; RUN: llc -asm-verbose=false < %s -mattr=+vfp3,+fp16 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-FP16 --check-prefix=CHECK-VFP -check-prefix=CHECK-ALL ; RUN: llc -asm-verbose=false < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-LIBCALL --check-prefix=CHECK-VFP -check-prefix=CHECK-ALL --check-prefix=CHECK-LIBCALL-VFP ; RUN: llc -asm-verbose=false < %s -mattr=-vfp2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-LIBCALL -check-prefix=CHECK-NOVFP -check-prefix=CHECK-ALL target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-n32" target triple = "armv7---eabihf" ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_fadd: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vadd.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_fadd ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_fadd(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = fadd half %a, %b store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_fsub: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vsub.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_fsub ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_fsub(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = fsub half %a, %b store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_fmul: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vmul.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_fmul ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_fmul(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = fmul half %a, %b store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_fdiv: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vdiv.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_fdiv ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_fdiv(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = fdiv half %a, %b store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_frem: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl fmodf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_frem(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = frem half %a, %b store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_load_store: ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: .fnstart ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh {{r[0-9]+}}, [{{r[0-9]+}}] ; CHECK-ALL: strh {{r[0-9]+}}, [{{r[0-9]+}}] define void @test_load_store(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 store half %a, half* %q ret void } ; Testing only successfull compilation of function calls. In ARM ABI, half ; args and returns are handled as f32. declare half @test_callee(half %a, half %b) #0 ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_call: ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: .fnstart ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: .save {r11, lr} ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: push {r11, lr} ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: bl test_callee ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: pop {r11, pc} define half @test_call(half %a, half %b) #0 { %r = call half @test_callee(half %a, half %b) ret half %r } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_call_flipped: ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: .fnstart ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: .save {r11, lr} ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: push {r11, lr} ; CHECK-VFP-NEXT: vmov.f32 s2, s0 ; CHECK-VFP-NEXT: vmov.f32 s0, s1 ; CHECK-VFP-NEXT: vmov.f32 s1, s2 ; CHECK-NOVFP-NEXT: mov r2, r0 ; CHECK-NOVFP-NEXT: mov r0, r1 ; CHECK-NOVFP-NEXT: mov r1, r2 ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: bl test_callee ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: pop {r11, pc} define half @test_call_flipped(half %a, half %b) #0 { %r = call half @test_callee(half %b, half %a) ret half %r } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_tailcall_flipped: ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: .fnstart ; CHECK-VFP-NEXT: vmov.f32 s2, s0 ; CHECK-VFP-NEXT: vmov.f32 s0, s1 ; CHECK-VFP-NEXT: vmov.f32 s1, s2 ; CHECK-NOVFP-NEXT: mov r2, r0 ; CHECK-NOVFP-NEXT: mov r0, r1 ; CHECK-NOVFP-NEXT: mov r1, r2 ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: b test_callee define half @test_tailcall_flipped(half %a, half %b) #0 { %r = tail call half @test_callee(half %b, half %a) ret half %r } ; Optimizer picks %p or %q based on %c and only loads that value ; No conversion is needed ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_select: ; CHECK-ALL: cmp {{r[0-9]+}}, #0 ; CHECK-ALL: movne {{r[0-9]+}}, {{r[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh {{r[0-9]+}}, [{{r[0-9]+}}] ; CHECK-ALL: strh {{r[0-9]+}}, [{{r[0-9]+}}] define void @test_select(half* %p, half* %q, i1 zeroext %c) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = select i1 %c, half %a, half %b store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; Test only two variants of fcmp. These get translated to f32 vcmpe ; instructions anyway. ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_fcmp_une: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vcmpe.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_fcmpeq ; CHECK-FP16: vmrs APSR_nzcv, fpscr ; CHECK-ALL: movw{{ne|eq}} define i1 @test_fcmp_une(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = fcmp une half %a, %b ret i1 %r } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_fcmp_ueq: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vcmpe.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_fcmpeq ; CHECK-FP16: vmrs APSR_nzcv, fpscr ; CHECK-LIBCALL: movw{{ne|eq}} define i1 @test_fcmp_ueq(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = fcmp ueq half %a, %b ret i1 %r } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_br_cc: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vcmpe.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_fcmplt ; CHECK-FP16: vmrs APSR_nzcv, fpscr ; CHECK-VFP: strmi ; CHECK-VFP: strpl ; CHECK-NOVFP: strne ; CHECK-NOVFP: streq define void @test_br_cc(half* %p, half* %q, i32* %p1, i32* %p2) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %c = fcmp uge half %a, %b br i1 %c, label %then, label %else then: store i32 0, i32* %p1 ret void else: store i32 0, i32* %p2 ret void } declare i1 @test_dummy(half* %p) #0 ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_phi: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: [[LOOP:.LBB[1-9_]+]]: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl test_dummy ; CHECK-FP16: bne [[LOOP]] ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-VFP: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: [[LOOP:.LBB[1-9_]+]]: ; CHECK-LIBCALL-VFP: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl test_dummy ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bne [[LOOP]] ; CHECK-LIBCALL-VFP: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_phi(half* %p) #0 { entry: %a = load half, half* %p br label %loop loop: %r = phi half [%a, %entry], [%b, %loop] %b = load half, half* %p %c = call i1 @test_dummy(half* %p) br i1 %c, label %loop, label %return return: store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_fptosi_i32: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vcvt.s32.