# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import re from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error class _Matcher(object): """Extends regular expression with a match/do not match bit and a saner definition of "match". """ def __init__(self, pattern): self._pattern = pattern # If the pattern starts with !, it means "do not match". if pattern[0] == '!': self._positive_match = False pattern = pattern[1:] else: self._positive_match = True # re.match() forces the RE to match from the beginning, but doesn't # require that the RE matches the entire string, so wrap with ^$ even # though the ^ is not strictly needed. self._regexp = re.compile("^" + pattern + "$") def match(self, string): return bool(self._regexp.match(string)) == self._positive_match _ALPHANUM = _Matcher("[\d\w]+") _NUM = _Matcher("[\d]+") _HEXNUM = _Matcher("0x[\da-fA-F]+") _BIT = _Matcher("[01]") _ANYTHING = _Matcher("!(\(error\))|") # anything but "(error)" or "" def check(var, matcher): """ Runs "crossystem @var" and raises an error if the output does not match @matcher @param var: the name of a crossystem variable @param matcher: a matcher that must match the output of crossystem @var """ output = utils.system_output("crossystem %s" % var).strip() if not matcher.match(output): raise error.TestFail("crossystem %s = \"%s\", does not match \"%s\"" % (var, output, matcher._pattern)) class platform_Crossystem(test.test): """See control file for doc""" version = 2 def run_once(self): """Checks that crossystem works and returns plausible values for a set of variables that are implemented on all platforms. """ for var, matcher in ( ("arch", _ALPHANUM), ("cros_debug", _BIT), ("debug_build", _BIT), ("devsw_boot", _BIT), ("devsw_cur", _BIT), ("fwid", _ANYTHING), ("hwid", _ANYTHING), ("loc_idx", _NUM), ("mainfw_act", _ALPHANUM), ("mainfw_type", _ALPHANUM), ("ro_fwid", _ANYTHING), ("tpm_fwver", _HEXNUM), ("tpm_kernver", _HEXNUM), ("wpsw_boot", _BIT), ("wpsw_cur", _BIT), ): check(var, matcher)