; Do setup work for all below tests: generate bitcode and combined index ; RUN: opt -module-summary %s -o %t.bc ; RUN: opt -module-summary %p/Inputs/funcimport.ll -o %t2.bc ; RUN: llvm-lto -thinlto -print-summary-global-ids -o %t3 %t.bc %t2.bc 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=GUID ; Do the import now ; RUN: opt -disable-force-link-odr -function-import -stats -print-imports -enable-import-metadata -summary-file %t3.thinlto.bc %t.bc -S 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=INSTLIMDEF ; "-stats" requires +Asserts. ; REQUIRES: asserts ; Test import with smaller instruction limit ; RUN: opt -disable-force-link-odr -function-import -enable-import-metadata -summary-file %t3.thinlto.bc %t.bc -import-instr-limit=5 -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=INSTLIM5 ; INSTLIM5-NOT: @staticfunc.llvm. ; Test import with smaller instruction limit and without the -disable-force-link-odr ; RUN: opt -function-import -summary-file %t3.thinlto.bc %t.bc -import-instr-limit=5 -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=INSTLIM5ODR ; INSTLIM5ODR: define linkonce_odr void @linkonceodr() { define i32 @main() #0 { entry: call void (...) @weakalias() call void (...) @analias() call void (...) @linkoncealias() %call = call i32 (...) @referencestatics() %call1 = call i32 (...) @referenceglobals() %call2 = call i32 (...) @referencecommon() call void (...) @setfuncptr() call void (...) @callfuncptr() call void (...) @weakfunc() call void (...) @linkoncefunc2() call void (...) @referencelargelinkonce() ret i32 0 } ; Won't import weak alias ; CHECK-DAG: declare void @weakalias declare void @weakalias(...) #1 ; Cannot create an alias to available_externally ; CHECK-DAG: declare void @analias declare void @analias(...) #1 ; FIXME: Add this checking back when follow on fix to add alias summary ; records is committed. ; Aliases import the aliasee function declare void @linkoncealias(...) #1 ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: Import referencestatics ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: define available_externally i32 @referencestatics(i32 %i) !thinlto_src_module !0 { ; INSTLIM5-DAG: declare i32 @referencestatics(...) declare i32 @referencestatics(...) #1 ; The import of referencestatics will expose call to staticfunc that ; should in turn be imported as a promoted/renamed and hidden function. ; Ensure that the call is to the properly-renamed function. ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: Import staticfunc ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: %call = call i32 @staticfunc.llvm. ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: define available_externally hidden i32 @staticfunc.llvm.{{.*}} !thinlto_src_module !0 { ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: Import referenceglobals ; CHECK-DAG: define available_externally i32 @referenceglobals(i32 %i) !thinlto_src_module !0 { declare i32 @referenceglobals(...) #1 ; The import of referenceglobals will expose call to globalfunc1 that ; should in turn be imported. ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: Import globalfunc1 ; CHECK-DAG: define available_externally void @globalfunc1() !thinlto_src_module !0 ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: Import referencecommon ; CHECK-DAG: define available_externally i32 @referencecommon(i32 %i) !thinlto_src_module !0 { declare i32 @referencecommon(...) #1 ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: Import setfuncptr ; CHECK-DAG: define available_externally void @setfuncptr() !thinlto_src_module !0 { declare void @setfuncptr(...) #1 ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: Import callfuncptr ; CHECK-DAG: define available_externally void @callfuncptr() !thinlto_src_module !0 { declare void @callfuncptr(...) #1 ; Ensure that all uses of local variable @P which has used in setfuncptr ; and callfuncptr are to the same promoted/renamed global. ; CHECK-DAG: @P.llvm.{{.*}} = external hidden global void ()* ; CHECK-DAG: %0 = load void ()*, void ()** @P.llvm. ; CHECK-DAG: store void ()* @staticfunc2.llvm.{{.*}}, void ()** @P.llvm. ; Ensure that @referencelargelinkonce definition is pulled in, but later we ; also check that the linkonceodr function is not. ; CHECK-DAG: define available_externally void @referencelargelinkonce() !thinlto_src_module !0 { ; INSTLIM5-DAG: declare void @linkonceodr() declare void @referencelargelinkonce(...) ; Won't import weak func ; CHECK-DAG: declare void @weakfunc(...) declare void @weakfunc(...) #1 ; Won't import linkonce func ; CHECK-DAG: declare void @linkoncefunc2(...) declare void @linkoncefunc2(...) #1 ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: Import funcwithpersonality ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: define available_externally hidden void @funcwithpersonality.llvm.{{.*}}() personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) !thinlto_src_module !0 { ; INSTLIM5-DAG: declare hidden void @funcwithpersonality.llvm.{{.*}}() ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: Import globalfunc2 ; INSTLIMDEF-DAG: 13 function-import - Number of functions imported ; CHECK-DAG: !0 = !{!"{{.*}}/Inputs/funcimport.ll"} ; The actual GUID values will depend on path to test. ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is weakalias ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is referenceglobals ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is weakfunc ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is main ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is referencecommon ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is analias ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is referencestatics ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is linkoncealias ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is setfuncptr ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is callfuncptr ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is funcwithpersonality ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is setfuncptr ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is staticfunc2 ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is __gxx_personality_v0 ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is referencestatics ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is globalfunc1 ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is globalfunc2 ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is P ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is staticvar ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is commonvar ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is weakalias ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is staticfunc ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is weakfunc ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is referenceglobals ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is weakvar ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is staticconstvar ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is analias ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is globalvar ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is referencecommon ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is linkoncealias ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is callfuncptr ; GUID-DAG: GUID {{.*}} is linkoncefunc