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_f2iz define i32 @test_fptosi_i32(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = fptosi half %a to i32 ret i32 %r } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_fptosi_i64: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-ALL: bl __aeabi_f2lz define i64 @test_fptosi_i64(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = fptosi half %a to i64 ret i64 %r } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_fptoui_i32: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vcvt.u32.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_f2uiz define i32 @test_fptoui_i32(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = fptoui half %a to i32 ret i32 %r } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_fptoui_i64: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-ALL: bl __aeabi_f2ulz define i64 @test_fptoui_i64(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = fptoui half %a to i64 ret i64 %r } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_sitofp_i32: ; CHECK-VFP: vcvt.f32.s32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_i2f ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_sitofp_i32(i32 %a, half* %p) #0 { %r = sitofp i32 %a to half store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_uitofp_i32: ; CHECK-VFP: vcvt.f32.u32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_ui2f ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_uitofp_i32(i32 %a, half* %p) #0 { %r = uitofp i32 %a to half store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_sitofp_i64: ; CHECK-ALL: bl __aeabi_l2f ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_sitofp_i64(i64 %a, half* %p) #0 { %r = sitofp i64 %a to half store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_uitofp_i64: ; CHECK-ALL: bl __aeabi_ul2f ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_uitofp_i64(i64 %a, half* %p) #0 { %r = uitofp i64 %a to half store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_fptrunc_float: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fptrunc_float: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_fptrunc_float(float %f, half* %p) #0 { %a = fptrunc float %f to half store half %a, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_fptrunc_double: ; CHECK-FP16: bl __aeabi_d2h ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fptrunc_double: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_d2h define void @test_fptrunc_double(double %d, half* %p) #0 { %a = fptrunc double %d to half store half %a, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_fpextend_float: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fpextend_float: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f define float @test_fpextend_float(half* %p) { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = fpext half %a to float ret float %r } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_fpextend_double: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fpextend_double: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vcvt.f64.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_f2d define double @test_fpextend_double(half* %p) { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = fpext half %a to double ret double %r } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_bitcast_halftoi16: ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: .fnstart ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: ldrh r0, [r0] ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: bx lr define i16 @test_bitcast_halftoi16(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = bitcast half %a to i16 ret i16 %r } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_bitcast_i16tohalf: ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: .fnstart ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: strh r0, [r1] ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: bx lr define void @test_bitcast_i16tohalf(i16 %a, half* %p) #0 { %r = bitcast i16 %a to half store half %r, half* %p ret void } declare half @llvm.sqrt.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.powi.f16(half %a, i32 %b) #0 declare half @llvm.sin.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.cos.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.pow.f16(half %a, half %b) #0 declare half @llvm.exp.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.exp2.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.log.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.log10.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.log2.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.fma.f16(half %a, half %b, half %c) #0 declare half @llvm.fabs.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.minnum.f16(half %a, half %b) #0 declare half @llvm.maxnum.f16(half %a, half %b) #0 declare half @llvm.copysign.f16(half %a, half %b) #0 declare half @llvm.floor.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.ceil.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.trunc.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.rint.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.nearbyint.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.round.f16(half %a) #0 declare half @llvm.fmuladd.f16(half %a, half %b, half %c) #0 ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_sqrt: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vsqrt.f32 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP-LIBCALL: vsqrt.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl sqrtf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_sqrt(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.sqrt.