#!/usr/bin/python -u """ A script to help find the last few jobs that ran on a set of hosts that match the specified query, and rank them according to frequence across these hosts. Usage: 1. Get last 5 jobs from 1 day ago running on all lumpies in pool suites that are currently in repair fail: ./sheriff_host_utils --days_back=1 --query 'labels=pool:suites,board:lumpy status="Repair Failed"' 2. Email someone about the last 5 jobs on all Repair Failed hosts. ./sheriff_host_utils --limit 5 --query 'status="Repair Failed"' --email someone@something.com """ import argparse import collections import datetime import operator import shlex import sys import common from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import mail from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_django_environment from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models from autotest_lib.server import frontend from autotest_lib.server.cros import repair_utils from django.utils import timezone as django_timezone def _parse_args(args): description=('./sheriff_host_utils.py --limit 5 --days_back 5 ' '--query \'status="Repair Failed" invalid=0 locked=0\'') if not args: print ('Too few arguments, execute %s, or try ' './sheriff_host_utils.py --help' % description) sys.exit(1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('--limit', default=5, help='The number of jobs per host.Eg: --limit 5') parser.add_argument('--days_back', default=5, help='Number of days to search. Eg: --days_back 5') default_query = 'status="Repair Failed" labels=pool:bvt,board:lumpy' parser.add_argument('--query', default=default_query, help='Search query.Eg: --query %s' % default_query) parser.add_argument('--email', default=None, help='send results to email.') return parser.parse_args(args) def _parse_query(query): """Parses query string for a host. All queries follow the format: 'key=value key2=value..' where all keys are are columns of the host table with the exception of labels. When specifying labels, the format is the same even though a label is a foreign key: --query 'lable='. @return: A dictionary into which the query has been parsed. """ l = shlex.split(query) keys = [elem[:elem.find('=')] for elem in l] values = [elem[elem.find('=')+1:] for elem in l] payload = dict(zip(keys, values)) return payload def _get_pool(host): """Returns the pool of a host. """ labels = host.labels.all() for label_name in [label.name for label in labels]: if 'pool' in label_name: return label_name def retrieve_hosts(payload): """Retrieve hosts matching the payload. @param payload: A dict with selection criteria for hosts. @return: A queryset of hosts matching the payload. """ # Replace label names with a foreign key query. query_hosts = models.Host.objects.all() if 'labels' in payload: for label in payload['labels'].split(','): query_hosts = query_hosts.filter(labels__name=label) del payload['labels'] return query_hosts.filter(**payload) def analyze_jobs(hqes): """Perform some aggregation on the jobs that ran on matching hosts. @return: A string with the results of the analysis. """ names = [hqe.job.name for hqe in hqes] ranking = collections.Counter([name[name.rfind('/')+1:] for name in names]) sorted_rankings = sorted(ranking.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) m = 'Ranking tests that ran on those hosts by frequency: \n\t' for job_stat in reversed(sorted_rankings): m += '%s test name: %s\n\t' % (job_stat[1], job_stat[0]) return m def last_jobs_on_hosts(payload, limit_jobs, days_back): """Find the last limit_jobs on hosts with given status within days_back. @param payload: A dictionary specifiying the selection criteria of the hosts. Eg {'stauts': "Ready", 'id': 40} @param limit_jobs: The number of jobs per host. @param days_back: The days back to search for jobs. @retrurn: A string with information about the last jobs that ran on all hosts matching the query mentioned in the payload. """ host_map = {} pool_less, job_less, jobs_to_analyze = [], [], [] hqes = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.all() cutoff = django_timezone.now().date() - datetime.timedelta(days=days_back) message = '' for host in retrieve_hosts(payload): pool = _get_pool(host) if not pool: pool_less.append(host.hostname) continue relevent_hqes = list(hqes.filter(host_id=host.id, started_on__gte=cutoff).order_by('-started_on')[:limit_jobs]) if relevent_hqes: jobs = ['name: %s, id: %s' % (hqe.job.name, hqe.job_id) for hqe in relevent_hqes] message += '%s\n%s\n\t%s' % (pool, host, '\n\t'.join(jobs)) jobs_to_analyze += relevent_hqes else: job_less.append(host.hostname) if job_less: message += ('\nNo jobs found for the following hosts within cutoff %s\n\t' % cutoff) message += '\n\t'.join(job_less) if pool_less: message += '%s%s' % ('\nNo pools found on the following hosts:', '\n\t'.join(pool_less)) if jobs_to_analyze: message += '\n\n%s' % analyze_jobs(jobs_to_analyze) if message: return '%s\n%s' % ('Host information:', message) return 'No hosts matching query %s from %s days back' % (payload, days_back) if __name__ == '__main__': args = _parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) message = last_jobs_on_hosts(_parse_query(args.query), int(args.limit), int(args.days_back)) if args.email: mail.send('', args.email, '', 'Results from your sheirff script.', message) print message