/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES 3.1 Module * ------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Tests for separate shader objects *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "es31fSeparateShaderTests.hpp" #include "deInt32.h" #include "deString.h" #include "deStringUtil.hpp" #include "deUniquePtr.hpp" #include "deRandom.hpp" #include "deSTLUtil.hpp" #include "tcuCommandLine.hpp" #include "tcuImageCompare.hpp" #include "tcuRenderTarget.hpp" #include "tcuResultCollector.hpp" #include "tcuRGBA.hpp" #include "tcuSurface.hpp" #include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp" #include "gluCallLogWrapper.hpp" #include "gluPixelTransfer.hpp" #include "gluRenderContext.hpp" #include "gluShaderProgram.hpp" #include "gluVarType.hpp" #include "glsShaderLibrary.hpp" #include "glwFunctions.hpp" #include "glwDefs.hpp" #include "glwEnums.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace deqp { namespace gles31 { namespace Functional { namespace { using std::map; using std::set; using std::ostringstream; using std::string; using std::vector; using de::MovePtr; using de::Random; using de::UniquePtr; using tcu::MessageBuilder; using tcu::RenderTarget; using tcu::StringTemplate; using tcu::Surface; using tcu::TestLog; using tcu::ResultCollector; using glu::CallLogWrapper; using glu::DataType; using glu::VariableDeclaration; using glu::Precision; using glu::Program; using glu::ProgramPipeline; using glu::ProgramSources; using glu::RenderContext; using glu::ShaderProgram; using glu::ShaderType; using glu::Storage; using glu::VarType; using glu::VertexSource; using glu::FragmentSource; using glu::ProgramSeparable; using namespace glw; #define LOG_CALL(CALL) do \ { \ enableLogging(true); \ CALL; \ enableLogging(false); \ } while (deGetFalse()) enum { VIEWPORT_SIZE = 128 }; enum VaryingInterpolation { VARYINGINTERPOLATION_SMOOTH = 0, VARYINGINTERPOLATION_FLAT, VARYINGINTERPOLATION_CENTROID, VARYINGINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM, VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST }; DataType randomType (Random& rnd) { using namespace glu; if (rnd.getInt(0, 7) == 0) { const int numCols = rnd.getInt(2, 4), numRows = rnd.getInt(2, 4); return getDataTypeMatrix(numCols, numRows); } else { static const DataType s_types[] = { TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_INT, TYPE_UINT }; static const float s_weights[] = { 3.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; const int size = rnd.getInt(1, 4); const DataType scalarType = rnd.chooseWeighted( DE_ARRAY_BEGIN(s_types), DE_ARRAY_END(s_types), DE_ARRAY_BEGIN(s_weights)); return getDataTypeVector(scalarType, size); } DE_FATAL("Impossible"); return TYPE_INVALID; } VaryingInterpolation randomInterpolation (Random& rnd) { static const VaryingInterpolation s_validInterpolations[] = { VARYINGINTERPOLATION_SMOOTH, VARYINGINTERPOLATION_FLAT, VARYINGINTERPOLATION_CENTROID, VARYINGINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT, }; return s_validInterpolations[rnd.getInt(0, DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(s_validInterpolations)-1)]; } glu::Interpolation getGluInterpolation (VaryingInterpolation interpolation) { switch (interpolation) { case VARYINGINTERPOLATION_SMOOTH: return glu::INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH; case VARYINGINTERPOLATION_FLAT: return glu::INTERPOLATION_FLAT; case VARYINGINTERPOLATION_CENTROID: return glu::INTERPOLATION_CENTROID; case VARYINGINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT: return glu::INTERPOLATION_LAST; //!< Last means no qualifier, i.e. default default: DE_FATAL("Invalid interpolation"); return glu::INTERPOLATION_LAST; } } // used only for debug sanity checks #if defined(DE_DEBUG) VaryingInterpolation getVaryingInterpolation (glu::Interpolation interpolation) { switch (interpolation) { case glu::INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH: return VARYINGINTERPOLATION_SMOOTH; case glu::INTERPOLATION_FLAT: return VARYINGINTERPOLATION_FLAT; case glu::INTERPOLATION_CENTROID: return VARYINGINTERPOLATION_CENTROID; case glu::INTERPOLATION_LAST: return VARYINGINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT; //!< Last means no qualifier, i.e. default default: DE_FATAL("Invalid interpolation"); return VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST; } } #endif enum BindingKind { BINDING_NAME, BINDING_LOCATION, BINDING_LAST }; BindingKind randomBinding (Random& rnd) { return rnd.getBool() ? BINDING_LOCATION : BINDING_NAME; } void printInputColor (ostringstream& oss, const VariableDeclaration& input) { using namespace glu; const DataType basicType = input.varType.getBasicType(); string exp = input.name; switch (getDataTypeScalarType(basicType)) { case TYPE_FLOAT: break; case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_UINT: { DataType floatType = getDataTypeFloatScalars(basicType); exp = string() + "(" + getDataTypeName(floatType) + "(" + exp + ") / 255.0" + ")"; break; } default: DE_FATAL("Impossible"); } if (isDataTypeScalarOrVector(basicType)) { switch (getDataTypeScalarSize(basicType)) { case 1: oss << "hsv(vec3(" << exp << ", 1.0, 1.0))"; break; case 2: oss << "hsv(vec3(" << exp << ", 1.0))"; break; case 3: oss << "vec4(" << exp << ", 1.0)"; break; case 4: oss << exp; break; default: DE_FATAL("Impossible"); } } else if (isDataTypeMatrix(basicType)) { int rows = getDataTypeMatrixNumRows(basicType); int columns = getDataTypeMatrixNumColumns(basicType); if (rows == columns) oss << "hsv(vec3(determinant(" << exp << ")))"; else { if (rows != 3 && columns >= 3) { exp = "transpose(" + exp + ")"; std::swap(rows, columns); } exp = exp + "[0]"; if (rows > 3) exp = exp + ".xyz"; oss << "hsv(" << exp << ")"; } } else DE_FATAL("Impossible"); } // Representation for the varyings between vertex and fragment shaders struct VaryingParams { VaryingParams (void) : count (0) , type (glu::TYPE_LAST) , binding (BINDING_LAST) , vtxInterp (VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST) , frgInterp (VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST) {} int count; DataType type; BindingKind binding; VaryingInterpolation vtxInterp; VaryingInterpolation frgInterp; }; struct VaryingInterface { vector vtxOutputs; vector frgInputs; }; // Generate corresponding input and output variable declarations that may vary // in compatible ways. VaryingInterpolation chooseInterpolation (VaryingInterpolation param, DataType type, Random& rnd) { if (glu::getDataTypeScalarType(type) != glu::TYPE_FLOAT) return VARYINGINTERPOLATION_FLAT; if (param == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM) return randomInterpolation(rnd); return param; } bool isSSOCompatibleInterpolation (VaryingInterpolation vertexInterpolation, VaryingInterpolation fragmentInterpolation) { // interpolations must be fully specified DE_ASSERT(vertexInterpolation != VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM); DE_ASSERT(vertexInterpolation < VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST); DE_ASSERT(fragmentInterpolation != VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM); DE_ASSERT(fragmentInterpolation < VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST); // interpolation can only be either smooth or flat. Auxiliary storage does not matter. const bool isSmoothVtx = (vertexInterpolation == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_SMOOTH) || //!