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_fpowi: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl __powisf2 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fpowi: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __powisf2 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_fpowi(half* %p, i32 %b) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.powi.f16(half %a, i32 %b) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_sin: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl sinf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_sin: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl sinf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_sin(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.sin.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_cos: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl cosf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_cos: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl cosf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_cos(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.cos.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_pow: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl powf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_pow: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl powf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_pow(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.pow.f16(half %a, half %b) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_exp: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl expf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_exp: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl expf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_exp(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.exp.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_exp2: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl exp2f ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_exp2: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl exp2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_exp2(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.exp2.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_log: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl logf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_log: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl logf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_log(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.log.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_log10: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl log10f ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_log10: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl log10f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_log10(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.log10.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_log2: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl log2f ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_log2: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl log2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_log2(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.log2.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_fma: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl fmaf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fma: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl fmaf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_fma(half* %p, half* %q, half* %r) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %c = load half, half* %r, align 2 %v = call half @llvm.fma.f16(half %a, half %b, half %c) store half %v, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_fabs: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vabs.f32 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fabs: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bfc ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_fabs(half* %p) { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.fabs.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_minnum: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl fminf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_minnum: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl fminf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_minnum(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.minnum.f16(half %a, half %b) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_maxnum: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl fmaxf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_maxnum: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl fmaxf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_maxnum(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.maxnum.f16(half %a, half %b) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_minnan: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vmin.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_fcmpge ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_minnan(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %c = fcmp ult half %a, 1.0 %r = select i1 %c, half %a, half 1.0 store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_maxnan: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP: vmax.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_fcmple ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_maxnan(half* %p) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %c = fcmp ugt half %a, 1.0 %r = select i1 %c, half %a, half 1.0 store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_copysign: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vbsl ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_copysign: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP-LIBCALL: vbsl ; CHECK-NOVFP: bfc ; CHECK-NOVFP: and ; CHECK-NOVFP: orr ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_copysign(half* %p, half* %q) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.copysign.f16(half %a, half %b) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_floor: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl floorf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_floor: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl floorf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_floor(half* %p) { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.floor.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_ceil: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl ceilf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_ceil: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl ceilf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_ceil(half* %p) { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.ceil.