; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -disable-fp-elim < %s -mtriple=aarch64-apple-ios -disable-post-ra | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-APPLE %s ; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -disable-fp-elim -O0 < %s -mtriple=aarch64-apple-ios -disable-post-ra | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-O0 %s declare i8* @malloc(i64) declare void @free(i8*) %swift_error = type {i64, i8} ; This tests the basic usage of a swifterror parameter. "foo" is the function ; that takes a swifterror parameter and "caller" is the caller of "foo". define float @foo(%swift_error** swifterror %error_ptr_ref) { ; CHECK-APPLE-LABEL: foo: ; CHECK-APPLE: orr w0, wzr, #0x10 ; CHECK-APPLE: malloc ; CHECK-APPLE: orr [[ID:w[0-9]+]], wzr, #0x1 ; CHECK-APPLE: strb [[ID]], [x0, #8] ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x19, x0 ; CHECK-APPLE-NOT: x19 ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: foo: ; CHECK-O0: orr w{{.*}}, wzr, #0x10 ; CHECK-O0: malloc ; CHECK-O0: mov [[ID2:x[0-9]+]], x0 ; CHECK-O0: orr [[ID:w[0-9]+]], wzr, #0x1 ; CHECK-O0: strb [[ID]], [x0, #8] ; CHECK-O0: mov x19, [[ID2]] ; CHECK-O0-NOT: x19 entry: %call = call i8* @malloc(i64 16) %call.0 = bitcast i8* %call to %swift_error* store %swift_error* %call.0, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %tmp = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %call, i64 8 store i8 1, i8* %tmp ret float 1.0 } ; "caller" calls "foo" that takes a swifterror parameter. define float @caller(i8* %error_ref) { ; CHECK-APPLE-LABEL: caller: ; CHECK-APPLE: mov [[ID:x[0-9]+]], x0 ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x19, xzr ; CHECK-APPLE: bl {{.*}}foo ; CHECK-APPLE: cbnz x19 ; Access part of the error object and save it to error_ref ; CHECK-APPLE: ldrb [[CODE:w[0-9]+]], [x19, #8] ; CHECK-APPLE: strb [[CODE]], [{{.*}}[[ID]]] ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x0, x19 ; CHECK_APPLE: bl {{.*}}free ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: caller: ; CHECK-O0: mov x19 ; CHECK-O0: bl {{.*}}foo ; CHECK-O0: mov [[ID:x[0-9]+]], x19 ; CHECK-O0: cbnz [[ID]] entry: %error_ptr_ref = alloca swifterror %swift_error* store %swift_error* null, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %call = call float @foo(%swift_error** swifterror %error_ptr_ref) %error_from_foo = load %swift_error*, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %had_error_from_foo = icmp ne %swift_error* %error_from_foo, null %tmp = bitcast %swift_error* %error_from_foo to i8* br i1 %had_error_from_foo, label %handler, label %cont cont: %v1 = getelementptr inbounds %swift_error, %swift_error* %error_from_foo, i64 0, i32 1 %t = load i8, i8* %v1 store i8 %t, i8* %error_ref br label %handler handler: call void @free(i8* %tmp) ret float 1.0 } ; "caller2" is the caller of "foo", it calls "foo" inside a loop. define float @caller2(i8* %error_ref) { ; CHECK-APPLE-LABEL: caller2: ; CHECK-APPLE: mov [[ID:x[0-9]+]], x0 ; CHECK-APPLE: fmov [[CMP:s[0-9]+]], #1.0 ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x19, xzr ; CHECK-APPLE: bl {{.*}}foo ; CHECK-APPLE: cbnz x19 ; CHECK-APPLE: fcmp s0, [[CMP]] ; CHECK-APPLE: b.le ; Access part of the error object and save it to error_ref ; CHECK-APPLE: ldrb [[CODE:w[0-9]+]], [x19, #8] ; CHECK-APPLE: strb [[CODE]], [{{.