< trivial (vertexInterpolation == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT) || //!< default to smooth (vertexInterpolation == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_CENTROID); //!< default to smooth, ignore storage const bool isSmoothFrag = (fragmentInterpolation == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_SMOOTH) || //!< trivial (fragmentInterpolation == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT) || //!< default to smooth (fragmentInterpolation == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_CENTROID); //!< default to smooth, ignore storage // Khronos bug #12630: flat / smooth qualifiers must match in SSO return isSmoothVtx == isSmoothFrag; } VaryingInterface genVaryingInterface (const VaryingParams& params, Random& rnd) { using namespace glu; VaryingInterface ret; int offset = 0; for (int varNdx = 0; varNdx < params.count; ++varNdx) { const BindingKind binding = ((params.binding == BINDING_LAST) ? randomBinding(rnd) : params.binding); const DataType type = ((params.type == TYPE_LAST) ? randomType(rnd) : params.type); const VaryingInterpolation vtxInterp = chooseInterpolation(params.vtxInterp, type, rnd); const VaryingInterpolation frgInterp = chooseInterpolation(params.frgInterp, type, rnd); const VaryingInterpolation vtxCompatInterp = (isSSOCompatibleInterpolation(vtxInterp, frgInterp)) ? (vtxInterp) : (frgInterp); const int loc = ((binding == BINDING_LOCATION) ? offset : -1); const string ndxStr = de::toString(varNdx); const string vtxName = ((binding == BINDING_NAME) ? "var" + ndxStr : "vtxVar" + ndxStr); const string frgName = ((binding == BINDING_NAME) ? "var" + ndxStr : "frgVar" + ndxStr); const VarType varType (type, PRECISION_HIGHP); offset += getDataTypeNumLocations(type); // Over 16 locations aren't necessarily supported, so halt here. if (offset > 16) break; ret.vtxOutputs.push_back( VariableDeclaration(varType, vtxName, STORAGE_OUT, getGluInterpolation(vtxCompatInterp), loc)); ret.frgInputs.push_back( VariableDeclaration(varType, frgName, STORAGE_IN, getGluInterpolation(frgInterp), loc)); } return ret; } // Create vertex output variable declarations that are maximally compatible // with the fragment input variables. vector varyingCompatVtxOutputs (const VaryingInterface& varyings) { vector outputs = varyings.vtxOutputs; for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) { outputs[i].interpolation = varyings.frgInputs[i].interpolation; outputs[i].name = varyings.frgInputs[i].name; } return outputs; } // Shader source generation void printFloat (ostringstream& oss, double d) { oss.setf(oss.fixed | oss.internal); oss.precision(4); oss.width(7); oss << d; } void printFloatDeclaration (ostringstream& oss, const string& varName, bool uniform, GLfloat value = 0.0) { using namespace glu; const VarType varType (TYPE_FLOAT, PRECISION_HIGHP); if (uniform) oss << VariableDeclaration(varType, varName, STORAGE_UNIFORM) << ";\n"; else oss << VariableDeclaration(varType, varName, STORAGE_CONST) << " = " << de::floatToString(value, 6) << ";\n"; } void printRandomInitializer (ostringstream& oss, DataType type, Random& rnd) { using namespace glu; const int size = getDataTypeScalarSize(type); if (size > 0) oss << getDataTypeName(type) << "("; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { oss << (i == 0 ? "" : ", "); switch (getDataTypeScalarType(type)) { case TYPE_FLOAT: printFloat(oss, rnd.getInt(0, 16) / 16.0); break; case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_UINT: oss << rnd.getInt(0, 255); break; case TYPE_BOOL: oss << (rnd.getBool() ? "true" : "false"); break; default: DE_FATAL("Impossible"); } } if (size > 0) oss << ")"; } string genVtxShaderSrc (deUint32 seed, const vector& outputs, const string& varName, bool uniform, float value = 0.0) { ostringstream oss; Random rnd (seed); enum { NUM_COMPONENTS = 2 }; static const int s_quadrants[][NUM_COMPONENTS] = { {1, 1}, {-1, 1}, {1, -1} }; oss << "#version 310 es\n"; printFloatDeclaration(oss, varName, uniform, value); for (vector::const_iterator it = outputs.begin(); it != outputs.end(); ++it) oss << *it << ";\n"; oss << "const vec2 triangle[3] = vec2[3](\n"; for (int vertexNdx = 0; vertexNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(s_quadrants); ++vertexNdx) { oss << "\tvec2("; for (int componentNdx = 0; componentNdx < NUM_COMPONENTS; ++componentNdx) { printFloat(oss, s_quadrants[vertexNdx][componentNdx] * rnd.getInt(4,16) / 16.0); oss << (componentNdx < 1 ? ", " : ""); } oss << ")" << (vertexNdx < 2 ? "," : "") << "\n"; } oss << ");\n"; for (vector::const_iterator it = outputs.begin(); it != outputs.end(); ++it) { const DataType type = it->varType.getBasicType(); const string typeName = glu::getDataTypeName(type); oss << "const " << typeName << " " << it->name << "Inits[3] = " << typeName << "[3](\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { oss << (i == 0 ? "\t" : ",\n\t"); printRandomInitializer(oss, type, rnd); } oss << ");\n"; } oss << "void main (void)\n" << "{\n" << "\tgl_Position = vec4(" << varName << " * triangle[gl_VertexID], 0.0, 1.0);\n"; for (vector::const_iterator it = outputs.begin(); it != outputs.end(); ++it) oss << "\t" << it->name << " = " << it->name << "Inits[gl_VertexID];\n"; oss << "}\n"; return oss.str(); } string genFrgShaderSrc (deUint32 seed, const vector& inputs, const string& varName, bool uniform, float value = 0.0) { Random rnd (seed); ostringstream oss; oss.precision(4); oss.width(7); oss << "#version 310 es\n"; oss << "precision highp float;\n"; oss << "out vec4 fragColor;\n"; printFloatDeclaration(oss, varName, uniform, value); for (vector::const_iterator it = inputs.begin(); it != inputs.end(); ++it) oss << *it << ";\n"; // glsl % isn't defined for negative numbers oss << "int imod (int n, int d)" << "\n" << "{" << "\n" << "\t" << "return (n < 0 ? d - 1 - (-1 - n) % d : n % d);" << "\n" << "}" << "\n"; oss << "vec4 hsv (vec3 hsv)" << "{" << "\n" << "\tfloat h = hsv.x * 3.0;\n" << "\tfloat r = max(0.0, 1.0 - h) + max(0.0, h - 2.0);\n" << "\tfloat g = max(0.0, 1.0 - abs(h - 1.0));\n" << "\tfloat b = max(0.0, 1.0 - abs(h - 2.0));\n" << "\tvec3 hs = mix(vec3(1.0), vec3(r, g, b), hsv.y);\n" << "\treturn vec4(hsv.z * hs, 1.0);\n" << "}\n"; oss << "void main (void)\n" << "{\n"; oss << "\t" << "fragColor = vec4(vec3(" << varName << "), 1.0);" << "\n"; if (inputs.size() > 0) { oss << "\t" << "switch (imod(int(0.5 * ("; printFloat(oss, rnd.getFloat(0.5f, 2.0f)); oss << " * gl_FragCoord.x - "; printFloat(oss, rnd.getFloat(0.5f, 2.0f)); oss << " * gl_FragCoord.y)), " << inputs.size() << "))" << "\n" << "\t" << "{" << "\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) { oss << "\t\t" << "case " << i << ":" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "fragColor *= "; printInputColor(oss, inputs[i]); oss << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "break;" << "\n"; } oss << "\t\t" << "case " << inputs.size() << ":\n" << "\t\t\t" << "fragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);" << "\n"; oss << "\t\t\t" << "break;" << "\n"; oss << "\t\t" << "case -1:\n" << "\t\t\t" << "fragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);" << "\n"; oss << "\t\t\t" << "break;" << "\n"; oss << "\t\t" << "default:" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "fragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);" << "\n"; oss << "\t" << "}\n"; } oss << "}\n"; return oss.str(); } // ProgramWrapper class ProgramWrapper { public: virtual ~ProgramWrapper (void) {} virtual GLuint getProgramName (void) = 0; virtual void writeToLog (TestLog& log) = 0; }; class ShaderProgramWrapper : public ProgramWrapper { public: ShaderProgramWrapper (const RenderContext& renderCtx, const ProgramSources& sources) : m_shaderProgram (renderCtx, sources) {} ~ShaderProgramWrapper (void) {} GLuint getProgramName (void) { return m_shaderProgram.getProgram(); } ShaderProgram& getShaderProgram (void) { return m_shaderProgram; } void writeToLog (TestLog& log) { log << m_shaderProgram; } private: ShaderProgram m_shaderProgram; }; class RawProgramWrapper : public ProgramWrapper { public: RawProgramWrapper (const RenderContext& renderCtx, GLuint programName, ShaderType shaderType, const string& source) : m_program (renderCtx, programName) , m_shaderType (shaderType) , m_source (source) {} ~RawProgramWrapper (void) {} GLuint getProgramName (void) { return m_program.getProgram(); } Program& getProgram (void) { return m_program; } void writeToLog (TestLog& log); private: Program m_program; ShaderType m_shaderType; const string m_source; }; void RawProgramWrapper::writeToLog (TestLog& log) { const string info = m_program.getInfoLog(); qpShaderType qpType = glu::getLogShaderType(m_shaderType); log << TestLog::ShaderProgram(true, info) << TestLog::Shader(qpType, m_source, true, "[Shader created by glCreateShaderProgramv()]") << TestLog::EndShaderProgram; } // ProgramParams struct ProgramParams { ProgramParams (deUint32 vtxSeed_, GLfloat vtxScale_, deUint32 frgSeed_, GLfloat frgScale_) : vtxSeed (vtxSeed_) , vtxScale (vtxScale_) , frgSeed (frgSeed_) , frgScale (frgScale_) {} deUint32 vtxSeed; GLfloat vtxScale; deUint32 frgSeed; GLfloat frgScale; }; ProgramParams genProgramParams (Random& rnd) { const deUint32 vtxSeed = rnd.getUint32(); const GLfloat vtxScale = (float)rnd.getInt(8, 16) / 16.0f; const deUint32 frgSeed = rnd.getUint32(); const GLfloat frgScale = (float)rnd.getInt(0, 16) / 16.0f; return ProgramParams(vtxSeed, vtxScale, frgSeed, frgScale); } // TestParams struct TestParams { bool initSingle; bool switchVtx; bool switchFrg; bool useUniform; bool useSameName; bool useCreateHelper; bool useProgramUniform; VaryingParams varyings; }; deUint32 paramsSeed (const TestParams& params) { deUint32 paramCode = (params.initSingle << 0 | params.switchVtx << 1 | params.switchFrg << 2 | params.useUniform << 3 | params.useSameName << 4 | params.useCreateHelper << 5 | params.useProgramUniform << 6); paramCode = deUint32Hash(paramCode) + params.varyings.count; paramCode = deUint32Hash(paramCode) + params.varyings.type; paramCode = deUint32Hash(paramCode) + params.varyings.binding; paramCode = deUint32Hash(paramCode) + params.varyings.vtxInterp; paramCode = deUint32Hash(paramCode) + params.varyings.frgInterp; return deUint32Hash(paramCode); } string paramsCode (const TestParams& params) { using namespace glu; ostringstream oss; oss << (params.initSingle ? "1" : "2") << (params.switchVtx ? "v" : "") << (params.switchFrg ? "f" : "") << (params.useProgramUniform ? "p" : "") << (params.useUniform ? "u" : "") << (params.useSameName ? "s" : "") << (params.useCreateHelper ? "c" : "") << de::toString(params.varyings.count) << (params.varyings.binding == BINDING_NAME ? "n" : params.varyings.binding == BINDING_LOCATION ? "l" : params.varyings.binding == BINDING_LAST ? "r" : "") << (params.varyings.vtxInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_SMOOTH ? "m" : params.varyings.vtxInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_CENTROID ? "e" : params.varyings.vtxInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_FLAT ? "a" : params.varyings.vtxInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM ? "r" : "o") << (params.varyings.frgInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_SMOOTH ? "m" : params.varyings.frgInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_CENTROID ? "e" : params.varyings.frgInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_FLAT ? "a" : params.varyings.frgInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM ? "r" : "o"); return oss.str(); } bool paramsValid (const TestParams& params) { using namespace glu; // Final pipeline has a single program? if (params.initSingle) { // Cannot have conflicting names for uniforms or constants if (params.useSameName) return false; // CreateShaderProgram would never get called if (!params.switchVtx && !params.switchFrg && params.useCreateHelper) return false; // Must switch either all or nothing if (params.switchVtx != params.switchFrg) return false; } // ProgramUniform would never get called if (params.useProgramUniform && !params.useUniform) return false; // Interpolation is meaningless if we don't use an in/out variable. if (params.varyings.count == 0 && !