/external/valgrind/none/tests/mips64/ |
D | fpu_load_store.stdout.exp-BE | 2 ldc1 :: offset: 0x0, out: 0x0 3 ldc1 :: offset: 0x8, out: 0x9823b6e0d4326d9 4 ldc1 :: offset: 0x10, out: 0x130476dc17c56b6b 5 ldc1 :: offset: 0x18, out: 0x1a864db21e475005 6 ldc1 :: offset: 0x20, out: 0x2608edb822c9f00f 7 ldc1 :: offset: 0x28, out: 0x2f8ad6d62b4bcb61 8 ldc1 :: offset: 0x30, out: 0x350c9b6431cd86d3 9 ldc1 :: offset: 0x38, out: 0x3c8ea00a384fbdbd 10 ldc1 :: offset: 0x40, out: 0x4c11db7048d0c6c7 11 ldc1 :: offset: 0x48, out: 0x4593e01e4152fda9 [all …]
D | fpu_load_store.stdout.exp-LE | 2 ldc1 :: offset: 0x0, out: 0x0 3 ldc1 :: offset: 0x8, out: 0xd4326d909823b6e 4 ldc1 :: offset: 0x10, out: 0x17c56b6b130476dc 5 ldc1 :: offset: 0x18, out: 0x1e4750051a864db2 6 ldc1 :: offset: 0x20, out: 0x22c9f00f2608edb8 7 ldc1 :: offset: 0x28, out: 0x2b4bcb612f8ad6d6 8 ldc1 :: offset: 0x30, out: 0x31cd86d3350c9b64 9 ldc1 :: offset: 0x38, out: 0x384fbdbd3c8ea00a 10 ldc1 :: offset: 0x40, out: 0x48d0c6c74c11db70 11 ldc1 :: offset: 0x48, out: 0x4152fda94593e01e [all …]
D | load_store.stdout.exp-LE | 1 lb :: offset: 0x0, out: 0x0 2 lb :: offset: 0x1, out: 0x0 3 lb :: offset: 0x2, out: 0x0 4 lb :: offset: 0x3, out: 0x0 5 lb :: offset: 0x4, out: 0x0 6 lb :: offset: 0x5, out: 0x0 7 lb :: offset: 0x6, out: 0x0 8 lb :: offset: 0x7, out: 0x0 9 lb :: offset: 0x8, out: 0x6e 10 lb :: offset: 0x9, out: 0x3b [all …]
D | load_store.stdout.exp-BE | 1 lb :: offset: 0x0, out: 0x0 2 lb :: offset: 0x1, out: 0x0 3 lb :: offset: 0x2, out: 0x0 4 lb :: offset: 0x3, out: 0x0 5 lb :: offset: 0x4, out: 0x0 6 lb :: offset: 0x5, out: 0x0 7 lb :: offset: 0x6, out: 0x0 8 lb :: offset: 0x7, out: 0x0 9 lb :: offset: 0x8, out: 0x9 10 lb :: offset: 0x9, out: 0xffffffffffffff82 [all …]
D | cvm_lx_ins.stdout.exp-LE | 1 lhux :: offset: 0x4, out: 0x1db7 2 lhux :: offset: 0x8, out: 0x3b6e 3 lhux :: offset: 0xc, out: 0x26d9 4 lhux :: offset: 0x10, out: 0x76dc 5 lhux :: offset: 0x14, out: 0x6b6b 6 lhux :: offset: 0x18, out: 0x4db2 7 lhux :: offset: 0x1c, out: 0x5005 8 lhux :: offset: 0x20, out: 0xedb8 9 lhux :: offset: 0x24, out: 0xf00f 10 lhux :: offset: 0x28, out: 0xd6d6 [all …]
D | cvm_lx_ins.stdout.exp-BE | 1 lhux :: offset: 0x4, out: 0x4c1 2 lhux :: offset: 0x8, out: 0x982 3 lhux :: offset: 0xc, out: 0xd43 4 lhux :: offset: 0x10, out: 0x1304 5 lhux :: offset: 0x14, out: 0x17c5 6 lhux :: offset: 0x18, out: 0x1a86 7 lhux :: offset: 0x1c, out: 0x1e47 8 lhux :: offset: 0x20, out: 0x2608 9 lhux :: offset: 0x24, out: 0x22c9 10 lhux :: offset: 0x28, out: 0x2f8a [all …]
D | load_indexed_instructions.stdout.exp-LE | 1 ldx :: offset: 0x8, out: 0xd4326d909823b6e 2 ldx :: offset: 0x10, out: 0x17c56b6b130476dc 3 ldx :: offset: 0x18, out: 0x1e4750051a864db2 4 ldx :: offset: 0x20, out: 0x22c9f00f2608edb8 5 ldx :: offset: 0x28, out: 0x2b4bcb612f8ad6d6 6 ldx :: offset: 0x30, out: 0x31cd86d3350c9b64 7 ldx :: offset: 0x38, out: 0x384fbdbd3c8ea00a 8 ldx :: offset: 0x40, out: 0x48d0c6c74c11db70 9 ldx :: offset: 0x48, out: 0x4152fda94593e01e 10 ldx :: offset: 0x50, out: 0x5bd4b01b5f15adac [all …]
