobs stats = {} rows = _db.execute(""" SELECT t.test, s.word, t.reason FROM tko_tests AS t, tko_jobs AS j, tko_status AS s WHERE t.job_idx = j.job_idx AND s.status_idx = t.status AND j.afe_job_id = %s ORDER BY t.reason """ % self.id) failed_rows = [r for r in rows if not r[1] == 'GOOD'] n_test_jobs = _find_test_jobs(rows) n_test_jobs_failed = _find_test_jobs(failed_rows) total_executed = len(rows) - n_test_jobs total_failed = len(failed_rows) - n_test_jobs_failed if total_executed > 0: success_rate = 100 - ((total_failed / float(total_executed)) * 100) else: success_rate = 0 stats['total_executed'] = total_executed stats['total_failed'] = total_failed stats['total_passed'] = total_executed - total_failed stats['success_rate'] = success_rate status_header = ("Test Name", "Status", "Reason") if failed_rows: stats['failed_rows'] = utils.matrix_to_string(failed_rows, status_header) else: stats['failed_rows'] = '' time_row = _db.execute(""" SELECT started_time, finished_time FROM tko_jobs WHERE afe_job_id = %s """ % self.id) if time_row: t_begin, t_end = time_row[0] try: delta = t_end - t_begin minutes, seconds = divmod(delta.seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) stats['execution_time'] = ("%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)) # One of t_end or t_begin are None except TypeError: stats['execution_time'] = '(could not determine)' else: stats['execution_time'] = '(none)' return stats @_timer.decorate def set_status(self, status, update_queues=False): self.update_field('status',status) if update_queues: for queue_entry in self.get_host_queue_entries(): queue_entry.set_status(status) def keyval_dict(self): return self.model().keyval_dict() def _atomic_and_has_started(self): """ @returns True if any of the HostQueueEntries associated with this job have entered the Status.STARTING state or beyond. """ atomic_entries = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.filter( job=self.id, atomic_group__isnull=False) if atomic_entries.count() <= 0: return False # These states may *only* be reached if Job.run() has been called. started_statuses = (models.HostQueueEntry.Status.STARTING, models.HostQueueEntry.Status.RUNNING, models.HostQueueEntry.Status.COMPLETED) started_entries = atomic_entries.filter(status__in=started_statuses) return started_entries.count() > 0 def _hosts_assigned_count(self): """The number of HostQueueEntries assigned a Host for this job.""" entries = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.filter(job=self.id, host__isnull=False) return entries.count() def _pending_count(self): """The number of HostQueueEntries for this job in the Pending state.""" pending_entries = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.filter( job=self.id, status=models.HostQueueEntry.Status.PENDING) return pending_entries.count() def _max_hosts_needed_to_run(self, atomic_group): """ @param atomic_group: The AtomicGroup associated with this job that we are using to set an upper bound on the threshold. @returns The maximum number of HostQueueEntries assigned a Host before this job can run. """ return min(self._hosts_assigned_count(), atomic_group.max_number_of_machines) def _min_hosts_needed_to_run(self): """Return the minumum number of hsots needed to run this job.""" return self.synch_count def is_ready(self): # NOTE: Atomic group jobs stop reporting ready after they have been # started to avoid launching multiple copies of one atomic job. # Only possible if synch_count is less than than half the number of # machines in the atomic group. pending_count = self._pending_count() atomic_and_has_started = self._atomic_and_has_started() ready = (pending_count >= self.synch_count and not atomic_and_has_started) if not ready: logging.info( 'Job %s not ready: %s pending, %s required ' '(Atomic and started: %s)', self, pending_count, self.synch_count, atomic_and_has_started) return ready def num_machines(self, clause = None): sql = "job_id=%s" % self.id if clause: sql += " AND (%s)" % clause return self.count(sql, table='afe_host_queue_entries') def num_queued(self): return self.num_machines('not complete') def num_active(self): return self.num_machines('active') def num_complete(self): return self.num_machines('complete') def is_finished(self): return self.num_complete() == self.num_machines() def _not_yet_run_entries(self, include_verifying=True): statuses = [models.HostQueueEntry.Status.QUEUED, models.HostQueueEntry.Status.PENDING] if include_verifying: statuses.append(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.VERIFYING) return models.HostQueueEntry.objects.filter(job=self.id, status__in=statuses) def _stop_all_entries(self): entries_to_stop = self._not_yet_run_entries( include_verifying=False) for child_entry in entries_to_stop: assert not child_entry.complete, ( '%s status=%s, active=%s, complete=%s' % (child_entry.id, child_entry.status, child_entry.active, child_entry.complete)) if child_entry.status == models.HostQueueEntry.Status.PENDING: child_entry.host.status = models.Host.Status.READY