/external/v8/test/webkit/ |
D | jit-float32-array-nan-expected.txt | 24 … happens in the Baseline JIT if we load from a Float32 array that contains a weirdly formatted NaN. 30 NaN 31 PASS "" + floatView[0] is "NaN" 32 NaN 33 PASS "" + floatView[0] is "NaN" 34 NaN 35 PASS "" + floatView[0] is "NaN" 36 NaN 37 PASS "" + floatView[0] is "NaN" 38 NaN [all …]
D | dfg-float32-array-nan-expected.txt | 24 … what happens in the DFG JIT if we load from a Float32 array that contains a weirdly formatted NaN. 30 NaN 31 PASS "" + foo(floatView) is "NaN" 32 NaN 33 PASS "" + foo(floatView) is "NaN" 34 NaN 35 PASS "" + foo(floatView) is "NaN" 36 NaN 37 PASS "" + foo(floatView) is "NaN" 38 NaN [all …]
D | dfg-add-not-number-expected.txt | 29 PASS foo("foo" + i) is NaN 30 PASS foo("foo" + i) is NaN 31 PASS foo("foo" + i) is NaN 32 PASS foo("foo" + i) is NaN 33 PASS foo("foo" + i) is NaN 34 PASS foo("foo" + i) is NaN 35 PASS foo("foo" + i) is NaN 36 PASS foo("foo" + i) is NaN 37 PASS foo("foo" + i) is NaN 38 PASS foo("foo" + i) is NaN [all …]
D | math-expected.txt | 29 PASS Math.abs(NaN) is NaN 40 PASS Math.acos(NaN) is NaN 43 PASS Math.acos(1.1) is NaN 44 PASS Math.acos(-1.1) is NaN 45 PASS Math.acos(Infinity) is NaN 46 PASS Math.acos(-Infinity) is NaN 47 PASS Math.asin(NaN) is NaN 51 PASS Math.asin(1.1) is NaN 52 PASS Math.asin(-1.1) is NaN 53 PASS Math.asin(Infinity) is NaN [all …]
D | ToNumber-expected.txt | 29 PASS +undefined is NaN 38 PASS +'x1' is NaN 39 PASS +'1x' is NaN 41 PASS +'1x0' is NaN 42 PASS +(nullCharacter + '1') is NaN 43 PASS +('1' + nullCharacter) is NaN 44 PASS +('1' + nullCharacter + '1') is NaN 45 PASS +(nonASCIICharacter + '1') is NaN 46 PASS +('1' + nonASCIICharacter) is NaN 47 PASS +('1' + nonASCIICharacter + '1') is NaN [all …]
/external/v8/test/mjsunit/strong/ |
D | implicit-conversions-constants.js | 57 function(x){return NaN + true;}, 58 function(x){return NaN - true;}, 59 function(x){return NaN * true;}, 60 function(x){return NaN / true;}, 61 function(x){return NaN % true;}, 62 function(x){return NaN | true;}, 63 function(x){return NaN & true;}, 64 function(x){return NaN ^ true;}, 65 function(x){return NaN << true;}, 66 function(x){return NaN >> true;}, [all …]
/external/v8/test/mjsunit/ |
D | result-table-max.js | 5 …[true,false,null,void 0,0,0.0,-0,"",-1,-1.25,1,1.25,-2147483648,2147483648,Infinity,-Infinity,NaN]; 7 [1,1,1,NaN,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1.25,1,2147483648,Infinity,1,NaN], 8 [1,0,0,NaN,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1.25,0,2147483648,Infinity,0,NaN], 9 [1,0,0,NaN,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1.25,0,2147483648,Infinity,0,NaN], 10 [NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN], 11 [1,0,0,NaN,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1.25,0,2147483648,Infinity,0,NaN], 12 [1,0,0,NaN,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1.25,0,2147483648,Infinity,0,NaN], 13 [1,0,0,NaN,0,0,-0,0,-0,-0,1,1.25,-0,2147483648,Infinity,-0,NaN], 14 [1,0,0,NaN,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1.25,0,2147483648,Infinity,0,NaN], 15 [1,0,0,NaN,0,0,-0,0,-1,-1,1,1.25,-1,2147483648,Infinity,-1,NaN], [all …]