(params.varyings.vtxInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST && params.varyings.frgInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST)) return false; // Mismatch by flat / smooth is not allowed. See Khronos bug #12630 // \note: iterpolations might be RANDOM, causing generated varyings potentially match / mismatch anyway. // This is checked later on. Here, we just make sure that we don't force the generator to generate // only invalid varying configurations, i.e. there exists a valid varying configuration for this // test param config. if ((params.varyings.vtxInterp != VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM) && (params.varyings.frgInterp != VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM) && (params.varyings.vtxInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_FLAT) != (params.varyings.frgInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_FLAT)) return false; return true; } // used only for debug sanity checks #if defined(DE_DEBUG) bool varyingsValid (const VaryingInterface& varyings) { for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)varyings.vtxOutputs.size(); ++ndx) { const VaryingInterpolation vertexInterpolation = getVaryingInterpolation(varyings.vtxOutputs[ndx].interpolation); const VaryingInterpolation fragmentInterpolation = getVaryingInterpolation(varyings.frgInputs[ndx].interpolation); if (!isSSOCompatibleInterpolation(vertexInterpolation, fragmentInterpolation)) return false; } return true; } #endif void logParams (TestLog& log, const TestParams& params) { // We don't log operational details here since those are shown // in the log messages during execution. MessageBuilder msg = log.message(); msg << "Pipeline configuration:\n"; msg << "Vertex and fragment shaders have " << (params.useUniform ? "uniform" : "constant") << "s with " << (params.useSameName ? "the same name" : "different names") << ".\n"; if (params.varyings.count == 0) msg << "There are no varyings.\n"; else { if (params.varyings.count == 1) msg << "There is one varying.\n"; else msg << "There are " << params.varyings.count << " varyings.\n"; if (params.varyings.type == glu::TYPE_LAST) msg << "Varyings are of random types.\n"; else msg << "Varyings are of type '" << glu::getDataTypeName(params.varyings.type) << "'.\n"; msg << "Varying outputs and inputs correspond "; switch (params.varyings.binding) { case BINDING_NAME: msg << "by name.\n"; break; case BINDING_LOCATION: msg << "by location.\n"; break; case BINDING_LAST: msg << "randomly either by name or by location.\n"; break; default: DE_FATAL("Impossible"); } msg << "In the vertex shader the varyings are qualified "; if (params.varyings.vtxInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT) msg << "with no interpolation qualifiers.\n"; else if (params.varyings.vtxInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM) msg << "with a random interpolation qualifier.\n"; else msg << "'" << glu::getInterpolationName(getGluInterpolation(params.varyings.vtxInterp)) << "'.\n"; msg << "In the fragment shader the varyings are qualified "; if (params.varyings.frgInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT) msg << "with no interpolation qualifiers.\n"; else if (params.varyings.frgInterp == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM) msg << "with a random interpolation qualifier.\n"; else msg << "'" << glu::getInterpolationName(getGluInterpolation(params.varyings.frgInterp)) << "'.\n"; } msg << TestLog::EndMessage; log.writeMessage(""); } TestParams genParams (deUint32 seed) { Random rnd (seed); TestParams params; int tryNdx = 0; do { params.initSingle = rnd.getBool(); params.switchVtx = rnd.getBool(); params.switchFrg = rnd.getBool(); params.useUniform = rnd.getBool(); params.useProgramUniform = params.useUniform && rnd.getBool(); params.useCreateHelper = rnd.getBool(); params.useSameName = rnd.getBool(); { int i = rnd.getInt(-1, 3); params.varyings.count = (i == -1 ? 0 : 1 << i); } if (params.varyings.count > 0) { params.varyings.type = glu::TYPE_LAST; params.varyings.binding = BINDING_LAST; params.varyings.vtxInterp = VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM; params.varyings.frgInterp = VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM; } else { params.varyings.type = glu::TYPE_INVALID; params.varyings.binding = BINDING_LAST; params.varyings.vtxInterp = VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST; params.varyings.frgInterp = VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST; } tryNdx += 1; } while (!paramsValid(params) && tryNdx < 16); DE_ASSERT(paramsValid(params)); return params; } // Program pipeline wrapper that retains references to component programs. struct Pipeline { Pipeline (MovePtr pipeline_, MovePtr fullProg_, MovePtr vtxProg_, MovePtr frgProg_) : pipeline (pipeline_) , fullProg (fullProg_) , vtxProg (vtxProg_) , frgProg (frgProg_) {} ProgramWrapper& getVertexProgram (void) const { return vtxProg ? *vtxProg : *fullProg; } ProgramWrapper& getFragmentProgram (void) const { return frgProg ? *frgProg : *fullProg; } UniquePtr pipeline; UniquePtr fullProg; UniquePtr vtxProg; UniquePtr frgProg; }; void logPipeline(TestLog& log, const Pipeline& pipeline) { ProgramWrapper& vtxProg = pipeline.getVertexProgram(); ProgramWrapper& frgProg = pipeline.getFragmentProgram(); log.writeMessage("// Failed program pipeline:"); if (&vtxProg == &frgProg) { log.writeMessage("// Common program for both vertex and fragment stages:"); vtxProg.writeToLog(log); } else { log.writeMessage("// Vertex stage program:"); vtxProg.writeToLog(log); log.writeMessage("// Fragment stage program:"); frgProg.writeToLog(log); } } // Rectangle struct Rectangle { Rectangle (int x_, int y_, int width_, int height_) : x (x_) , y (y_) , width (width_) , height (height_) {} int x; int y; int width; int height; }; void setViewport (const RenderContext& renderCtx, const Rectangle& rect) { renderCtx.getFunctions().viewport(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } void readRectangle (const RenderContext& renderCtx, const Rectangle& rect, Surface& dst) { dst.setSize(rect.width, rect.height); glu::readPixels(renderCtx, rect.x, rect.y, dst.getAccess()); } Rectangle randomViewport (const RenderContext& ctx, Random& rnd, GLint maxWidth, GLint maxHeight) { const RenderTarget& target = ctx.getRenderTarget(); GLint width = de::min(target.getWidth(), maxWidth); GLint xOff = rnd.getInt(0, target.getWidth() - width); GLint