# [devil.utils.markdown](https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult/blob/master/devil/devil/utils/markdown.py) *This page was autogenerated by `devil/utils/markdown.py --module-link https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult/blob/master/devil/devil/utils/markdown.py`* ## MarkdownHelpAction ### MarkdownHelpAction.\_\_init\_\_ ### MarkdownHelpAction.\_\_call\_\_ ## MarkdownHelpFormatter A really bare-bones argparse help formatter that generates valid markdown. ``` This will generate something like: usage # **section heading**: ## **--argument-one** \`\`\` argument-one help text \`\`\` ``` ### MarkdownHelpFormatter.format\_help ### MarkdownHelpFormatter.start\_section ### md\_bold Returns markdown-formatted bold text. ### md\_code Returns a markdown-formatted code block in the given language. ### md\_escape Escapes \* and \_. ### md\_heading Returns markdown-formatted heading. ### md\_inline\_code Returns markdown-formatted inline code. ### md\_italic Returns markdown-formatted italic text. ### md\_link returns a markdown-formatted link. ### add\_md\_help\_argument Adds --md-help to the given argparse.ArgumentParser. ``` Running a script with --md-help will print the help text for that script as valid markdown. Args: parser: The ArgumentParser to which --md-help should be added. ``` ### load\_module\_from\_path Load a module given only the path name. ``` Also loads package modules as necessary. Args: module_path: An absolute path to a python module. Returns: The module object for the given path. ``` ### md\_module Write markdown documentation for a class. ``` Documents public classes and functions. Args: class_obj: a types.TypeType object for the class that should be documented. Returns: A list of markdown-formatted lines. ``` ### md\_class Write markdown documentation for a class. ``` Documents public methods. Does not currently document subclasses. Args: class_obj: a types.TypeType object for the class that should be documented. Returns: A list of markdown-formatted lines. ``` ### md\_docstring Write a markdown-formatted docstring. ``` Returns: A list of markdown-formatted lines. ``` ### md\_function Write markdown documentation for a function. ``` Args: func_obj: a types.FunctionType object for the function that should be documented. Returns: A list of markdown-formatted lines. ``` ### main Write markdown documentation for the module at the provided path. ``` Args: raw_args: the raw command-line args. Usually sys.argv[1:]. Returns: An integer exit code. 0 for success, non-zero for failure. ```