D | result-table-min.js | 5 …[true,false,null,void 0,0,0.0,-0,"",-1,-1.25,1,1.25,-2147483648,2147483648,Infinity,-Infinity,NaN]; 7 [1,0,0,NaN,0,0,-0,0,-1,-1.25,1,1,-2147483648,1,1,-Infinity,NaN], 8 [0,0,0,NaN,0,0,-0,0,-1,-1.25,0,0,-2147483648,0,0,-Infinity,NaN], 9 [0,0,0,NaN,0,0,-0,0,-1,-1.25,0,0,-2147483648,0,0,-Infinity,NaN], 10 [NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN], 11 [0,0,0,NaN,0,0,-0,0,-1,-1.25,0,0,-2147483648,0,0,-Infinity,NaN], 12 [0,0,0,NaN,0,0,-0,0,-1,-1.25,0,0,-2147483648,0,0,-Infinity,NaN], 13 [-0,-0,-0,NaN,-0,-0,-0,-0,-1,-1.25,-0,-0,-2147483648,-0,-0,-Infinity,NaN], 14 [0,0,0,NaN,0,0,-0,0,-1,-1.25,0,0,-2147483648,0,0,-Infinity,NaN], 15 [-1,-1,-1,NaN,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1.25,-1,-1,-2147483648,-1,-1,-Infinity,NaN], [all …]
D | math-pow.js | 41 assertEquals(NaN, Math.pow(2, NaN)); 42 assertEquals(NaN, Math.pow(+0, NaN)); 43 assertEquals(NaN, Math.pow(-0, NaN)); 44 assertEquals(NaN, Math.pow(Infinity, NaN)); 45 assertEquals(NaN, Math.pow(-Infinity, NaN)); 47 assertEquals(1, Math.pow(NaN, +0)); 48 assertEquals(1, Math.pow(NaN, -0)); 50 assertEquals(NaN, Math.pow(NaN, NaN)); 51 assertEquals(NaN, Math.pow(NaN, 2.2)); 52 assertEquals(NaN, Math.pow(NaN, 1)); [all …]
D | compare-table-eq.js | 5 …[true,false,null,void 0,0,0.0,-0,"",-1,-1.25,1,1.25,-2147483648,2147483648,Infinity,-Infinity,NaN]; 43 (function eq_L16(b) { return NaN == b; }) 62 (function eq_R16(a) { return a == NaN; }) 66 …rue == 1.25,true == -2147483648,true == 2147483648,true == Infinity,true == -Infinity,true == NaN], 67 …= 1.25,false == -2147483648,false == 2147483648,false == Infinity,false == -Infinity,false == NaN], 68 …ull == 1.25,null == -2147483648,null == 2147483648,null == Infinity,null == -Infinity,null == NaN], 69 …5,void 0 == -2147483648,void 0 == 2147483648,void 0 == Infinity,void 0 == -Infinity,void 0 == NaN], 70 … == -1.25,0 == 1,0 == 1.25,0 == -2147483648,0 == 2147483648,0 == Infinity,0 == -Infinity,0 == NaN], 71 …== 1,0.0 == 1.25,0.0 == -2147483648,0.0 == 2147483648,0.0 == Infinity,0.0 == -Infinity,0.0 == NaN], 72 …25,-0 == 1,-0 == 1.25,-0 == -2147483648,-0 == 2147483648,-0 == Infinity,-0 == -Infinity,-0 == NaN], [all …]
D | compare-table-sne.js | 5 …[true,false,null,void 0,0,0.0,-0,"",-1,-1.25,1,1.25,-2147483648,2147483648,Infinity,-Infinity,NaN]; 43 (function sne_L16(b) { return NaN !== b; }) 62 (function sne_R16(a) { return a !== NaN; }) 66 …= 1.25,true !== -2147483648,true !== 2147483648,true !== Infinity,true !== -Infinity,true !== NaN], 67 …5,false !== -2147483648,false !== 2147483648,false !== Infinity,false !== -Infinity,false !== NaN], 68 …= 1.25,null !== -2147483648,null !== 2147483648,null !== Infinity,null !== -Infinity,null !== NaN], 69 …d 0 !== -2147483648,void 0 !== 2147483648,void 0 !== Infinity,void 0 !== -Infinity,void 0 !== NaN], 70 …25,0 !== 1,0 !== 1.25,0 !== -2147483648,0 !== 2147483648,0 !== Infinity,0 !== -Infinity,0 !== NaN], 71 ….0 !== 1.25,0.0 !== -2147483648,0.0 !== 2147483648,0.0 !== Infinity,0.0 !== -Infinity,0.0 !== NaN], 72 …== 1,-0 !== 1.25,-0 !== -2147483648,-0 !== 2147483648,-0 !== Infinity,-0 !== -Infinity,-0 !== NaN], [all …]
