# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Modules for obtaining Chrome OS release info.""" import ConfigParser import bisect import os _RELEASE_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'release_config.ini') # Prefix for brachpoint definitions in the config file. _CONF_BRANCH_SECTION = 'BRANCH' _CONF_BRANCH_POINTS_OPT = 'branch_points' _CONF_BRANCH_POINT_OPT_PREFIX = 'bp_' _CONF_NEXT_BRANCH_OPT = 'next_branch' class ReleaseError(BaseException): """Errors related to release and branch inference.""" pass class ReleaseInfo(object): """Provides reference information about Chrome OS releases. Currently, this class serves for mapping between releases and branches / release milestones. The information lives in a .ini file at the current directory, which has a single section [BRANCH] containing branch_points: comma-separated list of release branches (e.g. R10, R11, ...) bp_XYZ: for each branch listed above, a variable that maps to the Chrome OS release at that branchpoint (e.g. bp_r10: Note that .ini file variables are case-insensitive. next_branch: the name of the current (unforked) branch (e.g. R24) It is also worth noting that a branch point X.Y.Z (alternatively, W.X.Y.Z) of some branch R denotes the build number X (repsectively, W) that constitutes the said branch. Therefore, it is only from build X+1 (W+1) and onward that releases will be tagged with R+1. """ def __init__(self): self._release_config = None self._branchpoint_dict = None self._next_branch = None self._sorted_branchpoint_list = None self._sorted_shifted_branchpoint_rel_key_list = None def initialize(self): """Read release config and initialize lookup data structures.""" self._release_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: self._release_config.readfp(open(_RELEASE_CONFIG_FILE)) # Build branchpoint dictionary. branchpoint_list_str = self._release_config.get( _CONF_BRANCH_SECTION, _CONF_BRANCH_POINTS_OPT) if branchpoint_list_str: branchpoint_list = map(str.strip, branchpoint_list_str.split(',')) else: branchpoint_list = [] self._branchpoint_dict = {} for branchpoint in branchpoint_list: self._branchpoint_dict[branchpoint] = ( self._release_config.get( _CONF_BRANCH_SECTION, _CONF_BRANCH_POINT_OPT_PREFIX + branchpoint)) # Get next branch name. self._next_branch = self._release_config.get(_CONF_BRANCH_SECTION, _CONF_NEXT_BRANCH_OPT) if not self._next_branch: raise ReleaseError("missing `%s' option" % _CONF_NEXT_BRANCH_OPT) except IOError, e: raise ReleaseError('failed to open release config file (%s): %s' % (_RELEASE_CONFIG_FILE, e)) except ConfigParser.Error, e: raise ReleaseError('failed to load release config: %s' % e) # Infer chronologically sorted list of branchpoints. self._sorted_branchpoint_list = self._branchpoint_dict.items() self._sorted_branchpoint_list.append((self._next_branch, '99999.0.0')) self._sorted_branchpoint_list.sort( key=lambda (branch, release): self._release_key(release)) # Also store a sorted list of branchpoint release keys, for easy lookup. self._sorted_shifted_branchpoint_rel_key_list = [ self._release_key(self._next_build_number_release(release)) for (branch, release) in self._sorted_branchpoint_list] def _next_build_number_release(self, release): """Returns the release of the next build following a given release. Given a release number 'X.Y.Z' (new scheme) or '0.X.Y.Z' (old scheme) it will return 'X+1.0.0' or '0.X+1.0.0', respectively. @param release: the release number in dotted notation (string) @return The release number of the next build. @raise ReleaseError if the release is malformed. """ release_components = release.split('.') if len(release_components) == 4 and release_components[0] == '0': prepend = '0.' x = int(release_components[1]) elif len(release_components) != 3: raise ReleaseError('invalid release number: %s' % release) else: prepend = '' x = int(release_components[0]) return '%s%s.0.0' % (prepend, x + 1) def _release_key(self, release): """Convert a Chrome OS release string into an integer key. This translates a release string 'X.Y.Z' (new scheme) or 'W.X.Y.Z' (old scheme where W = 0) into an integer whose value equals X * 10^7 + Y * 10^3 + Z, assuming that Y < 10^4 and Z < 10^3, and will scale safely to any foreseeable major release number (X). @param release: the release number in dotted notation (string) @return A unique integer key representing the release. @raise ReleaseError if the release is malformed. """ release_components = release.split('.') if len(release_components) == 4 and release_components[0] == '0': release_components = release_components[1:] elif len(release_components) != 3: raise ReleaseError('invalid release number: %s' % release) x, y, z = [int(s) for s in release_components] return x * 10000000 + y * 1000 + z def get_branch_list(self): """Retruns chronologically sorted list of branch names.""" return [branch for (branch, release) in self._sorted_branchpoint_list] def get_branch(self, release): """Returns the branch name of a given release version. """ i = bisect.bisect_left(self._sorted_shifted_branchpoint_rel_key_list, self._release_key(release)) return self._sorted_branchpoint_list[i][0] if i else None def get_branchpoint_release(self, branch): """Returns the branchpoint release of a given branch. Returns None if given name is the next branch. @raise KeyError if branch name not known """ if branch == self._next_branch: return None return self._branchpoint_dict[branch]