*}}[[ID]]] ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x0, x19 ; CHECK_APPLE: bl {{.*}}free ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: caller2: ; CHECK-O0: mov x19 ; CHECK-O0: bl {{.*}}foo ; CHECK-O0: mov [[ID:x[0-9]+]], x19 ; CHECK-O0: cbnz [[ID]] entry: %error_ptr_ref = alloca swifterror %swift_error* br label %bb_loop bb_loop: store %swift_error* null, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %call = call float @foo(%swift_error** swifterror %error_ptr_ref) %error_from_foo = load %swift_error*, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %had_error_from_foo = icmp ne %swift_error* %error_from_foo, null %tmp = bitcast %swift_error* %error_from_foo to i8* br i1 %had_error_from_foo, label %handler, label %cont cont: %cmp = fcmp ogt float %call, 1.000000e+00 br i1 %cmp, label %bb_end, label %bb_loop bb_end: %v1 = getelementptr inbounds %swift_error, %swift_error* %error_from_foo, i64 0, i32 1 %t = load i8, i8* %v1 store i8 %t, i8* %error_ref br label %handler handler: call void @free(i8* %tmp) ret float 1.0 } ; "foo_if" is a function that takes a swifterror parameter, it sets swifterror ; under a certain condition. define float @foo_if(%swift_error** swifterror %error_ptr_ref, i32 %cc) { ; CHECK-APPLE-LABEL: foo_if: ; CHECK-APPLE: cbz w0 ; CHECK-APPLE: orr w0, wzr, #0x10 ; CHECK-APPLE: malloc ; CHECK-APPLE: orr [[ID:w[0-9]+]], wzr, #0x1 ; CHECK-APPLE: strb [[ID]], [x0, #8] ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x19, x0 ; CHECK-APPLE-NOT: x19 ; CHECK-APPLE: ret ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: foo_if: ; spill x19 ; CHECK-O0: str x19 ; CHECK-O0: cbz w0 ; CHECK-O0: orr w{{.*}}, wzr, #0x10 ; CHECK-O0: malloc ; CHECK-O0: mov [[ID:x[0-9]+]], x0 ; CHECK-O0: orr [[ID2:w[0-9]+]], wzr, #0x1 ; CHECK-O0: strb [[ID2]], [x0, #8] ; CHECK-O0: mov x19, [[ID]] ; CHECK-O0: ret ; reload from stack ; CHECK-O0: ldr x19 ; CHECK-O0: ret entry: %cond = icmp ne i32 %cc, 0 br i1 %cond, label %gen_error, label %normal gen_error: %call = call i8* @malloc(i64 16) %call.0 = bitcast i8* %call to %swift_error* store %swift_error* %call.0, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %tmp = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %call, i64 8 store i8 1, i8* %tmp ret float 1.0 normal: ret float 0.0 } ; "foo_loop" is a function that takes a swifterror parameter, it sets swifterror ; under a certain condition inside a loop. define float @foo_loop(%swift_error** swifterror %error_ptr_ref, i32 %cc, float %cc2) { ; CHECK-APPLE-LABEL: foo_loop: ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x0, x19 ; CHECK-APPLE: cbz ; CHECK-APPLE: orr w0, wzr, #0x10 ; CHECK-APPLE: malloc ; CHECK-APPLE: strb w{{.*}}, [x0, #8] ; CHECK-APPLE: fcmp ; CHECK-APPLE: b.le ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x19, x0 ; CHECK-APPLE: ret ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: foo_loop: ; spill x19 ; CHECK-O0: str x19 ; CHECk-O0: cbz ; CHECK-O0: orr w{{.*}}, wzr, #0x10 ; CHECK-O0: malloc ; CHECK-O0: mov [[ID:x[0-9]+]], x0 ; CHECK-O0: strb w{{.*}}, [{{.