D | compare-table-gt.js | 5 …[true,false,null,void 0,0,0.0,-0,"",-1,-1.25,1,1.25,-2147483648,2147483648,Infinity,-Infinity,NaN]; 43 (function gt_L16(b) { return NaN > b; }) 62 (function gt_R16(a) { return a > NaN; }) 66 … > 1,true > 1.25,true > -2147483648,true > 2147483648,true > Infinity,true > -Infinity,true > NaN], 67 …alse > 1.25,false > -2147483648,false > 2147483648,false > Infinity,false > -Infinity,false > NaN], 68 … > 1,null > 1.25,null > -2147483648,null > 2147483648,null > Infinity,null > -Infinity,null > NaN], 69 …> 1.25,void 0 > -2147483648,void 0 > 2147483648,void 0 > Infinity,void 0 > -Infinity,void 0 > NaN], 70 …0 > -1,0 > -1.25,0 > 1,0 > 1.25,0 > -2147483648,0 > 2147483648,0 > Infinity,0 > -Infinity,0 > NaN], 71 …25,0.0 > 1,0.0 > 1.25,0.0 > -2147483648,0.0 > 2147483648,0.0 > Infinity,0.0 > -Infinity,0.0 > NaN], 72 …0 > -1.25,-0 > 1,-0 > 1.25,-0 > -2147483648,-0 > 2147483648,-0 > Infinity,-0 > -Infinity,-0 > NaN], [all …]
D | compare-table-ne.js | 5 …[true,false,null,void 0,0,0.0,-0,"",-1,-1.25,1,1.25,-2147483648,2147483648,Infinity,-Infinity,NaN]; 43 (function ne_L16(b) { return NaN != b; }) 62 (function ne_R16(a) { return a != NaN; }) 66 …rue != 1.25,true != -2147483648,true != 2147483648,true != Infinity,true != -Infinity,true != NaN], 67 …= 1.25,false != -2147483648,false != 2147483648,false != Infinity,false != -Infinity,false != NaN], 68 …ull != 1.25,null != -2147483648,null != 2147483648,null != Infinity,null != -Infinity,null != NaN], 69 …5,void 0 != -2147483648,void 0 != 2147483648,void 0 != Infinity,void 0 != -Infinity,void 0 != NaN], 70 … != -1.25,0 != 1,0 != 1.25,0 != -2147483648,0 != 2147483648,0 != Infinity,0 != -Infinity,0 != NaN], 71 …!= 1,0.0 != 1.25,0.0 != -2147483648,0.0 != 2147483648,0.0 != Infinity,0.0 != -Infinity,0.0 != NaN], 72 …25,-0 != 1,-0 != 1.25,-0 != -2147483648,-0 != 2147483648,-0 != Infinity,-0 != -Infinity,-0 != NaN], [all …]
D | compare-table-lt.js | 5 …[true,false,null,void 0,0,0.0,-0,"",-1,-1.25,1,1.25,-2147483648,2147483648,Infinity,-Infinity,NaN]; 43 (function lt_L16(b) { return NaN < b; }) 62 (function lt_R16(a) { return a < NaN; }) 66 … < 1,true < 1.25,true < -2147483648,true < 2147483648,true < Infinity,true < -Infinity,true < NaN], 67 …alse < 1.25,false < -2147483648,false < 2147483648,false < Infinity,false < -Infinity,false < NaN], 68 … < 1,null < 1.25,null < -2147483648,null < 2147483648,null < Infinity,null < -Infinity,null < NaN], 69 …< 1.25,void 0 < -2147483648,void 0 < 2147483648,void 0 < Infinity,void 0 < -Infinity,void 0 < NaN], 70 …0 < -1,0 < -1.25,0 < 1,0 < 1.25,0 < -2147483648,0 < 2147483648,0 < Infinity,0 < -Infinity,0 < NaN], 71 …25,0.0 < 1,0.0 < 1.25,0.0 < -2147483648,0.0 < 2147483648,0.0 < Infinity,0.0 < -Infinity,0.0 < NaN], 72 …0 < -1.25,-0 < 1,-0 < 1.25,-0 < -2147483648,-0 < 2147483648,-0 < Infinity,-0 < -Infinity,-0 < NaN], [all …]
