import itertools import common def _get_unpassable_types(arg): """ Given an argument, returns a set of types contained in arg that are unpassable. If arg is an atomic type (e.g. int) it either returns an empty set (if the type is passable) or a singleton of the type (if the type is not passable). """ if isinstance(arg, (basestring, int, long)): return set() elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, set, frozenset, dict)): if isinstance(arg, dict): # keys and values must both be passable parts = itertools.chain(arg.iterkeys(), arg.itervalues()) else: # for all other containers we just iterate parts = iter(arg) types = set() for part in parts: types |= _get_unpassable_types(part) return types else: return set([type(arg)]) def _validate_args(args): """ Validates arguments. Lists and dictionaries are valid argument types, so you can pass *args and **dargs in directly, rather than having to iterate over them yourself. """ unpassable_types = _get_unpassable_types(args) if unpassable_types: msg = "arguments of type '%s' cannot be passed to remote profilers" msg %= ", ".join(t.__name__ for t in unpassable_types) raise TypeError(msg) class profiler_proxy(object): """ This is a server-side class that acts as a proxy to a real client-side profiler class.""" def __init__(self, profiler_name): = profiler_name # does the profiler support rebooting? profiler_module = common.setup_modules.import_module( profiler_name, "autotest_lib.client.profilers.%s" % profiler_name) profiler_class = getattr(profiler_module, profiler_name) self.supports_reboot = profiler_class.supports_reboot def initialize(self, *args, **dargs): _validate_args(args) _validate_args(dargs) self.args, self.dargs = args, dargs def setup(self, *args, **dargs): assert self.args == args and self.dargs == dargs # the actual setup happens lazily at start() def start(self, test, host=None): raise NotImplementedError('start not implemented') def stop(self, test, host=None): raise NotImplementedError('stop not implemented') def report(self, test, host=None, wait_on_client=True): raise NotImplementedError('report not implemented')