height = de::min(target.getHeight(), maxHeight); GLint yOff = rnd.getInt(0, target.getHeight() - height); return Rectangle(xOff, yOff, width, height); } // SeparateShaderTest class SeparateShaderTest : public TestCase, private CallLogWrapper { public: typedef void (SeparateShaderTest::*TestFunc) (MovePtr& pipeOut); SeparateShaderTest (Context& ctx, const string& name, const string& description, int iterations, const TestParams& params, TestFunc testFunc); IterateResult iterate (void); void testPipelineRendering (MovePtr& pipeOut); void testCurrentProgPriority (MovePtr& pipeOut); void testActiveProgramUniform (MovePtr& pipeOut); void testPipelineQueryActive (MovePtr& pipeOut); void testPipelineQueryPrograms (MovePtr& pipeOut); private: TestLog& log (void); const RenderContext& getRenderContext (void); void setUniform (ProgramWrapper& program, const string& uniformName, GLfloat value, bool useProgramUni); void drawSurface (Surface& dst, deUint32 seed = 0); MovePtr createShaderProgram (const string* vtxSource, const string* frgSource, bool separable); MovePtr createSingleShaderProgram (ShaderType shaderType, const string& src); MovePtr createPipeline (const ProgramParams& pp); MovePtr createReferenceProgram (const ProgramParams& pp); int m_iterations; int m_currentIteration; TestParams m_params; TestFunc m_testFunc; Random m_rnd; ResultCollector m_status; VaryingInterface m_varyings; // Per-iteration state required for logging on exception MovePtr m_fullProg; MovePtr m_vtxProg; MovePtr m_frgProg; }; const RenderContext& SeparateShaderTest::getRenderContext (void) { return m_context.getRenderContext(); } TestLog& SeparateShaderTest::log (void) { return m_testCtx.getLog(); } SeparateShaderTest::SeparateShaderTest (Context& ctx, const string& name, const string& description, int iterations, const TestParams& params, TestFunc testFunc) : TestCase (ctx, name.c_str(), description.c_str()) , CallLogWrapper (ctx.getRenderContext().getFunctions(), log()) , m_iterations (iterations) , m_currentIteration(0) , m_params (params) , m_testFunc (testFunc) , m_rnd (paramsSeed(params)) , m_status (log(), "// ") , m_varyings (genVaryingInterface(params.varyings, m_rnd)) { DE_ASSERT(paramsValid(params)); DE_ASSERT(varyingsValid(m_varyings)); } MovePtr SeparateShaderTest::createShaderProgram (const string* vtxSource, const string* frgSource, bool separable) { ProgramSources sources; if (vtxSource != DE_NULL) sources << VertexSource(*vtxSource); if (frgSource != DE_NULL) sources << FragmentSource(*frgSource); sources << ProgramSeparable(separable); MovePtr wrapper (new ShaderProgramWrapper(getRenderContext(), sources)); if (!wrapper->getShaderProgram().isOk()) { log().writeMessage("Couldn't create shader program"); wrapper->writeToLog(log()); TCU_FAIL("Couldn't create shader program"); } return MovePtr(wrapper.release()); } MovePtr SeparateShaderTest::createSingleShaderProgram (ShaderType shaderType, const string& src) { const RenderContext& renderCtx = getRenderContext(); if (m_params.useCreateHelper) { const char* const srcStr = src.c_str(); const GLenum glType = glu::getGLShaderType(shaderType); const GLuint programName = glCreateShaderProgramv(glType, 1, &srcStr); if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR || programName == 0) { qpShaderType qpType = glu::getLogShaderType(shaderType); log() << TestLog::Message << "glCreateShaderProgramv() failed" << TestLog::EndMessage << TestLog::ShaderProgram(false, "[glCreateShaderProgramv() failed]") << TestLog::Shader(qpType, src, false, "[glCreateShaderProgramv() failed]") << TestLog::EndShaderProgram; TCU_FAIL("glCreateShaderProgramv() failed"); } RawProgramWrapper* const wrapper = new RawProgramWrapper(renderCtx, programName, shaderType, src); MovePtr wrapperPtr(wrapper); Program& program = wrapper->getProgram(); if (!program.getLinkStatus()) { log().writeMessage("glCreateShaderProgramv() failed at linking"); wrapper->writeToLog(log()); TCU_FAIL("glCreateShaderProgram() failed at linking"); } return wrapperPtr; } else { switch (shaderType) { case glu::SHADERTYPE_VERTEX: return createShaderProgram(&src, DE_NULL, true); case glu::SHADERTYPE_FRAGMENT: return createShaderProgram(DE_NULL, &src, true); default: DE_FATAL("Impossible case"); } } return MovePtr(); // Shut up compiler warnings. } void SeparateShaderTest::setUniform (ProgramWrapper& program, const string& uniformName, GLfloat value, bool useProgramUniform) { const GLuint progName = program.getProgramName(); const GLint location = glGetUniformLocation(progName, uniformName.c_str()); MessageBuilder msg = log().message(); msg << "// Set program " << progName << "'s uniform '" << uniformName << "' to " << value; if (useProgramUniform) { msg << " using glProgramUniform1f"; glProgramUniform1f(progName, location, value); } else { msg << " using glUseProgram and glUniform1f"; glUseProgram(progName); glUniform1f(location, value); glUseProgram(0); } msg << TestLog::EndMessage; } MovePtr SeparateShaderTest::createPipeline (const ProgramParams& pp) { const bool useUniform = m_params.useUniform; const string vtxName = m_params.useSameName ? "scale" : "vtxScale"; const deUint32 initVtxSeed = m_params.switchVtx ? m_rnd.getUint32() : pp.vtxSeed; const string frgName = m_params.useSameName ? "scale" : "frgScale"; const deUint32 initFrgSeed = m_params.switchFrg ? m_rnd.getUint32() : pp.frgSeed; const string frgSource = genFrgShaderSrc(initFrgSeed, m_varyings.frgInputs, frgName, useUniform, pp.frgScale); const RenderContext& renderCtx = getRenderContext(); MovePtr pipeline (new ProgramPipeline(renderCtx)); MovePtr fullProg; MovePtr vtxProg; MovePtr frgProg; // We cannot allow a situation where we have a single program with a // single uniform, because then the vertex and fragment shader uniforms // would not be distinct in the final pipeline, and we are going to test // that altering one uniform will not affect the other. DE_ASSERT(!