*}}[[ID]], #8] ; spill x0 ; CHECK-O0: str x0 ; CHECK-O0: fcmp ; CHECK-O0: b.le ; reload from stack ; CHECK-O0: ldr x19 ; CHECK-O0: ret entry: br label %bb_loop bb_loop: %cond = icmp ne i32 %cc, 0 br i1 %cond, label %gen_error, label %bb_cont gen_error: %call = call i8* @malloc(i64 16) %call.0 = bitcast i8* %call to %swift_error* store %swift_error* %call.0, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %tmp = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %call, i64 8 store i8 1, i8* %tmp br label %bb_cont bb_cont: %cmp = fcmp ogt float %cc2, 1.000000e+00 br i1 %cmp, label %bb_end, label %bb_loop bb_end: ret float 0.0 } %struct.S = type { i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32 } ; "foo_sret" is a function that takes a swifterror parameter, it also has a sret ; parameter. define void @foo_sret(%struct.S* sret %agg.result, i32 %val1, %swift_error** swifterror %error_ptr_ref) { ; CHECK-APPLE-LABEL: foo_sret: ; CHECK-APPLE: mov [[SRET:x[0-9]+]], x8 ; CHECK-APPLE: orr w0, wzr, #0x10 ; CHECK-APPLE: malloc ; CHECK-APPLE: orr [[ID:w[0-9]+]], wzr, #0x1 ; CHECK-APPLE: strb [[ID]], [x0, #8] ; CHECK-APPLE: str w{{.*}}, [{{.*}}[[SRET]], #4] ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x19, x0 ; CHECK-APPLE-NOT: x19 ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: foo_sret: ; CHECK-O0: orr w{{.*}}, wzr, #0x10 ; spill x8 ; CHECK-O0-DAG: str x8 ; spill x19 ; CHECK-O0-DAG: str x19 ; CHECK-O0: malloc ; CHECK-O0: orr [[ID:w[0-9]+]], wzr, #0x1 ; CHECK-O0: strb [[ID]], [x0, #8] ; reload from stack ; CHECK-O0: ldr [[SRET:x[0-9]+]] ; CHECK-O0: str w{{.*}}, [{{.*}}[[SRET]], #4] ; CHECK-O0: mov x19 ; CHECK-O0-NOT: x19 entry: %call = call i8* @malloc(i64 16) %call.0 = bitcast i8* %call to %swift_error* store %swift_error* %call.0, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %tmp = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %call, i64 8 store i8 1, i8* %tmp %v2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.S, %struct.S* %agg.result, i32 0, i32 1 store i32 %val1, i32* %v2 ret void } ; "caller3" calls "foo_sret" that takes a swifterror parameter. define float @caller3(i8* %error_ref) { ; CHECK-APPLE-LABEL: caller3: ; CHECK-APPLE: mov [[ID:x[0-9]+]], x0 ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x19, xzr ; CHECK-APPLE: bl {{.*}}foo_sret ; CHECK-APPLE: cbnz x19 ; Access part of the error object and save it to error_ref ; CHECK-APPLE: ldrb [[CODE:w[0-9]+]], [x19, #8] ; CHECK-APPLE: strb [[CODE]], [{{.*}}[[ID]]] ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x0, x19 ; CHECK_APPLE: bl {{.*}}free ; CHECK-O0-LABEL: caller3: ; spill x0 ; CHECK-O0: str x0 ; CHECK-O0: mov x19 ; CHECK-O0: bl {{.*}}foo_sret ; CHECK-O0: mov [[ID2:x[0-9]+]], x19 ; CHECK-O0: cbnz [[ID2]] ; Access part of the error object and save it to error_ref ; reload from stack ; CHECK-O0: ldrb [[CODE:w[0-9]+]] ; CHECK-O0: ldr [[ID:x[0-9]+]] ; CHECK-O0: strb [[CODE]], [{{.*}}[[ID]]] ; CHECK_O0: bl {{.*}}free entry: %s = alloca %struct.S, align 8 %error_ptr_ref = alloca swifterror %swift_error* store %swift_error* null, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref call void @foo_sret(%struct.S* sret %s, i32 1, %swift_error** swifterror %error_ptr_ref) %error_from_foo = load %swift_error*, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %had_error_from_foo = icmp ne %swift_error* %error_from_foo, null %tmp = bitcast %swift_error* %error_from_foo to i8* br i1 %had_error_from_foo, label %handler, label %cont cont: %v1 = getelementptr