D | compare-table-lteq.js | 5 …[true,false,null,void 0,0,0.0,-0,"",-1,-1.25,1,1.25,-2147483648,2147483648,Infinity,-Infinity,NaN]; 43 (function lteq_L16(b) { return NaN <= b; }) 62 (function lteq_R16(a) { return a <= NaN; }) 66 …rue <= 1.25,true <= -2147483648,true <= 2147483648,true <= Infinity,true <= -Infinity,true <= NaN], 67 …= 1.25,false <= -2147483648,false <= 2147483648,false <= Infinity,false <= -Infinity,false <= NaN], 68 …ull <= 1.25,null <= -2147483648,null <= 2147483648,null <= Infinity,null <= -Infinity,null <= NaN], 69 …5,void 0 <= -2147483648,void 0 <= 2147483648,void 0 <= Infinity,void 0 <= -Infinity,void 0 <= NaN], 70 … <= -1.25,0 <= 1,0 <= 1.25,0 <= -2147483648,0 <= 2147483648,0 <= Infinity,0 <= -Infinity,0 <= NaN], 71 …<= 1,0.0 <= 1.25,0.0 <= -2147483648,0.0 <= 2147483648,0.0 <= Infinity,0.0 <= -Infinity,0.0 <= NaN], 72 …25,-0 <= 1,-0 <= 1.25,-0 <= -2147483648,-0 <= 2147483648,-0 <= Infinity,-0 <= -Infinity,-0 <= NaN], [all …]
D | compare-table-gteq.js | 5 …[true,false,null,void 0,0,0.0,-0,"",-1,-1.25,1,1.25,-2147483648,2147483648,Infinity,-Infinity,NaN]; 43 (function gteq_L16(b) { return NaN >= b; }) 62 (function gteq_R16(a) { return a >= NaN; }) 66 …rue >= 1.25,true >= -2147483648,true >= 2147483648,true >= Infinity,true >= -Infinity,true >= NaN], 67 …= 1.25,false >= -2147483648,false >= 2147483648,false >= Infinity,false >= -Infinity,false >= NaN], 68 …ull >= 1.25,null >= -2147483648,null >= 2147483648,null >= Infinity,null >= -Infinity,null >= NaN], 69 …5,void 0 >= -2147483648,void 0 >= 2147483648,void 0 >= Infinity,void 0 >= -Infinity,void 0 >= NaN], 70 … >= -1.25,0 >= 1,0 >= 1.25,0 >= -2147483648,0 >= 2147483648,0 >= Infinity,0 >= -Infinity,0 >= NaN], 71 …>= 1,0.0 >= 1.25,0.0 >= -2147483648,0.0 >= 2147483648,0.0 >= Infinity,0.0 >= -Infinity,0.0 >= NaN], 72 …25,-0 >= 1,-0 >= 1.25,-0 >= -2147483648,-0 >= 2147483648,-0 >= Infinity,-0 >= -Infinity,-0 >= NaN], [all …]
D | compare-table-seq.js | 5 …[true,false,null,void 0,0,0.0,-0,"",-1,-1.25,1,1.25,-2147483648,2147483648,Infinity,-Infinity,NaN]; 43 (function seq_L16(b) { return NaN === b; }) 62 (function seq_R16(a) { return a === NaN; }) 66 …= 1.25,true === -2147483648,true === 2147483648,true === Infinity,true === -Infinity,true === NaN], 67 …5,false === -2147483648,false === 2147483648,false === Infinity,false === -Infinity,false === NaN], 68 …= 1.25,null === -2147483648,null === 2147483648,null === Infinity,null === -Infinity,null === NaN], 69 …d 0 === -2147483648,void 0 === 2147483648,void 0 === Infinity,void 0 === -Infinity,void 0 === NaN], 70 …25,0 === 1,0 === 1.25,0 === -2147483648,0 === 2147483648,0 === Infinity,0 === -Infinity,0 === NaN], 71 ….0 === 1.25,0.0 === -2147483648,0.0 === 2147483648,0.0 === Infinity,0.0 === -Infinity,0.0 === NaN], 72 …== 1,-0 === 1.25,-0 === -2147483648,-0 === 2147483648,-0 === Infinity,-0 === -Infinity,-0 === NaN], [all …]
D | global-nan.js | 15 function f1() { return NaN; } 24 function f4() { return (0/0) == NaN; } 27 function f5() { return NaN == (0/0); } 30 function f6() { return "" + NaN; } 36 function f8() { return (0/0) === NaN; } 39 function f9() { return NaN === (0/0); } 42 delete NaN; 44 function g1() { return NaN; } 53 function g4() { return (0/0) == NaN; } 56 function g5() { return NaN == (0/0); } [all …]
