# RUN: llc -run-pass postrapseudos -mtriple=i386-apple-macosx -o - %s | FileCheck %s # Verify that we correctly save and restore eax when copying eflags, # even when only a smaller alias of eax is used. We used to check only # eax and not its aliases. # PR27624. --- | target datalayout = "e-m:o-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" define void @foo() { entry: br label %false false: ret void } ... --- name: foo allVRegsAllocated: true isSSA: false tracksRegLiveness: true liveins: - { reg: '%edi' } body: | bb.0.entry: liveins: %edi successors: %bb.1.false NOOP implicit-def %al ; The bug was triggered only when LivePhysReg is used, which ; happens only when the heuristic for the liveness computation ; failed. The liveness computation heuristic looks at 10 instructions ; before and after the copy. Make sure we do not reach the definition of ; AL in 10 instructions, otherwise the heuristic will see that it is live. NOOP NOOP NOOP NOOP NOOP NOOP NOOP NOOP NOOP NOOP NOOP NOOP NOOP ; Save AL. ; CHECK: PUSH32r killed %eax ; Copy EDI into EFLAGS ; CHECK-NEXT: %eax = MOV32rr %edi ; CHECK-NEXT: %al = ADD8ri %al, 127, implicit-def %eflags ; CHECK-NEXT: SAHF implicit-def %eflags, implicit %ah %eflags = COPY %edi ; Restore AL. ; CHECK-NEXT: %eax = POP32r bb.1.false: liveins: %al NOOP implicit %al RETQ ...