import os, sys class ParallelError(Exception): def __init__(self, str, errors): self.str = str self.errors = errors Exception.__init__(self, str) class ParallelExecute(object): def __init__(self, functions, max_simultaneous_procs=20): """\ This takes in a dictionary of functions which map to a set of functions that they depend on. functions: This is either a list of or dictionary of functions to be run. If it's a dictionary, the value should be a set of other functions this function is dependent on. If its a list (or tuple or anything iterable that returns a single element each iteration), then it's assumed that there are no dependencies. max_simultaneous_procs: Throttle the number of processes we have running at once. """ if not isinstance(functions, dict): function_list = functions functions = {} for fn in function_list: functions[fn] = set() dependents = {} for fn, deps in functions.iteritems(): dependents[fn] = [] for fn, deps in functions.iteritems(): for dep in deps: dependents[dep].append(fn) self.max_procs = max_simultaneous_procs self.functions = functions self.dependents = dependents self.pid_map = {} self.ready_to_run = [] def _run(self, function): self.functions.pop(function) pid = os.fork() if pid: self.pid_map[pid] = function else: function() sys.exit(0) def run_until_completion(self): for fn, deps in self.functions.iteritems(): if len(deps) == 0: self.ready_to_run.append(fn) errors = [] while len(self.pid_map) > 0 or len(self.ready_to_run) > 0: max_allowed = self.max_procs - len(self.pid_map) max_able = len(self.ready_to_run) for i in xrange(min(max_allowed, max_able)): self._run(self.ready_to_run.pop()) # Handle one proc that's finished. pid, status = os.wait() fn = self.pid_map.pop(pid) if status != 0: errors.append("%s failed" % fn.__name__) continue for dependent in self.dependents[fn]: self.functions[dependent].remove(fn) if len(self.functions[dependent]) == 0: self.ready_to_run.append(dependent) if len(self.functions) > 0 and len(errors) == 0: errors.append("Deadlock detected") if len(errors) > 0: msg = "Errors occurred during execution:" msg = '\n'.join([msg] + errors) raise ParallelError(msg, errors) def redirect_io(log_file='/dev/null'): # Always redirect stdin. in_fd ='/dev/null', os.O_RDONLY) try: os.dup2(in_fd, 0) finally: os.close(in_fd) out_fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT) try: os.dup2(out_fd, 2) os.dup2(out_fd, 1) finally: os.close(out_fd) sys.stdin = os.fdopen(0, 'r') sys.stdout = os.fdopen(1, 'w') sys.stderr = os.fdopen(2, 'w')