/frameworks/multidex/library/res/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an res folder.
/frameworks/multidex/instrumentation/res/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an res folder.
/frameworks/base/docs/html/work/ |
D | managed-profiles.jd | 46 <p>If a device has a managed profile, there are implications for apps 52 app running on profile fires an intent, there is no handler for the intent on 57 managed profile. This restriction can also result in there being no handler for 68 <p>On a device with a managed profile, there are restrictions on whether intents 70 off, it is handled on the same profile where it is fired. If there is no handler 72 that fired it may shut down unexpectedly—even if there's a handler for the 77 this decision, there's no way for you 81 <p>Before your app starts an activity, you should verify that there is a 83 can verify that there is an acceptable resolution by calling {@link 84 android.content.Intent#resolveActivity Intent.resolveActivity()}. If there is no [all …]
/frameworks/support/v7/gridlayout/src/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/support/v7/mediarouter/src/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/support/v7/cardview/src/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/multidex/library/src/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/support/v17/leanback/src/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/support/v7/appcompat/src/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/support/design/src/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/support/percent/src/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/multidex/instrumentation/src/ |
D | .readme | 1 This hidden file is there to ensure there is an src folder.
/frameworks/base/docs/html/distribute/engage/ |
D | gcm.jd | 20 Push messages from your backend servers to tell your apps that there's new 33 draining the user’s battery, as there's no need for your apps poll a server 35 free and there are no quotas.
/frameworks/base/tools/orientationplot/ |
D | README.txt | 50 2. Ensure that there is an appropriate gap between adjacent orientation angles 73 greatly exceeds 60ms then there is a problem with the accelerometer or the 77 degrees (refer to MAX_TILT constant). Consequently, you should expect there 79 so there will be no orientation proposal either.
/frameworks/support/v7/appcompat/ |
D | THEMES.txt | 45 Because of this, every time there is a third level theme set, there should be a second level
/frameworks/base/docs/html/training/ |
D | building-graphics.jd | 11 these classes will help you get there.</p>
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/text/ |
D | Layout.java | 1183 int there = here + (dirs.mDirections[i+1] & RUN_LENGTH_MASK); in getOffsetForHorizontal() local 1187 if (there > max) in getOffsetForHorizontal() 1188 there = max; in getOffsetForHorizontal() 1189 int high = there - 1 + 1, low = here + 1 - 1, guess; in getOffsetForHorizontal() 1204 if (low < there) { in getOffsetForHorizontal() 1207 if (low >= here && low < there) { in getOffsetForHorizontal() 1209 if (aft < there) { in getOffsetForHorizontal() 1510 int there = here + (dirs.mDirections[i+1] & RUN_LENGTH_MASK); in addSelection() local 1512 if (there > lineend) in addSelection() 1513 there = lineend; in addSelection() [all …]
/frameworks/native/cmds/installd/ |
D | otapreopt.rc | 6 # But now the relabeling is annoying as there is no force option available here. So
/frameworks/base/samples/training/network-usage/ |
D | README.txt | 13 -- Detects when there is a change in the device's connection status and responds accordingly. For e…
/frameworks/base/docs/html/training/basics/intents/ |
D | sending.jd | 56 <p>If your data is a {@link android.net.Uri}, there's a simple {@link 146 <p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> If you invoke an intent and there is no app 149 <p>To verify there is an activity available that can respond to the intent, call {@link 162 the intent. If it is <code>false</code>, then there aren't any apps to handle the intent.</p> 183 select which app to use, as shown in figure 1. If there is only one activity that handles the 219 android.app.Activity#startActivity startActivity()} and there is more than one app that responds to
/frameworks/base/docs/html/distribute/users/ |
D | index.jd | 9 is different, but there are some common themes from successful Google Play
/frameworks/base/docs/html/guide/topics/security/ |
D | normal-permissions.jd | 41 there's no great risk to the user's privacy or security in letting apps have 44 permission explicitly. By contrast, there's no great risk in allowing an app
/frameworks/base/docs/html/training/wearables/apps/ |
D | bt-debugging.jd | 42 <li>Scroll to the bottom. If there's no <b>Developer Options</b> item, tap <b>About</b>, 85 <p>If there are no other devices connected over TCP/IP (namely emulators), you can shorten the com…
/frameworks/base/docs/html-intl/intl/zh-tw/training/basics/intents/ |
D | result.jd | 133 // We only need the NUMBER column, because there will be only one row in the result 137 // We don't need a selection or sort order (there's only one result for the given URI)
/frameworks/base/docs/html-intl/intl/zh-cn/training/basics/intents/ |
D | result.jd | 133 // We only need the NUMBER column, because there will be only one row in the result 137 // We don't need a selection or sort order (there's only one result for the given URI)