child_entry.host.save() child_entry.status = models.HostQueueEntry.Status.STOPPED child_entry.save() def stop_if_necessary(self): not_yet_run = self._not_yet_run_entries() if not_yet_run.count() < self.synch_count: self._stop_all_entries() def _next_group_name(self, group_name=''): """@returns a directory name to use for the next host group results.""" if group_name: # Sanitize for use as a pathname. group_name = group_name.replace(os.path.sep, '_') if group_name.startswith('.'): group_name = '_' + group_name[1:] # Add a separator between the group name and 'group%d'. group_name += '.' group_count_re = re.compile(r'%sgroup(\d+)' % re.escape(group_name)) query = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.filter( job=self.id).values('execution_subdir').distinct() subdirs = (entry['execution_subdir'] for entry in query) group_matches = (group_count_re.match(subdir) for subdir in subdirs) ids = [int(match.group(1)) for match in group_matches if match] if ids: next_id = max(ids) + 1 else: next_id = 0 return '%sgroup%d' % (group_name, next_id) def get_group_entries(self, queue_entry_from_group): """ @param queue_entry_from_group: A HostQueueEntry instance to find other group entries on this job for. @returns A list of HostQueueEntry objects all executing this job as part of the same group as the one supplied (having the same execution_subdir). """ execution_subdir = queue_entry_from_group.execution_subdir return list(HostQueueEntry.fetch( where='job_id=%s AND execution_subdir=%s', params=(self.id, execution_subdir))) def _should_run_cleanup(self, queue_entry): if self.reboot_before == model_attributes.RebootBefore.ALWAYS: return True elif self.reboot_before == model_attributes.RebootBefore.IF_DIRTY: return queue_entry.host.dirty return False def _should_run_verify(self, queue_entry): do_not_verify = (queue_entry.host.protection == host_protections.Protection.DO_NOT_VERIFY) if do_not_verify: return False # If RebootBefore is set to NEVER, then we won't run reset because # we can't cleanup, so we need to weaken a Reset into a Verify. weaker_reset = (self.run_reset and self.reboot_before == model_attributes.RebootBefore.NEVER) return self.run_verify or weaker_reset def _should_run_reset(self, queue_entry): can_verify = (queue_entry.host.protection != host_protections.Protection.DO_NOT_VERIFY) can_reboot = self.reboot_before != model_attributes.RebootBefore.NEVER return (can_reboot and can_verify and (self.run_reset or (self._should_run_cleanup(queue_entry) and self._should_run_verify(queue_entry)))) def _should_run_provision(self, queue_entry): """ Determine if the queue_entry needs to have a provision task run before it to provision queue_entry.host. @param queue_entry: The host queue entry in question. @returns: True if we should schedule a provision task, False otherwise. """ # If we get to this point, it means that the scheduler has already # vetted that all the unprovisionable labels match, so we can just # find all labels on the job that aren't on the host to get the list # of what we need to provision. (See the scheduling logic in # host_scheduler.py:is_host_eligable_for_job() where we discard all # actionable labels when assigning jobs to hosts.) job_labels = {x.name for x in queue_entry.get_labels()} _, host_labels = queue_entry.host.platform_and_labels() # If there are any labels on the job that are not on the host and they # are labels that provisioning knows how to change, then that means # there is provisioning work to do. If there's no provisioning work to # do, then obviously we have no reason to schedule a provision task! diff = job_labels - set(host_labels) if any([provision.Provision.acts_on(x) for x in diff]): return True return False def _queue_special_task(self, queue_entry, task): """ Create a special task and associate it with a host queue entry. @param queue_entry: The queue entry this special task should be associated with. @param task: One of the members of the enum models.SpecialTask.Task. @returns: None """ models.SpecialTask.objects.create( host=models.Host.objects.get(id=queue_entry.host_id), queue_entry=queue_entry, task=task) def schedule_pre_job_tasks(self, queue_entry): """ Queue all of the special tasks that need to be run before a host queue entry may run. If no special taskes need to be scheduled, then |on_pending| will be called directly. @returns None """ task_queued = False hqe_model = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.get(id=queue_entry.id) if self._should_run_provision(queue_entry): self._queue_special_task(hqe_model, models.SpecialTask.Task.PROVISION) task_queued = True elif self._should_run_reset(queue_entry): self._queue_special_task(hqe_model, models.SpecialTask.Task.RESET) task_queued = True else: if self._should_run_cleanup(queue_entry): self._queue_special_task(hqe_model, models.SpecialTask.Task.CLEANUP) task_queued = True if self._should_run_verify(queue_entry): self._queue_special_task(hqe_model, models.SpecialTask.Task.VERIFY) task_queued = True if not task_queued: queue_entry.on_pending() def _assign_new_group(self, queue_entries, group_name=''): if len(queue_entries) == 1: group_subdir_name = queue_entries[0].host.hostname else: group_subdir_name = self._next_group_name(group_name) logging.info('Running synchronous job %d hosts %s as %s', self.id, [entry.host.hostname for entry in queue_entries], group_subdir_name) for queue_entry in queue_entries: queue_entry.set_execution_subdir(group_subdir_name) def _choose_group_to_run(self, include_queue_entry): """ @returns A tuple containing a list of HostQueueEntry instances to be used to run this Job, a string group name to suggest giving to this job in the results database. """ atomic_group = include_queue_entry.atomic_group chosen_entries = [include_queue_entry] if atomic_group: num_entries_wanted = atomic_group.max_number_of_machines else: num_entries_wanted = self.synch_count num_entries_wanted -= len(chosen_entries) if num_entries_wanted > 0: where_clause = 'job_id = %s AND status = "Pending" AND id != %s' pending_entries = list(HostQueueEntry.fetch( where=where_clause, params=(self.id, include_queue_entry.id))) # Sort the chosen hosts by hostname before slicing. def cmp_queue_entries_by_hostname(entry_a, entry_b): return Host.cmp_for_sort(entry_a.host, entry_b.host) pending_entries.sort(cmp=cmp_queue_entries_by_hostname) chosen_entries += pending_entries[:num_entries_wanted] # Sanity check. We'll only ever be called if this can be met. if len(chosen_entries) < self.synch_count: message = ('job %s got less than %s chosen entries: %s' % ( self.id, self.synch_count, chosen_entries)) logging.error(message) email_manager.manager.enqueue_notify_email( 'Job not started, too few chosen entries', message) return [] group_name = include_queue_entry.get_group_name() self._assign_new_group(chosen_entries, group_name=group_name) return chosen_entries def run_if_ready(self, queue_entry): """ Run this job by kicking its HQEs into status='Starting' if enough hosts are ready for it to run. Cleans up by kicking HQEs into status='Stopped' if this Job is not ready to run. """ if not self.is_ready(): self.stop_if_necessary() elif queue_entry.atomic_group: self.run_with_ready_delay(queue_entry) else: self.run(queue_entry) def run_with_ready_delay(self, queue_entry): """ Start a delay to wait for more hosts to enter Pending state before launching an atomic group job. Once set, the a delay cannot be reset. @param queue_entry: The HostQueueEntry object to get atomic group info from and pass to run_if_ready when the delay is up. @returns An Agent to run the job as appropriate or None if a delay has already been set. """ assert queue_entry.job_id == self.id assert queue_entry.atomic_group delay = scheduler_config.config.secs_to_wait_for_atomic_group_hosts over_max_threshold = (self._pending_count() >= self._max_hosts_needed_to_run(queue_entry.atomic_group)) delay_expired = (self._delay_ready_task and time.time() >= self._delay_ready_task.end_time) # Delay is disabled or we already have enough? Do not wait to run. if not delay or over_max_threshold or delay_expired: self.run(queue_entry) else: queue_entry.set_status(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.WAITING) def request_abort(self): """Request that this Job be aborted on the next scheduler cycle.""" self.model().abort() def schedule_delayed_callback_task(self, queue_entry): queue_entry.set_status(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.PENDING) if self._delay_ready_task: return None delay = scheduler_config.config.secs_to_wait_for_atomic_group_hosts def run_job_after_delay(): logging.info('Job %s done waiting for extra hosts.', self) # Check to see if the job is still relevant. It could have aborted # while we were waiting or hosts could have disappearred, etc. if self._pending_count() < self._min_hosts_needed_to_run(): logging.info('Job %s had too few Pending hosts after waiting ' 'for extras. Not running.', self) self.request_abort() return return self.run(queue_entry) logging.info('Job %s waiting up to %s seconds for more hosts.', self.id, delay) self._delay_ready_task = DelayedCallTask(delay_seconds=delay, callback=run_job_after_delay) return self._delay_ready_task def run(self, queue_entry): """ @param queue_entry: The HostQueueEntry instance calling this method. """ if queue_entry.atomic_group and self._atomic_and_has_started(): logging.error('Job.run() called on running atomic Job %d ' 'with HQE %s.', self.id, queue_entry) return queue_entries = self._choose_group_to_run(queue_entry) if queue_entries: self._finish_run(queue_entries) def _finish_run(self, queue_entries): for queue_entry in queue_entries: queue_entry.set_status(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.STARTING) self.abort_delay_ready_task() def abort_delay_ready_task(self): """Abort the delayed task associated with this job, if any.""" if self._delay_ready_task: # Cancel any pending callback that would try to run again # as we are already running. self._delay_ready_task.abort() def __str__(self): return '%s-%s' % (self.id, self.owner)