D | load_indexed_instructions.stdout.exp-BE | 1 ldx :: offset: 0x8, out: 0x9823b6e0d4326d9 2 ldx :: offset: 0x10, out: 0x130476dc17c56b6b 3 ldx :: offset: 0x18, out: 0x1a864db21e475005 4 ldx :: offset: 0x20, out: 0x2608edb822c9f00f 5 ldx :: offset: 0x28, out: 0x2f8ad6d62b4bcb61 6 ldx :: offset: 0x30, out: 0x350c9b6431cd86d3 7 ldx :: offset: 0x38, out: 0x3c8ea00a384fbdbd 8 ldx :: offset: 0x40, out: 0x4c11db7048d0c6c7 9 ldx :: offset: 0x48, out: 0x4593e01e4152fda9 10 ldx :: offset: 0x50, out: 0x5f15adac5bd4b01b [all …]
D | rotate_swap.stdout.exp-mips64r2 | 2 drotr :: in 0x2000ffffffffffff, out 0xffff2000ffffffff, SA 16 3 drotr :: in 0xffff0000ffffffff, out 0xffffffff0000ffff, SA 16 4 drotr :: in 0x2000ffffffffffff, out 0xff2000ffffffffff, SA 8 5 drotr :: in 0x2000ffffffffffff, out 0xf2000fffffffffff, SA 4 6 drotr :: in 0x2000ffffffffffff, out 0xf90007ffffffffff, SA 5 7 drotr :: in 0x31415927ffffffff, out 0xffcc505649ffffff, SA 10 8 drotr :: in 0x2000ffffffffffff, out 0xf2000fffffffffff, SA 4 9 drotr :: in 0x2000ffffffffffff, out 0x2000ffffffffffff, SA 0 10 drotr :: in 0xeeeeffffffffffff, out 0xffffeeeeffffffff, SA 16 11 drotr :: in 0x2000ffffffffbbbb, out 0xffff77764001ffff, SA 31 [all …]
D | move_instructions.stdout.exp-BE | 1 mtc1, mov.s, mfc1 :: mem: 0x0 out: 0x0 2 dmtc1, mov.d, dmfc1 :: mem: 0x0 out: 0x0 3 mtc1, mov.s, mfc1 :: mem: 0x12bd6aa out: 0x12bd6aa 4 dmtc1, mov.d, dmfc1 :: mem: 0x12bd6aa out: 0x12bd6aa 5 mtc1, mov.s, mfc1 :: mem: 0x0 out: 0x0 6 dmtc1, mov.d, dmfc1 :: mem: 0x0 out: 0x0 7 mtc1, mov.s, mfc1 :: mem: 0x7e876382d2ab13 out: 0xffffffff82d2ab13 8 dmtc1, mov.d, dmfc1 :: mem: 0x7e876382d2ab13 out: 0x7e876382d2ab13 9 mtc1, mov.s, mfc1 :: mem: 0x9823b6e out: 0x9823b6e 10 dmtc1, mov.d, dmfc1 :: mem: 0x9823b6e out: 0x9823b6e [all …]
D | move_instructions.stdout.exp-LE | 1 mtc1, mov.s, mfc1 :: mem: 0x0 out: 0x0 2 dmtc1, mov.d, dmfc1 :: mem: 0x0 out: 0x0 3 mtc1, mov.s, mfc1 :: mem: 0x12bd6aa out: 0x12bd6aa 4 dmtc1, mov.d, dmfc1 :: mem: 0x12bd6aa out: 0x12bd6aa 5 mtc1, mov.s, mfc1 :: mem: 0x0 out: 0x0 6 dmtc1, mov.d, dmfc1 :: mem: 0x0 out: 0x0 7 mtc1, mov.s, mfc1 :: mem: 0x7e876382d2ab13 out: 0xffffffff82d2ab13 8 dmtc1, mov.d, dmfc1 :: mem: 0x7e876382d2ab13 out: 0x7e876382d2ab13 9 mtc1, mov.s, mfc1 :: mem: 0x9823b6e out: 0x9823b6e 10 dmtc1, mov.d, dmfc1 :: mem: 0x9823b6e out: 0x9823b6e [all …]
D | load_store_multiple.stdout.exp-BE | 2 sb $t0, 3($t1) :: RTval: 0x0, out: 0x0 3 sb $t0, 3($t1) :: RTval: 0x0, out: 0x0 4 sb $t0, 5($t1) :: RTval: 0x31415927, out: 0x27000000 5 sb $t0, 5($t1) :: RTval: 0x31415927, out: 0x27000000 6 sb $t0, 7($t1) :: RTval: 0x7fffffff, out: 0xff000000 7 sb $t0, 7($t1) :: RTval: 0x7fffffff, out: 0xff000000 8 sb $t0, 1($t1) :: RTval: 0x80000000, out: 0x0 9 sb $t0, 1($t1) :: RTval: 0x80000000, out: 0x1e0000 10 sb $t0, 2($t1) :: RTval: 0x80000000, out: 0x27 11 sb $t0, 2($t1) :: RTval: 0x80000000, out: 0x27 [all …]
