# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. AUTHOR = "derat, chromeos-ui" NAME = "desktopui_ChromeSanity" ATTRIBUTES = "suite:bvt-perbuild" TIME = "SHORT" TEST_CATEGORY = "General" TEST_CLASS = "desktopui" TEST_TYPE = "client" JOB_RETRIES = 0 DOC = """ Test that Chrome is at least marginally usable. Uses Telemetry to log in, load a simple HTML page, and log out. Along the way, tests that session_manager emits the expected SessionStateChanged D-Bus signal about the session starting and that the user's encrypted home directory is mounted. A failure can indicate several things: - Telemetry-to-Chrome communication isn't working (is Chrome crashing?). - Chrome and session_manager aren't coordinating login properly. - Chrome is internally broken and can't load web pages. - Chrome and cryptohome aren't coordinating user home dir mounting properly. That's a fairly broad range of causes. They're all covered here with the intent of providing a single fast-running, minimally-flaky test that can be used to validate new versions of Chrome before integrating them into Chrome OS. The info log provides high-level information about what the test is doing and can hopefully be used to narrow down the location of failure. """ job.run_test('desktopui_ChromeSanity')