# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//testing/test.gni") static_library("test_support") { testonly = true sources = [ "mojo_test_base.cc", "mojo_test_base.h", "scoped_ipc_support.cc", "scoped_ipc_support.h", "test_utils.h", "test_utils_posix.cc", "test_utils_win.cc", ] if (!is_ios) { sources += [ "multiprocess_test_helper.cc", "multiprocess_test_helper.h", ] } deps = [ "//base", "//base/test:test_support", "//mojo/edk/system", "//mojo/public/cpp/system", "//testing/gtest", ] } source_set("run_all_unittests") { testonly = true sources = [ "run_all_unittests.cc", ] deps = [ ":test_support", ":test_support_impl", "//base", "//base/test:test_support", "//mojo/edk/system", "//mojo/public/c/test_support", "//testing/gtest", ] if (is_linux && !is_component_build) { public_configs = [ "//build/config/gcc:rpath_for_built_shared_libraries" ] } } source_set("run_all_perftests") { testonly = true deps = [ ":test_support_impl", "//base", "//base/test:test_support", "//mojo/edk/system", "//mojo/edk/test:test_support", "//mojo/public/c/test_support", ] sources = [ "run_all_perftests.cc", ] if (is_linux && !is_component_build) { public_configs = [ "//build/config/gcc:rpath_for_built_shared_libraries" ] } } static_library("test_support_impl") { testonly = true deps = [ "//base", "//base/test:test_support", "//mojo/public/c/test_support", "//mojo/public/cpp/system", ] sources = [ "test_support_impl.cc", "test_support_impl.h", ] } # Public SDK test targets follow. These targets are not defined within the # public SDK itself as running the unittests requires the EDK. # TODO(vtl): These don't really belong here. (They should be converted to # apptests, but even apart from that these targets belong somewhere else.) group("public_tests") { testonly = true deps = [ ":mojo_public_bindings_unittests", ":mojo_public_system_perftests", ":mojo_public_system_unittests", ] } test("mojo_public_bindings_perftests") { deps = [ ":run_all_perftests", "//mojo/edk/test:test_support", "//mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests:perftests", ] } test("mojo_public_bindings_unittests") { deps = [ ":run_all_unittests", "//mojo/edk/test:test_support", "//mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests", ] } test("mojo_public_system_perftests") { deps = [ ":run_all_perftests", "//mojo/public/c/system/tests:perftests", ] } test("mojo_public_system_unittests") { deps = [ ":run_all_unittests", "//mojo/public/cpp/system/tests", ] }