import antlr3 import testbase import unittest import os import sys from cStringIO import StringIO import difflib class t018llstar(testbase.ANTLRTest): def setUp(self): self.compileGrammar() def testValid(self): inputPath = os.path.splitext(__file__)[0] + '.input' cStream = antlr3.StringStream(open(inputPath).read()) lexer = self.getLexer(cStream) tStream = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = self.getParser(tStream) parser.program() output = parser.output.getvalue() outputPath = os.path.splitext(__file__)[0] + '.output' testOutput = open(outputPath).read() success = (output == testOutput) if not success: d = difflib.Differ() r =, testOutput.splitlines(1)) ''.join([l.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace') for l in r]) ) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ## # run an infinite loop with randomly mangled input ## while True: ## print "ping" ## input = open(inputPath).read() ## import random ## input = list(input) # make it mutable ## for _ in range(3): ## p1 = random.randrange(len(input)) ## p2 = random.randrange(len(input)) ## c1 = input[p1] ## input[p1] = input[p2] ## input[p2] = c1 ## input = ''.join(input) # back to string ## try: ## cStream = antlr3.StringStream(input) ## lexer = Lexer(cStream) ## tStream = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer) ## parser = TestParser(tStream) ## parser.program() ## except antlr3.RecognitionException, exc: ## print exc ## for l in input.splitlines()[0:exc.line]: ## print l ## print ' '*exc.charPositionInLine + '^' ## except BaseException, exc: ## print '\n'.join(['%02d: %s' % (idx+1, l) for idx, l in enumerate(input.splitlines())]) ## print "%s at %d:%d" % (exc, cStream.line, cStream.charPositionInLine) ## print ## raise