(m_params.initSingle && m_params.useSameName && !m_params.switchVtx && !m_params.switchFrg)); if (m_params.initSingle) { string vtxSource = genVtxShaderSrc(initVtxSeed, varyingCompatVtxOutputs(m_varyings), vtxName, useUniform, pp.vtxScale); fullProg = createShaderProgram(&vtxSource, &frgSource, true); pipeline->useProgramStages(GL_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT | GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, fullProg->getProgramName()); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Created pipeline " << pipeline->getPipeline() << " with two-shader program " << fullProg->getProgramName() << TestLog::EndMessage; } else { string vtxSource = genVtxShaderSrc(initVtxSeed, m_varyings.vtxOutputs, vtxName, useUniform, pp.vtxScale); vtxProg = createSingleShaderProgram(glu::SHADERTYPE_VERTEX, vtxSource); pipeline->useProgramStages(GL_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT, vtxProg->getProgramName()); frgProg = createSingleShaderProgram(glu::SHADERTYPE_FRAGMENT, frgSource); pipeline->useProgramStages(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, frgProg->getProgramName()); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Created pipeline " << pipeline->getPipeline() << " with vertex program " << vtxProg->getProgramName() << " and fragment program " << frgProg->getProgramName() << TestLog::EndMessage; } m_status.check(pipeline->isValid(), "Pipeline is invalid after initialization"); if (m_params.switchVtx) { string newSource = genVtxShaderSrc(pp.vtxSeed, m_varyings.vtxOutputs, vtxName, useUniform, pp.vtxScale); vtxProg = createSingleShaderProgram(glu::SHADERTYPE_VERTEX, newSource); pipeline->useProgramStages(GL_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT, vtxProg->getProgramName()); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Switched pipeline " << pipeline->getPipeline() << "'s vertex stage to single-shader program " << vtxProg->getProgramName() << TestLog::EndMessage; } if (m_params.switchFrg) { string newSource = genFrgShaderSrc(pp.frgSeed, m_varyings.frgInputs, frgName, useUniform, pp.frgScale); frgProg = createSingleShaderProgram(glu::SHADERTYPE_FRAGMENT, newSource); pipeline->useProgramStages(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, frgProg->getProgramName()); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Switched pipeline " << pipeline->getPipeline() << "'s fragment stage to single-shader program " << frgProg->getProgramName() << TestLog::EndMessage; } if (m_params.switchVtx || m_params.switchFrg) m_status.check(pipeline->isValid(), "Pipeline became invalid after changing a stage's program"); if (m_params.useUniform) { ProgramWrapper& vtxStage = *(vtxProg ? vtxProg : fullProg); ProgramWrapper& frgStage = *(frgProg ? frgProg : fullProg); setUniform(vtxStage, vtxName, pp.vtxScale, m_params.useProgramUniform); setUniform(frgStage, frgName, pp.frgScale, m_params.useProgramUniform); } else log().writeMessage("// Programs use constants instead of uniforms"); return MovePtr(new Pipeline(pipeline, fullProg, vtxProg, frgProg)); } MovePtr SeparateShaderTest::createReferenceProgram (const ProgramParams& pp) { bool useUniform = m_params.useUniform; const string vtxSrc = genVtxShaderSrc(pp.vtxSeed, varyingCompatVtxOutputs(m_varyings), "vtxScale", useUniform, pp.vtxScale); const string frgSrc = genFrgShaderSrc(pp.frgSeed, m_varyings.frgInputs, "frgScale", useUniform, pp.frgScale); MovePtr program = createShaderProgram(&vtxSrc, &frgSrc, false); GLuint progName = program->getProgramName(); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Created monolithic shader program " << progName << TestLog::EndMessage; if (useUniform) { setUniform(*program, "vtxScale", pp.vtxScale, false); setUniform(*program, "frgScale", pp.frgScale, false); } return program; } void SeparateShaderTest::drawSurface (Surface& dst, deUint32 seed) { const RenderContext& renderCtx = getRenderContext(); Random rnd (seed > 0 ? seed : m_rnd.getUint32()); Rectangle viewport = randomViewport(renderCtx, rnd, VIEWPORT_SIZE, VIEWPORT_SIZE); glClearColor(0.125f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 1.f); setViewport(renderCtx, viewport); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3)); readRectangle(renderCtx, viewport, dst); log().writeMessage("// Drew a triangle"); } void SeparateShaderTest::testPipelineRendering (MovePtr& pipeOut) { ProgramParams pp = genProgramParams(m_rnd); Pipeline& pipeline = *(pipeOut = createPipeline(pp)); GLuint pipeName = pipeline.pipeline->getPipeline(); UniquePtr refProgram (createReferenceProgram(pp)); GLuint refProgName = refProgram->getProgramName(); Surface refSurface; Surface pipelineSurface; GLuint drawSeed = m_rnd.getUint32(); glUseProgram(refProgName); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Use program " << refProgName << TestLog::EndMessage; drawSurface(refSurface, drawSeed); glUseProgram(0); glBindProgramPipeline(pipeName); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Bind pipeline " << pipeName << TestLog::EndMessage; drawSurface(pipelineSurface, drawSeed); glBindProgramPipeline(0); { const bool result = tcu::fuzzyCompare( m_testCtx.getLog(), "Program pipeline result", "Result of comparing a program pipeline with a monolithic program", refSurface, pipelineSurface, 0.05f, tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT); m_status.check(result, "Pipeline rendering differs from equivalent monolithic program"); } } void SeparateShaderTest::testCurrentProgPriority (MovePtr& pipeOut) { ProgramParams pipePp = genProgramParams(m_rnd); ProgramParams programPp = genProgramParams(m_rnd); Pipeline& pipeline = *(pipeOut = createPipeline(pipePp)); GLuint pipeName = pipeline.pipeline->getPipeline(); UniquePtr program (createReferenceProgram(programPp)); Surface pipelineSurface; Surface refSurface; Surface resultSurface; deUint32 drawSeed = m_rnd.getUint32(); LOG_CALL(glBindProgramPipeline(pipeName)); drawSurface(pipelineSurface, drawSeed); LOG_CALL(glBindProgramPipeline(0)); LOG_CALL(glUseProgram(program->getProgramName())); drawSurface(refSurface, drawSeed); LOG_CALL(glUseProgram(0)); LOG_CALL(glUseProgram(program->getProgramName())); LOG_CALL(glBindProgramPipeline(pipeName)); drawSurface(resultSurface, drawSeed); LOG_CALL(glBindProgramPipeline(0)); LOG_CALL(glUseProgram(0)); bool result = tcu::pixelThresholdCompare( m_testCtx.getLog(), "Active program rendering result", "Active program rendering result", refSurface, resultSurface, tcu::RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT); m_status.check(result, "glBindProgramPipeline() affects glUseProgram()"); if (!result) log() << TestLog::Image("Pipeline image", "Image produced by pipeline", pipelineSurface); } void SeparateShaderTest::testActiveProgramUniform (MovePtr& pipeOut) { ProgramParams refPp = genProgramParams(m_rnd); Surface refSurface; Surface resultSurface; deUint32 drawSeed = m_rnd.getUint32(); DE_UNREF(pipeOut); { UniquePtr refProg (createReferenceProgram(refPp)); GLuint refProgName = refProg->getProgramName(); glUseProgram(refProgName); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Use