/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL PRECISION INSIGHT AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #include "sysdeps.h" #include "va.h" #include "va_backend.h" #include "va_trace.h" #include "va_fool.h" #include "va_x11.h" #include "va_dri.h" #include "va_dri2.h" #include "va_dricommon.h" #include "va_nvctrl.h" #include "va_fglrx.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int va_DisplayContextIsValid ( VADisplayContextP pDisplayContext ) { return (pDisplayContext != NULL && pDisplayContext->pDriverContext != NULL); } static void va_DisplayContextDestroy ( VADisplayContextP pDisplayContext ) { VADriverContextP ctx; struct dri_state *dri_state; if (pDisplayContext == NULL) return; ctx = pDisplayContext->pDriverContext; dri_state = ctx->drm_state; if (dri_state && dri_state->close) dri_state->close(ctx); free(pDisplayContext->pDriverContext->drm_state); free(pDisplayContext->pDriverContext); free(pDisplayContext); } static VAStatus va_DRI2GetDriverName ( VADisplayContextP pDisplayContext, char **driver_name ) { VADriverContextP ctx = pDisplayContext->pDriverContext; if (!isDRI2Connected(ctx, driver_name)) return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static VAStatus va_DRIGetDriverName ( VADisplayContextP pDisplayContext, char **driver_name ) { VADriverContextP ctx = pDisplayContext->pDriverContext; if (!isDRI1Connected(ctx, driver_name)) return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static VAStatus va_NVCTRL_GetDriverName ( VADisplayContextP pDisplayContext, char **driver_name ) { VADriverContextP ctx = pDisplayContext->pDriverContext; int direct_capable, driver_major, driver_minor, driver_patch; Bool result; result = VA_NVCTRLQueryDirectRenderingCapable(ctx->native_dpy, ctx->x11_screen, &direct_capable); if (!result || !direct_capable) return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; result = VA_NVCTRLGetClientDriverName(ctx->native_dpy, ctx->x11_screen, &driver_major, &driver_minor, &driver_patch, driver_name); if (!result) return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static VAStatus va_FGLRX_GetDriverName ( VADisplayContextP pDisplayContext, char **driver_name ) { VADriverContextP ctx = pDisplayContext->pDriverContext; int driver_major, driver_minor, driver_patch; Bool result; result = VA_FGLRXGetClientDriverName(ctx->native_dpy, ctx->x11_screen, &driver_major, &driver_minor, &driver_patch, driver_name); if (!result) return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static VAStatus va_DisplayContextGetDriverName ( VADisplayContextP pDisplayContext, char **driver_name ) { VAStatus vaStatus; if (driver_name) *driver_name = NULL; else return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; vaStatus = va_DRI2GetDriverName(pDisplayContext, driver_name); if (vaStatus != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) vaStatus = va_DRIGetDriverName(pDisplayContext, driver_name); if (vaStatus != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) vaStatus = va_NVCTRL_GetDriverName(pDisplayContext, driver_name); if (vaStatus != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) vaStatus = va_FGLRX_GetDriverName(pDisplayContext, driver_name); return vaStatus; } VADisplay vaGetDisplay ( Display *native_dpy /* implementation specific */ ) { VADisplay dpy = NULL; VADisplayContextP pDisplayContext; if (!native_dpy) return NULL; if (!dpy) { /* create new entry */ VADriverContextP pDriverContext; struct dri_state *dri_state; pDisplayContext = calloc(1, sizeof(*pDisplayContext)); pDriverContext = calloc(1, sizeof(*pDriverContext)); dri_state = calloc(1, sizeof(*dri_state)); if (pDisplayContext && pDriverContext && dri_state) { pDisplayContext->vadpy_magic = VA_DISPLAY_MAGIC; pDriverContext->native_dpy = (void *)native_dpy; pDriverContext->display_type = VA_DISPLAY_X11; pDisplayContext->pDriverContext = pDriverContext; pDisplayContext->vaIsValid = va_DisplayContextIsValid; pDisplayContext->vaDestroy = va_DisplayContextDestroy; pDisplayContext->vaGetDriverName = va_DisplayContextGetDriverName; pDisplayContext->opaque = NULL; pDriverContext->drm_state = dri_state; dpy = (VADisplay)pDisplayContext; } else { if (pDisplayContext) free(pDisplayContext); if (pDriverContext) free(pDriverContext); if (dri_state) free(dri_state); } } return dpy; } #define CTX(dpy) (((VADisplayContextP)dpy)->pDriverContext) #define CHECK_DISPLAY(dpy) if( !vaDisplayIsValid(dpy) ) { return VA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_DISPLAY; } void va_TracePutSurface ( VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surface, void *draw, /* the target Drawable */ short srcx, short srcy, unsigned short srcw, unsigned short srch, short destx, short desty, unsigned short destw, unsigned short desth, VARectangle *cliprects, /* client supplied clip list */ unsigned int number_cliprects, /* number of clip rects in the clip list */ unsigned int flags /* de-interlacing flags */ ); VAStatus vaPutSurface ( VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surface, Drawable draw, /* X Drawable */ short srcx, short srcy, unsigned short srcw, unsigned short srch, short destx, short desty, unsigned short destw, unsigned short desth, VARectangle *cliprects, /* client supplied clip list */ unsigned int number_cliprects, /* number of clip rects in the clip list */ unsigned int flags /* de-interlacing flags */ ) { VADriverContextP ctx; if (fool_postp) return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; CHECK_DISPLAY(dpy); ctx = CTX(dpy); VA_TRACE_LOG(va_TracePutSurface, dpy, surface, (void *)draw, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch, destx, desty, destw, desth, cliprects, number_cliprects, flags ); return ctx->vtable->vaPutSurface( ctx, surface, (void *)draw, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch, destx, desty, destw, desth, cliprects, number_cliprects, flags ); }