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_trunc: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl truncf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_trunc: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl truncf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_trunc(half* %p) { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.trunc.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_rint: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl rintf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_rint: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl rintf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_rint(half* %p) { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.rint.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_nearbyint: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl nearbyintf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_nearbyint: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl nearbyintf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_nearbyint(half* %p) { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.nearbyint.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_round: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: bl roundf ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_round: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl roundf ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_round(half* %p) { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %r = call half @llvm.round.f16(half %a) store half %r, half* %p ret void } ; CHECK-FP16-LABEL: test_fmuladd: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-FP16: vmla.f32 ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fmuladd: ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP-LIBCALL: vmla.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP: bl __aeabi_fmul ; CHECK-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_f2h define void @test_fmuladd(half* %p, half* %q, half* %r) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load half, half* %q, align 2 %c = load half, half* %r, align 2 %v = call half @llvm.fmuladd.f16(half %a, half %b, half %c) store half %v, half* %p ret void } ; f16 vectors are not legal in the backend. Vector elements are not assigned ; to the register, but are stored in the stack instead. Hence insertelement ; and extractelement have these extra loads and stores. ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_insertelement: ; CHECK-ALL: sub sp, sp, #8 ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL: strh ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL: strh ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL: strh ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL: strh ; CHECK-ALL: mov ; CHECK-ALL-DAG: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL-DAG: add ; CHECK-ALL: strh ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL: strh ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL: strh ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL: strh ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL: strh ; CHECK-ALL: add sp, sp, #8 define void @test_insertelement(half* %p, <4 x half>* %q, i32 %i) #0 { %a = load half, half* %p, align 2 %b = load <4 x half>, <4 x half>* %q, align 8 %c = insertelement <4 x half> %b, half %a, i32 %i store <4 x half> %c, <4 x half>* %q ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_extractelement: ; CHECK-VFP: sub sp, sp, #8 ; CHECK-VFP: ldrh ; CHECK-VFP: ldrh ; CHECK-VFP: orr ; CHECK-VFP: str ; CHECK-VFP: ldrh ; CHECK-VFP: ldrh ; CHECK-VFP: orr ; CHECK-VFP: str ; CHECK-VFP: mov ; CHECK-VFP: add ; CHECK-VFP: ldrh ; CHECK-VFP: strh ; CHECK-VFP: add sp, sp, #8 ; CHECK-VFP: bx lr ; CHECK-NOVFP: ldrh ; CHECK-NOVFP: strh ; CHECK-NOVFP: ldrh ; CHECK-NOVFP: strh ; CHECK-NOVFP: ldrh ; CHECK-NOVFP: strh ; CHECK-NOVFP: ldrh ; CHECK-NOVFP: strh ; CHECK-NOVFP: ldrh define void @test_extractelement(half* %p, <4 x half>* %q, i32 %i) #0 { %a = load <4 x half>, <4 x half>* %q, align 8 %b = extractelement <4 x half> %a, i32 %i store half %b, half* %p ret void } ; test struct operations %struct.dummy = type { i32, half } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_insertvalue: ; CHECK-ALL-DAG: ldr ; CHECK-ALL-DAG: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL-DAG: strh ; CHECK-ALL-DAG: str define void @test_insertvalue(%struct.dummy* %p, half* %q) { %a = load %struct.dummy, %struct.dummy* %p %b = load half, half* %q %c = insertvalue %struct.dummy %a, half %b, 1 store %struct.dummy %c, %struct.dummy* %p ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_extractvalue: ; CHECK-ALL: .fnstart ; CHECK-ALL: ldrh ; CHECK-ALL: strh define void @test_extractvalue(%struct.dummy* %p, half* %q) { %a = load %struct.dummy, %struct.dummy* %p %b = extractvalue %struct.dummy %a, 1 store half %b, half* %q ret void } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_struct_return: ; CHECK-FP16: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-VFP-LIBCALL: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-NOVFP-DAG: ldr ; CHECK-NOVFP-DAG: ldrh define %struct.dummy @test_struct_return(%struct.dummy* %p) { %a = load %struct.dummy, %struct.dummy* %p ret %struct.dummy %a } ; CHECK-ALL-LABEL: test_struct_arg: ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: .fnstart ; CHECK-NOVFP-NEXT: mov r0, r1 ; CHECK-ALL-NEXT: bx lr define half @test_struct_arg(%struct.dummy %p) { %a = extractvalue %struct.dummy %p, 1 ret half %a } ; CHECK-LABEL: test_uitofp_i32_fadd: ; CHECK-VFP-DAG: vcvt.f32.u32 ; CHECK-NOVFP-DAG: bl __aeabi_ui2f ; CHECK-FP16-DAG: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-FP16-DAG: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-DAG: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL-DAG: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP-DAG: vadd.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP-DAG: bl __aeabi_fadd ; CHECK-FP16-DAG: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-DAG: bl __aeabi_f2h define half @test_uitofp_i32_fadd(i32 %a, half %b) #0 { %c = uitofp i32 %a to half %r = fadd half %b, %c ret half %r } ; CHECK-LABEL: test_sitofp_i32_fadd: ; CHECK-VFP-DAG: vcvt.f32.s32 ; CHECK-NOVFP-DAG: bl __aeabi_i2f ; CHECK-FP16-DAG: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-FP16-DAG: vcvtb.f32.f16 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-DAG: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-LIBCALL-DAG: bl __aeabi_h2f ; CHECK-VFP-DAG: vadd.f32 ; CHECK-NOVFP-DAG: bl __aeabi_fadd ; CHECK-FP16-DAG: vcvtb.f16.f32 ; CHECK-LIBCALL-DAG: bl __aeabi_f2h define half @test_sitofp_i32_fadd(i32 %a, half %b) #0 { %c = sitofp i32 %a to half %r = fadd half %b, %c ret half %r } attributes #0 = { nounwind }