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/tracing/third_party/gl-matrix/src/gl-matrix/ |
D | mat4.js | 35 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(16); 36 out[0] = 1; 37 out[1] = 0; 38 out[2] = 0; 39 out[3] = 0; 40 out[4] = 0; 41 out[5] = 1; 42 out[6] = 0; 43 out[7] = 0; 44 out[8] = 0; [all …]
D | mat3.js | 35 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(9); 36 out[0] = 1; 37 out[1] = 0; 38 out[2] = 0; 39 out[3] = 0; 40 out[4] = 1; 41 out[5] = 0; 42 out[6] = 0; 43 out[7] = 0; 44 out[8] = 1; [all …]
D | mat2d.js | 49 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(6); 50 out[0] = 1; 51 out[1] = 0; 52 out[2] = 0; 53 out[3] = 1; 54 out[4] = 0; 55 out[5] = 0; 56 return out; 66 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(6); 67 out[0] = a[0]; [all …]
D | vec4.js | 35 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(4); 36 out[0] = 0; 37 out[1] = 0; 38 out[2] = 0; 39 out[3] = 0; 40 return out; 50 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(4); 51 out[0] = a[0]; 52 out[1] = a[1]; 53 out[2] = a[2]; [all …]
D | mat2.js | 35 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(4); 36 out[0] = 1; 37 out[1] = 0; 38 out[2] = 0; 39 out[3] = 1; 40 return out; 50 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(4); 51 out[0] = a[0]; 52 out[1] = a[1]; 53 out[2] = a[2]; [all …]
D | vec2.js | 35 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(2); 36 out[0] = 0; 37 out[1] = 0; 38 return out; 48 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(2); 49 out[0] = a[0]; 50 out[1] = a[1]; 51 return out; 62 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(2); 63 out[0] = x; [all …]
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/tracing/third_party/gl-matrix/dist/ |
D | gl-matrix.js | 218 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(4); 219 out[0] = 1; 220 out[1] = 0; 221 out[2] = 0; 222 out[3] = 1; 223 return out; 233 var out = new glMatrix.ARRAY_TYPE(4); 234 out[0] = a[0]; 235 out[1] = a[1]; 236 out[2] = a[2]; [all …]
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/third_party/py_vulcanize/third_party/rcssmin/ |
D | MANIFEST | 86 tests/main/out/atgroup_00.out 87 tests/main/out/atgroup_00.out.b 88 tests/main/out/atgroup_01.out 89 tests/main/out/atgroup_01.out.b 90 tests/main/out/atgroup_02.out 91 tests/main/out/atgroup_02.out.b 92 tests/main/out/atgroup_03.out 93 tests/main/out/atgroup_03.out.b 94 tests/main/out/atgroup_04.out 95 tests/main/out/atgroup_04.out.b [all …]
/external/google-breakpad/src/client/linux/dump_writer_common/ |