reference program " << refProgName << TestLog::EndMessage; drawSurface(refSurface, drawSeed); glUseProgram(0); } { ProgramParams changePp = genProgramParams(m_rnd); changePp.vtxSeed = refPp.vtxSeed; changePp.frgSeed = refPp.frgSeed; UniquePtr changeProg (createReferenceProgram(changePp)); GLuint changeName = changeProg->getProgramName(); ProgramPipeline pipeline (getRenderContext()); GLint vtxLoc = glGetUniformLocation(changeName, "vtxScale"); GLint frgLoc = glGetUniformLocation(changeName, "frgScale"); LOG_CALL(glBindProgramPipeline(pipeline.getPipeline())); pipeline.activeShaderProgram(changeName); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Set active shader program to " << changeName << TestLog::EndMessage; glUniform1f(vtxLoc, refPp.vtxScale); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Set uniform 'vtxScale' to " << refPp.vtxScale << " using glUniform1f" << TestLog::EndMessage; glUniform1f(frgLoc, refPp.frgScale); log() << TestLog::Message << "// Set uniform 'frgScale' to " << refPp.frgScale << " using glUniform1f" << TestLog::EndMessage; pipeline.activeShaderProgram(0); LOG_CALL(glBindProgramPipeline(0)); LOG_CALL(glUseProgram(changeName)); drawSurface(resultSurface, drawSeed); LOG_CALL(glUseProgram(0)); } bool result = tcu::fuzzyCompare( m_testCtx.getLog(), "Active program uniform result", "Active program uniform result", refSurface, resultSurface, 0.05f, tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT); m_status.check(result, "glUniform() did not correctly modify " "the active program of the bound pipeline"); } void SeparateShaderTest::testPipelineQueryPrograms (MovePtr& pipeOut) { ProgramParams pipePp = genProgramParams(m_rnd); Pipeline& pipeline = *(pipeOut = createPipeline(pipePp)); GLuint pipeName = pipeline.pipeline->getPipeline(); GLint queryVtx = 0; GLint queryFrg = 0; LOG_CALL(GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeName, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, &queryVtx))); m_status.check(GLuint(queryVtx) == pipeline.getVertexProgram().getProgramName(), "Program pipeline query reported wrong vertex shader program"); LOG_CALL(GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeName, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, &queryFrg))); m_status.check(GLuint(queryFrg) == pipeline.getFragmentProgram().getProgramName(), "Program pipeline query reported wrong fragment shader program"); } void SeparateShaderTest::testPipelineQueryActive (MovePtr& pipeOut) { ProgramParams pipePp = genProgramParams(m_rnd); Pipeline& pipeline = *(pipeOut = createPipeline(pipePp)); GLuint pipeName = pipeline.pipeline->getPipeline(); GLuint newActive = pipeline.getVertexProgram().getProgramName(); GLint queryActive = 0; LOG_CALL(GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeName, GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM, &queryActive))); m_status.check(queryActive == 0, "Program pipeline query reported non-zero initial active program"); pipeline.pipeline->activeShaderProgram(newActive); log() << TestLog::Message << "Set pipeline " << pipeName << "'s active shader program to " << newActive << TestLog::EndMessage; LOG_CALL(GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeName, GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM, &queryActive))); m_status.check(GLuint(queryActive) == newActive, "Program pipeline query reported incorrect active program"); pipeline.pipeline->activeShaderProgram(0); } TestCase::IterateResult SeparateShaderTest::iterate (void) { MovePtr pipeline; DE_ASSERT(m_iterations > 0); if (m_currentIteration == 0) logParams(log(), m_params); ++m_currentIteration; try { (this->*m_testFunc)(pipeline); log().writeMessage(""); } catch (const tcu::Exception&) { if (pipeline) logPipeline(log(), *pipeline); throw; } if (m_status.getResult() != QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS) { if (pipeline) logPipeline(log(), *pipeline); } else if (m_currentIteration < m_iterations) return CONTINUE; m_status.setTestContextResult(m_testCtx); return STOP; } // Group construction utilities enum ParamFlags { PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_FRAGMENT = 1 << 0, PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_VERTEX = 1 << 1, PARAMFLAGS_INIT_SINGLE = 1 << 2, PARAMFLAGS_LAST = 1 << 3, PARAMFLAGS_MASK = PARAMFLAGS_LAST - 1 }; bool areCaseParamFlagsValid (ParamFlags flags) { const ParamFlags switchAll = ParamFlags(PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_VERTEX|PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_FRAGMENT); if ((flags & PARAMFLAGS_INIT_SINGLE) != 0) return (flags & switchAll) == 0 || (flags & switchAll) == switchAll; else return true; } bool addRenderTest (TestCaseGroup& group, const string& namePrefix, const string& descPrefix, int numIterations, ParamFlags flags, TestParams params) { ostringstream name; ostringstream desc; DE_ASSERT(areCaseParamFlagsValid(flags)); name << namePrefix; desc << descPrefix; params.initSingle = (flags & PARAMFLAGS_INIT_SINGLE) != 0; params.switchVtx = (flags & PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_VERTEX) != 0; params.switchFrg = (flags & PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_FRAGMENT) != 0; name << (flags & PARAMFLAGS_INIT_SINGLE ? "single_program" : "separate_programs"); desc << (flags & PARAMFLAGS_INIT_SINGLE ? "Single program with two shaders" : "Separate programs for each shader"); switch (flags & (PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_FRAGMENT | PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_VERTEX)) { case 0: break; case PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_FRAGMENT: name << "_add_fragment"; desc << ", then add a fragment program"; break; case PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_VERTEX: name << "_add_vertex"; desc << ", then add a vertex program"; break; case PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_FRAGMENT | PARAMFLAGS_SWITCH_VERTEX: name << "_add_both"; desc << ", then add both vertex and shader programs"; break; } if (!paramsValid(params)) return false; group.addChild(new SeparateShaderTest(group.getContext(), name.str(), desc.str(), numIterations, params, &SeparateShaderTest::testPipelineRendering)); return true; } void describeInterpolation (const string& stage, VaryingInterpolation qual, ostringstream& name, ostringstream& desc) { DE_ASSERT(qual < VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM); if (qual == VARYINGINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT) { desc << ", unqualified