/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrVkDescriptorPool.h" #include "GrVkGpu.h" #include "SkTemplates.h" GrVkDescriptorPool::GrVkDescriptorPool(const GrVkGpu* gpu, const DescriptorTypeCounts& typeCounts) : INHERITED() , fTypeCounts(typeCounts) { int numPools = fTypeCounts.numPoolSizes(); SkAutoTDeleteArray poolSizes(new VkDescriptorPoolSize[numPools]); int currentPool = 0; for (int i = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_BEGIN_RANGE; i < VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_END_RANGE; ++i) { if (fTypeCounts.fDescriptorTypeCount[i]) { VkDescriptorPoolSize& poolSize = poolSizes.get()[currentPool++]; poolSize.type = (VkDescriptorType)i; poolSize.descriptorCount = fTypeCounts.fDescriptorTypeCount[i]; } } SkASSERT(currentPool == numPools); VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo createInfo; memset(&createInfo, 0, sizeof(VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo)); createInfo.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_POOL_CREATE_INFO; createInfo.pNext = nullptr; createInfo.flags = 0; createInfo.maxSets = 2; // Currently we allow one set for samplers and one set for uniforms createInfo.poolSizeCount = numPools; createInfo.pPoolSizes = poolSizes.get(); GR_VK_CALL_ERRCHECK(gpu->vkInterface(), CreateDescriptorPool(gpu->device(), &createInfo, nullptr, &fDescPool)); } bool GrVkDescriptorPool::isCompatible(const DescriptorTypeCounts& typeCounts) const { return fTypeCounts.isSuperSet(typeCounts); } void GrVkDescriptorPool::reset(const GrVkGpu* gpu) { GR_VK_CALL_ERRCHECK(gpu->vkInterface(), ResetDescriptorPool(gpu->device(), fDescPool, 0)); } void GrVkDescriptorPool::freeGPUData(const GrVkGpu* gpu) const { // Destroying the VkDescriptorPool will automatically free and delete any VkDescriptorSets // allocated from the pool. GR_VK_CALL(gpu->vkInterface(), DestroyDescriptorPool(gpu->device(), fDescPool, nullptr)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int GrVkDescriptorPool::DescriptorTypeCounts::numPoolSizes() const { int count = 0; for (int i = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_BEGIN_RANGE; i < VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_END_RANGE; ++i) { count += fDescriptorTypeCount[i] ? 1 : 0; } return count; } bool GrVkDescriptorPool::DescriptorTypeCounts::isSuperSet(const DescriptorTypeCounts& that) const { for (int i = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_BEGIN_RANGE; i < VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_END_RANGE; ++i) { if (that.fDescriptorTypeCount[i] > fDescriptorTypeCount[i]) { return false; } } return true; } void GrVkDescriptorPool::DescriptorTypeCounts::setTypeCount(VkDescriptorType type, uint8_t count) { fDescriptorTypeCount[type] = count; }