# # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # #find build target PLATFORM ?= stm32f4xx CPU ?= cortexm4f VARIANT ?= lunchbox DEBUG ?= -DDEBUG #bad words BADWORDS += strcpy strcat atoi BADWORDS += "rsaPrivOp=RSA private ops must never be compiled into firmware." #find makefiles MAKE_PLAT = misc/platform/$(PLATFORM)/Makefile MAKE_CPU = misc/cpu/$(CPU)/Makefile #link paths ifdef VARIANT_PATH LINK_PATH_MISC = $(VARIANT_PATH)/misc LINK_PATH_SRC = $(VARIANT_PATH)/src LINK_PATH_INC = $(VARIANT_PATH)/inc else LINK_PATH_MISC = misc/variant/$(VARIANT) LINK_PATH_SRC = src/variant/$(VARIANT) LINK_PATH_INC = inc/variant/$(VARIANT) endif #variant makefile MAKE_VAR = $(LINK_PATH_MISC)/Makefile #top make target SRCS_os := SRCS_bl := DELIVERABLES := real: all #include makefiles for plat and cpu include $(MAKE_PLAT) include $(MAKE_CPU) include $(MAKE_VAR) FLAGS += -Wall -Werror -Iinc -Ilinks -Iexternal/freebsd/inc -I../lib/include -fshort-double #help avoid commmon embedded C mistakes FLAGS += -Wmissing-declarations -Wlogical-op -Waddress -Wempty-body -Wpointer-arith -Wenum-compare -Wdouble-promotion -Wfloat-equal -Wshadow -fno-strict-aliasing OSFLAGS += -g -ggdb3 -D_OS_BUILD_ -O2 APPFLAGS += -Os #debug mode FLAGS += $(DEBUG) #bootloader pieces SRCS_bl += ../lib/nanohub/sha2.c ../lib/nanohub/rsa.c ../lib/nanohub/aes.c src/seos.c #frameworks SRCS_os += src/printf.c src/timer.c src/seos.c src/heap.c src/slab.c src/spi.c src/trylock.c SRCS_os += src/hostIntf.c src/hostIntfI2c.c src/hostIntfSpi.c src/nanohubCommand.c src/sensors.c src/syscall.c SRCS_os += src/eventQ.c src/osApi.c src/appSec.c src/simpleQ.c src/floatRt.c SRCS_os += src/algos/ap_hub_sync.c #some help for bootloader SRCS_bl += src/printf.c ifndef PLATFORM_HAS_HARDWARE_CRC SRCS_os += ../lib/nanohub/softcrc.c endif #app code include $(wildcard app/*/Makefile) #extra deps DEPS += $(wildcard app/*.h) DEPS += $(wildcard inc/*.h) DEPS += Makefile $(MAKE_PLAT) $(MAKE_CPU) $(MAKE_VAR) all: symlinks $(DELIVERABLES) symlinks: links/p_$(PLATFORM) links/c_$(CPU) links/v_$(VARIANT) links/p_$(PLATFORM): rm -rf links/plat links/p_* mkdir -p links/plat ln -s ../../misc/platform/$(PLATFORM) links/plat/misc ln -s ../../src/platform/$(PLATFORM) links/plat/src ln -s ../../inc/platform/$(PLATFORM) links/plat/inc touch links/p_$(PLATFORM) links/c_$(CPU): rm -rf links/cpu links/c_* mkdir -p links/cpu ln -s ../../misc/cpu/$(CPU) links/cpu/misc ln -s ../../src/cpu/$(CPU) links/cpu/src ln -s ../../inc/cpu/$(CPU) links/cpu/inc touch links/c_$(CPU) links/v_$(VARIANT): rm -rf links/variant links/v_* mkdir -p links/variant ln -s ../../$(LINK_PATH_MISC) links/variant/misc ln -s ../../$(LINK_PATH_SRC) links/variant/src ln -s ../../$(LINK_PATH_INC) links/variant/inc touch links/v_$(VARIANT) %.unchecked.elf: symlinks $(SRCS_$*) $(DEPS) $(GCC) -o $@ $(SRCS_$*) $(OSFLAGS) $(OSFLAGS_$*) $(FLAGS) -lgcc -nostdlib %.checked.elf : %.unchecked.elf symcheck.sh ./symcheck.sh $< $@ $(BADWORDS) full.bin: $(BL_FILE) $(OS_FILE) cat $(BL_FILE) $(OS_FILE) > $@ clean: rm -rf $(DELIVERABLES) os.elf bootloader.elf links $(CLEANFILES)