in " << stage << " shader"; return; } else { const string qualName = glu::getInterpolationName(getGluInterpolation(qual)); name << "_" << stage << "_" << qualName; desc << ", qualified '" << qualName << "' in " << stage << " shader"; } } } // anonymous TestCaseGroup* createSeparateShaderTests (Context& ctx) { TestParams defaultParams; int numIterations = 4; TestCaseGroup* group = new TestCaseGroup(ctx, "separate_shader", "Separate shader tests"); defaultParams.useUniform = false; defaultParams.initSingle = false; defaultParams.switchVtx = false; defaultParams.switchFrg = false; defaultParams.useCreateHelper = false; defaultParams.useProgramUniform = false; defaultParams.useSameName = false; defaultParams.varyings.count = 0; defaultParams.varyings.type = glu::TYPE_INVALID; defaultParams.varyings.binding = BINDING_NAME; defaultParams.varyings.vtxInterp = VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST; defaultParams.varyings.frgInterp = VARYINGINTERPOLATION_LAST; TestCaseGroup* stagesGroup = new TestCaseGroup(ctx, "pipeline", "Pipeline configuration tests"); group->addChild(stagesGroup); for (deUint32 flags = 0; flags < PARAMFLAGS_LAST << 2; ++flags) { TestParams params = defaultParams; ostringstream name; ostringstream desc; if (!areCaseParamFlagsValid(ParamFlags(flags & PARAMFLAGS_MASK))) continue; if (flags & (PARAMFLAGS_LAST << 1)) { params.useSameName = true; name << "same_"; desc << "Identically named "; } else { name << "different_"; desc << "Differently named "; } if (flags & PARAMFLAGS_LAST) { params.useUniform = true; name << "uniform_"; desc << "uniforms, "; } else { name << "constant_"; desc << "constants, "; } addRenderTest(*stagesGroup, name.str(), desc.str(), numIterations, ParamFlags(flags & PARAMFLAGS_MASK), params); } TestCaseGroup* programUniformGroup = new TestCaseGroup(ctx, "program_uniform", "ProgramUniform tests"); group->addChild(programUniformGroup); for (deUint32 flags = 0; flags < PARAMFLAGS_LAST; ++flags) { TestParams params = defaultParams; if (!areCaseParamFlagsValid(ParamFlags(flags))) continue; params.useUniform = true; params.useProgramUniform = true; addRenderTest(*programUniformGroup, "", "", numIterations, ParamFlags(flags), params); } TestCaseGroup* createShaderProgramGroup = new TestCaseGroup(ctx, "create_shader_program", "CreateShaderProgram tests"); group->addChild(createShaderProgramGroup); for (deUint32 flags = 0; flags < PARAMFLAGS_LAST; ++flags) { TestParams params = defaultParams; if (!areCaseParamFlagsValid(ParamFlags(flags))) continue; params.useCreateHelper = true; addRenderTest(*createShaderProgramGroup, "", "", numIterations, ParamFlags(flags), params); } TestCaseGroup* interfaceGroup = new TestCaseGroup(ctx, "interface", "Shader interface compatibility tests"); group->addChild(interfaceGroup); enum { NUM_INTERPOLATIONS = VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM, // VARYINGINTERPOLATION_RANDOM is one after last fully specified interpolation INTERFACEFLAGS_LAST = BINDING_LAST * NUM_INTERPOLATIONS * NUM_INTERPOLATIONS }; for (deUint32 flags = 0; flags < INTERFACEFLAGS_LAST; ++flags) { deUint32 tmpFlags = flags; VaryingInterpolation frgInterp = VaryingInterpolation(tmpFlags % NUM_INTERPOLATIONS); VaryingInterpolation vtxInterp = VaryingInterpolation((tmpFlags /= NUM_INTERPOLATIONS) % NUM_INTERPOLATIONS); BindingKind binding = BindingKind((tmpFlags /= NUM_INTERPOLATIONS) % BINDING_LAST); TestParams params = defaultParams; ostringstream name; ostringstream desc; params.varyings.count = 1; params.varyings.type = glu::TYPE_FLOAT; params.varyings.binding = binding; params.varyings.vtxInterp = vtxInterp; params.varyings.frgInterp = frgInterp; switch (binding) { case BINDING_LOCATION: name << "same_location"; desc << "Varyings have same location, "; break; case BINDING_NAME: name << "same_name"; desc << "Varyings have same name, "; break; default: DE_FATAL("Impossible"); } describeInterpolation("vertex", vtxInterp, name, desc); describeInterpolation("fragment", frgInterp, name, desc); if (!paramsValid(params)) continue; interfaceGroup->addChild( new SeparateShaderTest(ctx, name.str(), desc.str(), numIterations, params, &SeparateShaderTest::testPipelineRendering)); } deUint32 baseSeed = ctx.getTestContext().getCommandLine().getBaseSeed(); Random rnd (deStringHash("separate_shader.random") + baseSeed); set seen; TestCaseGroup* randomGroup = new TestCaseGroup( ctx, "random", "Random pipeline configuration tests"); group->addChild(randomGroup); for (deUint32 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { TestParams params; string code; deUint32 genIterations = 4096; do { params = genParams(rnd.getUint32()); code = paramsCode(params); } while (de::contains(seen, code) && --genIterations > 0); seen.insert(code); string name = de::toString(i); // Would be code but baseSeed can change randomGroup->addChild(new SeparateShaderTest( ctx, name, name, numIterations, params, &SeparateShaderTest::testPipelineRendering)); } TestCaseGroup* apiGroup = new TestCaseGroup(ctx, "api", "Program pipeline API tests"); group->addChild(apiGroup); { // More or less random parameters. These shouldn't have much effect, so just // do a single sample. TestParams params = defaultParams; params.useUniform = true; apiGroup->addChild(new SeparateShaderTest( ctx, "current_program_priority", "Test priority between current program and pipeline binding", 1, params, &SeparateShaderTest::testCurrentProgPriority)); apiGroup->addChild(new SeparateShaderTest( ctx, "active_program_uniform", "Test that glUniform() affects a pipeline's active program", 1, params, &SeparateShaderTest::testActiveProgramUniform)); apiGroup->addChild(new SeparateShaderTest( ctx, "pipeline_programs", "Test queries for programs in program pipeline stages", 1, params, &SeparateShaderTest::testPipelineQueryPrograms)); apiGroup->addChild(new SeparateShaderTest( ctx, "pipeline_active", "Test query for active programs in a program pipeline", 1, params, &SeparateShaderTest::testPipelineQueryActive)); } TestCaseGroup* interfaceMismatchGroup = new TestCaseGroup(ctx, "validation", "Negative program pipeline interface matching"); group->addChild(interfaceMismatchGroup); { gls::ShaderLibrary shaderLibrary (ctx.getTestContext(), ctx.getRenderContext(), ctx.getContextInfo()); const std::vector children = shaderLibrary.loadShaderFile("shaders/separate_shader_validation.test"); for (int i = 0; i < (int)children.size(); i++) interfaceMismatchGroup->addChild(children[i]); } return group; } } // Functional } // gles31 } // deqp