D | global-nan-strict.js | 24 function f1() { return NaN; } 33 function f4() { return (0/0) == NaN; } 36 function f5() { return NaN == (0/0); } 39 function f6() { return "" + NaN; } 45 function f8() { return (0/0) === NaN; } 48 function f9() { return NaN === (0/0); } 53 function g1() { return NaN; } 62 function g4() { return (0/0) == NaN; } 65 function g5() { return NaN == (0/0); } 68 function g6() { return "" + NaN; } [all …]
/external/libcxx/test/std/numerics/complex.number/complex.ops/ |
D | complex_divide_complex.pass.cpp | 52 assert(classify(r) == NaN); in test_edges() 60 case NaN: in test_edges() 61 assert(classify(r) == NaN); in test_edges() 64 assert(classify(r) == NaN); in test_edges() 80 case NaN: in test_edges() 81 assert(classify(r) == NaN); in test_edges() 84 assert(classify(r) == NaN); in test_edges() 98 assert(classify(r) == NaN); in test_edges() 100 case NaN: in test_edges() 101 assert(classify(r) == NaN); in test_edges() [all …]
/external/v8/test/mjsunit/regress/ |
D | regress-2056.js | 32 [undefined, 0.0, NaN, NaN], 33 [0.0, undefined, NaN, NaN], 34 [NaN, 0.0, NaN, NaN], 35 [0.0, NaN, NaN, NaN], 36 [-NaN, 0.0, NaN, NaN], 37 [0.0, -NaN, NaN, NaN],
/external/compiler-rt/test/builtins/Unit/ |
D | divsc3_test.c | 24 enum {zero, non_zero, inf, NaN, non_zero_nan}; enumerator 34 return NaN; in classify() 38 return NaN; in classify() 44 return NaN; in classify() 69 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divsc3() 80 case NaN: in test__divsc3() 81 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divsc3() 85 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divsc3() 111 case NaN: in test__divsc3() 112 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divsc3() [all …]
D | divxc3_test.c | 26 enum {zero, non_zero, inf, NaN, non_zero_nan}; enumerator 36 return NaN; in classify() 40 return NaN; in classify() 46 return NaN; in classify() 71 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divxc3() 82 case NaN: in test__divxc3() 83 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divxc3() 87 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divxc3() 113 case NaN: in test__divxc3() 114 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divxc3() [all …]
D | divdc3_test.c | 24 enum {zero, non_zero, inf, NaN, non_zero_nan}; enumerator 34 return NaN; in classify() 38 return NaN; in classify() 44 return NaN; in classify() 69 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divdc3() 80 case NaN: in test__divdc3() 81 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divdc3() 85 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divdc3() 111 case NaN: in test__divdc3() 112 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divdc3() [all …]
D | divtc3_test.c | 25 enum {zero, non_zero, inf, NaN, non_zero_nan}; enumerator 35 return NaN; in classify() 39 return NaN; in classify() 45 return NaN; in classify() 71 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divtc3() 82 case NaN: in test__divtc3() 83 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divtc3() 87 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divtc3() 113 case NaN: in test__divtc3() 114 if (classify(r) != NaN) in test__divtc3() [all …]