D | thread_info.cc | 43 void U16(void* out, uint16_t v) { in U16() argument 44 my_memcpy(out, &v, sizeof(v)); in U16() 50 void U32(void* out, uint32_t v) { in U32() argument 51 my_memcpy(out, &v, sizeof(v)); in U32() 65 void ThreadInfo::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU* out) const { in FillCPUContext() 66 out->context_flags = MD_CONTEXT_X86_ALL; in FillCPUContext() 68 out->dr0 = dregs[0]; in FillCPUContext() 69 out->dr1 = dregs[1]; in FillCPUContext() 70 out->dr2 = dregs[2]; in FillCPUContext() 71 out->dr3 = dregs[3]; in FillCPUContext() [all …]
D | ucontext_reader.cc | 51 void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc, in FillCPUContext() argument 55 out->context_flags = MD_CONTEXT_X86_FULL | in FillCPUContext() 58 out->gs = regs[REG_GS]; in FillCPUContext() 59 out->fs = regs[REG_FS]; in FillCPUContext() 60 out->es = regs[REG_ES]; in FillCPUContext() 61 out->ds = regs[REG_DS]; in FillCPUContext() 63 out->edi = regs[REG_EDI]; in FillCPUContext() 64 out->esi = regs[REG_ESI]; in FillCPUContext() 65 out->ebx = regs[REG_EBX]; in FillCPUContext() 66 out->edx = regs[REG_EDX]; in FillCPUContext() [all …]
/external/vogar/src/vogar/ |
D | Vogar.java | 221 System.out.println("Usage: Vogar [options]... <actions>... [-- target args]..."); in printUsage() 222 System.out.println(); in printUsage() 223 System.out.println(" <actions>: .java files, directories, or class names."); in printUsage() 224 System.out.println(" These should be JUnit tests, jtreg tests, Caliper benchmarks"); in printUsage() 225 System.out.println(" or executable Java classes."); in printUsage() 226 System.out.println(); in printUsage() 227 … System.out.println(" When passing in a JUnit test class, it may have \"#method_name\""); in printUsage() 228 System.out.println(" appended to it, to specify a single test method."); in printUsage() 229 System.out.println(); in printUsage() 230 … System.out.println(" [args]: arguments passed to the target process. This is only useful when"); in printUsage() [all …]
/external/google-tv-pairing-protocol/java/src/com/google/polo/json/ |
D | Test.java | 77 System.out.println(j.toString()); in main() 81 System.out.println(j.toString(4)); in main() 82 System.out.println(XML.toString(j)); in main() 86 System.out.println(j.toString(4)); in main() 87 System.out.println(); in main() 90 System.out.println(j.toString()); in main() 91 System.out.println(JSONML.toString(j)); in main() 92 System.out.println(); in main() 95 System.out.println(a.toString(4)); in main() 96 System.out.println(JSONML.toString(a)); in main() [all …]
/external/webrtc/webrtc/base/ |
D | json_unittest.cc | 36 std::string out; in TEST() local 37 EXPECT_TRUE(GetStringFromJson(in_s, &out)); in TEST() 38 EXPECT_EQ("foo", out); in TEST() 39 EXPECT_TRUE(GetStringFromJson(in_sn, &out)); in TEST() 40 EXPECT_EQ("99", out); in TEST() 41 EXPECT_TRUE(GetStringFromJson(in_si, &out)); in TEST() 42 EXPECT_EQ("-99", out); in TEST() 43 EXPECT_TRUE(GetStringFromJson(in_i, &out)); in TEST() 44 EXPECT_EQ("-12", out); in TEST() 45 EXPECT_TRUE(GetStringFromJson(in_n, &out)); in TEST() [all …]