inbounds %swift_error, %swift_error* %error_from_foo, i64 0, i32 1 %t = load i8, i8* %v1 store i8 %t, i8* %error_ref br label %handler handler: call void @free(i8* %tmp) ret float 1.0 } ; "foo_vararg" is a function that takes a swifterror parameter, it also has ; variable number of arguments. declare void @llvm.va_start(i8*) nounwind define float @foo_vararg(%swift_error** swifterror %error_ptr_ref, ...) { ; CHECK-APPLE-LABEL: foo_vararg: ; CHECK-APPLE: orr w0, wzr, #0x10 ; CHECK-APPLE: malloc ; CHECK-APPLE: orr [[ID:w[0-9]+]], wzr, #0x1 ; CHECK-APPLE: add [[ARGS:x[0-9]+]], [[TMP:x[0-9]+]], #16 ; CHECK-APPLE: strb [[ID]], [x0, #8] ; First vararg ; CHECK-APPLE-DAG: orr {{x[0-9]+}}, [[ARGS]], #0x8 ; CHECK-APPLE-DAG: ldr {{w[0-9]+}}, [{{.*}}[[TMP]], #16] ; CHECK-APPLE: add {{x[0-9]+}}, {{x[0-9]+}}, #8 ; Second vararg ; CHECK-APPLE: ldr {{w[0-9]+}}, [{{x[0-9]+}}] ; CHECK-APPLE: add {{x[0-9]+}}, {{x[0-9]+}}, #8 ; Third vararg ; CHECK-APPLE: ldr {{w[0-9]+}}, [{{x[0-9]+}}] ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x19, x0 ; CHECK-APPLE-NOT: x19 entry: %call = call i8* @malloc(i64 16) %call.0 = bitcast i8* %call to %swift_error* store %swift_error* %call.0, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %tmp = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %call, i64 8 store i8 1, i8* %tmp %args = alloca i8*, align 8 %a10 = alloca i32, align 4 %a11 = alloca i32, align 4 %a12 = alloca i32, align 4 %v10 = bitcast i8** %args to i8* call void @llvm.va_start(i8* %v10) %v11 = va_arg i8** %args, i32 store i32 %v11, i32* %a10, align 4 %v12 = va_arg i8** %args, i32 store i32 %v12, i32* %a11, align 4 %v13 = va_arg i8** %args, i32 store i32 %v13, i32* %a12, align 4 ret float 1.0 } ; "caller4" calls "foo_vararg" that takes a swifterror parameter. define float @caller4(i8* %error_ref) { ; CHECK-APPLE-LABEL: caller4: ; CHECK-APPLE: mov [[ID:x[0-9]+]], x0 ; CHECK-APPLE: stp {{x[0-9]+}}, {{x[0-9]+}}, [sp, #8] ; CHECK-APPLE: str {{x[0-9]+}}, [sp] ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x19, xzr ; CHECK-APPLE: bl {{.*}}foo_vararg ; CHECK-APPLE: cbnz x19 ; Access part of the error object and save it to error_ref ; CHECK-APPLE: ldrb [[CODE:w[0-9]+]], [x19, #8] ; CHECK-APPLE: strb [[CODE]], [{{.*}}[[ID]]] ; CHECK-APPLE: mov x0, x19 ; CHECK_APPLE: bl {{.*}}free entry: %error_ptr_ref = alloca swifterror %swift_error* store %swift_error* null, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %a10 = alloca i32, align 4 %a11 = alloca i32, align 4 %a12 = alloca i32, align 4 store i32 10, i32* %a10, align 4 store i32 11, i32* %a11, align 4 store i32 12, i32* %a12, align 4 %v10 = load i32, i32* %a10, align 4 %v11 = load i32, i32* %a11, align 4 %v12 = load i32, i32* %a12, align 4 %call = call float (%swift_error**, ...) @foo_vararg(%swift_error** swifterror %error_ptr_ref, i32 %v10, i32 %v11, i32 %v12) %error_from_foo = load %swift_error*, %swift_error** %error_ptr_ref %had_error_from_foo = icmp ne %swift_error* %error_from_foo, null %tmp = bitcast %swift_error* %error_from_foo to i8* br i1 %had_error_from_foo, label %handler, label %cont cont: %v1 = getelementptr inbounds %swift_error, %swift_error* %error_from_foo, i64 0, i32 1 %t = load i8, i8* %v1 store i8 %t, i8* %error_ref br label %handler handler: call void @free(i8* %tmp) ret float 1.0 }