import unittest import textwrap import antlr3 import antlr3.tree import stringtemplate3 import testbase import sys import os from StringIO import StringIO # FIXME: port other tests from class T(testbase.ANTLRTest): def execParser(self, grammar, grammarEntry, input): lexerCls, parserCls = self.compileInlineGrammar(grammar) cStream = antlr3.StringStream(input) lexer = lexerCls(cStream) tStream = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = parserCls(tStream) result = getattr(parser, grammarEntry)() return result def testRefToRuleDoesNotSetChannel(self): # this must set channel of A to HIDDEN. $channel is local to rule # like $type. grammar = textwrap.dedent( r''' grammar P; options { language=Python; } a returns [foo]: A EOF { $foo = '\%s, channel=\%d' \% ($A.text, $; } ; A : '-' WS I ; I : '0'..'9'+ ; WS : (' '|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ; ''') found = self.execParser( grammar, 'a', "- 34" ) self.failUnlessEqual("- 34, channel=0", found) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()