These instructions will help you in flashing the prebuilt bootloader images and AOSP images (built from sources) on hikey960. There are two versions of HiKey960: v1 and v2. * v1 is using Jumper (J2001) * v2 is using DIP switch (SW2201). Both are located at the bottom side of the board. Jumper Pin 1-2 = DIP switch 1 (AutoBoot) Jumper Pin 3-4 = DIP switch 2 (Recovery Mode) JUmper Pin 5-6 = DIP switch 3 (Fastboot Mode) * Always power off the board before changing the switches or jumpers. * To boot into fastboot mode set switch 1 & 3 to ON state and switch 2 to OFF state. * To boot into normal mode set switch 1 to ON and switch 2 & 3 to OFF state. To flash the OS to the board, set the jumpers to fastboot mode, and power on the device. Connect a USB-C cable to the OTG port and your host device. On your host device, run the script to update boot files using fastboot. It assumes that you have already build hikey960 AOSP images locally, or are flashing a factory image. $ ./ After that completes, power the board off, and set the switches back to normal mode and boot the device. Trouble shooting: ----------------- If you have any trouble booting the device after running ./ you may need to do a board recovery. This is hopefully uncommon, but may be necessary in some cases (like if your board has pre-release firmware on it). In this case clone the git project here: And follow the instructions in the