# Powershell script for running the vktrace trace/replay auto test # To run this test: # cd # powershell C:\src\LoaderAndTools\vktracereplay.ps1 [-Debug] if ($args[0] -eq "-Debug") { $dPath = "Debug" } else { $dPath = "Release" } write-host -background black -foreground green "[ RUN ] " -nonewline write-host "vkvalidatelayerdoc.ps1: Validate layer documentation" # Run doc validation from project root dir push-location ..\.. # Validate that layer documentation matches source contents python vk_layer_documentation_generate.py --validate # Report result based on exit code if (!$LASTEXITCODE) { write-host -background black -foreground green "[ PASSED ] " -nonewline; $exitstatus = 0 } else { echo 'Validation of vk_validation_layer_details.md failed' write-host -background black -foreground red "[ FAILED ] " -nonewline; echo '1 FAILED TEST' $exitstatus = 1 } pop-location exit $exitstatus